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Research Title
Awareness and Acceptance Among Medical Students and Faculty About
Integration of Virtual Reality in the Curricula

Submitted by – Group 14


Ermish Imtiaz Muhammad Imtiaz Ahmed U21102729

Fatma Fawzi Abdelmoktader Gamalelden U21104563

Hawra Mohanad M. Salem Al Ansari (R) U21103167

Mariam Araby Mohamed Elsayed Saad U21102292

Mohammed Nomaan Khaja Mohammed Basheeruddin U21104137

Shady Gamal Mohamed Kotb U21102178

Sondos Osama Saeed Elkhalifa (B) U21103867

[Spring Semester 2023/24]

Research Supervisor – Dr Sarra Shorbagi

Table of Contents
STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................................... 5
DEMOGRAPHICS ...................................................................................................... 5
1- Level of Study ................................................................................................. 5
2- Gender .......................................................................................................... 5
3- Age Group ...................................................................................................... 6
KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE OF VR ........................................................................... 7
1- Rate the Following Statement ‘I am familiar with the term Virtual Reality’ ............ 7
2- Where did you get most of your knowledge about Virtual Reality ........................ 7
3- Knowledge Score ............................................................................................ 8
i. Virtual Reality is a sub-field of __ .................................................................. 9
ii. How many types of Virtual Reality are there? ................................................. 9
iii. Virtual Reality gives the user ____ ............................................................ 10
iv. Select from the list of specialized equipment(s) that allow you to immerse in
the virtual environment..................................................................................... 10
v. Select from the list below, fields where you know Virtual Reality is being
applied............................................................................................................ 11
4- Have you had any previous experiences with Virtual Reality? ........................... 11
i. Where have you used Virtual Reality? ......................................................... 12
5- What according to you are the perceived advantage(s) of integrating VR into
medical education .............................................................................................. 12
6- What according to you are the perceived disadvantage(s) of integrating VR into
medical education .............................................................................................. 13
1- How competent (/skilled) do you feel in using computers and other technologies
(i.e., smartphones, tablets, etc.) for education ...................................................... 14
2- How difficult is it for you to familiarize yourself with a new device, a new program,
or a new function of a device ................................................................................ 14
3- What are your views on the integration of Virtual Reality into the medical curricula
i. Rate the following statements .................................................................... 16
4- Which aspect of medical education according to you will benefit more from
Virtual Reality...................................................................................................... 17
i. Which subject(s) according to you in the pre-clinical years have the most
potential for application of Virtual Reality .......................................................... 18

ii. Which subject(s) according to you in the clinical years has the most potential
for application of Virtual Reality ........................................................................ 18
FACULTY QUESTIONNAIRE........................................................................................ 20
DEMOGRAPHICS .................................................................................................... 20
1- Academic Rank ............................................................................................ 20
2- What do they teach ....................................................................................... 20
3- Gender ........................................................................................................ 21
4- Age Group .................................................................................................... 21
KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE OF VR .................................................................... 22
1- Rate the Following Statement ‘I am familiar with the term Virtual Reality’ .......... 22
2- Where did you get most of your knowledge about Virtual Reality ...................... 23
3- Knowledge Score .......................................................................................... 24
i. Virtual Reality is a sub-field of __ ................................................................ 25
ii. How many types of Virtual Reality are there? ............................................... 25
iii. Virtual Reality gives the user ____ ............................................................ 26
iv. Select from the list, specialized equipment(s) that allow you to immerse in the
virtual environment .......................................................................................... 26
v. Select from the list below, fields where you know Virtual Reality is being
applied............................................................................................................ 27
4- Have you had any previous experiences with Virtual Reality? ........................... 27
i. Where have you used Virtual Reality??........................................................ 28
5- What according to you are the perceived advantage(s) of integrating VR into
medical education .............................................................................................. 29
6- What according to you are the perceived disadvantage(s) of integrating VR into
medical education .............................................................................................. 30
1- How competent (/skilled) do you feel in using computers and other technologies
(i.e., smartphones, tablets, etc.) for education ...................................................... 31
2- How difficult is it for you to familiarize yourself with a new device, a new program,
or a new function of a device ................................................................................ 32
3- What are your views on the integration of Virtual Reality into the medical curricula
ii. Rate the following statements .................................................................... 33
4- Which aspect of medical education according to you will benefit more from
Virtual Reality...................................................................................................... 35

i. Which subject(s) according to you in the pre-clinical years have the most
potential for application of Virtual Reality .......................................................... 36
ii. Which subject(s) according to you in the clinical years has the most potential
for application of Virtual Reality ........................................................................ 37

