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2- I wish I could travel to New-York, and got enough money

3- I wish they had scored a goal
4- I wish my car was so small
5- I wish they hadn’t lost the photi
6-I wish I had studied hard at school
7- I wish my sister hadn’t invited me to her party
8-I wish I hadn’t one child
9- I wish I had a fast car
10- I wish they had been quiet last evening
11-I wish the train hadn’t been late
12- I wish they hadn’t had an accident because of the bad

Planche 1

1- It was the second time she has divorced

2-It was nearly time she has paid the money
3- they have quarreled for the last three days
4-We have spoken about her before
5- they have left the place last night before we arrived
6- you hab better do the shopping now
7- since he has won the lottery we didn’t see hil
8-When I entered the room I have realised that some thieves came
9-He said that he will leave soon
10- Bob informed us that they have gone to the place the day before

1- Their
6-Each other
8-To help
9-The sooner
10-Much less friendly

1- The road was rough,therefore,they reached the town in a short time

2-These people will never forget unless we do something soon
3- Although He is very old , he should be wet
4-Despite the fact that the judge said they were guilty, the police thought the
5-You have not respected the régulations provided they have decided to dismiss
6-I will help you
7- She cant
8- I expected
9- He went
10- We will

1- My teacher has been married for twenty years

2-Students are most inclined to imitate their best teachers
3- Political leaders rules moral seldom abide by African
4- Agosso
5- My father

1- The banknotes has been issued by the central bank

2- The latecomers had been punished by the prefect
3- Some letters has being written by robson
4- The lesson hadn’t been understood by the boy
5- The right way is been touch
7- The exercise couldn’t be done by john
8- The parents should ne respected well by their children
1- Admiration 2- Suggestions
3- Acceptance
4- Reproach
5- Offer
6- Prohibition
7- Anger
8- Regret
9- Fear
10- Apology

1- The girl said that she had been at home yesterday

2- <<My sister didn’t go out the previous day >> , the girl said
3- I said to her how old she was she loocked too young
4- << why the boy is crying ?>>
5- She asked me if i did enjoy watching fims
6- He tell us that i was his best friend
7- <<please, don’t reveal the secret >>
8- The man told me that the children should be respectiong their parents
9- << I will come back the week after>>
10- kuassi said that she had to help her mother today and do the washing up

1- My brother work in a factory, My uncle too

2- Neither kuassi and kuevi goes to school
3- I had Tommy washing my father’s car yesterday
4- GROUP KAM first got TOP IN EnGLISH published in 1999 by TUnDES.A
5- The prefect will make you clean the school yard
6 - He’d rather drive than ride
7- You’d better not fail this exam again
8- You’d better do your assignment instead of chatting
9- We’d rather the Dj dind’t leave earlier last night
10- Brenda sings verry well

1- I want him to leave immediately

2- I suggest we go to the beach
3- 5years ago we entered this house
4- I ‘ve been waiting for it for two days
5- which of these two toys is better ?
6- she wants me to help her
7- work is hard but fun is easy
8- The teachers make us work too much
9- Why not go to this picnic ?
10- I bought this dress three days ago ?
11- since he passed his exam, he has been organizing parties
12- they asked me not to tell the truth

Mr Olu: good morning Assistant: can i help you with something ?

Mr Olu: yes, please I would like to buy a shirt
Assistant :What is your sise sir?
Mr Olu : Sise sixe, I think
Assistant : what color would you like
Mr Olu: blue
Assistant : there you go sir
Mr Olu : thank you, can I try it on ?
Assistant : yes of course, here is the is the fitting room
Mr Olu: ok! Just a minute
Assistant : Take your time sir
Mr Olu: It suits me I think I’ll take it
Assistant : would you like to see other items before you go ?
Mr Olu: No , that’s all. thanks Assistant : goodbye sir , enjoy the rest of your
Mr Olu : goodbye
1- The reason behind the retrenchment exercise several workers were made
redundant, the existing worforce was to be reduced to leave only essential
2- The excepted outcome of the exercise the downsizing in wich several
workers were made redundnat was that the existing workforce needed to
be reduced to leave only essential personnel.

3- The reasons why the efforts of the remaining amployees would pay off
more are :
- They would be kept on their guard lest they too be forced to follow
where their colleagues had gone
- The cut of their good health would be continuously overflowing
because they would be exercising their muscles much more regularly

4- According to the author waist had been unhealthily bloated from too
much sitting, should come down their buttocks and take the official
correspondence around them.

5- The sentence above is : complex compound

6- Pictured : Visual
Stuffy : close
Invasion : Occupation
Attraction : Affection
Monotonous : Boring

7- The following is true according to the passage, except :

D- Some employees had to give up their jobs

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