L2 - L3 Core Glossary - PDF Version - V2023Q4

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Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish

Después del arresto de su hijo, él será

After your son's arrest, he will be taken to
911 - Law Detención / To deprive (a person) of liberty by taking llevado a la cárcel del condado y
1 Arrest the county jail and will be held there until
enforcement Arresto them into custody, under lawful authority. permanecerá ahí hasta que se presente
he appears before the judge.
ante un juez.

911 - Law An intentional or reckless act that causes I need to know when the assault took Necesito saber cuándo ocurrió la agresión
2 Assault Agresión (NO ASALTO) another person to expect to be subjected place and if you recognize the assailant.
enforcement física y si usted reconoce al agresor.
to immediate and unlawful violence.
Security, usually a sum of money
Your bail has been set at $25,000. If you
911 - Law exchanged for the release of an arrested Su fianza está fijada a $25,000. Si no tiene
3 Bail Fianza don't have the funds, you can see a bail
enforcement person as a guarantee of that person's los fondos, puede ver a un fiador judicial.
appearance for trial.
Refers to the concentration of alcohol in
one's bloodstream, expressed as a
911 - Law Blood alcohol Su nivel de alcoholemia excede 0.08%.
4 Nivel de alcoholemia percentage. This percentage isused to Your blood alcohol level exceeds 0.08%.
enforcement level
determine whether a person is legally
intoxicated, especially for DUI law.
Usurpación de morada / Also called breaking and entering. It is an
I will purchase a home alarm system as Compraré un sistema de alarma para la
911 - Law Allanamiento de morada / illegal entry into a building for the purposes
5 Burglary there was recently a burglary in the casa ya que recientemente hubo un robo
enforcement Meterse a robar un of committing an offence. Usually that
neighborhood. en el vecindario.
inmueble offence will be theft.
Refers to the crime of driving a motor
vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other You are being charged with DUI-driving
Usted tiene cargos de conducir bajo los
911 - Law Conducir bajo los efectos drugs (including recreational drugs and under the influence of drugs and/or
6 DUI efecto de alcohol o droga. ¿es esta su
enforcement de alcohol o drogas those prescribed by physicians), to a level alcohol. Is this your first offense?
primer ofensa?
that renders the driver incapable of
operating a motor vehicle safely.
In one state, DUI might be the same as
DWI, while in another state the two terms
911 - Law DWI (Driving Conducir/manejar en could be different. DUI refers to driving ¿Alguna vez le han puesto algún cargo por
7 under the influence, while DWI may mean Have you ever been charged with DWI?
enforcement While Intoxicated) estado de ebriedad manejar en estado de ebriedad?
driving while intoxicated or driving while
impaired. The precise definitions depend
on the state.
911 - Law An unexpected and usually dangerous I need to know the nature of your Necesito saber el motivo de su emergencia
8 Emergency Emergencia situation that calls for immediate medical emergency in order to send the police, fire para poder enviar a la policía, bomberos o
attention. department or the paramedics. paramédicos.
A system that provides emergency medical
care. Once it is activated by an incident that Se llamó a los trabajadores del servicio de
911 - Law EMS (Emergency Servicio de emergencias EMS workers were called to the scene and
9 causes serious illness or injury, the focus of emergencias médicas y la declararon
enforcement Medical Service) médicas pronounced her dead upon arrival.
EMS is emergency medical care of the muerta al llegar.
A first responder who is trained in basic
medical knowledge and skills to provide Si posee entrenamiento o habilidades
EMT (Emergency immediate medical care to patients in an If you have special training or skills, such especiales, tal como certificación de
911 - Law Técnica(o) de
10 Medical emergency. They are often the first as EMT certification, let crew members técnica de emergencias médicas, informe
enforcement emergencias médicas
Technician) emergency service providers to arrive on know if you are willing to help. a los miembros de la tripulación si está
the scene of a crisis, such as an accident, dispuesta a ayudar.
medical emergency, fire or natural disaster.
Serious crimes, such as murder, rape, or El cargo en su contra es un delito mayor. Si
The charge against you is a felony. If found
911 - Law robbery, punishable by a more stringent es encontrado culpable, conlleva una
11 Felony Delito mayor guilty, it carries a sentence up to 10 years
enforcement sentence than that given for a sentencia de hasta 10 años en una prisión
in a state prison.
misdemeanor. estatal.
The Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Fue detenido por el oficial ya que su carro
is a battery of 3 tests performed during a You were pulled over by the officer as your
Prueba de sobriedad en el estaba moviéndose dentro y fuera del
traffic stop in order to determine if a driver car was weaving in and out of traffic. He
911 - Law sitio / tráfico. Él estaba autorizado a hacer una
12 Field sobriety test is impaired. The 3 tests that make up the was authorized to conduct a field sobriety
enforcement Prueba de sobriedad en el prueba de sobriedad en el sitio para ver si
SFST are the horizontal gaze nystagmus test to see if you were under the influence
lugar usted estaba bajo los efectos de drogas o
(HGN), the walk-and-turn, and the one-leg of drugs or alcohol.
stand tests.
Do I have to pay the $100 fine right away ¿Tengo que pagar la multa de $100
Fine (context Refers to a sum of money required to be
911 - Law or can I make monthly payments? I want inmediatamente o puedo hacer pagos
13 dependent) / Multa paid especially to the government as a
enforcement to get my car back as I need it to commute mensuales? Quiero recuperar mi carro ya
Penalties penalty for an offense.
to my job. que lo necesito para ir a mi trabajo.

911 - Law Huellas dactilares / A mark made by the pattern of ridges on Your fingerprints were at the scene of the Sus huellas dactilares estaban en la escena
14 Fingerprints Huellas digitales crime, both on the entrance and bedroom del crimen, en puertas tanto de la entrada
enforcement the pad of a human finger.
doors of the home. de la casa como de la recámara.
911 - Law Forge / To make or produce a fraudulent imitation They forged documents to enter the Falsificaron documentos para entrar al
15 Falsificar of (a signature, banknote, etc) or to commit country.
enforcement Falsify (verb) país.
forgery. To alter in order to commit fraud.
911 - Law Fraude / Deliberate deception, trickery, or cheating Common types of insurance fraud are Tipos comunes de fraude de seguro son
16 Fraud staged accidents, exaggerated injuries, and accidentes falsos, lesiones exageradas,
enforcement Fraudulento intended to gain an advantage.
inflated medical bills. facturas médicas con precios inflados.
911 - Law Patrulla de caminos / Is either a police unit that oversees and The Highway patrol came to the site of the La patrulla de caminos vino al sitio del
17 Highway patrol enforces traffic safety compliance on roads accident and placed red flares for people accidente y puso luces rojas para que la
enforcement Policía vial
and highways. to slow down. gente manejara más despacio
Seize and take legal custody of a vehicle (or
Your vehicle has been impounded because Su vehículo ha sido confiscado porque
911 - Law Confiscado / something, especially goods, or documents)
18 Impounded you owe more than $3,000 in parking usted debe más de $3,000 en multas de
enforcement Incautado because of an infringement of a law or
tickets. estacionamiento.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Refers to a criminal offense that is less
You have a long history of committing Usted tiene un largo historial de delitos
911 - Law serious than a felony and generally
19 Misdemeanor Delito menor misdemeanor crimes which may affect menores cometidos los cuales pueden
enforcement punishable by a fine, a jail term of up to a
your sentencing. afectar su sentencia.
year, or both.
Infracción con el vehículo
en movimiento / A moving violation is a breach of state ¿Hay algo que pueda hacer para eliminar
911 - Law Is there anything I can do to remove these
20 Moving violation Infracción de tránsito / traffic laws, rules, or statutes that occur estas citaciones de tránsito de vehículo en
enforcement moving violations from my record?
Citación de tránsito de while a vehicle's in motion. marcha de mis registros?
vehículo en marcha
911 - Law Members of an ambulance crew trained in The ambulances are usually staffed by Las ambulancias normalmente están
21 Paramedics Paramédicas(os) a number of life-saving skills, including intensive care doctors, nurses and provistas de doctores de cuidados
infusion and cardiac care. paramedics. intensivos, enfrmeras y paramédicos.
911 - Law The police station situated in and having The suspect was taken to the local El sospechoso fue llevado a la comisaría
22 Precinct Comisaría jurisdiction over a subdivision or district of
enforcement precinct. local.
a city or town.
A legally binding order of the court,
enforceable by law enforcement officials as
Hay varios pasos a seguir para obtener una
911 - Law well as the court. Such protective orders There are many steps to follow in order to
23 Restraining order Orden de alejamiento orden de restricción por violencia
enforcement are issued, not only to protect victims from get a domestic violence restraining order.
violence, but from other forms of abuse,
nuisance, and stalking.
Robbery is the crime of taking or
911 - Law Robo con violencia / attempting to take something of value by In many states, robbery is considered a En muchos estados el robo con violencia
24 Robbery
enforcement Delito de robo violento force or threat of force or by putting the felony. es considerado un delito mayor.
victim in fear.
911 - Law To take and use (ideas, credit, property,
25 Stolen Robado They found the stolen Bentley. Encontraron el Bentley robado.
enforcement etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
Theft referst to taking of another person's Shoplifting is a form of theft. If you enter a El hurto en tiendas es un modo de robo. Si
Hurto /
911 - Law property without that person's permission store and leave the store without paying usted entra en una tienda y se va de la
26 Theft Robo /
enforcement or consent with the intent to deprive the for the merchandise, that's shoplifting. tienda sin pagar por la mercancía, eso es
Delito de hurto
rightful owner of it. hurto en tiendas.
An unfortunate incident that happens
27 Auto Insurance Accident Accidente unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically How did the accident happen? ¿Cómo ocurrió el accidente?
resulting in damage or injury.
Liquidador(a) de daños / Insurance company employee in charge of The adjuster will call you to take a El perito de siniestro le llamará para
28 Auto Insurance Adjuster tomarle una declaración grabada acerca
Perita(o) de siniestros processing claims to their resolution. recorded statement about the accident.
del accidente.
A safety device inside a vehicle, consisting
of a cushion designed to inflate rapidly in Did the airbags deploy when the car ¿Se desplegaron las bolsas de aire cuando
29 Auto Insurance Airbag Bolsa de aire
the event of a collision and positioned so as crashed? el carro chocó?
to protect passengers from being thrown.
Callejón / A narrow passageway between or behind
30 Auto Insurance Alley I did not see the car exit the alley. No vi al carro salir del callejón.
Pasadizo buildings.
A liquid, typically based on ethylene glycol, To prevent the blocking of the liquid
Para evitar el bloqueo de la válvula de flujo
which can be added to water to lower the streaming valve, use antifreeze once a
31 Auto Insurance Antifreeze Agente anticongelante utilice un agente anticongelante una vez al
freezing point, chiefly used in the radiator month in the winter time.
mes durante el invierno.
of a motor vehicle
Tasador(a) / One who estimates officially the cost or The appraiser inspected the vehicle and El tasador inspeccionó el vehículo y envió
32 Auto Insurance Appraiser Evaluador(a) / repairs or replacement of damaged sent his report to the adjuster. su reporte al liquidador de daños.
Agente de avalúos property, such as a home or a car.
Tener la culpa / Responsibility for a mistake or an offense; The police determined you were at fault
La policía determinó que usted tuvo la
33 Auto Insurance At fault
Culpable culpability. for the accident. culpa del accidente.
La explosión o detonación del escape
Refers to an engine that undergoes a Backfire occurs when unburned fuel
sucede cuando el combustible no
34 Auto Insurance Backfire Explosión del escape mistimed explosion in the cylinder or moves back into the intake, and combusts.
quemado regresa hacia la toma y agarra
fuego/ arde/ se prende en fuego.
A support for a person´s back when taking a Hice que el respaldo sea tapizado en
35 Auto Insurance Backrest Respaldo I had the backrest upholstered in vinyl.
seat. vinilo.
Type of curve, curve, curved segment of a A vehicle spinning on a slippery road in a Un vehículo girando en una carretera
36 Auto Insurance Blind curve Curva sin visibilidad road that prevents motorists from having blind curve is the most dangerous peril on resbaladiza en una curva sin visibilidad es
ample visibility when driving. the road. el riesgo más peligroso en una carretera.
Refers to an area around the vehicle that
Punto ciego / cannot be directly observed by the driver She was in my blind spot, that's why I hit Ella estaba en mi punto ciego, por eso
37 Auto Insurance Blind spot
Zona muerta while at the controls, under existing her bumper. golpeé a su parachoques.
¿Notó si el otro conductor tenía sus luces
Did you notice if the other driver had her
A device that blinks, especially a vehicle's intermitentes encendidas antes de
38 Auto Insurance Blinkers Luces intermitentes blinkers on before changing lanes?
turn signal. cambiar de carril?

