Titanium Alloys For Biomedical Development and Applications: Design, Microstructure, Properties, and Application Zhentao Yu

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Titanium Alloys for Biomedical

Development and Applications: Design,

Microstructure, Properties, and
Application Zhentao Yu
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List of contributors vii

Preface ix

1. Overview of the development and application of

biomedical metal materials 1
1.1 Biomedical stainless steels 1
1.2 Biomedical CoCr alloys 5
1.3 Biomedical shape memory alloys 9
1.4 Biomedical noble metals 11
1.5 Biomedical refractory metals 13
1.6 Ti and its alloys 17
1.7 Degradable metals 19
References 24

2. Design and physical metallurgy of biomedical β-Ti alloys 27

2.1 Overview of design methods of biomedical Ti alloys 27
2.2 Overview of composition design of biomedical Ti alloys 32
2.3 Overview of the design and development of typical biomedical β-Ti alloys 34
2.4 Smelting and physical metallurgical properties of typical β-Ti alloys 39
2.5 Design and physical metallurgical properties of novel TLM alloy 45
References 51

3. Processing, heat treatment, microstructure, and property

evolution of TLM alloy 55
3.1 Overview of processing and heat treatment of β-Ti alloys 55
3.2 Billets and semifinished products of TLM alloy 56
3.3 Plates and strips of TLM alloy 58
3.4 Bars and rods of TLM alloy 65
3.5 Tubes of TLM alloy 71
3.6 TLM alloy products with special specifications 77
3.7 TLM alloy foils 83
References 88

4. Biological and mechanical evaluation of TLM alloy 91

4.1 Biological evaluation of TLM alloy 91

vi Contents

4.2 Biomechanical compatibility of TLM alloy 109

References 123

5. Surface modification and functionalization of TLM alloy 125

5.1 Surface modification of Ti alloys 125
5.2 Surface functionalization of Ti alloys 128
5.3 Surface dealloying of TLM alloy 134
5.4 Bioactive coatings on TLM alloy 137
5.5 Wear-resistant coatings on TLM alloy 144
5.6 Anticoagulant coatings on TLM alloy 148
5.7 Antimicrobial coatings on TLM alloy 153
References 159

6. Development and application of TLM alloy for the

replacement and repair of surgical implants 163
6.1 Development and application of traditional Ti implants 163
6.2 Design and novel manufacture of Ti implants 165
6.3 Implants for orthopedics and trauma repair 170
6.4 Implants for joint repair and replacement 174
6.5 Implants for oral and maxillofacial repair and replacement of TLM alloy 185
6.6 Medical devices of TLM alloy for spine repair 195
References 196

7. Development and application of TLM alloy for

treatment of soft tissue with minimally invasive surgery 199
7.1 Development and application survey of minimally invasive devices 199
7.2 Design and manufacture survey of interventional devices 201
7.3 Coronary stents of TLM alloy 204
7.4 Nonvascular stents and related devices of TLM alloy 212
7.5 Shell of brain and heart active devices of TLM alloy 216
7.6 Other minimally invasive and interventional devices of TLM alloy 222
Reference 223

Index 227
List of contributors

Lei Jing Northwest Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal Research, Xi’an,

P.R. China
Xiqun Ma Northwest Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal Research, Xi’an,
P.R. China
Sen Yu Northwest Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal Research, Xi’an, P.R. China
Zhentao Yu Jinan University, Guangzhou, P.R. China

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New materials are the basis and forerunner of new technological

revolutions, and the development and application of these materials are
important milestones of human social civilization and material progress.
Biomedical materials are used mainly to diagnose, treat, or replace
human tissues and organs or to improve their functions. They are high-
tech materials with advanced structures or functions that are widely
applicable and have high economic value. They cannot be replaced by
drugs and have become one of the most vigorous research fields in
materials science.
Epoch-making medical devices, such as titanium hip joints, titanium
dental implants, CoCr vascular stents, and titanium artificial hearts,
have saved the lives of patients and improved their quality of life.
Among all the biomedical metal materials, such as Ti alloys, CoCr
alloys, TiNi alloys, and 316L and 317L stainless steels, the advanced bio-
medical titanium and its alloys have been or are becoming the main and
key raw materials for surgical implants and minimally invasive inter-
ventional devices.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, in order to continuously
improve and enhance the functional diversity, biological safety, bio-
mechanical compatibility, and long-term application of biomedical tita-
nium alloy materials, research on the alloy design, novel material
development, processing and preparation, microstructure and property
evaluation, and product application of these materials has been deepen-
ing and becoming a research hotspot in the field of new biomaterials in
the world. This book consists of seven chapters, focusing primarily on
alloy design, physical metallurgy, materials processing, microstructure
and mechanical properties, surface modification, advanced manufactur-
ing, and clinical research of novel biomedical beta-type TLM titanium
alloy. The book also offers a comprehensive and systematic introduction
into the research and development achievements of the author’s
research group in the past 18 years.
The first chapter describes the latest research progress of alloy
design, typical microstructure, mechanical properties, and clinical appli-
cations of commonly used medical metals (stainless steels, cobaltchro-
mium alloys, titanium alloys, shape memory alloys, etc.) and
degradable metals (magnesium alloys, zinc alloys, etc.).

x Preface

In the second chapter the alloy design, selection of alloy elements,

process and preparation, and physical metallurgy of the new generation
of metastable beta-type TLM titanium alloys are introduced, and the
main mechanical properties of the typical beta-type titanium alloys that
have been developed at home and abroad are summarized.
The third chapter introduces the research on the cold and hot proces-
sing, heat treatment, related typical microstructure, and mechanical
properties of the raw materials of plates, rods, and tubes made of novel
TLM alloys and introduces the advanced manufacturing methods and
typical microstructure and mechanical properties of the tubes in small-
diameter and thin-wall-thickness foils and strips and extrafine wires of
TLM titanium alloy.
The fourth chapter introduces the biological evaluation (hemocom-
patibility, cytotoxicity, genetic toxicity, skin and oral stimulation, bone
implantation, etc.) of the novel TLM alloy material, and the results of
research into biomechanical compatibility of TLM alloy, including
superelasticity and shape memory effects, high- and low-cycle fatigue
behavior, and wear resistance.
The fifth chapter introduces the research and evaluation on surface
processing and modification treatments, surface functional coatings,
and their biocompatibility with body tissues (cells) of novel TLM tita-
nium alloy, which aims to improve the biological activity, wear resis-
tance, and anticoagulant ability of titanium alloy, in order to endow the
surface multifunctioning of titanium alloy materials.
The sixth chapter introduces the research and development of novel
TLM titanium alloy materials in the field of surgical implants, focusing
on the structural design, finite element numerical simulation, advanced
manufacturing, and performance evaluation of some typical devices
for repairing human hard tissue, such as dental implants and artificial
hip joints.
The seventh chapter introduces the research and development of
TLM titanium alloy special materials that are used in typical minimally
invasive interventional products and active medical devices, focusing
on the structural design, processing, and manufacturing process of
some typical devices, such as vascular stents and cardiac pacemakers,
and their related performance evaluation.
The book should be helpful to researchers, teachers, technicians, and
graduate students, who are engaged in basic and applied research,
development, and education with regard to biomedical metals by intro-
ducing some new materials, new technologies, new methods, and new
products of medical titanium alloys. The book is also expected to con-
tribute to our understanding of the research and development of new
biomaterials and medical devices, especially to achieve the following
Preface xi

1. To deepen the understanding of alloy design methods and physical

metallurgical properties control of new medical metal materials such
as titanium alloys.
2. To grasp the basic principles and key technologies of processing,
preparation, heat treatment, microstructure and mechanical
properties, and adjustment and control of basic raw materials and
special materials of medical titanium alloys.
3. By comprehensively introducing the biological and biomechanical
properties, functional coating, and new surface modification
technology of the novel TLM titanium alloy materials, to strengthen
the understanding of the application of this new type of titanium
alloy material in custom design functionality and the long-term
effects of various implantable and interventional medical devices.
4. By introducing the simulation design, advanced manufacturing
process, and application performance of some typical medical
devices of the novel TLM titanium alloy, to promote the application
of these high-end products in a variety of biomedical engineering