1- Level of Study

After removing cases that did not meet our inclusion criteria, a total of 275
participants answered our questionnaire. Above is a pie chart depicting the
distribution of our participants based on their level of study at the College of
Medicine. Among those who responded, the majority were from Year 2, comprising
approximately 107 (38.91%) of the responses. There were 65 responses from Year 1,
45 from Year 4, 34 from Year 3, and 24 from Year 5, accounting for the following
percentages respectively: 23.6%, 16.4%, 12.4%, and 8.7%.

2- Gender

This is a pie chart representing the gender distribution among our population, we
can notice the female majority among our subjects, and the reason behind that is
because females represent the majority of our batches in the College of Medicine.
Our total sample is 275 with 180 female (65.5%) participants and 95 male (34.5%)

3- Age Group

As the bar chart shows, most of our participants are of the age of 18-20 and 21-23,
with a minimal percentage of participants in the age below 18 (1 participant) or 24-
26 (2 participants). Which is normal because our target population is our college
students between year 1 to year 5.

Also, the table indicates that the age group between 18-20 has the highest
participation with 56.7% of the whole age group followed by the age group of 21-23
with 42.2%.

1- Rate the Following Statement ‘I am familiar with the term Virtual Reality’

As evident from the bar chart and table above, a significant majority of our
population is familiar with the term virtual reality, with a percentage exceeding 80%.
This illustrates the widespread awareness of virtual reality, simplifying the process
of explaining our goal clearly and effectively. From the chart we can see that 94
participants (34.2%) said they ‘Strongly Agree’ with the statement while 128 (46.5%(
of them selected ‘Agree’. The remaining the option had the following percentages:
Neutral – 11.6%, Disagree – 2.2% and Strongly Disagree – 5.5%.

2- Where did you get most of your knowledge about Virtual Reality

As illustrated in the bar chart above, our participants got their knowledge about
virtual reality from many sources with different percentages.
Most of the knowledge came from Social media (87.27%) followed by
Friends/family (38.55%) which indicates how important the topic is as social media

shows huge interest in it and shares a lot of information about it to get people
familiar with it. Other sources of knowledge included High-school curriculum, Non-
medical courses/ Electives, Conferences/ Workshops and Medical college
curriculum with the following percentages respectively: 17.82%, 17.09%, 10.91%
and 5.45%. About 2.55% of the participants said they did not have any information
about VR.

3- Knowledge Score

Our questionnaire included a section designed to assess the knowledge of our

participants regarding Virtual Reality (VR). This section consisted of 11 questions
covering various aspects such as types, applications, and equipment related to VR.
Each correct answer earned 1 point, with no deduction for incorrect answers.
The performance of participants was categorized into the following ranges:
● High Level of Knowledge: Participants scoring 9-11 questions correctly
typically demonstrate a profound understanding of the topic.
● Moderate Level of Knowledge: Achieving a score of 5-8 questions correct
may suggest an average level of familiarity with VR.

● Limited or No Knowledge: Participants scoring 0-4 questions correct may
indicate minimal to no understanding of VR.
The mean score obtained was calculated to be 6.43, suggesting that the majority of
participants possess a moderate level of knowledge about Virtual Reality and its
applications. The highest score achieved was 11 (1.1%), while the lowest score
attained was 0 (0.7%).

i. Virtual Reality is a sub-field of __

Correct Answer - Artificial Intelligence

A total of 275 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 168 (61.09%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 17 (6.18%) were not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (32.7%) answered the question wrong.

ii. How many types of Virtual Reality are there?