Any physical or mental impairment suffered Yo soy el perito de siniestros para las
I am the adjuster for the bodily injuries
Lesiones corporales / by an insured. It includes occupational lesiones corporales sufridas durante el
39 Auto Insurance Bodily injury suffered during the car accident with Mr.
Daños físicos diseases, auto injuries, work-related accidente automovilístico con el señor
accidents and even death. Lewis.
Taller de carrocería / A repair establishment specializing in non- You are all set to bring your car to the Está todo listo para que traiga su carro al
40 Auto Insurance Body shop Taller de chapistería / mechanical damages to automobile body shop for an inspection. taller de carrocería para una inspección.
Taller de latonería framework and body.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Halt or stop, refers to an interruption to I couldn't see the red light, it was raining a No pude ver la luz roja, estaba lloviendo
41 Auto Insurance Brake (verb) Frenar mucho, por lo tanto no pude frenar a
continue driving a vehicle. lot, therefore I couldn't brake in time.
Broadside Choque de costado / Refers to where the side of one vehicle is According to the police report, this was a De acuerdo con el informe de la policía se
42 Auto Insurance impacted by the front or rear of another
collision Choque lateral broadside collision. trataba de un choque de costado.
vehicle, forming a "T".
Not functioning due to a mechanical failure; My vehicle broke down on the side of the Mi vehículo se ha descompuesto al lado de
43 Auto Insurance Broken down Descompuesto la carretera y necesito una grúa.
worn-out. road and I need a tow truck

Parachoques / A horizontal bar fixed across the front or Headlight are set flush with the front Los faros del carro están nivelados con el
44 Auto Insurance Bumper Paragolpes / back of a motor vehicle to lessen or reduce bumper. parachoques delantero.
Defensa shock or damage in a collision.
Carril de cambio /
Refers to an auxiliary lane designed to
Change lane Carril de cruce / It's good there was a change lane, Es bueno que hubiera un carril de cambio,
45 Auto Insurance separate turning vehicles from through
(noun) Carril para doblar / otherwise I would have crashed. de otra manera hubiera chocado.
Carril para cruzar

A point (place or location) at which a check The police will have checkpoints La policía tendrá puestos de control en
46 Auto Insurance Check-point Punto de inspección throughout the city to help deter drunk toda la ciudad para ayudar a prevenir la
is performed
driving. conducción en estado de ebriedad.
Mis números de reclamos /reclamaciones
A demand for payment in accordance with My claim numbers are 764902 for roof son 764902 por daños en el techo y
Reclamación /
47 Auto Insurance Claim an insurance policy. A demand for damage and 764909 for flood damage 764909 por daños por inundación después
something due or believed to be due. after the hail storm last week de la tormenta de granizo la semana
Refers to a mechanism for connecting and You only need to activate the gas pedal Sólo necesita pisar el acelerador y el pedal
48 Auto Insurance Clutch Embrague disconnecting an engine and the de embrague para que el motor arranque.
and the clutch pedal to start the engine.
transmission system in a vehicle.
Colisión / A crash, an accident resulting from violent Luckily there were no injuries after the Afortunadamente no hubo lesiones
49 Auto Insurance Collision impact of a moving object. A forcefull
Choque multiple collision. después del choque múltiple.
impact between two objects.
Coverage that pays for the repair or
The collision coverage will pay for the La cobertura contra choques pagará por
replacement of a vehicle in case of
50 Auto Insurance Collision coverage Cobertura contra choques damages to your car if you are at fault for los daños a su carro si usted es culpable
accident; forms part of what is considered
the accident. del accidente.
"full coverage" for automobile policies.
Come to rest (a Pararse / Refers to the state of being motionless or After the impact where did your vehicle Después del impacto ¿dónde paro su
51 Auto Insurance car after an Detenerse settled. come to rest? vehículo?
Cobertura contra todo Automobile coverage that pays for
damages not directly related to an auto As your vehicle was stolen, you must make Ya que su vehículo fue robado, debe hacer
Comprehensive riesgo (NO
52 Auto Insurance crash, that covers a wide array of events a claim. It will be paid under the un reclamo. Será pagado bajo la cobertura
that can damage your car, including theft, comprehensive coverage of your policy. contra todo riesgo de su póliza.
Cobertura integral
vandalism, fires and natural disasters.
The space between two converging lines or The accident happened at the corner of El accidente pasó en la esquina de las
53 Auto Insurance Corner Esquina surfaces near their intersection; an angle, Berry and 14th Ave. avenidas Berry y 14.
either external or internal.
Estrellarse / To collide violently with an obstacle or My friend crashed his car while driving Mi amigo estrelló su carro mientras
54 Auto Insurance Crash (verb)
Colisionar another vehicle. home drunk after the party. conducía ebrio a casa después de la fiesta.
Crosswalk / Paso peatonal / A marked part of a road where pedestrians I felt three impacts; and the third impact Sentí tres impactos; y el tercer impacto me
55 Auto Insurance Pedestrian Cruce de cebra have right of way to cross. pushed me into the crosswalk. empujó hacia el cruce de cebra.
An electronic device in a motor vehicle that
El piloto automático es una buena
can be switched on to maintain a selected Cruise control is a nice feature when you
56 Auto Insurance Cruise control Piloto automático característica cuando se conduce por
constant speed without the use of the drive long distances.
largas distancias.
I noticed the defroster is still not working
A system to clear condensation and thaw Observé/noté que el desempañador aún
even though the vehicle has already been
57 Auto Insurance Defroster Desempañador frost from the windshield, backglass, and/or no está funcionando a pesar de que el
side windows of a motor vehicle. vehículo ya ha sido reparado.