The literature referred to in this book is derived mainly from the pre-
vious research results of my group from Northwest Institute for
Nonferrous Metal Research (NIN). The major contributors involved in
the compilation of this book are Professor Sen Yu (Chapters 57),
Professor Xiqun Ma (Chapters 2 and 3). Engineer, and Dr. Lei Jing
(Chapters 1 and 4). The other colleagues who participated in the survey
and collation of the published literature are Senior Engineer Yafeng
Zhang (Sections 3.5, 3.6, 7.3, and 7.4), Senior Engineer Jun Cheng
(Sections 1.6, 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1), Senior Engineer Binbin Wen (Sections
6.3, 6.4, 6.5, and 7.5), Professor Jinlong Niu (Sections 2.3 and 2.7),
Engineer Hanyuan Liu (Sections 1.2 and 1.3), Engineer Chang Wang
(Sections 1.7 and 7.1), Professor Yusheng Zhang (Section 5.5), Senior
Engineer Wangtu Huo (Section 5.5), Engineer Qi Shen (Section 7.2),
Engineer Xi Zhao (Section 2.1), and Engineer Wei Zhang (Section 5.5).
The other colleagues who participated in the survey and collation of the
published literature and who work in Xi’an Jiuzhou Biomaterials Co.,
Ltd. are Professor Jianye Han (Sections 6.4 and 6.5), Senior Engineer
Qiang HuangFu (Sections 3.5, 3.6, 7.1, and 7.3), Senior Engineer Sibo
Yuan (Section 6.5), Engineer Hui Liu (Sections 6.3 and 6.4), and
Engineer Xiaoyan Shi (Sections 6.1 and 7.1).
The study of surface bioactivity modification of novel TLM titanium
alloy materials in this book (Section 5.4) has been supported by
Professor Yong Han from Xi’an Jiaotong University. The biosafety eval-
uation of novel TLM titanium alloy materials in this book has also been
supported by Professor Yumei Zhang (Sections 4.1.6, 4.1.7, and 4.1.8)
xii Preface

and Professor Minghua Zhang (Section 4.1.9) from PLA Air Force
Military Medical University and Professor Xiaohong Li (Sections 4.1.2,
4.1.3, and 4.1.4) and Professor Kunzheng Wang (Sections 4.1.5 and 4.1.9)
from Xi’an Jiaotong University.
My colleagues and graduate students from NIN and Jinan University
assisted me in the English translation and proofreading of this book.
Professor ZengXiang Fu from Northwestern Polytechnical University
and Associate Professor Weihong Jin and Dr. Baisong Guo from Jinan
University put in a lot of effort into the English review and proofread-
ing of this book. My doctoral and master students, Lan Wang, Xiaojun
Dai, Longchao He, and Yunhao Xu from NIN and Qingyun Fu,
Mingcheng Feng, Wenqi Liang, Jiaxin Huang, and Yue Wu from Jinan
University took part in the English translation of this book.
Finally, I am grateful to the above people for their strong support
during the book editing and publishing. In addition, as a result of my
limited knowledge and writing ability, there might be some errors and
omissions in the book. I sincerely welcome criticism, guidance, and cor-
rection by readers.
Zhentao Yu1,2
Biomedical Materials Technology Research Center,
Institute of Advanced Wear & Corrosion Resistant and Functional Materials,
Jinan University, Guangzhou, P.R. China
Biomaterials Research Center,
Northwest Institute for Non-Ferrous Metal Research,
Xi’an, P.R. China

Overview of the development
and application of biomedical
metal materials

1.1 Biomedical stainless steels

1.1.1 Overview of biomedical stainless steels

Biomedical stainless steel has good biocompatibility, mechanical proper-
ties, and corrosion resistance as well as excellent processing and forming
capabilities, and it has a low cost. Therefore it is a class of metal materials
that have been widely used in medical devices and equipment.
Because of the lack of intergranular corrosion resistance and stress
corrosion resistance of traditional industrial stainless steel, biomedical
stainless steel materials mainly incorporate austenitic stainless steel
with the best corrosion resistance to reduce the dissolution of poten-
tially harmful metal ions in the alloy, such as nickel and chromium
ions. This puts forward higher requirements for the composition regula-
tion of medical stainless steel. Medical stainless steel usually requires
strict control of Ni and Cr content and low impurity element content,
and the size of nonmetallic inclusions should not exceed grade 1.5 (fine
series) and grade 1 (coarse series). In addition, the carbon content in the
alloy must not exceed 0.03% to improve its intergranular corrosion resis-
tance [1]. The detailed chemical compositions are listed in Table 1.1.
However, the Ni element that is used to stabilize the austenite phase
in stainless steel tends to cause some tissue reactions and other pro-
blems when it dissolves, such as contact dermatitis and eczema, and it
may cause cancer and may even cause restenosis after the cardiovascu-
lar stent to some extent, which is life threatening. Therefore domestic

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-823927-8.00003-6 1 © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
TABLE 1.1 Comparison of chemical compositions of typical medical stainless steel materials (wt.%).
Material C Cr Ni Mn Mo Si S P

06Cr19Ni13Mo3 (S31708) 317 # 0.080 18.020.0 11.015.0 # 2.00 3.04.0 # 1.00 # 0.030 # 0.045
022Cr19Ni13Mo3 (S31703) 317L # 0.030 18.020.0 11.015.0 # 2.00 3.04.0 # 1.00 # 0.030 # 0.045
06Cr17Ni12Mo2 (S31608) 316 # 0.080 16.018.0 10.014.0 # 2.00 2.03.0 # 1.00 # 0.030 # 0.045
022Cr17Ni12Mo2 (S31603) 316L # 0.030 16.018.0 10.014.0 # 2.00 2.03.0 # 1.00 # 0.030 # 0.045

Source: data from GB/T 12202007 Stainless Steel Bars, Standardization Administration of China.
1.1 Biomedical stainless steels 3

and foreign research institutions have begun to develop a series of new

biomedical stainless steels such as low-nickel or nickel-free austenitic
stainless steel and antibacterial stainless steel to meet the increasing
requirements of the medical and health field.

1.1.2 Nickel-free austenitic stainless steels

Ni mainly plays a role in stabilizing the austenite phase in austenitic
stainless steel. Therefore it is necessary to add a new nontoxic austenite
stable element to replace Ni to develop Ni-free austenitic stainless steel.
Nitrogen is an ideal austenite stabilizing element with a low cost. It has
a strong strengthening effect as an interstitial atom, which can signifi-
cantly increase the strength of stainless steel without reducing its plas-
ticity. Because the Ni element was replaced with a relatively high
content of N to stabilize the austenitic structure of stainless steel, nickel-
free stainless steel has also been called high-nitrogen nickel-free
(HNNF) stainless steel [2], which has been the most widely used.
For example, 0.9 wt.% N element in BIOSSN stainless steel can give it
the plasticity and twofold strength of 316L stainless steel [1,3]. The
Fe21Cr22Mn1Mo1N HNNF stainless steel developed in the United States
has been put into the US medical market to replace CrNi series stainless
steel. China has also made important achievements in this regard and has
developed Fel7Cr14Mn2Mo(0.450.7)N biomedical HNNF austenitic stain-
less steel with excellent comprehensive properties, such as high strength,
fatigue resistance and excellent wear resistance [3]. The mechanical proper-
ties, such as tensile strength (Rm), yield strength (Rp), elongation (A), and
area reduction (Z), of HNNF stainless steel are shown in Table 1.2.

TABLE 1.2 Mechanical properties of HNNF stainless steel.

Material Rp Rm A Z AkV Hv
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (%) (J/cm2)
316L (solution) 225 555 64 72 290 164
Co62Cr28Mo6 (solution) 492 1013 19 24 33 318
HNNF stainless steel (solution) 537 884 52 71 193 262
HNNF stainless steel (10% cold 857 1008 36 73  316
HNNF stainless steel (20% cold 1041 1105 30 70  350
HNNF stainless steel (30% cold 1175 1215 24 68  380

Source: data from GB/T 12202007 Stainless Steel Bars, Standardization Administration of China.

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

4 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

1.1.3 Antibacterial stainless steels

With the development of society and the improvement of people’s
health awareness, the threat from the spread of bacteria has attracted
increasing attention. Accordingly, people have put forward higher
requirements for the antibacterial properties of biomedical stainless
steel. Humans have long realized that metal ions such as silver and cop-
per ions have strong antibacterial effects [4,5]. The antibacterial effects
of metal ions are as follows: Hg . Ag . Cd . Cu . Zn . Fe . Ni. The
antibacterial effect of the specific alloy depends on whether there are
enough active particles of the element on the alloy surface. For example,
Fe and Ni have certain antibacterial functions; however, it is difficult to
show their antibacterial functions because the passivation layer or oxide
layer forms easily on the metal surface.
Although many metals have antibacterial functions, not all elements
are suitable for use as antibacterial elements for comprehensive safety
and antibacterial properties reasons. At present, the most commonly
used antibacterial elements are Cu and Ag. It has been found that that
after adding Cu element to stainless steel, a uniformly dispersed and
stable ε-Cu phase will be formed in the stainless steel matrix, which can
provide a long-lasting and stable antibacterial effect.
Hong et al. [6] studied the effect of copper content and aging treatment
on SUS 304 austenitic stainless steel and found that the residual ferrite
content in as-cast SUS 304 steel decreased with the increase of Cu content
and that the addition of Cu inhibited the formation of martensite induced
by strain. Corrosion tests show that the pitting potential decreases with
the increase of Cu content in SUS 304 steel. The results of the antibacterial
test show that the addition of an appropriate amount of Cu (2 wt.%) can
give SUS 304 stainless steel excellent antibacterial properties. When the
added amount of Cu exceeds 3.5 wt.%, even if the aging time is as short
as 30 minutes, the antibacterial rate can reach 99.99%. However, the
amount of added Cu should not exceed 3.5 wt.% to ensure that the Cu-
containing SUS 304 steel can achieve a balance between formability, cor-
rosion resistance, and antibacterial properties. Chen and Thouas [7]
found that dissolved Cu21 plays a major antibacterial role in antibacterial
stainless steel, which led to the collapse of some lipopolysaccharide
patches on the cell surface, thus changing the permeability and physio-
logical function of the extracellular membrane, providing a structural
basis for the antibacterial effect of Cu21 on microorganisms.

