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Daily Lesson Plan 2022-2024

Year 5 Sec: ____ Subject: English Month: FEB Week: 4

Duration: 40 mins Facilitator: Ms. Neena Period: ____ Date: 26/2/2024 Monday

KEY: Triangle-Exceeding, Circle-Secure, Square-Emerging # of Students: _____

Topic Dialogue Writing

Understand what dialogue is and be able to:

➢ Identify the basic features of a dialogue, including quotation marks, dialogue specific
Lesson Objectives/ Aims
➢ Analyse the use of dialogue tags based on the situation
➢ Create a short conversation using meaningful dialogues.
Challenge Questions
Is there any time when you feel a mixed blend of feelings. State when and how.
Relevance to daily life Feelings and weather

Cross-Curricular/ Real world link Geography, Science, P.E

U.A.E. Link UAE weather

Key vocabulary Word clouds

Resources/ weblinks Audio-visual aids, worksheets

Innovations/ Activities Video analysis, role-play, inference, peer determiners

Differentiation Strategies

Lesson Plan 1
Students will be provided with differentiated tasks

Time Lesson Structure

Starter (Introduction Phase)

Students will be posed a statement “Think before you speak”.

2-3 mins Students’ point of views will be taken with their reasoning.

Lesson implementation

3 mins Students will analyse the given poster to answer the questions
posed. Feedback will be taken. (Groupwork)
3-4 mins
Students will analyse a silent video and jot down the variety of
feelings. (Groupwork)
2-3 mins
Students will be asked to look at their partner’s face and try to
4 mins guess what he/she is feeling. Feedback will be taken.
Students to see the video with sound and write any additions
that they can make with previous observation. (Feedback will
be taken). (Groupwork) Reference to SDG Goals.
5 mins Handout regarding key features of Dialogue writing will be distributed with discussion and activity.

Lesson Plan 2
5 mins

Students will be given a scenario on which they will write a

7-8 mins conversation based on the things they have learned. Feedback will be
taken as role-play. (Groupwork)

3 mins Plenary (Consolidation)

Students will be asked the question and feedback will be taken.

Which feeling would help you more in schoolwork and which feeling would you like to control
during school time?

Assessment Continuous ongoing question analysis

Homework Write a short conversation between you and your mother discussing what to cook for dinner.

Success criteria/ Student All will be able to identify the basic features of a dialogue, including quotation marks, dialogue
Outcome specific punctuation.
Almost all will be able to analyse the use of dialogue tags based on the situation

Lesson Plan 3
Most will be able to create a short conversation/script using meaningful dialogues.

Planned critical question (minimum 10) used throughout the lesson

What is dialogue?
Why do characters talk to each other in stories?
How can we show who is speaking in a dialogue?
What are speech tags, and why are they important?
Can you give an example of a short dialogue between two characters?
How do we start a new line when a different character speaks?
What is the difference between what a character says and what they might be thinking?
How can we make dialogue sound like how people really talk?
What kinds of words might characters use when they're happy? Scared? Angry?
How does dialogue make a story more interesting?

Lesson Plan 4
Daily Lesson Plan 2022-2024

Year 5 Sec: ____ Subject: English Month: FEB Week: 4

Duration: 40 mins Facilitator: Ms. Neena Period: ____ Date: 26/2/2024 Monday

KEY: Triangle-Exceeding, Circle-Secure, Square-Emerging # of Students: _____

Topic Script Writing

➢ Understand key features of script writing .

Lesson Objectives/ Aims
➢ write interesting characters and conversations.
➢ Create a short conversation/script using meaningful dialogues.
Challenge Questions

Relevance to daily life Feelings and weather

Cross-Curricular/ Real world link Geography, Science, P.E

U.A.E. Link UAE stories in Arabic

Key vocabulary Word clouds

Resources/ weblinks Audio-visual aids, worksheets

Innovations/ Activities Video analysis, role-play, inference, peer determiners

Differentiation Strategies
Students will be provided with differentiated tasks

Lesson Plan 5
Time Lesson Structure

Starter (Introduction Phase)

Students will be asked to study the feelings and give

2-3 mins
Students’ point of views will be taken with their reasoning.

Lesson implementation

7 mins Students will watch the video again to write a script for these 3 characters. They will imagine characters’
names and form a script recording all the feelings and emotions they find. Feedback will be
Students will work in groups and write the dialogues for characters in the comic strips. Feedback will be
5 mins
Handouts will be distributed with discussion and activity.

Lesson Plan 6
7 mins They will do script-writing based on a given situation. They will do a role-play of their written scripts.


3 mins Plenary (Consolidation)

Students will be asked the question and feedback will be taken.

Write 2 new things you have learnt today.

Assessment Continuous ongoing question analysis

Homework Write a short conversation between you and your mother discussing what to cook for dinner.

Success criteria/ Student All will be able to identify the basic features of a script
Outcome Almost all will be able to create a script with 3 characters
Most will be able to create a short conversation/script using meaningful dialogues.

Planned critical question (minimum 10) used throughout the lesson

1. What's the main problem in the story?
2. Who are the main characters and what do they want?
3. Do all scenes move the story forward?
4. How do we want the audience to feel while watching/reading?
5. Is the story organized in a clear way?
6. Are there any boring or too-predictable parts?
7. Do the characters sound real when they talk?
8. Is there enough excitement to keep people interested?
9. Do we explain things clearly without making it boring?
10. What's the main idea we want people to understand from the story?

Lesson Plan 7

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