A slight hollow in a hard, even surface

Abolladura / made by a blow or by the exertion of My vehicle is dented all over because of Mi vehículo está todo abollado a causa de
58 Auto Insurance Dent /
Hendidura / pressure. Having the central part lower the hail storm. la tormenta de granizo.
than the margin.
When a safety device in a car, consisting of
a bag inflates automatically in an accident Did the airbags deploy when the accident ¿Se desplegaron las bolsas de aire cuando
59 Auto Insurance Deploy Desplegar
and prevents the passengers from being happened? ocurrió el accidente?
thrown forward.
Desvío / A long or roundabout route taken to avoid The detour was confusing and I ended up El desvío era confuso y terminé en una
60 Auto Insurance Detour
Desviación something along the way. on a one way street. calle de una sola vía/un solo sentido.
A narrow channel dug in the ground, My brakes failed and we ended up in the Mis frenos fallaron y terminamos en la
61 Auto Insurance Ditch Zanja typically used for drainage alongside a road zanja.
or the edge of a field.
A state agency in charge of administering
DMV Tendrá que ir al departamento de
Departamento de vehicle registration and driver licensing and You will have to go to the DMV in person
62 Auto Insurance (Department of vehículos motorizados en persona para
Vehiculos Motorizados keeping driving records for drivers in the to register the vehicle.
Motor Vehicles) registrar el vehículo.
state, including tickets, accidents, etc.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
The witness statement indicates that you La declaración del testigo indica que
were double parked and opened your estaba
Estacionarse Park (a vehicle) alongside one that is
63 Auto Insurance Double park estacionado paralelamente y abrió la
paralelamente already parked at the side of the road. door without looking.
sin mirar
Conducible / Was your car drivable after the accident or ¿Estaba su carro conducible después del
64 Auto Insurance Drivable Vehicle which use or operation is possible.
Manejable did it have to be towed? accidente o tuvo que ser remolcado?
Locations designated by auto insurance
companies, where drivers can bring their
vehicles to have damages inspected, in Please make an appointment at our drive- Por favor haga una cita en nuestro centro
65 Auto Insurance Drive-in facility Centro de inspecciones order to have an estimate of the repair in facilities to have the damages to your de inspecciones para evaluar los daños de
costs. An insurance office designated to vehicle appraised. su vehículo.
inspect and evaluate damages to
An official document or card which shows
that you have the legal right to drive a
Necesitamos una licencia de conducir
66 Auto Insurance Driver's License Licencia de conducir vehicle. A permit, issued by a state's motor We need a valid driver's license.
vehicle bureau, that allows the holder to
drive a motor vehicle on public roads.
Emergency lights
/ The flashing lights of a motor vehicle to
Luces de emergencias / When you pull over on the road, don't Cuando se orille en la carretera, no olvide
67 Auto Insurance Emergency indicate that the vehicle is stationary and
Luces intermitentes forget to turn your emergency lights on. encender sus luces intermitentes.
blinkers / temporarily obstructing the traffic.
Hazard lights
A motor that propels an automobile by
68 Auto Insurance Engine Motor converting thermal energy to power to The car has a four-cylinder engine. El auto tiene un motor de cuatro cilindros.
produce force and motion.
A highway ramp as in exit ramp / off-ramp The road crew closed the exit ramp due to El equipo/la cuadrilla de carretera cerró la
69 Auto Insurance Exit (ramp) (Rampa de) salida which allows vehicles to exit a controlled- rampa de salida debido a reparaciones que
repairs to the pavement being done.
access highway, freeway or motorway. se realizaban en el pavimento.
Fender: part of the body of an automobile
that is mounted over the wheels to reduce
the splashing of mud and water. A guard
over each wheel of a motor vehicle, for
Guardafango / Which of the fenders was dented? Was it ¿Cuál de los guardafangos estaba
Fender (car) / example, that is shaped and positioned so
Guardabarros / the one on the driver's side or the one on abollado? ¿Era el del lado del conductor o
70 Auto Insurance Mudguard as to block the splashing of water or mud.
Guardalodos / the passenger's side. And was it the front el lado del pasajero? ¿Y era la llanta
(bicycle) Mudguard: a curved strip or cover over a
Salpicadera or the rear tire? delantera o trasera?
wheel of a vehicle, especially a bicycle or
motorcycle, designed to the protect the
vehicle and rider from water and dirt
thrown up from the road.
I really wouldn't call it an accident because Realmente no lo llamaría un accidente,
71 Auto Insurance Fender bender Choque leve A minor collision between motor vehicles. nothing happened; it was more of a fender porque no pasó nada; fue más un choque
bender. leve.
Colearse / Refers to a vehicle skidding in a way that The scariest moment was when the car El momento más aterrador fue cuando el
72 Auto Insurance Fishtail (verb)
Derrapar makes a fishtail movement. started to fishtail. carro empezó a colearse.
Flip over / Volcar / I'm calling to report a flipped over vehicle Estoy llamando para reportar que un
73 Auto Insurance Tip over Turn upside down.
Volcarse in the middle of the road. vehículo se volcó en medio de la carretera.
4x4 /
Doble tracción / A transmission system that provides power I'm interested in renting a vehicle with Estoy interesado en alquilar un vehículo
74 Auto Insurance Four wheel drive
Tracción en las cuatro directly to all four wheels of a vehicle. four wheel drive. con tracción en las cuatro llantas.
An express highway, especially one with Was traffic heavy on the freeway at that ¿Estaba el tráfico pesado en la autopista a
75 Auto Insurance Freeway Autopista
controlled access. time of day? esa hora del día?
This term denotes a combination of
coverage bundled into one policy. The Full ¿En esta póliza de seguro, quiere tener
On this insurance policy, would you like to
Coverage designation typically means that seguro de responsabilidad civil o cobertura
Cobertura Completa (NO have liability or full coverage for your
76 Auto Insurance Full Coverage the policy includes Liability coverage, completa para su vehículo? El precio
FULL COVER) vehicle? The price will depend on the type
Comprehensive coverage and Collision; dependerá del tipo de cobertura que
of coverage that you select.
thus, the insured party is protected against usted seleccione.
the three major sources of loss.
Palanca de cambio de A device used to engage or disengage gears La palanca de cambio de velocidades está
77 Auto Insurance Gear shift The gear shift is stuck and I can't move it.
velocidades in a transmission or similar mechanism. atascada y no puedo moverla.
A light on the front of a vehicle (such as a The car only had one headlight on, the El carro solo tenía un faro encendido, el
78 Auto Insurance Headlights Faros
car or motorcycle). right one. derecho.
Hinged side door A movable door typically consisting of a They broke the lock on the hinged side Rompieron la cerradura de la puerta
79 Auto Insurance Puerta lateral pivotante panel that swings on hinges or that slides or door and stole the tools. lateral pivotante y se robaron las
(in a van)
rotates. herramientas.
When a driver who is invloved in an As a misdemeanor, hit and run carries a Como delito menor, chocar y huir puede
accident leaves the scene of the accident possible sentence of up to six months in conllevar una sentencia de hasta seis
Chocar y huir /
80 Auto Insurance Hit and run meses en la prisión del condado así como
Chocar y darse a la fuga without providing information to the other the county jail as well as a fine up to
drivers or the police. $1,000.00 dollars, or both. una multa de hasta $1,000.00 dólares, o
He was backing up from his parking space Él estaba retrocediendo de su espacio de
Bocina - claxon - corneta /
Horn / A sound-making device that vehicles are and although I honked my horn several estacionamiento y a pesar de que toqué la
81 Auto Insurance Tocar la bocina - tocar el
To honk equipped with, to use as a warning noise. times, he did not stop. I did not have a bocina varias veces, él no paró. Yo no tuve
chance to get out of the way. oportunidad de quitarme del camino.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Tapa de la llanta / A metal or plastic cover for the hub of a It's so strange, they didn't steal the tires, Es tan extraño, no se robaron las llantas,
82 Auto Insurance Hubcap
Tapa de la rueda del carro motor vehicle's wheel. just the hubcaps. solo las tapas de las llantas.
An intersection is a junction or an area of
the roadway where two or more roads
cross or meet. An intersection can be four-
way (or crossroads), three way (T-junction La regla de oro cuando se acerca a una
The golden rule when you're coming up to
83 Auto Insurance Intersection Intersección or Y-junction, sometimes refer to as a fork), intersección es "prepárese para
an intersection is 'be prepared to stop'.
or five or more ways. An intersection can detenerse".
also be any place where a public entrance
or exit joins a road. A private driveway is
not an intersection.
A division of a road marked off with painted
84 Auto Insurance Lane Carril lines and intended to separate single lines Which lane were you in? ¿En cuál carril estaba/iba usted?
of traffic according to speed or direction.
Ya que el accidente fue su culpa, el otro
Liability insurance only pays for bodily Since the accident was your fault, the
Seguro de conductor estará cubierto bajo la porción
85 Auto Insurance Liability insurance injuries or property damage suffered by other driver will be covered under the
responsabilidad civil de seguro de responsabilidad civil de su
others when you are at fault in an accident. liability insurance portion of your policy.
A metal plate affixed to a vehicle that
Placa / shows a series of numbers and letters that Was that a license plate from the State of
86 Auto Insurance License Plate ¿Era una placa del estado de Virginia?
Matrícula (NO Patente) are used to identify the vehicle, indicating Virginia?
that it has been registered with the state.
A metal plate that bears a sequence of I gave the officer the license plate number Le di al oficial el número de placa del carro
Número de Placa (de un
License plate numbers, letters, or both and is issued by a of the other car that was involved in the que estuvo involucrado en el accidente.
87 Auto Insurance automóvil) /
number government to identify an officially accident. I hope they can find the guy who Espero que encuentren al tipo que se pasó
Número de matrícula
registered vehicle. ran the red light. la luz roja.
Someone whose occupation is repairing If you smell gas, take the car to your
88 Auto Insurance Mechanic Mecánica(o) Si huele a gas, lleve el auto a su mecánico.
and maintaining automobiles. mechanic.
The strip of land between the lanes of
89 Auto Insurance Median (strip) Franja central The median was under construction. La franja central estaba bajo construcción.
opposing traffic on a divided highway.
A flap that hangs behind the wheel of a
vehicle and is designed to prevent water,
Lodera / Leyes sobre loderas varían de estado a
90 Auto Insurance Mud flap mud, and stones thrown up from the road Mud flap laws vary from state to state.
Polveadora estado.
from hitting the bodywork of the vehicle or
any following vehicles.
A curved strip or cover over a wheel of a
guardabarros / vehicle, especially a bicycle or motorcycle,
After the accident, the mudguard was Después del accidente el guardabarros
91 Auto Insurance Mudguard guardafangos / designed to protect the vehicle and rider
bent and touching the wheel. estaba doblado y tocando la rueda.
salpicadera from water and dirt thrown up from the
Multi-car collision Colisión múltiple / Multi-car collision, multi-vehicle collision, Yes, it was a multi-car collision, four cars in Sí, fue un choque múltiple, cuatro carros
92 Auto Insurance pile-up, or chain-reaction crash) is a road
/ crash Choque múltiple total. en total.
traffic accident involving many vehicles.
Car navigation systems receive signals from
The navigation system uses GPS signals to El sistema de navegación utiliza señales de
satellites and identify the vehicle's position
93 Auto Insurance Navigation system Sistema de navegación determine the vehicle's current location GPS para determinar la ubicación y
and direction, then direct the driver to a
and direction. dirección actual del vehículo.
No (left/right) Señal de no virar / This traffic sign indicates that righ or left The other driver ignored the no-turn El otro conductor ignoró la señal de no
94 Auto Insurance
turn sign Señal de no voltear turns are prohibited. signal. virar.
Laws enacted by states forcing insured
En estados con leyes independientes de
Leyes independientes de parties to file injury claims through their In states with no-fault laws, P.I.P (Personal
95 Auto Insurance No fault laws culpabilidad, la protección contra daños
culpabilidad own insurance companies, regardless of Injury Protection) is usually required.
personales usualmente es requerida.
The no-outlet or dead end sign may be used
Rótulo/aviso de calle sin at the entrance of a single road or street El aviso de calle sin salida estaba
96 Auto Insurance No Outlet sign The no outlet sign was blocked by a truck.
salida that terminates in a dead end or cul-de-sac, bloqueado por un camión.
to indicate there is no other exit.
Indicador de millaje / An instrument for measuring the distance La manipulación del odómetro es un delito
97 Auto Insurance Odometer Odometer tampering is a serious crime.
Odómetro traveled by a vehicle. grave.
Rampa de salida / A highway ramp as in exit ramp / off-ramp The driver did not turn on his turn signal to El chofer no puso sus luces de cruce para
98 Auto Insurance Off ramp Carril de salida en which allows vehicles to exit a controlled- indicate he was going to take the off ramp. indicar que iba a tomar la rampa de salida.
pendiente access highway, freeway or motorway.
Rampa de entrada / A highway ramp as in entry ramp / on-ramp La rampa de entrada está cerrada por
99 Auto Insurance On ramp Carril de entrada en which allows vehicles to enter a controlled- The on ramp is closed for repairs.
pendiente access highway, freeway or motorway.
A street or road that only allows traffic I was given a ticket for driving the wrong Me dieron una boleta de infracción por
100 Auto Insurance One way street Calle de una sola vía movement in one direction only; a one-way conducir en sentido contrario en una calle
way on a one way street.
traffic only. de una sola vía.
Overpass / Puente elevado / A passage, roadway, or bridge that crosses Did you file a police report for the rock ¿Presentó un informe policial por el
101 Auto Insurance throwing incident that occurred on the incidente de lanzamiento de piedras que
Flyover Paso elevado above another roadway.
overpass? ocurrió en el paso elevado?
Insurance: tip (something) over so that it is It was slippery, I pushed the breaks but the Estaba resbaladizo, pisé los frenos pero el
102 Auto Insurance Overturned Se volcó (volcarse)
on its side or upside down. [Flipped over] car overturned. carro terminó volcado.
Cuando me estaba subiendo a la
A small truck with an enclosed cab and As I was getting in the pickup truck, the camioneta el toro le pegó por el lado
103 Auto Insurance Pickup truck Camioneta
open back. bull hit the rear right side. trasero derecho/de la derecha.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
This coverage provides personal injuries
Protección contra daños benefits in states with no-fault laws. The medical claims for you and the others Los reclamos médicos para usted y de los
PIP (Personal
personales / Coverage usually applies to the insured, all injured in the accident will be covered by demás lesionados en el accidente serán
104 Auto Insurance Injury
Cobertura contra daños members of the insured’s household, any the PIP portion of your policy. cubiertos por la protección contra daños
personales passengers and any pedestrian struck by an personales de su póliza.
insured’s vehicle.

Part of an object where an impact has I need to know the exact point of impact Necesito saber el punto de impacto exacto
105 Auto Insurance Point of impact Punto de impacto of the two vehicles involved in the de los dos vehículos involucrados en el
taken place.
accident. accidente.
Refers to a system of hydraulics used to If the car has power brakes, run the engine Si el vehículo tiene frenos de potencia,
106 Auto Insurance Power brakes Frenos de potencia encienda el motor durante este
slow down or stop most motor vehicles while performing this procedure.
I wouldn't call it a fender bender, because
No lo llamaría un choque leve, ya que
after the accident the power trunk
107 Auto Insurance Power trunk Maletero automático Refers to a vehicle's power operated trunk. después del accidente el maletero
stopped working.
automático dejó de funcionar.

Shop used by auto insurance companies to The car was taken to the preferred shop, El coche fue llevado al taller preferido, que
refer their clients, usually set up formally or which is an auto repair shop pre-approved es un taller de reparación de automóviles
Taller preferido /
108 Auto Insurance Preferred shop preaprobado por su compañía de seguros
Taller de preferencia informally, and/or have established a by your insurance company that
history of exellent service. participates in a direct repair program. que participa en un programa de
reparación directa.
Panel (frontal/ trasero/
izquierdo/ derecho) /
Panel posterior o
Quarter panel delantero, e izquierdo o The rear quarter panel sustained extensive El panel trasero, sufrió extensos daños. Él
A quarter panel refers to any body panel
109 Auto Insurance (rear/front/right/l derecho / damage. He hit the left rear panel on my golpeó el panel trasero izquierdo de mi
(exterior surface) of an automobile.
eft) Cuarta sección trasera o car with his truck. carro con su camioneta.
frontal e izquierda o
derecha /
Aleta (regionalism)
A small angled mirror fixed inside the I tried to adjust the rearview mirror and it Traté de ajustar el espejo retrovisor y se
110 Auto Insurance Rear view mirror Espejo retrovisor windshield of a motor vehicle, enabling the fell off. cayó.
driver to see the vehicle or road behind.
Choque por detrás / A traffic accident where a vehicle crashes Me chocaron por detrás cuando estaba de
111 Auto Insurance Rear-end Golpe por detrás / I was rear-ended on my way home.
into the vehicle in front of it. camino a casa.
Choque trasero
¿Cuando serán terminadas las
When will the repairs to my car be
Reparaciones / To restore to sound condition after reparaciones de mi carro? Necesito mi
112 Auto Insurance Repairs completed? I need my car to go to work as
Arreglos damage. carro para ir al trabajo ya que el servicio
the bus service is very slow where I live.
de bus es muy lento donde yo vivo.
Cuando puse el carro en reversa, retrocedí
Ir retrocediendo / When I put the car into reverse, I backed
contra otro carro. No fué
113 Auto Insurance Reverse Ir en reversa / To move backwards. up into another car. It was not intentional
intencionalmente ya que yo no vi el otro
Retroceder as I did not see the other car.
Derecho de paso / A way of determining which vehicle, among I had the right of way. The other driver did Yo tenía derecho de vía. El otro conductor
114 Auto Insurance Right of way Derecho de vía / two or more, will be allowed to continue on not stop at the stop sign. no paró en la señal de alto.
Derecho al paso its path before the others.
Different factors that describe and
determine the ease with which a road can ¿Cuáles eran las condiciones de la
Condiciones de la What were the road conditions at the time
115 Auto Insurance Road conditions be driven; such as the condition of the carretera en el momento del accidente?
carretera of the accident?
pavement, slippery road surface, puddles of
water, mud or ice in each lane.
Cobertura de asistencia An optional automobile insurance coverage An optional coverage like Roadside Una cobertura opcional como asistencia
en la that may be purchased for an additional Assistance can be added to your policy. en carretera puede ser agregada a su
116 Auto Insurance póliza. Esto ayudará si su carro se
assistance carretera / premium; this coverage provides for This will help if your car breaks down or
Asistencia vial gasoline, and some minor repairs. you have a flat tire, etc. descompone o si tiene una llanta
desinflada, etc.
Estribos /
A footboard extending along the side of a
Escalones Our auto policy does not cover running Nuestra póliza de automóviles no cubre
117 Auto Insurance Running boards vehicle, typically found on trucks, SUVs, and
(para subirse a vehículos boards or steps. estribos ni escalones.
some early models of automobiles.