1.1.4 Application
According to a previous study [1], when the Ni content exceeds
12 wt.%, single-phase austenite can be obtained, and Cr can form a

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

1.2 Biomedical CoCr alloys 5

FIGURE 1.1 Coronary stent of HNNF stainless steel.

chromium oxide passivation film to improve corrosion resistance. As

the N content increases, the HNNF austenitic stainless steel has better
anticoagulant performance. Therefore the new biomedical stainless steel
not only can be used to make artificial joints, spinal internal fixation sys-
tems, and fracture internal fixation devices, such as bone plates, bone
screws, and surgical tools, but also can be utilized in cardiovascular sys-
tems, such as in artificial heart valves and intravascular stents. A typical
coronary stent made from HNNF austenitic stainless steel is shown in
Fig. 1.1. It can also be used for dental crowns, dental orthopedic wires,
ophthalmic sutures, artificial eye wires, orbital fillings, and other medi-
cal devices.

1.2 Biomedical CoCr alloys

1.2.1 Overview of CoCr alloys

The first application research of CoCr alloys in surgical implant can
be dated to the 1930s, when they were made as cast parts and then
forged alloys. The casting, extrusion, and forging conditions have a sig-
nificant effect on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of
the alloy. Generally speaking, casting tend to produce coarse grains,
grain boundary separation, porosity, and shrinkage in CoCr alloys.
Although casting alloys are superior to noncasting alloys in terms of
wear resistance, pitting resistance, and crevice corrosion resistance, they
are inferior to forged alloys in terms of fatigue strength and fracture
toughness. Therefore the use of precision casting can eliminate the
structural defects of the alloys and also improve their mechanical prop-
erties. The use of forging, extrusion, rolling, drawing, and other hot

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

6 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

pressure processing methods can further ameliorate the as-cast structure

of the material and achieve better mechanical properties [7]. In addition,
with the development of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology,
the use of 3D to prepare CoCr alloy products is a new method that has
high processing speed and strong customization and can be effectively
applied in treating bone defects and dentistry.
Co-based alloys are generally CoCr alloys, of which there are two
basic types: CoCrMo alloy and CoNiCrMo alloy. Six types of alloys
have been included in medical standards. The CoCrMo alloy has an
austenitic structure, which can be produced by forging or casting, but it
is very difficult by cold deformation. Its mechanical properties and cor-
rosion resistance are better than those of stainless steel, making it a rela-
tively good biomedical metal material. Forged Co-based alloys are used
mainly to make replacement prostheses for knee and hip joints. The
American Society for Testing and Materials recommends four CoCr
alloys that can be used in surgical implants: forged CoCrMo (F76),
forged CoCrWNi (F90), forged CoNiCrMo (F562), and forged
CoNiCrMoWFe (F563), in which F76, F90, and F562 have been widely
used in the manufacture of surgical implants. A comparison of the
mechanical properties of different metal implant materials is shown in
Table 1.3.
Owing to the relatively high content of Cr in CoCr alloys, Cr sponta-
neously forms an inert oxide layer (Cr2O3) in the human environment,
so the corrosion resistance of CoCr alloys is better than that of stainless
steel. As in stainless steel, Cr, Mo, and Ni all have corrosion resistance.
Tungsten (W) is added to increase solid solution strengthening and con-
trol the distribution and size of carbides, but it will also reduce the cor-
rosion resistance and corrosion fatigue strength of CoCr-based alloys.
The dissolution of Co and Ni from CoCr alloys will cause cell and tissue
necrosis. Co, Ni, and Cr can also cause allergic skin reactions, of which
Co has the greatest impact. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to
strictly control the phase structure, grain size, and ion dissolution limit
of CoCr alloys.

1.2.2 Typical microstructure and properties of CoCr alloys

CoCr alloys are generally composed of solid solutionstrengthened aus-
tenite matrix and carbides distributed in the matrix. The type and content of
precipitated phases are controlled by regulating the heat treatment processes
to strengthen the matrix. CoCr alloys have low stacking fault energy, leading
to the formation of a large number of annealing twins after annealing [8]. Li
et al. [9] studied the microstructure evolution of biomedical L605 alloy dur-
ing the process of multipass thermomechanical processing (TMP), indicating

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

TABLE 1.3 Comparison of mechanical properties among different CoCr alloys.
Materials Brand ISO ASTM Rm (MPa) Rp (MPa) A (%) Condition

Co28Cr6Mo CoCrMo 58324 F75 655 450 8 Cast

Co20Cr15W10Ni L605 58325 F90 1250 760 15 Hard
Co19Cr17Ni14Fe 7Mo1.5Mn Grade 2 58237 F1058 11702240 6901725 117 Hard 1 age
Co20Cr20Ni5Fe 3.5Mo3.5W2Ti Syncoben 58328 F653 1310 1172 12 Hard
Co28Cr6Mo Wrought CoCrMo 583212 F1537 1000 700 12 Hard
Alloy 2
Co28Cr6Mo Wrought CoCrMo 582312 F1537 897 517 20 Annealed
Alloy 1
Co20Cr15Ni15Fe 7Mo2Mn Grade 1 58237 F1058 18602275 12401450  Hard 1 age
Co35Ni20Cr10Mo MP35N 58326 F562 1207 1000 10 Hard
18Cr14Ni2.5Mo Wrought stainless Steel 58321 F138/ 490800 190 40 Annealed hard
139 8601100 690 12
8 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

that after 5 passes of TMP treatment, the grains can be remarkably refined,
and a bimodal grain microstructure composed of fine grains (3 μm) and
coarse grains (416 μm) can be formed. Such a bimodal grain microstruc-
ture provides superior mechanical properties with a tensile strength of
11971304 MPa, a yield strength of 593738 MPa, and a uniform elongation
of 54.7%61.1%.
Studies have shown that when the concentration of Cu21 is lower
than 500 mm, Cu ions can promote the proliferation of human venous
endothelial cells but have an inhibitory effect on the proliferation of
arterial smooth muscle cells. Wang et al. [10] and others have studied
the effect of the addition of Cu (14 wt.%) on the structure, corrosion,
mechanical properties, and cytotoxicity of L-605 alloy, aiming to
develop a new type of biological functional alloy. The results shown
that dendrite segregation occurs in all L-605 alloys with different Cu
contents during the casting process, and the addition of copper reduces
the corrosion resistance of the alloy, slightly reduces the microhardness
of the material, and has a limited effects on the compression perfor-
mance of the material. CCK8 results shown that L-605 Cu alloy has
good cell viability, and the addition of Cu does not cause cytotoxicity.

1.2.3 Typical application of CoCr alloys

Although the Ni content of L-605 is lower than that of 316L stainless
steel, sensitive reactions induced by Ni may also occur. Although its
mechanical properties are similar to that of CoCrMo alloy, its mechani-
cal properties are twice as high as that of CoCrMo alloy under the con-
dition of cold working deformation of 44%, and the stress corrosion
cracking resistance in aqueous solution is also improved. In the work-
hardened state, L-605 alloy is still nonmagnetic. Therefore L-605 alloy is
commonly used for cardiovascular stents, and its annealed state can be
used as a surgical fixation suture. MP35N alloy has very high tensile
properties in the work-hardened state and the work-hardened aging
state, which has almost the highest mechanical properties among all
implanted metal materials. Therefore MP35N is widely used to produce
artificial joints, pacemaker electrode wires, stylets, urinary catheters,
and orthopedic wires.
In general, compared with stainless steel, CoCr-based alloys have
higher strength, more stable passivation film, and better corrosion resis-
tance and wear resistance. Therefore they are more suitable for
manufacturing surgical implants in the body for long-term service that
need to bear high loads and have high wear and corrosion resistance,
such as artificial joints, vascular stents, and dental crowns. Typical med-
ical devices made from CrCo-based alloys are shown in Fig. 1.2.

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

1.3 Biomedical shape memory alloys 9

FIGURE 1.2 Typical medical devices of CrCo alloys. (A) Joint prostheses. (B) Stent.

1.3 Biomedical shape memory alloys

1.3.1 Overview of shape memory alloys

Shape memory alloy refers to a type of metal material that can be
restored to its original shape and size after a proper thermodynamic
process, that is, a type of metal material developed by the principle of
reversible martensitic phase transformation. Since the discovery of
shape memory phenomenon in the 1960s, more than 20 kinds of mem-
ory alloys have been studied around the world and have been widely
used. At present, the most widely used memory alloy is TiNi (or NiTi)
shape memory alloy [11].
NiTi shape memory alloy has shape memory characteristics and
superelasticity in the phase transition zone. At low temperatures
(around 0 C) it has a monoclinic crystal phase, which is soft and
deformable. When the alloy is heated to a high temperature, it becomes
a cubic crystal phase and immediately returns to its original shape and
produce a continuous soft restoring force. At this time, the material is
hard and elastic, which can be useful in orthopedics or support. The
memory recovery temperature of the alloy is close to the temperature of
human body (36 C 6 2 C), Because it exhibits good biocompatibility,
corrosion resistance, and abrasion resistance, this metal material is
called a new functional material in the 21st century [12].