Correct Answer - Two

A total of 275 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 29 (10.5%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 192 (69.8%) were not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (19.7%) answered the question wrong.

iii. Virtual Reality gives the user ____

Correct Answer - An illusion of (“being there”) in real-time

A total of 275 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 174 (63.3%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 7 (2.5%) were not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (19.7%) answered the question wrong.

iv. Select from the list of specialized equipment(s) that allow you to immerse in
the virtual environment

Correct Answer - Gloves, Headset, Bodysuits

A total of 275 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 52.36% chose gloves,
94.18% chose headsets and 46.91% chose bodysuits which are all
considered correct answers. On the other hand, 22.55% picked shoes which
is the wrong answer. Finally, 5.091% were not aware of the answer.

v. Select from the list below, fields where you know Virtual Reality is being

Correct Answer - Education, Gaming, Medicine & Healthcare, Engineering,

Real Estate & Architecture
A total of 275 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 67.64% chose
education, 86.55% chose gaming, 63.64% chose medicine and healthcare,
42.55% chose engineering, and 53.82% chose real estate and architecture
which are all correct answers. 2.182% of the population had no knowledge
about the answer. Finally, 0% of the population had any other opinions
regarding the fields where virtual reality can be applied.

4- Have you had any previous experiences with Virtual Reality?

A total of 275 people answered this question. The pie chart above depicts the
distribution of our participants based on whether they had previous experience with
virtual reality. A total of 178 (64.7%) people had past experience with virtual reality

and approximately 97 (35.3%) people had no previous experience of virtual reality.
This indicated most of the population had prior virtual reality experience.
i. Where have you used Virtual Reality?

A total of 275 people answered the question. The bar graph shows the distribution
based on the experience of the population with virtual reality in different fields with
gaming being the main field of virtual reality usage with a percentage of 56.36%.
26.91% chose education, 56.36% chose gaming, 6.182% chose medicine and
healthcare, 2.182% chose engineering, and 6.909% chose real estate &
architecture. On the other hand, 21.45% of the population had no previous
experience with virtual reality in any of the above-mentioned fields.

5- What according to you are the perceived advantage(s) of integrating VR

into medical education

The bar chart illustrates the perceived benefits of integrating VR among students.
Among the respondents, 73.09% chose 'hands-on practice without risking patients,'
followed by 68.73% who selected 'realistic stimulation with an interactive first-
person perspective.' Additionally, 61.45% opted for 'a safe learning environment,'

while 57.82% decided on 'the opportunity to explore rare cases not commonly
encountered.' Other selections included 'repeatable scenarios' chosen by 42.55%,
'more practical for better retention of information' favored by 40%, and 'VR's ability
to assess performance and provide instant feedback' selected by 37.45%. A small
percentage (6.45%) remained unsure, while only 0.727% saw 'No advantages' in VR

6- What according to you are the perceived disadvantage(s) of integrating

VR into medical education

The bar chart illustrates the perceived disadvantages of integrating VR among

students. Among the respondents, 57.45% selected 'Technical Challenges',
followed by 56.73% chose 'Associated health problem’. Additionally, 55.64% opted
for 'setup and maintenance will be costly while 53.09% chose ‘cannot fully replicate
complexity and variability of real-world situations’. Other selections included
'unrealistic experience' chosen by 37.82%, 'learning curve when adopting VR'
selected by 26.91%, and 'limited range of available scenarios' chosen by 23.27%. A
small percentage (5.455%) remained unsure while only 0.364% saw 'No
disadvantage' in VR integration.

1- How competent (/skilled) do you feel in using computers and other
technologies (i.e., smartphones, tablets, etc.) for education

A total of 275 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded,129 (46.91%) were confident
about using computers and other technologies for education. 72 (26.18%) were very
confident, 34 (12.36%) were neither confident nor unconfident, 26 (9.45%) were
very unconfident, and 14 (5.09%) were unconfident.

2- How difficult is it for you to familiarize yourself with a new device, a new
program, or a new function of a device

A total of 275 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded,140 (50.91%) saw it as easy to
familiarize themselves with a new device, a new program, or a new function of a
device. 68 (24.73%) saw it neither easy nor difficult, 54 (19.64%) saw it very easy, 10
(3.64%) saw it difficult, and 3 (1.1%) saw it very difficult.

3- What are your views on the integration of Virtual Reality into the medical

A total of 275 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded,120 (43.64%) favored the
integration of Virtual Reality into the medical curricula. 85 (30.91%) were neutral, 50
(18.18%) strongly favored, 16 (5.82%) were against, and 4 (1.45%) were strongly

i. Rate the following statements

On Analysis of responses observed from 275 individuals, each statement was

evaluated in its own accord as follows:

- Results from statement 1 analysis indicate that 31.37% of participants were

uncertain about having to pay the costs of VR whereas only 6.667% strongly
disagreed with it.
- Results from statement 2 establish that over 47.45% of students agree with
joining a course of VR in contrast to less than 5.882% that strongly
- Statement 3 results demonstrate that 38.43% of individuals agree with the
idea that communicating with a VR patient might be beneficial compared to
the 6.667% that strongly disagreed.
- Statement 4 found that 43.14% of students agree with examination of
patients being done utilizing VR; in comparison to 7.451% that strongly
- Statement 5 findings indicated that over 49.41% of students agree with Vr
improving their performance in contrast to less than 4.314% strongly
disagreeing with the idea overall.