We can calculate the cost of labor and Podemos hacer un cálculo del costo de la
The value assigned by an insurer to mano de obra y las partes para arreglar o
Salvage value / Valor residual / parts to fix or replace each affected item
118 Auto Insurance property deemed beyond repair, or whose remplazar cada artículo dañado y calcular
Scrap value Valor de rescate and estimate the salvage value of the total
value is less than the actual cost of repair. el valor residual del vehículo de pérdida
loss vehicle.
A belt or strap securing a person to prevent Were all of the passengers wearing their ¿Todos sus pasajeros llevaban puesto el
119 Auto Insurance Seatbelt Cinturón de seguridad cinturón de seguridad en el momento del
injury, especially in a vehicle or aircraft. seatbelts at the time of the accident?
Borde del camino / A shoulder on a road is used as an
emergency stopping lane, it is kind of a Nos estacionamos al borde del camino/en
Orilla / We parked on the shoulder and waited for
120 Auto Insurance Shoulder (road) reserved lane by the verge of a road or la orilla/ en el hombrillo y esperamos a la
Franja lateral / the police.
motorway. A paved strip alongside a road policía.
for stopping on in an emergency.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Refers to mirrors found on either side of
Side mirrors / the exterior of motor vehicles for the
Side-view mirrors Espejos laterales purposes of helping the driver see areas He got too close to my car and broke the Él se acercó demasiado a mi carro y
121 Auto Insurance
/ retrovisores behind and to the sides of the vehicle, side mirror. rompió el espejo lateral/retrovisor.
Wing mirrors outside of the driver's peripheral vision (in
the 'blind spot').
Acera /
Banqueta (Mexican A walkway or a paved path for pedestrians The old man stepped on the accelerator El viejo pisó el acelerador y terminó en la
122 Auto Insurance Sidewalk
regionalism, may also at the side of a road. and ended up on the sidewalk. acera.
signify the curb)
Refers to a vehicle that slides typically
Patinar / sideways or obliquely, on slippery ground, El carro comenzó a patinar sobre la
123 Auto Insurance Skid The car began to skid on the wet road.
Derrapar usually as a result of stopping or turning too carretera mojada.
Huellas de frenazo / A long black mark left on a road surface by ¿Vio algunas huellas de frenazo en la
124 Auto Insurance Skid marks Marcas de llanta (en la Did you see any skid marks on the road? carretera?
the tires of a skidding vehicle.
Refers to a surface or object that is difficult ¿Quiere decir que la carretera estaba
125 Auto Insurance Slippery Resbaloso to hold firmly or stand on because it is You mean the road was slippery, right? resbalosa, correcto?
smooth, wet, or slimy.
A wheel that a driver rotates in order to He held the steering wheel during the
126 Auto Insurance Steering wheel Volante Él sujetó el volante durante el accidente.
steer a vehicle. accident.
Señal de alto / Refers to a traffic sign to notify drivers that I did not see the stop sign on the corner of No vi la señal de alto en la esquina de la
127 Auto Insurance Stop sign
Señal de pare they must stop before proceeding. the street. calle.
Left helpless, without transportation. For He left me stranded in town with no car Él me dejó varada en el pueblo sin carro ni
128 Auto Insurance Stranded Varada(o)
example, when a car breaks down. and no money for a bus. dinero para el autobús.
Desviarse bruscamente / To zig zag or veer or change or cause to Tuve que desviarme para evitar golpear al
129 Auto Insurance Swerve (verb) Virarse para evitar el I had to swerve to avoid hitting the dog. perro.
change direction abruptly.
Pegarse o seguir de cerca He hit the car in front of him because he Él golpeó el coche delante de él porque iba
130 Auto Insurance Tailgate (verb) Driving too closely behind another vehicle. pegado al otro/iba siguiendo al otro
a otro vehículo was tailgating.
demasiado cerca.
Tail Lights are mounted to the rear of the
car above the bumper. They are red in color
and have accompanying white lights beside
them to indicate when the vehicle is in
Luz trasera /
reverse. Tail lights make other car’s aware I stopped you because your taillight is
131 Auto Insurance Taillight Calavera (regionalism Lo detuve porque su luz trasera está rota.
of your presence so that you can travel broken.
only in Mexico)
safely in the dark. Also, the red color of the
tail lights shines more brightly whenever
you are braking so that other cars know to
slow down as well.
Reparaciones temporales We can make some temporary repairs on Podemos realizar algunas reparaciones
Repairs made to a damaged property to
Temporary / your roof to avoid water damage from the temporales en su techo para evitar daño
132 Auto Insurance prevent further damages, until permanent
repairs Reparaciones pending storm. por agua de la tormenta que está en
repairs are done.
provisionales ciernes.
A legal form, establishing a person or Usted tiene que firmar y notarizar su
133 Auto Insurance Title Título business as the legal owner of a vehicle. You have to sign and notarize your title.
Also known as pink slip.
In insurance, a total loss is a judgment, by
Your vehicle has been deemed a total loss Su vehículo fue declarado una pérdida
the insurer, that the lost value or repair
134 Auto Insurance Total loss Pérdida total as it would cost more to fix it than what it total ya que cuesta más el arreglarlo de lo
cost of a damaged property exceeds the
is worth. que vale.
value of its policy.

Grúa / A truck with special equipment for pulling a

135 Auto Insurance Tow truck vehicle that is not working to a place where The tow truck was parked behind my car. Estacionaron la grúa detrás de mi carro.
Camión de remolque
it can be repaired
Lote de vehiculos Necesitamos que llame a el
remolcados / We need you to call the tow yard and let estacionamiento de vehículos remolcados
A storage facility used to park disabled
136 Auto Insurance Tow yard Corralón (Mexican them know that we will be picking up the y hacerles saber que vamos a recoger el
vehicles on a temporary basis.
regionalism) car. coche.

Refers to a motor vehicle or boat pulling My car was not drivable, so it was towed Mi carro no se podía manejar, por eso lo
137 Auto Insurance Towed Remolcado another vehicle or boat by means of chains, to the shop. remolcaron al taller.
tow bars, or tow platform.
Traffic control involves directing vehicular
and pedestrian traffic around a
Control del tráfico / construction zone, accident or other road There were some orange cones for traffic Había unos conos anaranjados para
138 Auto Insurance Traffic Control
Control del tránsito disruption, thus ensuring the safety of control on the off ramp. control de tráfico en la rampa de salida.
emergency response teams, construction
workers and the general public.
A set of automatically operated colored
You said you stopped at the traffic light,
lights, typically red, amber, and green, for Dice que se detuvo en el semáforo pero
139 Auto Insurance Traffic light Semáforo but in the picture, it shows you running
controlling traffic at road junctions and según la foto usted se pasó la luz roja.
(through) the red light.
A sign conveying information, an Were there any traffic signs at the ¿Había señales de tráfico en la
140 Auto Insurance Traffic sign Señal de tránsito
instruction, or a warning to drivers. intersection? intersección?
An unpowered vehicle towed by another, in No sir, the trailer is not covered under No señor, el remolque no está cubierto
141 Auto Insurance Trailer Remolque
particular. your policy. por su póliza.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
A device attached to the chassis of a vehicle ¿Su vehículo vino con un enganche de
142 Auto Insurance Trailer hitch Enganche de remolque Did your vehicle come with a trailer hitch?
for towing. remolque?
Baúl /
Maletero / Refers to a vehicle's main storage The car is not drivable because the trunk El coche no se puede conducir debido a
143 Auto Insurance Trunk
Cajuela / compartment. won't close and it obstructs my view. que el baúl no cierra y obstruye mi vista.
Turn arrow means that drivers must come
to a stop at the marked stop line before No creo que el conductor haya visto la
Flecha de cruce / I do not believe the driver saw the turn
144 Auto Insurance Turn arrow moving into the crosswalk or intersection, flecha de cruce y siguió manejando de
Flecha para voltear arrow and drove straight ahead.
and shall turn to the indicated direction frente.
when there is indication to proceed.
Luz direccional /
Luces para doblar / A flashing light on a vehicle to show that it Did you use the turn signal before you ¿Puso la luz de cruce antes de iniciar el
145 Auto Insurance Turn signal
Luz de cruce / is about to change lanes or turn. initiated the turn? cruce?
An auxiliary lane between lanes where Check the shared left turn lane for vehicles Vigile el carril para dar vuelta a la izquierda
146 Auto Insurance Turning lane Carril para dar vuelta vehicles can safely wait for oncoming traffic ahead. para ver si hay vehículos adelante.
to abate in order to make a left turn.
Underinsured motorist coverage provides If your car is damaged by a hit and run Si su vehículo es dañado por un conductor
Underinsured Cobertura contra que se da a la fuga o una persona sin
protection in case of an accident in which driver or a person who isn't insured, you
147 Auto Insurance Motorist conductor(a) con seguro
the at-fault driver doesn't have enough will need underinsured motorist coverage seguro, necesitará una cobertura contra
Coverage insuficiente conductor con seguro insuficiente para
insurance to cover all damages. to pay for that.
Underwriters identify and calculate the risk Su solicitud de seguro de vida será enviada
Your life insurance policy application will
of loss from policyholders, establish a nuestro agente aprobador para su
148 Auto Insurance Underwriter Agente aprobador(a) be sent to our underwriter for review and
appropriate premium rates, and write revisión y usted será notificado si cumple
you will be notified if you qualify.
policies that cover this risk. con los requisitos.
Uninsured motorist coverage (UM) is an He incurred over $1 million in medical bills Contrajo más de $1 millón en facturas
Uninsured Cobertura contra add-on coverage for auto policies that will arising from an auto accident with a médicas que surgieron de un accidente
149 Auto Insurance Motorist conductor(a) no pay for injuries and damages caused by an person without uninsured motorist automovilístico con una persona sin
Coverage asegurado(a) uninsured driver. Hit-and-run drivers are coverage. cobertura contra condutor no asegurado.
also considered uninsured motorists.
A mechanical machine used for ¿Cuál es la marca y modelo de su
150 Auto Insurance Vehicle Vehículo transporting people or goods, especially on What's your vehicle's make and model?
land, such as a car, truck, etc.
A form of identification used by all modern
motor vehicles. It contains data about the A fin de leer su número de identificación
VIN (Vehicle In order to read your VIN number, please
Número de identificación vehicle's manufacture and country of origin vehicular, por favor considere que el
151 Auto Insurance Identification consider that the first character tells you
vehicular including some model-specific details and primer carácter le indica en qué parte del
Number) where in the world the vehicle was built.
the vehicle's unique production serial mundo se contruyó el vehículo.
The distance one can see as determined by The fog was so dense there was no La niebla estaba tan densa que no había
light and weather conditions. How clearly visibility. visibilidad.
152 Auto Insurance Visibility Visibilidad objects can be seen, or how far you can see
clearly, usually because of the weather
Weather Condiciones climáticas / The conditions of the atmosphere in terms What were the weather conditions at the ¿Cuáles eran las condiciones climáticas
153 Auto Insurance of temperature, atmospheric pressure,
conditions Estado del tiempo time of the accident? cuando tuvo el accidente?
wind, and moisture.
A window at the front of the passenger Una piedra golpeó el parabrisas y lo
154 Auto Insurance Windshield Parabrisas A rock hit my windshield and it cracked.
compartment of a motor vehicle. rompió.
A motor-driven device for keeping a
Limpiaparabrisas /
windshield clear of rain, typically one with a Los limpiaparabrisas deben ser
155 Auto Insurance Wipers Escobillas Wipers should be replaced twice a year.
rubber blade on an arm that moves in an reemplazados dos veces al año.
These three terms are used to describe
motor vehicles. They refer to the year a car Please provide the year, make and model Por favor provea el año, marca y modelo
was built for sale; make refers to the of your vehicle. We will look in our de su vehículo. Revisaremos nuestra base
156 Auto Insurance Year/make/model Año, marca, modelo
manufacturer's brand, and model refers to database to see how much your de datos para ver cuánto costará la
the different sizes or capabilities of that registration renewal will cost. renovación de su registro.
type of vehicle.
A yield sign calls on the driver to slow
down, defer to oncoming or intersecting
Señal de ceder el paso / You are mistaken, it wasn't a stop sign but Se equivoca, no era una señal de alto, sino
157 Auto Insurance Yield sign traffic, stop when necessary, proceed when
Señal de ceder la vía a yield sign. una señal de ceder el paso.
safe, and remain aware of oncoming
Customer A formal business arrangement providing Lo lamento, pero no puedo encontrar su
158 Account Cuenta for regular dealings or services (as in I am sorry, but I cannot find your account.
Service cuenta.
banking, advertising, email or store credit).
Customer Only the account holder is allowed to Solo el titular de la cuenta puede hacer
159 Account holder Titular de la cuenta The owner of an account.
Service make changes. cambios.
Customer Refers to any device or method used to Your auto insurance premium will be La prima del seguro de autos será más
160 Antitheft device Dispositivo contra robos prevent or deter the unauthorized lower because you have the antitheft baja porque tiene instalado el dispositivo
appropriation of items considered valuable. device installed. antirrobos.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
El Sr. Romero, mi inquilino, causó daños a
Mr. Romero, my tenant, caused damages
Devices or instruments designed to perform mis electrodomésticos debido a su
to my appliances due to his negligence.
Customer a specific function, especially an electrical imprudencia. El técnico realizó la
161 Appliances Electrodomésticos The technician performed troubleshooting
Service device, such as a washer or a toaster, for reparación de la estufa, el refrigerador y el
on the stove, the refrigerator and the
household use. lavaplatos.