1.3.2 Typical composition and brand of shape memory alloys

NiTi shape memory alloy is an alloy with 54.557.0 wt.% Ni. The
chemical composition of NiTi shape memory alloy has a significant
effect on the phase transition temperature (PTT). For NiTi binary system
shape memory alloys, the PTT will decrease by about 10 C for every
0.1% increase in Ni content, which can be controlled by adjusting the Ni
content. However, when the Ni content is too high ( . 51%, atomic frac-
tion), the alloy precipitates Ni-rich compounds such as TiNi2 and TiNi3,

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

10 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

TABLE 1.4 The typical plate, rod, and wire products of NiTi memory alloy.
Material types Grade PTT (Af/ C) Standard
Rod, wire NiTi01/NiTi02 2040 ASTM F206312/GB 246272009
NiTiss 4590
TN3/TNC 515

NiTiss/NiTiyy 230 to 20
NiTiCu 33 6 3
NiTiNb AsMs # 5
NiTiss AsMs , 150
Plate NiTi01/NiTi02 2040
NiTiss 4590

NiTiyy 515

which reduces Ni content in matrix, resulting in an increase in the PTT

and brittleness of the alloy. The addition of a third element to the TiNi
alloy will also significantly affect the PTT. For example, adding V, Cr,
Mn, or Al to replace Ti or adding Co or Fe to replace Ni can lower the
PTT. The detailed PTTs of different NiTi memory alloys are shown in
Table 1.4.

1.3.3 Typical application of NiTi shape memory alloys

At present, NiTi shape memory alloys are used mainly for cardiovascu-
lar and cerebrovascular and nerve interventional treatments, such as car-
diovascular stents, cerebrovascular stents, and peripheral vascular stents
for laryngotracheal, esophageal, and urethral stenosis, as well as percutane-
ous transluminal coronary angioplasty catheter shafts, nerve terminal area
stent catheters, internal and mirror inspection delivery systems. In the
fields of artificial joint replacement, spinal repair, trauma surgery, and
sports medicine, NiTi shape memory alloys can be used for artificial joints,
spinal correction devices, patella claws, patellar collectors, bone plates, ster-
num fixators, embracing devices, and tension hooks. In the field of oral
cavity and dentistry, these alloys can be used for dental orthopedics and
dental surgical treatment tools, such as dental arch wires, dental memory
fixators, and root canal files. In the fields of cardiovascular surgery, general
surgery, urology, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal otolaryngology, and
other fields, the alloys can be used for surgical accessories for endoscopic
examination and laparoscopic surgery, such as valve regulators, tissue
retractors, surgical tools, and catheters.

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

1.4 Biomedical noble metals 11

1.4 Biomedical noble metals

Noble metals have good corrosion resistance and ductility as well as
good biocompatibility and physiological nontoxicity. Therefore they are
widely used in the medical field and have broad application prospects
in dentistry, acupuncture, implantable electronic devices, precious metal
drugs, and medical biosensors [13].

1.4.1 Dental materials

Gold is the first metal to be used in dental materials. As early as 2000
years ago, ancient people used gold to fix or fill teeth. Since the dental
gold alloys are used mostly to make jewelry or gold coins, such as
AuAgCu, Au10Cu, and AuPtPd, these alloys are easy to form rough
segregated grains during casting and solidification. Sometimes the alloy
loses luster in the environment, so people try to improve its corrosion
resistance by adding other alloying elements. For example, adding a
small amount of Ru, Os, or Ir to the AuPtPd alloy can refine the as-
cast structure and increase its strength. Adding a certain amount of Pt,
Pd, Zn, and other elements to Au10Cu alloy can give it better anticorro-
sion and antidarkness abilities and can present different colors, provid-
ing more choices for patients with different oral esthetic needs [1315].
Since 1968, to reduce the cost of materials, a series of dental gold
alloys with low gold content have been studied, including precious
metal casting alloys and porcelain fused to metal alloys. In addition,
owing to their price advantage, nonprecious metals also occupy a place
in the dental market, gradually forming the three pillars of gold alloys,
palladium-based alloys, and nonprecious metal alloys. The common
compositions of noble alloys are shown in Table 1.5.

1.4.2 Acupuncture materials

Acupuncture and moxibustion are important practices in traditional
Chinese medicine. They are not only unique in their methods, but also
have remarkable curative effects. Acupuncture has been developed and
applied in more than 100 countries, such as the United States, France,
and Germany. Acupuncture needles mainly include gold needles, silver
needles, and hard needles. The hard needles are mainly made of stain-
less steel. Because of the low hardness of pure gold and silver, these ele-
ments not suitable to be used as a needle, so the hardness must be
improved by alloying. At present, the commonly used gold needles are
made of 10K, 12K, 14K, and 18K gold, of which 14K gold is the most
widely used. Because of the discoloration of silver needles, it is

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

12 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

TABLE 1.5 AuAgCu alloy composition.

Color Types Composition (wt.%)
Au Ag Cu Pd Pt Zn
Yellow Soft gold 7992.5 312 24.5 , 0.5 ,0.5 ,0.5
Yellow Medium hardness 7578 1214.5 710 14 ,1 0.5
Yellow Hard gold 6278 826 811 24 ,3 1
Yellow 6071.5 4.520 1116 ,5 ,8.5 12

White Hard gold 6570 712 610 1012 ,4 12

Yellow 6065 1015 912 610 48 12
White 2830 2530 2025 1520 37 0.51.7

Source: data from Y. Wang, Q. Cao, Z. Jia, J. Zheng, Application and development of precious metals in the field
of medicine, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 43 (2014) 165170.

necessary to simultaneously improve their corrosion resistance during

alloying. Among the commonly used silver needles, AgPd silver nee-
dles have the best corrosion resistance, but their cost is higher. AgSn
and AgSnIn alloys have lower cost but poor ductility, while AgCuZn
has lower cost and better overall performance.

1.4.3 Medicinal precious metals

Because of the special properties of precious metals, such as antiin-
flammatory and sterilization, they are widely used in the pharmaceutical
industry. The precious metals that have been used to make medicines
include gold, silver, platinum, and osmium. In China the use of gold
medicine to treat diseases has a long history, which can be traced back to
2500 BCE. Europeans have also used gold medicine to treat depression,
fainting, fever, epilepsy, and other diseases. The organic compounds of
gold have antiinflammatory effects, and the oral medicine anuranofin,
which was developed in 1985, peaked the development of gold medicine
[16]. As an oral medicine for treating arthritis, it has many excellent prop-
erties that outcompete the injection type. It also has an inhibitory effect
on lymphoma and is expected to be a potential anticancer drug.
Silver is a bactericidal metal that is inferior only to mercury. Ag1 has
a strong bactericidal effect with very little consumption. Generally, it
can sterilize at a level of 1 3 1026mol L21. In ancient times, people

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

1.5 Biomedical refractory metals 13

discovered that silverware has a certain anticorrosive and fresh-keeping

function. Since the 1990s research and development of silver steriliza-
tion materials have drawn great attention. People take advantage of the
bactericidal and antibacterial properties of Ag1 to prepare materials
with bactericidal functions, such as medical device cleaning fluids, bac-
tericidal bandages, the gauze. Some organic silver compound antibacte-
rial agents can also be used to treat local infections, syphilis, and other
Platinum drugs are also commonly used precious metal drugs. In the
middle of the 18th century, platinum medicine was used to treat syphi-
lis and rheumatism, which aroused people’s interest in platinum medi-
cine. In the 1970s, Professor Luxembourg in the United States first
reported that cisplatin has broad-spectrum anticancer activity, opening
up a new field of anticancer drug research [17].

1.4.4 Surgical materials

Because of their excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility,
precious metals such as gold and silver are widely used as surgical
implant materials. For example, Ag alloy can be used as a craniomaxil-
lofacial substitute material in brain surgery. Silver amalgam cement can
be used for orthopedic repair surgery, and high-purity Au membrane is
used as ear tympanic membrane repair material. In cancer radiotherapy,
implanting Pt-coated Ir wire or wire mesh can shield healthy tissues
from radiation damage.

1.5 Biomedical refractory metals

1.5.1 Overview of biomedical refractory metals

Biomedical refractory metals mainly include tantalum (Ta), zirconium
(Zr), hafnium (Hf), niobium (Nb), tungsten (W), molybdenum (Mo),
and vanadium (V). The common characteristics of these metals are high
density, high melting point, high hardness, strong corrosion resistance,
good chemical stability, and relatively high price. Therefore they are
used mainly as alloy addition elements of stainless steel, cobaltchro-
mium alloy and titanium (Ti) alloy and thus are usually not used alone
as biomedical metal materials. Ti (160 wt.%) Zr is a new type of medi-
cal alloy that is suitable for the design and development of dental
implants, denture brackets, and other dental products. The TiNb
(145 wt.%) and TiTa (145 wt.%) alloys can be used for orthopedic
implants, such as artificial joints [18].

