Field Placement Journal 2

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Casey Schmitt

Field Placement

Journal #2:

Throughout my journey in the entirety of this master’s program, I have been able to
closely observe and make my own reflections and interpretations of all educators I have worked
with who have also shaped me into the teacher I am, and the teacher I want to be. During this
program in a whole, I see health education in a different light and appreciate those who are in
this field of practice, as it is a subject ever changing. In this experience of my field placement, I
mainly have only had the opportunity to observe one health educator, as he is the only health
teacher in the building. I have been able to sit back and observe his interactions with students
and other faculty. As he is a “veteran” teacher, whom has been around for almost 20 years, I is a
very respected teacher in the building, and all students know and understand him. He carries
himself with such confidence in the way he addresses students and topics and facts covered. As
health education has sensitive topics and terms, he seems to prioritize the idea that it is okay to
discuss this stuff and use terminology in class. I like that the most because some students may
shy away from terms or topics. By making it an environment where everything is welcomed, it
allows for a sense of comfort and respect.
As my supervisor is an older teacher, it seems he still does things the same way hes
always been used to. With this, I do believe it is important to adapt lessons and activities to that
of these students, so it becomes more ideal for their learning and lifestyle. Completing packets
and using textbooks are important, but utilizing technology and more advanced and
modernized activities on the computers or front boards may allow students to interpret the
content in a way that suits them. My supervisor gives packets in class, which are to be handed
in for grades. He gives multiple choice exams at the end of every topic as a summative
assessment to see what students know. Through this health education program, I know that
traditional grading is not the best way to test and develop students’ knowledge. With that,
standards-based assessments would be a preferred method of mine. He explained to me that in
each topic, he gives students projects that allows them to develop a specific skill revolved
around that topic. As I explained before, most of his content, assignments, and projects are like
those of past years so I think, advancing them into assignments that reflect the lives of these
specific students may make the content and actual skill more meaningful to them.
There have been a few teaching strategies I have been able to see in my time observing
thus far. Cooperative learning is one of my supervisors go to way of teaching the students. By
allowing them to work together, they can develop a skill by working with a partner. I was told in
an assignment coming up, students will eb working on chrome books and researching through
online data bases. As noted, before, technology is very important in these students lives so this
is a strategy I am interested to see play out. Although he does not have a variety of strategies
thus far, I do see skills being played out in the strategy he does use. I believe the guidance
document is a great source for health educators to follow, as I have when I completed my past
lesson plan. It is important to utilize different components in daily lessons. I may not be able to
pinpoint the alignment between his strategies in his lessons to the guidance document, but I
know they include the basis on what the document includes.
As for the past few weeks, we are finally finishing up the tobacco unit. The students are
taking an exam this week. I am intrigued to see the layout of this exam. Last week was winter
break. I had the opportunity to create a skills-based lesson on e-cigarettes to teach to his class
this week. As for the challenges and successes, I believe they are like my last journal. I feel
already more comfortable with the classes I am observing, and they are familiar with my role in
the classroom. I believe my next challenge is to present this new lesson I have to the students
and create an engaged classroom where learning of a skill takes place.

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