Customer To make something, especially a pay Unfortunately, we will have to backdate Desafortunadamente, tendremos que
162 Backdated Retroactivo hacer retroactiva la tasa de interés en su
Service increase, effective from an earlier time. the interest rate on your loan.
Customer An itemized account of the separate cost of You have to pay the bill in full by the due Tiene que pagar la factura por completo
163 Bill Factura goods sold, services performed, or work antes de la fecha límite para que sus
Service date to have your services restored.
done, a statement of charges, invoice. servicios sean restaurados.
Customer Document that transfers ownership of I have the bill of sale to prove the car is Tengo el contrato de compra-venta para
164 Bill of sale Contrato de Compraventa goods from one person to another. (NOT
Service mine. probar que el carro es mío.
real state)
Customer Billing Departamento de Department within an organization, that Adjustments to your bill can be made by Los ajustes a su factura se pueden hacer
165 prepares or sends out invoices to obtain
Service department facturación the billing department. en el departamento de facturación.
payments for services or goods.
Customer Explorador / A computer program for searching, To take the test, you may use your favorite Para rendir su examen, Ud. puede usar su
166 Browser Navegador /
Service especially on a worldwide network. browser. navegador favorito.
Utility bills fluctuate based on
consumption; as a result, consumers may
have high and low monthly utility bills.
My bills during the winter and summer Mis cobros durante los meses de invierno
Budget billing refers to a program, offered
Facturación months are much higher than other y verano son mucho mas altos que otros
Customer by utility companies, in which the cost of
167 Budget billing presupuestada / months of the year, so I think I should take meses del año, creo que debo de
Service utility bills during high demand months is
Facturación estandarizada advantage of the budget billing your aprovechar la facturación presupuestada
spread out through the entire year. By
company offers. que ofrece su compañía.
spreading the cost of high demand months
over a 12 month period, consumers do not
need to stress over their utility bills.
Muchas compañías ofrecen paquetes de
Servicios incluidos / Many companies offer a bundled services
Customer Refers to offering several products for sale servicios combinados los cuales pueden
168 Bundled services Paquete de servicios / package which may include internet,
Service as one combined product. incluir Internet, teléfono y servicio de
Combo de servicios phone and TV.

Customer To add an amount of money to an account. Since the item was properly returned we Dado que el artículo se devolvió
169 Credit (verb) Acreditar Can also be to return an amount back to an will credit your account for the full original correctamente, acreditaremos en su
account. price. cuenta el precio original completo.
Customer To sell or distribute something as a A car dealer can help you secure financing Un concesionario de autos puede ayudar
170 Dealer Concesionario con la financiación del auto que desea
Service business. for the vehicle you wish to purchase.
Customer Descargo de A defensive measure, used generally with Before you sign, read carefully all the Antes de firmar, lea cuidadosamente
171 Disclaimer the purpose of protection from unwanted
Service responsabilidad disclaimers. todos los descargos de responsabilidad.
claims or liability.
A notice or a statement that lets people
Many collections agencies and banks have Muchos departamentos de cobranzas y
Customer know relevant information that could help
172 Disclosure Divulgación disclosures that are read before a call bancos tienen divulgaciones que son leídas
Service them make informed decisions about a
begins. antes que empiece una llamada

Customer Disconnection / To stop or end the supply of electricity, I will move out of the state and I have Me mudaré fuera del estado y ya solicité la
173 Desconexión water, gas, etc., to (something, such as a already requested the disconnection of my
Service Shutoff desconexión de mis servicios públicos.
piece of electronic equipment). utilities.
Customer Aparato / A set of tools or devices used or needed for The new equipment enabled us to finish El nuevo equipo nos permitió terminar el
174 Equipment
Service Equipo a specific purpose or activity. the work in an hour. trabajo en una hora.
Customer Presupuesto / A statement of the approximate cost of The estimate is correct and it will cost you El presupuesto es correcto y le costará
175 Estimate Estimación / work to be done, such as car repairs or a $750 dollars to fix and or replace the $750 dólares el arreglar y/o remplazar el
Cálculo aproximado building project. windshield. parabrisas.
Customer Acelerar / To speed up the progress or execute To expedite the approval process, you can Para acelerar el proceso de aprobación,
176 Expedite
Service Agilizar quickly. apply online. puede realizar la solicitud en línea.
The date after which something (as a credit
card) is no longer in effect; the date after Necesito la fecha de vencimiento de su
Customer I need the expiration date on your credit
177 Expiration date Fecha de vencimiento which a product (as food or medicine) tarjeta de crédito, solamente el mes y el
Service card, month and year only.
should not be sold because of an expected año.
decline in quality or effectiveness.
Customer vencer / The ending date of an agreement or When do my benefits expire and do I have ¿Cuándo se vencen mis beneficios, y tengo
178 Expire caducar / to go through the enrollment process from que pasar por el proceso de inscripción
Service contract period.
expirar the beginning? desde el inicio?
Customer Equipment or feature installed in an article A user wants to re-install a factory- Un usuario desea reinstalar un programa
179 Factory installed Instalado de fábrica
Service during the manufacturing process. installed program which he had removed. instalado de fábrica que había eliminado.
A payment made to a company or
Cargo /
Customer professional person in exchange for There is a fee on my account I don't Hay un cargo en mi cuenta que no
180 Fee Tarifa /
Service services. ie. bank's fees, attorney's fees, an recognize. reconozco.
admission's fee, etc.
Customer Calentador principal / Refers to an enclosed structure used to The technician will have to come out to El técnico tendrá que ir a revisar el
181 Furnace
Service Caldera provide heat or high-temperature heating. check the furnace and reset the pilot light. calentador y reiniciar la luz del piloto.
The escape of natural gas or other gaseous Si sucede una fuga de gas es de suma
If you experience a gas leak it is imperative
Customer Fuga de gas / product from a pipeline or other importancia que llame al 911 rápidamente
182 Gas leak that you call 911 right away in addition to
Service Escape de gas containment into a living area or any other aparte de contactar a sus proveedores de
contacting your gas and electric provider.
area where the gas should not be present. gas y electricidad.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Customer The process of identifying oneself to a
183 Log in Ingresar computer, usually by entering one's You need a password to log in. Necesita una contraseña para ingresar.
username and password.
Customer Make (context It refers to the manufacturer or company
184 Marca that makes a product such as an appliance, What is your car's make and model? ¿Cuál es la marca y modelo de su carro?
Service dependent)
car, or machine.
Customer Manufacturer's A deviation from design specifications The equipment came with a warranty El equipo vino con una garantía por
185 Defecto de fabricante during production resulting in a product’s
Service defect against manufacturer's defects. defecto de fabricante.
defect, frailty or shortcoming.
A technician will go out to your home to Un técnico irá a su casa para tomar la
Refers to a person who visits a dwelling to
Customer take a meter reading which will determine lectura del medidor la cual determinará
186 Meter reading Lectura del medidor read a gas or electricity meter for billing
Service how much electricity you consumed last cuánta electricidad se consumió el mes
month. anterior.
It refers to the mother's unmarried name.
Una mujer puede optar por usar su
Customer Mother's maiden Usually the surname or birth name she A woman may choose to go back to using
187 Apellido materno apellido materno nuevamente después de
Service name used before she married and took her her mother's maiden name after a divorce.
un divorcio.
husband's last name.
Refers to systems which allow users to
select and watch/listen video or audio Am I able to watch my favorite programs ¿Podré ver mis programas favoritos en
188 On demand A la carta content when they choose to, rather than at any time if I pay for the additional 'on cualquier momento si pago por los
having to watch at a specific broadcast demand' service? servicios adicionales a la carta?
Cuando realiza un pedido antes de
Customer (delivery)/ (Entrega) de un día para Guaranteed delivery of package or letter on When you place an order before noon, it is
189 mediodía, normalmente se entrega de un
Service Next day otro the day following the shipment date. usually delivered overnight.
día para otro.

Customer Apartado postal / A numbered box in a post office assigned to Please send my bills to my new P.O. Box Por favor envíe mis cobros a mi nueva caja
190 P.O. Box Buzón postal / a person or organization, in which mail for address as I have trouble getting mail at postal ya que tengo problemas en obtener
Caja postal them is kept until collected. the home address. el correo en mi dirección de casa.
Refers to a type of paid television service by
which a subscriber of a television service
La película de pago por evento costará
Customer provider can purchase events to view via The pay per view movie will cost $4.99 and
191 Pay per view Pago por evento $4.99 y verá ese cargo en su siguiente
Service private telecast. The broadcaster shows the you will see that charge on your next bill.
event at the same time to everyone
ordering it.

Customer Número de identificación A numeric password used to authenticate a Un nuevo número de identificación
192 PIN user to a system.(AKA: "Personal A new PIN will be sent in the mail.
Service personal personal se le enviará por correo.
Identification Number")
Customer Preferred The self-identified language, which the
193 Idioma de preferencia client prefers to use in a service or any Their preferred language is French. Su idioma de preferencia es el francés.
Service language
other encounter.
Payment divided in a proportional way
based on time of usage. If you use
Customer Prorrateado / something for less time than you're With prorated billing, charges are Con la facturación prorateada, los cargos
194 Prorated
Service Cobro proporcional scheduled to use it for, it's fair to expect calculated based on the cost per day. son calculados basados en el costo por día.
that you'll only be charged for the time you

Customer A receipt is a written acknowledgment that

195 Receipt Recibo a specified article or payment has been Would you like a copy of your receipt? ¿Le gustaría una copia de su recibo?
A reference number is a unique identifier Un número de referencia es una
A unique identifier such as a number,
Customer assigned to any financial transaction identificación única, asignada a toda
196 Reference Referencia assigned to any transaction to locate and
Service including those made using a credit or transacción, incluyendo aquellas realizadas
obtain specific information.
debit card. usando una tarjeta de débito o crédito.

Customer The act of extending the period of time You need to renew your driver's license Necesita renovar su licencia de conducir
197 Renewal Renovación when something is effective or valid: the
Service before it expires. antes de que se venza.
act of renewing something.
Customer To provide a substitute for something They replaced the roof, which was damage Reemplazaron el techo que fue dañado
198 Replace (verb) Reemplazar
Service broken or unsatisfactory. during the hurricane. durante el huracán.
Customer Residir / Have one's permanent home in a particular Where do you currently reside? Do any ¿Dónde vive actualmente? ¿Algunos otros
199 Reside (verb)
Service Vivir place, be situated. other family members live with you? familiares viven con usted?
Customer Progammar / To arrange or plan (an event) to take place If you need to schedule an appointment to Si desea programar una cita con para
200 Schedule renew your license plates, you must call renovar sus placas, debe llamar de lunes a
Service Agendar at a particular time.
from Monday to Friday. viernes.
A rectangular field on screen that accepts
Customer typed-in text in order to look up something There was a typing mistake in the seach Había un error de digitación en la casilla de
201 Search box Casilla de búsqueda
Service or launch a search for related information. box, hence the faulty result. búsqueda, de allí el resultado defectuoso.
Also called a "search bar".
As you are a new customer, we require a
A sum of money held in trust either as an Ya que es un nuevo cliente, requerimos un
Customer security deposit of $250 to set up your gas
202 Security deposit Depósito de seguridad initial part-payment in a purchasing depósito de garantía de $250 para
Service and electrical service.
process. conectar el servicio de gas y electricidad.