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

14 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

Ta has high stability and good biocompatibility, wear resistance, and

corrosion resistance and has no adverse effects on the human body,
making it an ideal material for surgical implants. Since the 1940s, Ta
material has been widely applied in skull defect repair, joint prosthesis,
and other medical devices. It has also been used to produce pace-
makers, vascular clips, joint prostheses, and metal wire, sheet, or net
used for nerve repair. [19]. In addition, Ta is known as a biophilic metal
while the elastic modulus E (186191 GPa) of the densified pure tanta-
lum is significantly higher than that of the cortical bone tissue
(1030 GPa). The stress shielding problem caused by the modulus E
mismatch between artificial implants and host bones will cause the
bone resorption around the implant to be greater than the bone forma-
tion and at the same time delay the formation of the callus, resulting in
a series of complications, such as loosening or fracture of the implant,
and finally leading to implant failure.
The use of tantalum porous structure has been found to simulate that
of bone tissue and can reduce the elastic modulus of metal implants,
thus achieving a good biomechanical match between the implant and
the bone tissue. Compared with dense metal Ta, porous Ta materials
have a 3D porous microstructure, which increases the contact surface
area between the implant and bone tissue. Moreover, the nanoporous
microstructure has a huge impact on the proliferation of osteoblasts,
and its rough surface can absorb more macromolecules, which facilitate
the adhesion and growth of osteoblasts and greatly improve the
osseointegration and reconstruction capabilities of the implants and
bone tissue [20].

1.5.2 Preparation and evaluation of porous tantalum

Although porous Ta has obvious advantages, its extremely high melt-
ing point and easy reaction with oxygen pose a new challenge for the
preparation of porous tantalum. Porous Ta is a metal similar to foam or
sponge, which was originally developed by the U.S. company Implex.
At present, the preparation processes of porous Ta proposed by domes-
tic and foreign scholars mainly include the vapor deposition method,
organic foam impregnation method, powder sintering method, and 3D
printing method [21].
Currently, vapor deposition is the most widely used method for pre-
paring porous tantalum. The general process is as follows: First prepare
an organic framework, then deposit Ta vapor on the framework, and
finally remove the framework to obtain porous metallic tantalum. The
porous Ta prepared by this method has a purity of up to 99%, a pore
size of 400600 μm, and a porosity of 75%85%. The organic foam

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

1.5 Biomedical refractory metals 15

FIGURE 1.3 Scanning electron microscopic images of porous Ta obtained by different

preparation methods. (A) Chemical vapor deposition. (B) Powder metallurgy. (C) 3D printing.

impregnation method involves immersing the organic foam in the tanta-

lum powder slurry and then preparing porous Ta by vacuum sintering.
The pore size is 300500 μm, and the porosity is about 60%. Although
its porosity is low, the porous tantalum prepared by this method has
mechanical properties similar to those of natural bone. The porous tan-
talum prepared by powder sintering has a porosity of 75% and a pore
size of 250300 μm, but this method is prone to produce residual adhe-
sive or organic slurry, and the residue after sintering is toxic and diffi-
cult to remove. The 3D printing method is flexible for preparing porous
tantalum, providing a new way to control the density and pore size of
porous tantalum, and can be used to prepare porous tantalum with spe-
cial pore structure. The microstructures of porous tantalum prepared by
varied approaches are shown in Fig. 1.3.
The pore structure, pore size, and porosity of porous tantalum have
an important influence on its mechanical properties and biological activ-
ity. Luo [22] prepared porous tantalum scaffolds with different pore
sizes and porosities by 3D printing. According to mouse bone marrow
stromal cell culture experiments, it was found that too large or too small
pore size and porosity are unfavorable for promoting cell adhesion and
proliferation and also not conducive to the formation of new bone and
the initial stability of the bone implant interface. Porous tantalum scaf-
folds with a pore size range of 400600 μm with a porosity of 75% and
a pore size range of 600800 μm with a porosity of 85% have obvious
advantages in the process of inducing osteogenic differentiation of cells,
and macroporous stents are more likely to act by upregulating the
expression of vascular-related factors. Tsao et al. [23] implanted hun-
dreds of prostheses in 98 patients, showing that the hip survival rate of
Steinberg stage II patients was 72.5% at 48 months after surgery. The
average Harris hip score increased by 20 points, and satisfactory treat-
ment was achieved. In addition, patients implanted with porous tanta-
lum implants such as tibial plateau prosthesis, patella prosthesis, and
spinal fusion device, all performed well in postoperative bone healing.

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

16 1. Overview of the development and application of biomedical metal materials

1.5.3 Porous tantalum application

Porous tantalum has broad prospects in clinical applications, and its
product promotion and application are closely related to its production
process. For example, porous tantalum surgical implants prepared by
vapor deposition methods are mainly used for noncustomized prosthe-
ses, such as conventional bone nails, bone plates, bone rods, and
patches. 3D printing technology is used mainly for mass preparation of
personalized porous tantalum prostheses, such as oral implants and
intervertebral fusion cages.
Porous implants can be produced rapidly by using advanced proces-
sing technologies, such as vapor deposition and additive manufacturing,
which are more in line with the pathological and physiological character-
istics of patients. Zimmer’s first commercially available porous tantalum
material (trabecular metal) prepared by vapor deposition has been used
in the repair of human cortical bone and cancellous bone [24]. The
Chongqing Runze company of China has prepared porous tantalum
materials with good performance by reverse mold pore forming and
high-temperature and high-vacuum sintering, which have entered clinical
evaluation [25]. Currently, the tantalum products, including integrated
acetabular cups, dental implants, femoral head support rods, tibial pla-
teau prostheses and tibial cone-shaped fillers, patella prostheses, spinal
fusion devices, bone repair patches, bone plates, and bone nails, have
been promoted and applied in the field of global medical devices. Two
typical devices made of porous tantalum are shown in Fig. 1.4.
In the medical field, Ta metal has many other applications besides
prosthetic implants. For example, a metal Ta coating has been prepared
on the surface of Ti alloy, glassy carbon, and polymer, which not only
can improve the corrosion resistance and biocompatibility of the mate-
rial, but also can reduce the cost by taking advantage of the low cost

FIGURE 1.4 The clinical application of porous Ta. (A) Standardized porous Ta acetab-
ular cup. (B) Bone defect fibula prosthesis. Source: data from K. Yang, H. Tang, J. Wang, G.
Yang, N. Liu, L. Jia, et al., Research progress of standardized and additive manufacturing of per-
sonalized porous tantalum implants. Hot Working Technology 46 (2017) 58; L. Yang, F. Wang,
Application of medical 3D printing porous tantalum in orthopedics, Journal of the Third Military
Medical University 41 (2019) 18591866.

Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Development and Applications

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Before proceeding to alter her play, Miss Mitford took the
precaution to secure and read Byron’s Two Foscari, and was
delighted to find that he had dealt with the subject at a point
subsequent to her own, so that the plays were not likely to clash.
Furthermore, she found little in Byron’s work to commend, and
thought it could scarcely meet with any success from representation.
“Altogether, it seems to me that Lord Byron must be by this time
pretty well convinced that the drama is not his forte. He has no spirit
of dialogue—no beauty in his groupings—none of that fine mixture of
the probable with the unexpected which constitutes stage effect in
the best sense of the word. And a long series of laboured speeches
and set antitheses will very ill compensate for the want of that
excellence which we find in Sophocles and in Shakespeare, and
which some will call Nature, and I shall call Art.” And as proof that
her judgment was not warped by petty jealousy—jealousy of Byron,
on her part, would indeed have been stupid—it is interesting to recall
the criticism which Macready made in his “Diaries” some years after,
when seriously reading Byron’s Foscari with a view to its adoption.
Under date April 24, 1834, he wrote:—“Looked into the Foscari of
Byron. I am of opinion that it is not dramatic—the slow, almost
imperceptible progress of the action ... will prevent, I think, its
success in representation.” In June, 1835, he wrote:—“Read over
Lord Byron’s Foscari, which does not seem to me to contain the
power, or rather the variety and intensity of passion which many of
his other plays do.”
Having satisfied herself that she had nothing to fear from Byron’s
work she once more applied herself to her own in the endeavour to
supply it with those elements in which she and her kindly critics knew
it to be deficient—but it was a labour. “I am so thoroughly out of heart
about the Foscari that I cannot bear even to think or speak on the
subject. Nevertheless, the drama is my talent—my only talent—and I
mean to go on and improve. I will improve—that is my fixed
determination. To be of some little use to those who are dearest to
me was the only motive of my attempt, and I shall persevere.”