4- Which aspect of medical education according to you will benefit more
from Virtual Reality

This question was only answered by those who selected 'Strongly Agree', 'Agree', or
'Neutral' when asked about their views on the application of VR in the medical
curricula. Participants who chose 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' were exempted
from the following questions. Therefore, a total of 255 participants answered this
question, while 20 were exempted. The bar graph represents the total collected

The majority of participants suggested that the application of VR would be

beneficial for both pre-clinical and clinical years, accounting for 140 (50.9%) of the
responses. Additionally, 71 participants selected only clinical years, and 44
participants selected pre-clinical years, representing the following percentages
respectively: 25.8% and 16.0%.

i. Which subject(s) according to you in the pre-clinical years have the most
potential for application of Virtual Reality

A total of 275 students answered this question. The most abundant response
observed was that VR had the greatest potential for anatomy accounting for
92.94% followed by Radiology (50.59%), Pathology (43.14%) . Moreover, 28.63 %
of participants saw potential in physiology whereas 27.84% chose histology as
their selected subject. The least voted for subject among students was
biochemistry allocated a total of 9.02% of responses collectively.

ii. Which subject(s) according to you in the clinical years has the most potential for
application of Virtual Reality

A total of 275 students responded to this question. The field of Surgery garnered
the most significant number of responses accounting for 88.63% , followed by
orthopedics (56.86%) and Emergency Medicine (54.90). Slight variations were
noted between the potential of Neurology, General medicine, Cardiology and
Obstetrics and Gynecology, accounting for (52.55% , 52.94%, 53.73 % and
55.29%). The subjects that had the least potential were Psychology (16.47 %) ,
Pediatrics ( 24.71%) as well as Dermatology (23.14%).

1- Academic Rank

After eliminating cases that did not meet our inclusion criteria, a total of 23
participants responded to our questionnaire. Above is a pie chart illustrating the
distribution of participants based on their Academic Rank at the College of
Medicine. Among those who responded, the majority were Assistant Professors,
comprising approximately 7 (30.4%) responses. Additionally, there were 5
responses from Associate Professors, 4 from Medical Tutors, 4 from Professors,
and 2 from Lecturers, accounting for the following percentages respectively: 21.7%,
17.4%, 17.4%, and 8.7%.

2- What do they teach

As the table and bar chart illustrate, there is a variety of teaching fields in our target
population. Anatomy/histology (21.7%) was the highest field in participation
followed by clinical skills (17.4%) and physiology (13%) then other fields like

immunology, pharmacology, biochemistry, and few more. Which helps us in the
point of gathering much experience and different points of view.

3- Gender

This is a pie chart representing the gender distribution among our population. We
can notice that the Female: Male ratio is so close, as 12 males participated (52.2%)
and 11 females participated (47.8%). Which represent the approximate gender
percentages in the faculty in our college.

4- Age Group

The bar chart and table illustrate the distribution of participants across various age
groups, each with its corresponding percentage values. The age group 40-50
exhibits the highest contribution at 30.4%, followed closely by the age groups 30-40

and 50-60, each at 26%. Subsequently, there is a noticeable decline in percentages
for age groups below 30 and above 60.


1- Rate the Following Statement ‘I am familiar with the term Virtual Reality’

The bar chart and table above show that more than 70% of our population is familiar
with the term virtual reality. This demonstrates the extent to which virtual reality is
understood and makes it easier to express our goals in a clear and guided manner.
Also worth mentioning is that around 13% of our population didn’t have that much
of enough knowledge and disagreed or knew the term Virtual Reality, also 13% of
the participants felt neutral or in between.