Customer Cargo por servicio / An amount of money charged to provide a The company charges operators a five to La compañia cobra a los operadores cinco
203 Service fee
Service Cuota por servicio service. 10 per cent service fee. a diez por ciento por cargo por servicio.
Customer Petición de servicio / An act of asking for support or fulfillment of Please file a service request in order to Por favor presente una petición de servicio
204 Service request
Service Pedido de servicio a service. have that issue solved. a fin de que este problema sea resuelto.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Waste matter from domestic or industrial
Aguas residuales / The sewage is coming up through the Las aguas residuales están subiendo por el
Customer establishments that is carried away in
205 Sewage Aguas negras / kitchen sink so please send a plumber lavadero de la cocina así que por favor
Service sewers or drains for dumping or conversion
Aguas servidas right away. envíe a un plomero rápidamente.
into a form that is not toxic.
Customer To charge an additional sum, to the usual A surcharge may be made for deliveries Se podría realizar un recargo por envíos
206 Surcharges Recargos
Service payment, tax, etc. outside normal hours. fuera de las horas normales.
1. Temporarily prevent from continuing or
Customer being in force or effect. Your driver's license is suspended for 90 Su licencia de conducir está suspendida
207 Suspend (verb) Suspender
Service 2. To bar for a period from a privilege, days. por 90 días.
office, or position, usually as a punishment.
Customer A person who has acquired special skills to
208 Technician Técnica(o) The technician did not arrive on time. El técnico no llegó a tiempo.
Service do practical work in a particular field.
Customer To help protect from fraud or abuse, an Your card will be unblocked automatically, Su tarjeta será desbloqueada
209 Temporary block Bloqueo temporal account may be suspended for a limited automáticamente, siete días luego del
Service 7 days after the first temporary block.
period of time. primer bloqueo temporal.
Customer Inquilina(o) / A person who occupies land or property Are you a tenant or do you own the ¿Es usted un inquilino o es dueño de la
210 Tenant
Service Arrendataria (o) rented from a landlord. property? propiedad?
Refers to a form of technical problem
Ubicación de problemas /
solving, often applied to repair failed The computer technician will go through a El técnico de computadoras hará un
Localización de fallas /
Customer products or processes. It is a systematic process of troubleshooting, to resolve the proceso de diagnóstico de problemas para
211 Troubleshooting Localización de problemas
Service search for the source of a problem in order issues you are having with your internet resolver el problema que tiene con los
to solve it, and make the product and phone service. servicios de internet y de teléfono.
Diagnóstico de problemas
operational again.
Customer Refers to bump up or improve services by If you upgrade your phone services, an Si usted mejora su servicio de teléfono, un
212 Service upgrade Mejora de servicios
Service one or more levels upward. additional charge will appear every month. cargo adicional aparecerá cada mes.
Factura de servicios
A bill containing the amount due for the I typically receive different utility bills from Yo típicamente recibo diferentes facturas
Customer públicos /
213 Utility bill consumption of a services such as the companies providing water, electricity de servicios públicos de las compañías que
Service Factura de servicios
electricity, gas, and water. and gas. proveen agua, electricidad y gas.
A written guarantee, issued to the
Customer purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, The warranty covers the car for a year, La garantía cubre el carro por un año, con
214 Warranty Garantía
Service promising to repair or replace it if necessary with unlimited mileage. kilometraje ilimitado.
within a specified period of time.

Customer Refers to a thermodynamic device that uses The water heater appears to be broken. El calentador de agua parece estar
215 Water heater Calentador de agua an energy source (gas or power) to heat How much will it cost to repair it or get it estropeado. ¿Cuánto costaría el repararlo
water above its initial temperature. replaced? o remplazarlo?
Serves customers by completing
enrollments and conversion mailings;
Especialista en manejo de The account specialist will explain how this El especialista en manejo de cuentas le
216 Finance Account specialist responding to requests and inquiries;
cuentas works. explicará cómo funciona esto.
resolving complaints; maintaining quality
The Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an
Señora, su cheque no ha sido
electronic funds-transfer system that Ma'am your check hasn't been posted in
acreditado/debitado en su cuenta aún. Ese
ACH (Automated Cámara de compensación facilitates payments in the U.S. It acts as a your account yet. That check is from a
217 Finance cheque es de un banco diferente y tiene
Clearing House) automatizada financial hub and helps people and different bank and has to go through the
que pasar por la Cámara de Compensación
organizations move money from one bank ACH first.
Automatizada primero.
account to another.
Describes the interest rate for a whole year Understanding the difference between Entender la diferencia entre tasa de
(annualized), rather than just a monthly APR or annual percentage rate and porcentaje anual y tasa de interés le
APR (Annual Tasa porcentual anual /
218 Finance fee/rate, as applied on a loan, mortgage
Percentage Rate) Tasa de interés anual interest rate could save you thousands of puede ahorrar miles de dólares en su
loan, credit card, etc. It is a charge dollars on your mortgage. hipoteca.
expressed as an annual rate.
An unattended machine, usually outside a
bank, that automatically provides cash and I need some cash immediately and the Necesito algo de dinero inmediatamente y
ATM (Automated
219 Finance Cajero automático performs other banking services on ATM machines would limit the amount los cajeros automáticos limitarían la
Teller Machine)
insertion of a special card by the account that I could withdraw. cantidad que pudiera retirar.
Process that pays bills directly from a bank
account through an electronic payment
Usted puede detener los pagos
Automatic system; an individual will authorize You can stop the automatic payments at
220 Finance Pago automático automáticos en cualquier momento.
Payment payments to vendors on a regular basis. any time.
Vendors will submit requests for payment
directly to the bank.
The amount of money you have in a bank
221 Finance Balance Saldo (NO BALANCE) Your available balance is $2,000. Su saldo disponible es de $2,000.
account or an amount of money owed.
To shift existing credit card debt to another I would like to make a balance transfer Quisiera hacer una transferencia de saldos
card or account charging a low interest rate from my MasterCard ending in 4323 to de mi tarjeta MasterCard que termina en
222 Finance Balance transfer Transferencia de saldo take advantage of the promotional 0% 4323 para aprovechar el interés
or even 0% interest, helping you to save
money. interest for 12 months offered by promocional de 0% por 12 meses ofrecido
Discover. por Discover.
Cuenta corriente / A bank account from which you can take Your checking account is free with direct Su cuenta de cheques es gratis con
223 Finance Checking account
Cuenta de cheques money by writing checks deposit. depósito directo.
Aval / A person who signs an official document Because of your credit history, we will Debido a su historial de crédito se
224 Finance Co-signer requerirá un aval/fiador.
Fiador(a) (such as a loan) with another person. require a cosigner.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Departamento de A special department set up for the Since we have not received payments for Ya que no hemos recibido pagos por los
Collections the months of April, May, June and July,
cobranzas / purpose of collecting/recovering payments meses de abril, mayo, junio y julio, su
225 Finance (Collections your account will be sent to the
Departamento de cobros on delinquent or past-due accounts. Not to cuenta será enviada al departamento de
department) Collections Department and the card will
(NO COLECCIONES) be confused with a collections agency. cobranzas y la tarjeta será cancelada.
be cancelled.
A card entitling the owner to use funds I am calling because I lost my credit card Estoy llamando porque perdí mi tarjeta de
226 Finance Credit card Tarjeta de crédito from the issuing company up to a certain and I would like to cancel it. crédito y me gustaría cancelarla.
An examination of someone's credit history
Verificación de crédito / (record of paying debt) by a financial Doing a credit check is a routine part of Hacer una verificación de crédito es una
227 Finance Credit Check
Verificación crediticia organization that is considering lending the loan process. parte rutinaria del proceso de préstamo.
them money.
The maximum amount of credit that a
I called the bank and they told me I had Llamé al banco y me dijeron que había
financial institution or other lender will
228 Finance Credit limit Límite de crédito reached my credit limit, that is the reason llegado a mi límite de crédito, esa es la
extend to a debtor for a loan, credit card or
my card was declined. razón por la que mi tarjeta fue rechazada
line of credit.

Informe de crédito / A summary of your financial and debt I will have to pull a credit report to see if Tendré que obtener un informe de crédito
229 Finance Credit report para saber si cumple los requisitos para el
Reporte de crédito management history. you qualify for the loan.
A number between 300-850 that depicts a
Puntaje de crédito / consumer's creditworthiness. The higher When I applied for the loan, they told me Cuando solicité el préstamo, me dijeron
230 Finance Credit score
Calificación de crédito the score, the better a borrower looks to my credit score is very good. que mi puntaje de crédito es muy bueno.
potential lenders.

Hora de cierre / The latest time in any business day that a

231 Finance Cut-off time particular transaction, request or Our cut-off time is 5 p.m. Nuestra hora de cierre es las 5 p.m.
Hora Límite
instruction can be processed.
Something, typically money, that is owed or
232 Finance Debts Deudas I have two jobs to pay my debts. Tengo dos trabajos para pagar mis deudas.
Default signifies that the account terms If you default on you loan, your car will be Si tiene morosidad en su préstamo, el
233 Finance Default Incumplimiento were not met and the lender has repossessed. carro será embargado.
determined the debt will not be paid.
If a grace period exists then you are Si un periodo de gracia existe entonces a
Delinquency means the the account usted se le considera moroso después de
Morosidad / delinquent after the grace period expires
234 Finance Delinquency payment was not made on or before the que el periodo de gracia expira y no la
Falta de pago and no payment has been received by the
payment due date. compañía de hipoteca no ha recibido el
mortgage company.
235 Finance Deposit Depositar To put (money) in a bank account. We see a deposit of $200. Vemos un depósito de $200.
The electronic transfer of funds directly I have a free-checking account where I Tengo una cuenta de cheques gratuita
236 Finance Direct deposit Depósito directo from the payer into the bank account of the receive a direct deposit from my donde recibo depósito directo de mi
recipient. employer. empleador.
The deadline to make your down payment
La fecha límite para hacer el pago inicial es
is July 30th. If you are not able to pay by
el 30 de julio. Si no puede pagar para esa
Pago inicial / Cuota Inicial An initial amount paid at the time of that date, you may request an extension
237 Finance Down payment fecha, puede solicitar una extensión para
/ Anticipo purchase. so that you don´t lose the opportunity to
que no pierda la oportunidad de comprar
la casa.
that house.
Refers to a type of service provided by a
Instead of entering the branch you can use En vez de entrar a la sucursal usted puede
Drive-through business that allows customers to purchase
238 Finance Auto banco the drive-through for many of your usar el auto banco para muchas de sus
bank products or receive services without leaving
banking needs. necesidades bancarias.
their cars.
The day by which something must be Your payment should be made on or Su pago debe hacerse en o antes de la
239 Finance Due date Fecha de vencimiento
completed, done, paid, etc. before the due date. fecha de vencimiento.
The value of a piece of property (such as a
house) after any debts that remain to be
Valor líquido /
paid for it (such as the amount of a No tiene suficiente valor líquido en su casa
Plusvalía / You do not have enough equity in your
240 Finance Equity mortgage) have been subtracted. In equity para usarla como colateral para el
Patrimonio / home to use as collateral for the loan.
is the difference between the value of the préstamo.
assets and the cost of the liabilities of
something owned.
Cuenta de plica / An account designed to safely hold funds
Cuenta de depósitos en Vamos a establecer una cuenta de
temporarily. For example, a bank can be We will set up an escrow account to pay
241 Finance Escrow account garantía / depósitos en garantía para pagar por los
the escrow provider holding deposits for for property taxes and insurance.
Cuenta de fondos en impuestos y el seguro de la propiedad.
taxes and insurance on a mortgage loan.
242 Finance File taxes (verb) Declarar impuestos Generation of a tax return. Did you file taxes in 2022? ¿Usted declaró impuestos en 2022?
Estamos ofreciendo una tasa fija de
We are offering a fixed interest rate of 6%
An interest rate that does not change over interés del 6% por el plazo del préstamo y
243 Finance Fixed interest rate Tasa fija de interés for the life of the loan and you may be
the life of a loan or other form of credit. usted podría refinanciar a una tasa más
able to refinance at a lower rate later on.
baja más adelante.
Foreclosure occurs when a lender Por favor sepa que la ejecución
Ejecución hipotecaria / repossesses a house because the Please be aware that foreclosure and
hipotecaria y otros procedimientos de
244 Finance Foreclosure Juicio hipotecario / homeowner has defaulted on their other collection procedures will continue
cobros continuarán durante el proceso de
Ejecución de la hipoteca mortgage loan or home equity line of during the refinancing process.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Habrá un periodo de gracia de 10 días
The allotted time during which a payment There will be a 10-day grace period after después de la fecha límite para hacer el
can be made without penalty and without the payment due date. Please make sure pago. Por favor asegúrese de que
245 Finance Grace period Período de gracia
entry upon credit records as delinquent or we receive the amount due by that date to recibamos la cantidad adeudada para esa
in default. avoid a late fee. fecha para evitar un cargo por pago
You will need to provide your gross
Monthly income before deductions like Necesitará proveer su ingreso mensual
Gross monthly monthly income, which is the amount
246 Finance Ingreso mensual bruto taxes, insurance, retirement, social security bruto, que es la cantidad antes de
income before taxes and other deductions are
are made. impuestos y otras deducciones.
Si prefiere una línea de crédito sobre el
A home equity line of credit works like a If you prefer a home equity line of credit,
patrimonio de la propiedad, usted pagaría
credit card. The homeowner is allowed to you would only pay interests on the
intereses solo en la cantidad que use de la
Línea de crédito sobre el borrow up to a certain amount for the life amount you use from the home equity line
línea de crédito y paga sobre la marcha.
247 Finance Home Equity Line patrimonio de la of the loan. During that time he can of credit and you pay as you go. This works
Esto funciona como cualquier línea de
propiedad withdraw money as needed. As he pays off like any revolving line of credit, just like a
crédito rotativa, como una tarjeta de
the principal, his credit revolves and he can credit card, but your house remains as
crédito, pero su casa se queda como
use it again. collateral.
You have a fixed home equity loan of 6% Tiene un préstamo sobre el patrimonio de
Préstamo sobre el
A loan secured or guaranteed by the equity and should make your payments each la propiedad fijo del 6% y debe hacer sus
248 Finance Home Equity Loan patrimonio de la
value in the borrower's home. month by the due date for the life of the pagos cada mes en la fecha limite por la
loan. duración de plazo del préstamo.
Payments, as in a series of payments. A sum
Pagos / of money due as one of several equal
Can I make monthly installments towards ¿Puedo hacer pagos mensuales hacia mi
249 Finance Installments Abonos/ payments for something, spread over an
my deposit? depósito?
Cuotas agreed period of time, commonly due on a
specific date.
Insufficient funds occur when someone
tries to purchase an item using a check or
Insufficient funds, debit card without having enough money in Yes sir, check number 132 was returned Sí señor, el cheque número 132 rebotó por
250 Finance non- Fondos insuficientes his or her bank account. A situation in due to insufficient funds. fondos insuficientes.
sufficient funds which one does not have enough deposited
in a bank account to cover all checks and/or
electronic withdrawals.
Interest is the monetary charge for
borrowing money—generally expressed as A lot of our income comes from the Gran parte de nuestros ingresos viene de
251 Finance Interest Intereses
a percentage, such as an annual percentage interest of the money we lend. los intereses del dinero que prestamos.
rate (APR).
The proportion of a loan that is charged as
The advantage of consolidating your debts La ventaja de consolidar sus deudas es que
interest to the borrower, typically
252 Finance Interest rate Tasa de interés is that at the end you would only have one al final usted solo tendrá un pago mensual
expressed as an annual percentage of the
monthly payment and one interest rate. y solo una tasa de interés.
loan outstanding.
In order to avoid late fees, you may want Para evitar cargos por demora, tal vez
to authorize an automatic withdrawal. We quiera autorizar un retiro automático.
Cargo por demora / An extra charge assessed if a payment is
253 Finance Late fee would draft the money from your bank Nosotros debitaríamos el dinero de su
Cargo por pago atrasado. made after the due date.
account on the day you authorize us to do cuenta bancaria el día que usted nos
so. autorice para hacerlo.
Something lent or furnished on condition of
254 Finance Loan Préstamo being returned, especially a sum of money You have a 30-year loan. Usted tiene un préstamo de 30 años.
lent at interest for a period of time.
A minimum monthly balance in a bank You must maintain a minimum balance of Debe mantener un saldo mínimo de $10
255 Finance Minimum balance Saldo mínimo
account to avoid monthly service fees. $10 in your account to avoid fees. en su cuenta para evitar cargos.
A money order is a certificate, that allows
the named individual to receive cash on-
If you do not have a checking account, Si no tiene una cuenta corriente, por favor
demand. A money order functions much
256 Finance Money order Giro postal please send a money order to make your envíe un giro postal para realizar su pago a
like a check, in that the person who
payment on time. tiempo.
purchased the money order may stop