Still working at high pressure with her magazine articles, Miss

Mitford was able to give the promised attention to Foscari, and in
June, 1822, dispatched it with its new fifth act—it was the seventh
revision of this particular act—to London and, this time, to Charles
Kemble for she now held the opinion that the play was not exactly
suited to Macready’s style. In the meantime, it was her intention to
write something more ambitious “a higher tragedy, with some fine
and splendid character, the real hero for Macready, and some
gallant-spirited youth, who may seem the hero, for Mr. Kemble.”
Having sent off the manuscript she tried hard to forget it and to
possess her soul in patience, but now and again in her letters—very
few, now that she was so busy—there are indications of her anxiety.
“If my Foscari were to succeed I should be tempted to have a pony-
chaise myself”—this because a friend had called and given her the
pleasure of a short ride—“I do so love a drive in a pony-chaise! You
know, everything that I want or wish I always say ‘if Foscari
succeeds.’ I said so the other day about a new straw bonnet, and
then about a white geranium, and then about a pink sash, and then
about a straw work-basket, and then about a pocket-book, all in the
course of one street.”
In August and September she paid flying visits to town to see
Kemble about the play and found him so charming that she
confessed—hoping no one would tell Mrs. Kemble!—she was the
least in the world in love with him and that he ranked second to
Napoleon in her imagination. He made her a promise that, subject to
the approval of Macready—then on an Italian tour—he would
produce the play the first of the season. “Nothing I believe, is certain
in a theatre till the curtain is fairly drawn up and let down again; but,
as far as I can see, I have, from the warm zeal and admirable
character of the new manager and his very clever and kind-hearted
lady, every reason to expect a successful début. Wish for me and
Foscari. You have all my kindest and gratefulest thoughts, though a
tremendous pressure of occupation will not allow me to express
them so often as I used to do.”
Unfortunately Kemble was unable to fulfil his promise, Macready
having arranged first for the production of another play, “but,” said
she, “Charles Kemble, my dear Charles Kemble says—almost
swears—it shall be acted this season, and with new dresses and
new scenery. There has been a terrible commotion in consequence
of C. Kemble’s reluctance to delay. If it were not for my absolute faith
in him I should despair.”
Kemble kept his promise, as well as he was able, by producing the
play during the year 1826, but only at the expense of a quarrel with
Macready—a quarrel fanned by Mrs. Kemble who, although Miss
Mitford had written of her as “the clever, kind-hearted lady” was
subsequently described in a letter to Talfourd, as making statements
“so artificial, so made up, so untrue, so circular—if she had said a
great deal less without the fine words and the ‘Dear Madams’ I
should have believed her much more.”
At this juncture, and before there was any idea of the possibility of
friction between himself and Kemble, Macready had suggested to
Miss Mitford that she should write him a historical play and went so
far as to outline the plot. To have such a suggestion from the great
tragedian was in itself sufficient to send her into an ecstasy—here
was proof positive of his belief in her—and so, submitting the project
for Talfourd’s approval, and being urged by him to proceed, she set
to work at fever heat, towards the close of 1822, on the play of
Julian. It was strenuous work and all the while the author was torn
with the fear that she would not be able to produce anything worthy
of Macready. Dr. Valpy was being continually referred to for his
judgment on the various characters—whether they were too weak or
too strong—too prudish or too improper—and Talfourd was besought
to “speak the truth, fearlessly, and say whether I shall give it up.” At
last it was finished and was sent to Macready and Talfourd for their
judgment and criticism.
“My execution falls very short of your design,” she wrote; “but
indeed it is not for want of pains—I think one reason why it is so ill
done, is the strong anxiety I had to do well—to justify your and Mr.
Macready’s kind encouragement—the stimulus was too great.” Both
Macready and Talfourd made corrections and suggestions, which the
author duly acted upon and thereby won unstinted praise from her
two friendly critics. “I hope you and he are as right in your praise, as
in your censure—but I confess that I am not yet recovered from my
astonishment at the extent of your approbation—I am afraid you
overrate it—sadly afraid. And yet it is very delightful to be so
overrated. It would be a shame if I did not improve with the
unspeakable advantage of your advice and your kindness and all the
pains you have taken with me.”
On Julian, which she characterized as worth a thousand of
Foscari, she was ready to stake all her dramatic hopes and when, at
length, in February, 1823, Macready read the play in the green-room
and promised its production in ten days or a fortnight, her delight
was unbounded. It was produced in the second week of March, with
Macready as the principal character, and met with instant success.
The author went to town on a visit to her friend, Mrs. Hofland, in
Newman Street, that she might the better enjoy the exquisite pain
and pleasure of seeing her play presented for the first time. Although
she had sent and received many messages to and from Macready,
through their mutual friend Talfourd, she had not met him until this
occasion and it is no figure of speech to say that they were each
considerably struck with the other. Miss Mitford’s verdict on the
interview, conveyed in a letter to Sir William Elford, was “He is just
such another soul of fire as Haydon—highly educated, and a man of
great literary acquirements—consorting entirely with poets and
young men of talent. Indeed it is to his knowledge of my friend Mr.
Talfourd that I owe the first introduction of my plays to his notice.”
The result to Miss Mitford in cash on the production of Julian was
£200, not a vast sum in the light of present-day successes, but still
very fair considering that it only ran for eight days, having to be
withdrawn in favour of another play. In any case the money was very
acceptable to the inmates of the little cottage at Three Mile Cross.
The endeavour to clear up outstanding debts weighed heavily on
Miss Mitford and, short of a reserve for the barest necessities, the
whole of her income was being devoted to that end. A few things of
value had been saved from the wreck of the Bertram House
establishment, notably some choice engravings, and those were
sent to Mrs. Hofland in London who had promised to warehouse
them until such time as the owners, having acquired a larger house,
might send for them. Any hope of this contingency, which Miss
Mitford may have entertained, had been dispersed by the year 1823,
and so we find her writing in June of that year begging Mrs. Hofland
to try and dispose of some of the pictures to Messrs. Hurst and
Robinson and to arrange for the sale of the rest either at Sotheby’s
or Robins’s.
It was indeed a most anxious year, notwithstanding the triumph of
Julian and the fact that its author was one of the most talked-of
women of the day.
Mary Russell Mitford.
(From a painting by Miss Drummond, 1823.)
During her stay in London to witness the production of Julian and
at one of her interviews with Macready the two had discussed
another play project, various subjects for treatment being suggested
—among them that of Procida (subsequently abandoned because
Mrs. Hemans was found to be at work on it), and Rienzi which Miss
Mitford very much favoured but Macready did not as he thought her
outline of the plot would entail on her a greater strain than she could
stand. For a time the matter was left in abeyance, as she had much,
just then, wherewith to occupy her mind. Kemble was threatening
her with a lawsuit if, as she much desired, she withdrew Foscari—
she rather feared that its production after Julian would do her no
good—and she was so tossed about, as she said, between him and
Macready, “affronting both parties and suspected by both, because I
will not come to a deadly rupture with either,” that she got quite ill
with worry. To add to her miseries the editor of the Lady’s Magazine
absconded, owing her £40. “Oh! who would be an authoress!” she
wofully wrote to her old friend Sir William. “The only comfort is that
the magazine can’t go on without me [its circulation had gone up
from two hundred and fifty copies to two thousand since she had
written for it]; and that the very fuss they make in quarrelling over me
at the theatre proves my importance there; so that, if I survive these
vexations, I may in time make something of my poor, poor brains.
But I would rather serve in a shop—rather scour floors—rather nurse
children, than undergo these tremendous and interminable disputes
and this unwomanly publicity. Pray forgive this sad no-letter. Alas!
the free and happy hours, when I could read and think and prattle for
you, are past away. Oh! will they ever return? I am now chained to a
desk, eight, ten, twelve hours a day, at mere drudgery. All my
thoughts of writing are for hard money. All my correspondence is on
hard business. Oh! pity me, pity me! My very mind is sinking under
the fatigue and anxiety. God bless you, my dear friend! Forgive this
sad letter.”
It was truly a sad letter, so unlike the usually bright, optimistic
woman, that he would be dense indeed who failed to read in it other
than evidence of a strain almost too great for this gentle woman to
bear. And what of Dr. Mitford at this time? What was he doing in the
matter of sharing the burden which he alone, through negligence and
wicked self-indulgence, had thrust upon his daughter? Truly he was
now less often in town and the famous kennel was in process of
being dispersed—there was neither room nor food for greyhounds at
Three Mile Cross—but short of his magisterial duties, which were, of
course, unremunerated, his time was scarcely occupied. At last the
fact of his daughter’s worn-out condition seems to have been borne
in upon him and in her next letter to Sir William, dated in May, 1823,
she has the pleasure to record:
“My father has at last resolved—partly, I believe,
instigated by the effect which the terrible feeling of
responsibility and want of power has had on my health and
spirits—to try if he can himself obtain any employment that
may lighten the burthen. He is, as you know, active,
healthy, and intelligent, and with a strong sense of duty and
of right. I am sure that he would fulfil to the utmost any
charge that might be confided to him; and if it were one in
which my mother or I could assist, you may be assured
that he would have zealous and faithful coadjutors. For the
management of estates or any country affairs he is
particularly well qualified; or any work of superintendence
which requires integrity and attention. If you should hear of
any such, would you mention him, or at least let me know?
The addition of two, or even one hundred a year to our little
income, joined to what I am, in a manner, sure of gaining
by mere industry, would take a load from my heart of which
I can scarcely give you an idea. It would be everything to
me; for it would give me what, for many months, I have not
had—the full command of my own powers. Even Julian
was written under a pressure of anxiety which left me not a
moment’s rest. I am, however, at present, quite recovered
from the physical effects of this tormenting affair, and have
regained my flesh and colour, and almost my power of
writing prose articles; and if I could but recover my old
hopefulness and elasticity, should be again such as I used
to be in happier days. Could I but see my dear father
settled in any employment, I know I should. Believe me
ever, with the truest affection,
“Very gratefully yours, M. R. M.”
A pathetic and tragic letter! At last the scales had dropped from
her eyes. And yet, though the letter is, as it stands, an implicit
condemnation of her father’s laziness, it is overburdened with
affectionate praise of him and a catalogue of virtues in all of which
his life had proved him notably and sadly deficient. Dr. Mitford,
regenerated, as presented by his daughter, cuts a sorry figure; for
him the art of “turning over a new leaf” was lost, if indeed he ever
practised it. Proof of this was forthcoming in the next letter
addressed to the same correspondent and written three months
later! “I hasten my dear and kind friend, to reply to your very
welcome letter. I am quite well now, and if not as hopeful as I used to
be, yet less anxious, and far less depressed than I ever expected to
feel again. This is merely the influence of the scenery, the flowers,
the cool yet pleasant season, and the absence of all literary society;
for our prospects are not otherwise changed. My dear father, relying
with a blessed sanguineness on my poor endeavours, has not, I
believe, even inquired for a situation; and I do not press the matter,
though I anxiously wish it, being willing to give one more trial to the
theatre. If I could but get the assurance of earning for my dear father
and mother a humble competence I should be the happiest creature
in the world. But for these dear ties, I should never write another line,
but go out in some situation as other destitute women do. It seems to
me, however, my duty to try a little longer; the more especially as I
am sure separation would be felt by all of us to be the greatest of all
“My present occupation is a great secret; I will tell it to you in strict
confidence. It is the boldest attempt ever made by a woman, which I
have undertaken at the vehement desire of Mr. Macready, who
confesses that he has proposed the subject to every dramatic poet
of his acquaintance—that it has been the wish of his life—and that
he never met with any one courageous enough to attempt it before.
In short, I am engaged in a grand historical tragedy on the greatest
subject in English story—Charles and Cromwell. Should you ever
have suspected your poor little friend of so adventurous a spirit? Mr.
Macready does not mean the author to be known, and I do not think
it will be found out, which is the reason of my so earnestly requesting
your silence on the subject. Macready thinks that my sex was, in
great part, the occasion of the intolerable malignity with which Julian
was attacked.” [A scathing article on Julian appeared in one of the
magazines and was considered, by both Macready and Miss Mitford,
to have been inspired, if not written, by Kemble.]
Continuing her letter Miss Mitford detailed how she proposed to
treat the subject and concluded with another appeal for interest in
securing her father employment:—“Pray, my dear friend, if you
should hear of any situation that would suit my dear father, do not fail
to let me know, for that would be the real comfort, to be rid of the
theatre and all its troubles. Anything in the medical line, provided the
income, however small, were certain, he would be well qualified to
undertake. I hope there is no want of duty in my wishing him to
contribute his efforts with mine to our support. God knows, if I could,
if there were any certainty, how willingly, how joyfully, I would do
all.... If I were better, more industrious, more patient, more
consistent, I do think I should succeed; and I will try to be so. I
promise you I will, and to make the best use of my poor talents. Pray
forgive this egotism; it is a relief and a comfort to me to pour forth my
feelings to so dear and so respected a friend; and they are not now
so desolate, not quite so desolate, as they have been. God grant me
to deserve success!”
Again how pathetic! And how tragic is this spectacle of a worn-out
woman of thirty-six, pleading for help and comfort, and promising,
like a little child, to be good and work hard; and that notwithstanding
her twelve hours a day at the self-imposed task—which she now
finds to be drudgery—or the terror with which she views this great
opportunity now offered her by Macready and which she dare not
refuse lest she be blamed for letting slip any chance of earning
money. And all that a worthless father may be shielded and the real
cause of the trouble be obscured.
To add to her burdens—her mother was taken suddenly and
seriously ill shortly after the above letter was written, necessitating
the most careful and vigilant nursing. Her complaint—spasmodic
asthma—was so bad that, as the daughter recorded, “I have feared,
night after night, that she would die in my arms.” Eventually she
recovered, but meanwhile, of course, all literary work had to be
abandoned, not only because of the constant attention which the
patient’s condition demanded but by reason of the “working of the
perpetual fear on my mind which was really debilitating, almost
paralyzing, in its effect.”