2- Where did you get most of your knowledge about Virtual Reality

The bar chart shows how social media is the dominant source of knowledge
regarding Virtual Reality (78%). While school and medical college medicine really
lacks teaching about virtual reality as both don’t exceed (5%). Also, it’s worth
mentioning there are other sources which our faculty got their knowledge from, For
instance, Workshops ( 17%), friends/family (13%), and others (8.96%).
In my point of view, we should start taking care of virtual reality in places like
schools and medical colleges to make our future generations able to get the most
benefit from technology and modern equipment. As it will be something crucial and
super important.

3- Knowledge Score

Our questionnaire included a section designed to assess the knowledge of our

participants regarding Virtual Reality (VR). This section consisted of 11 questions
covering various aspects such as types, applications, and equipment related to VR.
Each correct answer earned 1 point, with no deduction for incorrect answers.
The performance of participants was categorized into the following ranges:
● High Level of Knowledge: Participants scoring 9-11 questions correctly
typically demonstrate a profound understanding of the topic.
● Moderate Level of Knowledge: Achieving a score of 5-8 questions correctly
may suggest an average level of familiarity with VR.
● Limited or No Knowledge: Participants scoring 0-4 questions correct may
indicate minimal to no understanding of VR.
The mean score obtained was calculated to be 6.57, suggesting that the majority of
participants possess a moderate level of knowledge about Virtual Reality and its
applications. The highest score achieved was 10 (8.7%), while the lowest score
attained was 2 (4.3%).

i. Virtual Reality is a sub-field of __

Correct Answer - Artificial Intelligence

A total of 23 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 9 (39.1%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 1 (4.3%) was not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (56.5%) answered the question wrong.

ii. How many types of Virtual Reality are there?

Correct Answer - Two

A total of 23 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 3 (13.0%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 11 (47.8%) were not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (39.1%) answered the question wrong.

iii. Virtual Reality gives the user ____

Correct Answer - An illusion of (“being there”) in real-time

A total of 23 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 14 (60.9%) of the
participants answered it correctly, while 2 (8.7%) was not aware of the
answer. The remaining participants (30.4%) answered the question wrong.

iv. Select from the list, specialized equipment(s) that allow you to immerse in
the virtual environment

Correct Answer - Gloves, Headset, Bodysuits

A total of 23 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 39.13% chose gloves,
95.65% chose headsets and 47.83% chose bodysuits which are all
considered correct answers. On the other hand, 30.43% picked shoes which
is the wrong answer. Finally, 4.348% were not aware of the answer.

v. Select from the list below, fields where you know Virtual Reality is being

Correct Answer - Education, Gaming, Medicine & Healthcare, Engineering,

Real Estate & Architecture
A total of 23 people answered this question. The bar graph above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 95.65% chose
education, 78.26% chose gaming, 69.57% chose medicine and healthcare,
56.52% chose engineering, and 60.87% chose real estate and architecture
which are all correct answers. 0% of the population had no knowledge about
the answer. Finally, 0% of the population had any other opinions regarding
the fields where virtual reality can be applied.

4- Have you had any previous experiences with Virtual Reality?

A total of 23 people answered this question. The pie chart above depicts the
distribution of our participants on the basis of whether they had previous

experience with virtual reality. A total of 11 (47.8%) people had past experience with
virtual reality and approximately 12 (52.2%) people had no previous experience of
virtual reality. This indicated a majority of the population had no prior virtual reality

i. Where have you used Virtual Reality??

A total of 23 people answered the question. The bar graph shows the distribution based on
the experience of the population with virtual reality in different fields with gaming being the
main field of virtual reality usage. 34.78% chose education, 43.48% chose gaming, 8.696%
chose medicine and healthcare, 4.348% chose engineering, and 13.04% chose real estate
& architecture. On the other hand, 47.83% of the population had no previous experience
with virtual reality in any of the above-mentioned fields.

5- What according to you are the perceived advantage(s) of integrating VR
into medical education

The bar chart illustrates the perceived benefits of integrating VR among faculty.
Among the respondents, 86.96% selected 'realistic stimulation with an interactive
first-person perspective', followed by 69.57% chose 'safe learning environment.
Additionally, 65.22% opted for 'hands-on practice without risking patients,.'' while
60.87% opted for 'Allows exploring rare cases you wouldn’t find frequently.' Other
selections included 'repeatable scenarios' chosen by 52.17%, 'more practical so
better retention of information' selected by 39.13%, and 'VR can assess
performance and give instant feedback' chosen by 43.48%. A small percentage
(8.696%) remained unsure.