Monthly A payment that has to be made every $717.60 is the total price for your washer El precio total es $717.60 por su lavadora y
257 Finance Mensualidades and dryer, your monthly payments will be secadora, sus mensualidades serán $59.80
payments month by a specified date.
$59.80 for the next 12 months. por los próximos 12 meses.
An agreement (loan) under which a person
Hipoteca / borrows money to buy property, and the They hope to pay off the mortgage on Esperan pagar el préstamo hipotecario de
258 Finance Mortgage
Préstamo hipotecario lender may take possession of the property their home soon. su casa pronto.
if the borrower fails to repay the money.
Net monthly Monthy income after all deductions are What is your net monthly income or take- ¿Cuál es su ingreso mensual neto o el pago
259 Finance Ingreso mensual neto
income made (what employees take home) home pay? que lleva a casa?
Falta de pago / Your services will be disconnected for non- Your services will be disconnected for non-
260 Finance Non-payment Morosidad / Not paying for services rendered. payment if we do not receive the current payment if we do not receive the current
Incumplimiento del pago amount due in 48 hours. amount due in 48 hours.
A deficit in a bank account balance caused You can add overdraft protection to your Puede añadir protección contra sobregiros
261 Finance Overdraft Sobregiro by drawing more money than the account a su cuenta para evitar el pago de un
account to avoid paying a fee.
holds. cargo.
The bank has charged you an overdraft fee El banco le ha cobrado un cargo por
A fee charged when a withdrawal from an
of $30 as there were not enough funds in sobregiro de $30 ya que no había
262 Finance Overdraft fee Cargo por sobregiro individual's bank account exceeds the
your account to cover the check posted suficientes fondos en su cuenta para cubrir
available balance.
yesterday. el cheque que fijó en la cuenta ayer.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
An agreement between an entity and the
Payment Arreglo de pago / borrower, in which the borrower agrees to We tried to work out a payment Tratamos de concretar un arreglo de pago
263 Finance
arrangement Acuerdo de pago pay back a certain amount of money each arrangement with the creditors. con los prestamistas.
month to repay the debt.

Payoff / Liquidación (noun) / Can you give me the amount needed to ¿Me puede decir la cantidad para
264 Finance Liquidar (verb) / Saldar The act of paying a debt or creditor in full.
Pay off pay off my credit card? saldar/liquidar mi tarjeta de crédito?
A pending balance often occurs when you El saldo pendiente se produce a menudo
use your debit card – your bank is aware cuando se usa la tarjeta de débito: el
Amount of money waiting to be paid, as in of the transaction, but the retailer may not banco está al tanto de la transacción, pero
265 Finance Pending balance Saldo pendiente
a debt. submit the charge for payment until the es posible que el comerciante no envíe el
end of the business day, leaving it in a cargo para su pago hasta el final del día
pending status. laborable, dejándolo en estado pendiente.

Pre-aprobado / To approve an applicant for a loan, for The council keeps a list of preapproved El consejo mantiene una lista de
266 Finance Pre-approved example) in advance, sometimes even contratistas preaprobados que los
Previamente aprobado contractors that departments can hire.
before an application is submitted. departamentos pueden contratar.
Cuota/cargo/costo de
Charges for paperwork services or You agree to pay the Operator the Usted se compromete a pagar al Operador
procesamiento /
267 Finance Processing fee miscellaneous services, incurred in the processing fee and any other fee that may el costo de procesamiento y cualquier otro
Cuota/cargo/costo por
course of business transactions. apply. cargo que pueda aplicarse.
Número de ruta bancaria The routing number is a nine digit bank
The routing number is the bank El número de ruta es el número de
/ code which appears on the bottom of
268 Finance Routing number identification number and appears on the identificación del banco y aparece en la
Número de identificación checks identifying the financial institution
bottom left hand side of your check. esquina inferior izquierda de su cheque.
bancaria on which it was drawn.
A bank account that lets you store your
money securely while typically earning We offer 4% interest in our savings Ofrecemos un 4% de interés en nuestras
269 Finance Savings account Cuenta de ahorros
interest. This means the bank pays you to account. cuentas de ahorros.
keep your funds deposited.
A state in which there is not enough of The payment went up because there was a El pago subió porque había una escasez en
270 Finance Shortage Escasez
something that is needed. shortage in your escrow account. su cuenta de depósito en garantía.
Statement / Acabo de recibir mi estado de cuenta y
A document which shows amounts of I just received my statement and I see I'm
Account Estado de cuenta / veo me están cobrando una cuota de
271 Finance money that you have received, spent, etc. A being charged a late fee even though I
statement / Extracto bancario retraso aunque pagué antes de la fecha de
brief record of a financial account. paid before the due date.
Bank statement vencimiento.
A tax return is the completion of
documentation that calculates an entity's
Tax Returns are generally due on April 15 La declaración de impuestos generalmente
272 Finance Tax return Declaración de impuestos or individual's income earned and the
for the prior year. vence el 15 de abril del año anterior.
amount of taxes to be paid to the
An exchange or transfer of goods, services, If you have time, I'd like to review some Si tiene tiempo me gustaría revisar algunas
273 Finance Transaction Transacción
or funds. transactions on your account. transacciones en su cuenta.
Refers to the process or practice that The underwriting department of an El departamento de evaluación de riesgos
274 Finance Underwriting Evaluación de riesgos screens, evaluates, researches and insurance company decides which risks de una compañía de seguros decide los
quantifies a financial risk. the company should take. riesgos que la compañía debe correr.
Nulo / Having no legal force or effect; not legally Solo voy a anular el cheque y pagarle en
275 Finance Void I’ll just void the check and pay you in cash.
Anular binding or enforceable. efectivo.
A voided check is a check that has been
cancelled. A voided check will have all of
Cheque nulo / your bank information printed on it, so it Make a copy of the voided check for your Haga una copia del cheque nulo para su
276 Finance Voided check
Cheque anulado can provide others everything they need to records, noting the check number. registro, anotando el número de cheque.
set up a direct deposit payment from your
Eximir / To refrain from applying or enforcing (a As a one time courtesy, we will waive the Como cortesía única vamos a exonerar la
277 Finance Waive (verb) Exonerar / rule, restriction, or fee). late fee. cuota de retraso.
A removal of something that has been A withdrawal was made from your account
278 Finance Withdrawal Retiro Un retiro se hizo de su cuenta el 5 de julio.
deposited, as in an account. on July 5th.
Activo/ Your account is active, I have just checked Su cuenta está activa, justo acabo de
279 General Active Currently in use or in effect.
Vigente the system. revisar el sistema.
Domicilio / The information about where a place is Is your mailing address the same as your ¿Es su dirección de correspondencia la
280 General Address
Dirección located or where someone lives. home address? misma que su dirección de residencia?
Alien registration An Alien Registration Card is the official
card / name for the identification card given to
Carnet de extranjería / lawful permanent residents by the USCIS to I have already been approved for the Ya he sido aprobada para la tarjeta de
281 General Tarjeta de residencia identify them as such. Other names for the green card, but I haven´t received it by residencia permanente pero aún no la he
residet card /
permanente alien registration card include green card, mail yet. recibido por correo.
Green card
(Informal) permanent resident card, and permanent
Monto / What is the amount due on the bill you ¿Cuál es el monto adeudado en la factura
282 General Amount A quantity of something, such as money.
Cantidad received? que recibió?
An arrangement to meet a person or be at You are all set. Your appointment is on Ya está todo listo. Su cita es el 26 de junio
283 General Appointment Cita
a place at a certain time. June 26th at 9:45 a.m. a las 9:45 a.m.
To officially accept. (Context dependent)
Refers to the act of officially agreeing to or Su solicitud de préstamo ha sido
284 General Approved Aprobado Your loan application has been approved.
accepting as satisfactory or meeting aprobada.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
A three-digit code that identifies one of the
telephone areas into which the U.S. and
Please, give me your phone number Por favor, deme su número de teléfono
285 General Area code Código de área certain other countries are divided and that
including your area code. incluyendo su código de área.
precedes the local telephone number when
dialing a call between areas.
Arreglo / A plan for an event, or with the goal of We can offer a 6 month payment Podemos ofrecer un acuerdo de pago de 6
286 General Arrangement
Acuerdo fulfilling an obligation. arrangement. meses.
A bottle with a nipple to drink directly from.
Asegúrese de sostener el biberón
It is typically used by infants and young Make sure you hold the baby bottle
287 General Baby bottle Biberón apropiadamente para ayudar a que su
children when a mother does not properly to help your baby feed well.
bebé se alimente bien.
If you’re unable to breastfeed, you will Si no puede amamantar, deberá darle
Fórmula para bebés / Food which contains nutrients to feed
need to give the infant baby formula. We leche infantil a su bebé. Nosotros le
288 General Baby formula Fórmula para lactantes / infants used as a complete or partial
will provide some samples for you to take proveeremos de algunas muestras para
Leche infantil substitute for breast milk.
home. que se las lleve a casa.
A shower chair is a seat made for bathtubs
or showers. These seats are designed for
use by people who are unable to stand to
Silla para la bañera o tina
Bathtub chair / take a shower and must sit instead. With For many years he had to use a bathtub Ella tuvo que usar una silla para la bañera
289 General /
Shower chair the use of shower chairs, elderly people chair. por muchos años.
Silla para la ducha
and those with mobility problems are able
to have some independence by bathing
themselves or having help doing so.
A bedpan or bed pan is a device used as a
receptacle for the urine and/or feces of a
The nurse brought in a clean bedpan for La enfermera trajo una bacinilla limpia
290 General Bedpan Bacinilla person who is confined to a bed and
the patient to use. para que el paciente la use.
therefore not able to use a toilet or
chamber pot.
Person(s) who may become eligible to My beneficiaries are my two nephews. I Mis beneficiarios son mis dos sobrinos. Yo
291 General Beneficiary Beneficiaria(o) receive or is receiving benefits under an never got married. nunca me casé.
insurance policy.
Acta de nacimiento / An official document issued upon a You will need to provide your birth Necesitará proveer su acta de nacimiento
292 General Birth certificate Partida de nacimiento / person's birth, attesting to the date and certificate and another form of approved y otro tipo de identificación aprobada para
Certificado de nacimiento place of birth, parentage, etc. identification to apply for the passport. solicitar el pasaporte.
To obtain or receive (something) on loan May I please borrow some money? I have ¿Podría pedir prestado algo de dinero, por
293 General Borrow Pedir prestado with the promise or understanding of not paid my rent yet. favor? No he pagado mi alquiler aún.
returning it or its equivalent.
You could go to the Dillon branch, they
Ud. podría ir a la sucursal de Dillon, ellos
A division of a business or other have Spanish speaking representatives
294 General Branch Sucursal tienen representantes que hablan español,
organization. who would be more than happy to assist
quienes estarán felices de ayudarlo.