With her mother now convalescent, the year 1824 opened to find
Miss Mitford more composed in mind. She was still turning over in
her mind her friend Macready’s great commission, but as he had
bade her take plenty of time, she occupied herself with gathering
together and polishing the Lady’s Magazine articles on country life
with a view to their publication in volume form. Mr. George B.
Whittaker, of Ave Maria Lane—“papa’s godson, by-the-by”—was the
chosen publisher and we may be certain that there was much
fussing and discussion between the parties concerned before the
details were finally arranged. Mr. Whittaker was, according to his
godfather’s daughter, “a young and dashing friend of mine, this year
sheriff of London, and is, I hear, so immersed in his official dignities
as to have his head pretty much turned topsy-turvy, or rather, in
French phraseology, to have lost that useful appendage; so I should
not wonder now, if it did not come out, till I am able to get to town
and act for myself in the business, and I have not yet courage to
leave mamma.”
Had Mr. Whittaker known what was in store for him he would
probably have lost his head; but neither author nor publisher had the
faintest notion that the modest volume, then projecting, was to be the
forerunner of a series destined to take the world by storm and to be
the one effort—apart from dramatic and sonneteering successes,
which were to fade into obscurity—by which alone the name of Mary
Russell Mitford was to be remembered.
Its modest title— Our Village—was the author’s own choice, and it
was to consist of essays and characters and stories, chiefly of
country life, in the manner of the Sketch Book, but without
sentimentality or pathos—two things abhorred by the author—and to
be published with or without its author’s name, as it might please the
publisher. “At all events,” wrote Miss Mitford to Sir William, “the
author has no wish to be incognita; so I tell you as a secret to be
“When you see Our Village,” she continued, “(which if my sheriff
be not bestraught, I hope may happen soon), you will see that my
notions of prose style are nicer than these galloping letters would
give you to understand.”
The excitement of preparing for the press revived her old interest
in life and stirred her once again to indulge in that free and
blithesome correspondence which had been so unceremoniously
dropped when her domestic troubles seemed so overpowering. Her
introduction to Macready had been followed by an introduction to his
sister whom, as usual, Miss Mitford found to be all that was
charming. In her impulsive fashion she quickly divined the characters
of both and wrote of her impressions to her confidant, Sir William.
“They are very fascinating people, of the most polished and delightful
manners, and with no fault but the jealousy and unreasonableness
which seem to me the natural growth of the green-room. I can tell
you just exactly what Mr. Macready would have said of me and
Julian. He would have spoken of me as a meritorious and amiable
person, of the play as a first-rate performance, and of the treatment
as ‘infamous!’ ‘scandalous!’ ‘unheard-of!’—would have heaped every
phrase of polite abuse which the language contains on the Covent
Garden manager; and then would have concluded as follows:—‘But
it is Miss Mitford’s own fault—entirely her own fault. She is, with all
her talent, the weakest and most feeble-minded woman that ever
lived. If she had put matters into my hands—if she had withdrawn
The Foscari—if she had threatened the managers with a lawsuit—if
she had published her case—if she had suffered me to manage for
her; she would have been the queen of the theatre. Now, you will
see her the slave of Charles Kemble. She is the weakest woman that
ever trode the earth.’ This is exactly what he would have said; the
way in which he talks of me to every one, and most of all to myself.
‘Is Mr. Macready a great actor?’ you ask. I think that I should answer,
‘He might have been a very great one.’ Whether he be now I doubt.
A very clever actor he certainly is; but he has vitiated his taste by his
love of strong effects, and been spoilt in town and country; and I
don’t know that I do call him a very great actor ... I have a physical
pleasure in the sound of Mr. Macready’s voice, whether talking, or
reading, or acting (except when he rants). It seems to me very
exquisite music, with something instrumental and vibrating in the
sound, like certain notes of the violoncello. He is grace itself; and he
has a great deal of real sensibility, mixed with some trickery.”

The old Wheelwright’s Shop at “Our Village,” in 1913.