6- What according to you are the perceived disadvantage(s) of integrating
VR into medical education

The bar chart illustrates the perceived disadvantages of integrating VR among

faculty. Among the respondents, 73.91% selected 'Technical Challenges', followed
by 60.87% chose 'cannot fully replicate complexity and variability of real-world
situations’. Additionally, 52.17% opted for 'Associated health problem' and 'setup
and maintenance will be costly.' Other selections included 'unrealistic experience'
chosen by 39.13%, 'limited range of available scenarios' selected by 34.78%, and
'learning curve when adopting VR' chosen by 30.43%. A small percentage (8.696%)
remained unsure.

1- How competent (/skilled) do you feel in using computers and other
technologies (i.e., smartphones, tablets, etc.) for education

A total of 23 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 12 (52.2%) felt confident in how
skilled they are using computers and other technologies for education. 8 (34.78%)
felt very confident, 2 (8.70%) neither felt confident nor unconfident, and 1 (4.35%)
felt very unconfident.

2- How difficult is it for you to familiarize yourself with a new device, a new
program, or a new function of a device

A total of 23 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded, 12 (52.17%) saw it as easy to
familiarize themselves with a new device, a new program, or a new function of a
device. 6 (26.09%) saw it neither easy nor difficult, 3 (13.04%) saw it difficult, and 2
(8.70%) saw it very easy.

3- What are your views on the integration of Virtual Reality into the medical

A total of 23 people answered this question. The pie chart above shows the
responses collected. Among those who responded,13 (56.52%) favored the
integration of Virtual Reality into the medical curricula. 6 (26.09%) strongly favored
it, and 4 (17.39%) were neutral.

ii. Rate the following statements

On Analysis of responses observed from 23 individuals, each statement was
evaluated in its own accord as follows:
- Results for Statement 1 show that the majority of participants agree with the
possibility of VR improving student performance ( 56.5%) and only 4.3%
strongly disagree.

- Results for Statement 2 indicate the majority of participants show readiness

towards VR (65.2%), and an equal number of participants appear to disagree
or are uncertain ( 8.7%).

- Results for Statement 3 illustrate that there was a slight variation in people’s
positive sentiment towards joining a course for VR with 43.5% strongly
agreeing and 39.1% only agreeing. An equal number of participants appear to
disagree or are uncertain ( 8.7%) .

- Results for statement 4 demonstrate that 60.9% of participants agree with

the statement whereas only 4.3% disagree.

- Results for statement 5 indicate that there was a slight variation in

individuals agreeing with the statement or being uncertain accounting for
47.8% and 30.4% respectively. In contrast an equal amount of participants
appear to strongly disagree or only disagree (4.3%)

4- Which aspect of medical education according to you will benefit more
from Virtual Reality

This question was only answered by those who selected 'Strongly Agree', 'Agree', or
'Neutral' when asked about their views on the application of VR in the medical
curricula. Participants who chose 'Disagree' or 'Strongly Disagree' were exempted
from the following questions. Since none of the participants selected 'Disagree' or
'Strongly Disagree', all 23 participants answered this question. The bar graph
represents the total collected responses.

The majority of participants suggested that the application of VR would be

beneficial for both pre-clinical and clinical years, accounting for 18 (78.3%) of the
responses. Additionally, 3 participants selected only pre-clinical years, and 2
participants selected clinical years, representing the following percentages
respectively: 13.0% and 8.7%

i. Which subject(s) according to you in the pre-clinical years have the most
potential for application of Virtual Reality

23 participants answered this question. Anatomy accounted for the most

responses ( 95.85% ) followed by Physiology ( 69.57%) , Radiology ( 47.83%) and
Genetics (43.48%). Potentials were established to equal among 3 subjects:
Biochemistry, Psychology and Microbiology, each allocated 26.09%
respectively. Histology was appointed the least potential at 21.74% .

ii. Which subject(s) according to you in the clinical years has the most potential
for application of Virtual Reality

A total of 23 participants responded to this question. The field of surgery was

appointed to have the greatest potential at 91.30% followed by Obstetrics and
Gynecology and Orthopedics equally ( 69.57%) and Neurology at 65.22%.
Furthermore, The field of cardiology garnered 60.87% of responses whereas
ophthalmology had 56.52% of responses. The field of Oncology and ENT were
found to have the same potential accounting for 47.83% correspondingly. The
least amount of responses was appointed towards Psychology accounting for


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