As far as it goes, and based on so slight an acquaintance, the
portrait is not much short of the truth, as witness Macready’s own
diaries wherein, strong man that he was, he set down all his faults
and failings. But he was a much-provoked man, the reason being
that he never did, or could, descend to the low level of his
tormentors. As for his being, or not being, a great actor, Miss Mitford
must be forgiven her hasty judgment; posterity rightly disagrees with
Spring was just merging into summer and the thoughts of jaded
and satiated townfolk were turning to the consideration of green
fields and smiling meadows when the first modest little volume of
Our Village issued shyly forth from George Whittaker’s office. “Cause
it to be asked for at the circulating libraries,” urged the designing
author of all her friends.
The book caught on; its pages were redolent of the country; its
colour was true and vivid; it told of simple delights and did for
Berkshire what no author had ever previously done for any place.
Charles Lamb, then in the full enjoyment of his fame as Elia, said
that nothing so fresh and characteristic had appeared for a long time.
Sir William Elford was delighted but ventured the suggestion that the
sketches would have been better if written in the form of letters, but
this the author denied by reminding him that the pieces were too
long, and too connected, for real correspondence; “and as to
anything make-believe, it has been my business to keep that out of
sight as much as possible. Besides which, we are free and easy in
these days, and talk to the public as a friend. Read Elia, or the
Sketch Book, or Hazlitt’s Table-Talk, or any popular book of the new
school, and you will find that we have turned over the Johnsonian
periods and the Blair-ian formality to keep company with the wigs
and hoops, the stiff curtseys and low bows of our ancestors. ‘Are the
characters and descriptions true?’ you ask. Yes! yes! yes! As true as
is well possible. You, as a great landscape painter, know that in
painting a favourite scene you do a little embellish, and can’t help it;
you avail yourself of happy accidents of atmosphere, and if anything
be ugly, you strike it out, or if anything be wanting, you put it in. But
still the picture is a likeness; and that this is a very faithful one, you
will judge when I tell you that a worthy neighbour of ours, a post
captain, who has been in every quarter of the globe, and is equally
distinguished for the sharp look-out and bonhomie of his profession,
accused me most seriously of carelessness in putting The Rose for
The Swan as the sign of our next door neighbour; and was no less
disconcerted at the misprint (as he called it) of B for R in the name of
our next town. A cela près, he declares the picture to be exact.
Nevertheless I do not expect to be poisoned. Why should I? I have
said no harm of my neighbours, have I? The great danger would be
that my dear friend Joel might be spoilt; but I take care to keep the
book out of our pretty Harriette’s way; and so I hope that that prime
ornament of our village will escape the snare for his vanity which the
seeing so exact a portrait of himself in a printed book might
occasion. By the way, the names of the villagers are true—of the
higher sketches they are feigned, of course.”
The sales were beyond the wildest dreams of the author and
publisher, for it was well reviewed in all the literary papers and
discussed in all the literary circles. “Where is Our Village?” was the
question folk were asking each other, and when the secret leaked
out, there was a constant stream of traffic from here, there and
everywhere to the quiet village of Three Mile Cross, whose
inhabitants were the last of all to discover that they had been “put
into a book.” What a theme for the cobbler over the way! How he
must have neglected his work to watch the congratulating visitors
who thronged the cottage opposite, all asking the beaming and
delighted author “How she thought of it?” and “Why she did it?” And
when, at length, a copy of the book itself found its way to the parlour
of the George and Dragon and the cobbler saw himself as “the
shoemaker opposite,” we can almost fancy we catch the gratified
light in his eye and hear his astonished—“Well! I’ll be jiggered!”
And since no letter to any of her numerous correspondents ever
contained so charming a description, here let us quote from Our
Village its author’s picture of her own dwelling:—“A cottage—no—a
miniature house, with many additions, little odds and ends of places,
pantries, and what-nots; all angles, and of a charming in-and-out-
ness; a little bricked court before one half, and a little flower-yard
before the other; the walls, old and weather-stained, covered with
hollyhocks, roses, honeysuckles, and a great apricot tree; the
casements full of geraniums (ah! there is our superb white cat
peeping out from among them); the closets (our landlord has the
assurance to call them rooms) full of contrivances and corner-
cupboards; and the little garden behind full of common flowers,
tulips, pinks, larkspurs, peonies, stocks, and carnations, with an
arbour of privet, not unlike a sentry-box, where one lives in a
delicious green light, and looks out on the gayest of all gay flower-
beds. That house was built on purpose to show in what an
exceeding small compass comfort may be packed.”
That is Miss Mitford’s miniature of her village home. Seeking it to-
day, the literary pilgrim would be sadly disappointed if he carried this
description in his mind. The walls have been stuccoed—that ugliest
of make-believes—and a wooden sign The Mitford springs from
between the windows in an attempt—honest enough, no doubt—to
compete with its neighbour The Swan, the sign of which swings all
a-creak over the garden-wall. It has lost its cottage aspect, the
windows are modern and even the chimney-pots have been
replaced by up-to-date pottery contrivances and a zinc contraption
which tries to look ornamental but is not—in striking contrast to the
village shop next door which is still the village shop as described by
Miss Mitford, “multifarious as a bazaar; a repository for bread, shoes,
tea, cheese, tape, ribands, and bacon”; full of that delightfully mixed
odour, a pot-pourri of eatables and wearables, which always
characterizes such establishments; proudly ruled by a Brownlow,
one of a line of Brownlows unbroken from long before Miss Mitford’s
Inside, The Mitford is less of a disappointment, for most of the
rooms remain unchanged, and one quickly sees how truly its
delighted owner limned it when she wrote of its angles and in-and-
out-ness. Unhappily the garden behind has been spoiled by the
erection of a large hall wherein the gospel is preached, light
refreshments may be partaken of, and the youth of the village
assemble o’ nights to tighten their muscles on trapeze and horizontal
bar. In Miss Mitford’s day they achieved this end by following the
plough—but other times other manners, and we are not for blaming
them altogether. The pity is—and it is our only grumble—that when
that truly noble philanthropist, William Isaac Palmer, conceived the
notion of honouring Miss Mitford’s memory by preserving her
residence, he did not insist on a restoration which would have
perpetuated the external, as well as the internal, features of the

Miss Mitford’s Cottage at Three Mile Cross, as it is to-day (1913), with the sign of
the Swan Inn on the one hand, and Brownlow’s shop on the other.
Was Our Village its author’s announcement to all and sundry, that
come what might, whether of want, drudgery, or disillusionment, she
could still carry her head high, look the world in the face— and
smile? Probably it was. A strong case can be made out for the view
that, apart altogether from her love of rurality, Our Village was a
deliberate glorification of the simple life which had been forced upon
her, a deliberate pronouncement that Home was still Home, though it
had been transferred from the magnificence of Bertram House with
its retinue of servants, to an extremely humble cottage set between a
village “general” on the one side and a village inn upon the other.
With all the success which now seemed to crowd upon our author,
the year was not without its anxieties for, shortly after her mother’s
recovery, her father was taken suddenly ill and, as was his wont on
such occasions, required a great deal of attention. He made a fairly
speedy recovery, however, and in July we read of him and Mrs.
Mitford taking exercise in a “pretty little pony-chaise” the acquisition
of which the daughter proudly records—it was a sign, however slight,
of amended fortunes. Late in the year, Dr. Mitford had a relapse and
became seriously ill, and even when convalescent was left so weak
that he was a source of considerable anxiety to his wife and
daughter. This illness must have convinced Miss Mitford that it would
be futile to count upon her father as a bread-winner, and that
conviction seems to have spurred her to work even harder than
before. The Cromwell and Charles play still simmered in her mind,
while there were a “thousand and one articles for annuals” to be
written, together with the working-up of a new tragedy to be called
Inez de Castro. Not satisfied with all that, she wrote in the July to
William Harness, asking whether he could influence Campbell, then
editing the New Monthly Magazine, to engage for a series—“Letters
from the Country,” or something of that sort—“altogether different, of
course, from Our Village in the scenery and the dramatis personae,
but still something that might admit of description and character, and
occasional story, without the formality of a fresh introduction to every
article. If you liked my little volume well enough to recommend me
conscientiously, and are enough in that prescient editor’s good
graces to secure such an admission, I should like the thing
Talfourd wrote urging her to a novel, but this she wisely declined,
and commenced to work, in great haste on still another tragedy
which had been suggested by a re-reading of Gibbon’s Decline and
Fall of the Roman Empire. It was no new project, for she had written
of it “in strict confidence” to Sir William Elford more than a year
before, but it had been left to lie fallow until an opportunity arose for
its execution. When the suggestion was made to Macready he at
once saw the possibilities in the theme and promised to give the play
his best consideration, although he made the significant suggestion
that not only should the author’s name be kept a dead secret, but
that the play should be produced under a man’s name because the
newspapers of the day were so unfair to female writers.
Luckily the haste with which she had started on Rienzi soon
subsided, and it was not ready until 1826 when Macready took it and
the Cromwellian play with him on an American tour, promising to do
nothing with either unless they could be produced in a manner
satisfactory to the author. The original intention had been to produce
Rienzi at Covent Garden that year, but the idea was abandoned.
In the meantime preparations were well advanced for a second
series of Our Village, “my bookseller having sent to me for two
volumes more.” Eventually the series extended to five volumes, the
publication of which ranged over the years 1824 and 1832. Of these
volumes there appeared, from time to time, a number of most
eulogistic reviews, particularly noticeable among them being those of
“Christopher North” in the Noctes Ambrosianae of Blackwood’s
Magazine. In reviewing the third volume he wrote:—“The young
gentlemen of England should be ashamed o’ theirsells fo’ lettin’ her
name be Mitford. They should marry her whether she wull or no, for
she would mak baith a useful and agreeable wife. That’s the best
creetishism on her warks”—a criticism as amusing as it was true.


In the previous chapter we mentioned that Rienzi was not ready until
1826 and that its production at Covent Garden during that year was
postponed because of a disagreement between Macready and
Young. As a matter of fact the play was finished to the mutual
satisfaction of its author, and her friends Talfourd and Harness, early
in 1825, but when submitted to Macready he would only accept it on
condition that certain rather drastic alterations were made. In this he
was perfectly justified for, be it remembered, he was not only an
actor of high rank but a critic of remarkable ability—a combination of
scholar and actor which caused him to be consulted on every point
connected with the drama and whose judgment was rarely wrong.
Upon hearing his decision Miss Mitford appears to have lost her
composure—we will charitably remind ourselves that she had put
much labour and thought into this play—and to have rushed off to
consult the two friends who, having read the play, had already
pronounced it ready for presentation. Upon hearing Macready’s
suggestions Harness was considerably piqued, the more so as in
addition to his clerical duties, he was, at this time, enjoying a
considerable reputation as a dramatic critic, his writings in the
magazines being eagerly looked for and as eagerly read when they
appeared. There is no doubt that he, backed up by Talfourd,
counselled Miss Mitford not to adopt Macready’s suggestions, but
Macready was not the man to brook interference from outsiders and
told Miss Mitford that not only must she alter the play in accordance
with his views, but without delay if she required him to produce it.
This naturally placed the author in an awkward position for she knew,

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