Marca / A trademark or distinctive name identifying The store was out of my favorite brand of La tienda no tenía la marca de mi café
295 General Brand coffee, so I ended up buying the store favorito, así que terniné comprando la
De patente a product, service, or organization.
brand. marca de la tienda.
A breast pump is a mechanical device that
lactating women use to extract milk from A breast pump is exactly what it sounds Un extractor de leche es exactamente lo
296 General Breast pump Extractor de leche their breasts. They may be manual devices like; it suctions milk out of your breasts so que parece; succiona la leche de sus
powered by hand or foot movements or you can give it to your baby. pechos para que pueda dársela a su bebé.
automatic devices powered by electricity.
Breve /
Corto / Short in time, duration, length, or extent. A Please keep your answers brief and to the Por favor mantenga sus respuestas breves
297 General Brief
Rápido / short, succinct statement. point y concretas.
A business day is considered every official
working day of the week. Another common Your order will arrive in three business Su orden llegará en tres días hábiles. Por
Días hábiles /
term is working day. Typically, these are the days. Please keep in mind this does not favor tenga en mente que esto no incluye
298 General Business days Días laborables /
days between and including Monday to include weekends or the Monday holiday. los fines de semana o el lunes que es día
Días útiles
Friday and do not include public holidays festivo.
and weekends.
If you close your account now, you will be Si cierra su cuenta ahora, se le cobrará un
299 General Charge Cobro To impose or ask as a price or fee.
charged an early termination fee. cargo por terminación anticipada.
Código / A set words, letters, figures, or other To access the system you need to type in Para acceder al sistema usted tiene que
300 General Code symbols identification or to protect private
Clave the code. ingresar el código.
What type of car would you prefer: a ¿Qué tipo de carro preferiría: carro de lujo
301 General Compact Compacta(o) Something small, or densely packed.
luxury car or a compact car? o compacto?
To act or be in accordance with wishes, You have not complied with the terms of No ha cumplido con los términos de su
302 General Comply (with) Cumplir requests, demands, requirements, your arreglo de pago.
conditions, etc. payment arrangement.
To unite into one system or whole; We can offer you a loan to consolidate Le podemos ofrecer un préstamo para
303 General Consolidate Consolidar combine to join or combine together into your debts. consolidar sus deudas.
one thing.
A long stick with a crosspiece at the top, She had back and hip problems and was in Ella tenía problemas de la espalda y
304 General Crutches Muletas used as a support under the armpit by a caderas, y tenía fuertes dolores,
severe pain, needing crutches to walk.
person with an injury or disability. necesitando muletas para caminar.
Actual / Could you please give me your current ¿Podría darme su dirección actual por
305 General Current Al Día / Up to date, current, most recent.
address, please? favor?
Al Corriente

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
La solicitud de cupones de alimentos debe
The latest time or date by which something Your food stamp application must be
ser completada y recibida antes de la
306 General Deadline Fecha límite should be completed. The due date of a bill completed and received by the deadline
fecha limite indicada en la carta que usted
or task to be completed. indicated in the letter you received.
A piece of absorbent material wrapped Brand name diapers are more expensive Los pañales de marca son más costosos
307 General Diapers Pañales around a baby's bottom and between their than the generic ones. que los genéricos.
legs to absorb and retain urine and feces.
Dígitos / Any of the Arabic numerals 1 to 9 and I need the last 4 digits of your social Necesito los 4 últimos dígitos de su
308 General Digits usually the symbol 0, especially when
Números security number. número del seguro social.
forming part of a number.
Dirección / The course or path on which something is What direction were you traveling, north, ¿En qué dirección iba viajando, norte, sur,
309 General Direction este u oeste?
Rumbo moving or pointing. south, east, or west?

Llovizna / There was a drizzle and the pavement was Hubo una llovizna y el pavimento estaba
310 General Drizzle Rain that falls lightly in very small drops.
Garúa slippery. resbaloso.
Earning (an To gain or be paid (money or other What I earn is enough to cover my Lo que gano es suficiente para cubrir mis
311 General Generación de ingresos
income) payment) in return for work or service. expenses. gastos.
En dirección este /
312 General Eastbound Going towards the east. You were going eastbound, right? ¿Usted iba en dirección al este, verdad?
Rumbo al este
Empleador(a) / A person or company that has people who I need you to provide the name of your Necesito que provea el nombre de su
313 General Employer last employer and how often you were último empleador y con qué frecuencia le
Patrona, Patrón do work for wages or a salary.
paid. pagaban.
An activity or service performed for Employment plays an important role in the El empleo juega un papel importante en el
314 General Employment Empleo another, especially for compensation or as loan application process. proceso de solicitud de préstamo.
an occupation.
Our system indicates that you are
To officially register as a member of an Nuestro sistema indica que usted está
Inscrita(o) (NO enrolled. It appears that you did it through
315 General Enrolled institution, company or organization that inscrito. Al parecer lo hizo por medio del
ENROLADA) the Internet. Do you remember doing
provides services. Internet. ¿Recuerda haberlo hecho?
Por favor estaciónese en el
Please park in the visitor parking and go to
Entrada / The means or place of entry, such as a estacionamiento de visitantes y vaya a la
316 General Entrance the south entrance where you will see the
Puerta vestibule, passage, driveway, door or gate. entrada sur donde verá el anuncio para la
sign for the emergency room.
sala de emergencias.
Vapor condensed to fine particles of water
suspended in the lower atmosphere that My visibility was limited by dense fog, I Mi visibilidad estaba limitada por la espesa
317 General Fog Neblina
differs from cloud only in being near the couldn't see much. neblina, no se veía mucho.
To pursue further attention to reinforce an
initial action. Med: a routine examination of
Seguimiento / a patient after or surgical treatment. A You will be back for your follow-up Va a regresar para su cita de seguimiento
318 General Follow-up
Continuación doctor's visits to check on the progress a appointment in 30 days. en 30 días.
patient is making following a procedure or
treatment for a condition.

Formularios / Refers to formatted documents with spaces You need to fill out, sign and date each of Necesita llenar, firmar y fechar cada uno
319 General Forms the forms you received for the bank to de los formularios que recibió para que el
Planillas (NO FORMAS) in which to write/enter or select data.
approve your loan application. banco apruebe su solicitud de préstamo.
Relating to or being a product that is sold or
El medicamento genérico típicamente le
distributed without any brand name, The generic drug will typically cost you less
320 General Generic Genérica(o) costará menos que el medicamento de
especially as a discount alternative to a than a brand name medication.
brand-name product.
A glucometer is used to measure the
amount of glucose in your blood. It’s a Glucose measurements were taken Las medidas de glucosa fueron tomadas
321 General Glucometer Glucómetro
portable medical device that tests your immediately with a glucometer. inmediatamente con un glucómetro.
blood through a fingerstick sample.
Small, hard balls of ice that fall from the sky Hail storms are of frequent occurrence in Las tormentas de granizo son frecuentes
322 General Hail Granizo
like rain. Colorado. en Colorado.
Propietaria(o) de una El propietario de la vivienda es
vivienda / The homeowner is responsible to pay for
Proprietor, owner of a home, an individual responsable de pagar los impuestos de la
323 General Homeowner Dueña(o) de casa / property taxes and home insurance if
who owns a home. propiedad y el seguro de la casa si él/ella
Poseedor(a) de casa he/she has not set up an escrow account.
no ha establecido una cuenta de plica.
A bed having side rails that can be raised or
lowered and a mattress base in three
jointed sections so that the head, foot, or He was sitting upright in his hospital bed, Estaba sentado erguido en su cama de
324 General Hospital bed Cama de hospital
middle may be raised by a crank or motor, propped up by pillows. hospital, apoyado sobre almohadas.
allowing a patient to lie in various positions,
as a therapeutic aid or for comfort.
A means of proving a person's identity,
The woman who was on passport control La mujer que estaba en control de
especially in the form of official papers:
325 General Identification (ID) identificación asked me if I had any other form of pasaportes me preguntó si tenía otro tipo
such as a birth certificate or driver's license,
identification. de identificación.
that identifies one.
Money received, especially on a regular
basis, for labor or services, sales of goods,
or profit from investments. The amount of
326 General Income Ingresos What is your annual income? ¿Cuál es su ingreso annual?
monetary or other returns, either earned or
unearned, accruing over a given period of

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
A meeting at which information is obtained Thank you for agreeing to this interview to Gracias por estar de acuerdo en hacer esta
327 General Interview Entrevista entrevista para determinar su elegibilidad
from a person. determine your eligibility for coverage.
para la cobertura.
Not legally or factually valid, not in force, We cannot accept liability if you are No podemos aceptar responsabilidad si le
328 General Invalid Inválido refused entry because of invalid niegan la entrada por presentar
null, void.
documents. documentos inválidos.
Emitir / The act of issuing a or giving something like They will issue a check or make a payment Emitirán un cheque o realizarán un pago
329 General Issue (verb) Expedir / a document, or payment such as a check. directly into your bank account. directamente a su cuenta bancaria.
Landlady / Arrendadora (o) / An individual that owns and rents land, Please call your landlord to report any Por favor llame al propietario para
330 General Propietaria(o) / problems with interior plumbing or reportar cualquier problema con la
Landlord buildings, or dwelling units.
Dueña(o) de vivienda electricity. plomería interior o la electricidad.
A lancet is a small, sharp needle used to
Las punciones en el dedo generalmente se
prick the skin and draw blood. It is an Finger pricks are usually done using a
331 General Lancets Lancetas hacen usando un dispositivo llamado
essential part of the diabetes management device called a lancet.
To give for temporary use on condition that I can lend you a pen so you can fill out the Le puedo prestar un bolígrafo para que
332 General Lend Prestar
the same or its equivalent will be returned. application. pueda llenar la solicitud.
Lasting, staying, or extending over a long These changes may improve profits now, Estos cambios pueden mejorar las
333 General Long term Largo plazo but they are going to cost us money in the ganancias ahora, pero nos costarán dinero
long term. a largo plazo.
Mail / Communication by the exchange of letters, My friend and I have been exchanging Mi amiga y yo hemos estado
334 General Correspondencia intercambiando correspondencia por más
Correspondence emails, or other forms of written messages. correspondence for over twenty years.
de 20 años.
The address at which a person or business
I need to know your mailing address if it is Necesito saber su dirección postal si es
Domicilio / receives letters or packages, which can be
335 General Mailing address different from the physical address of the que es diferente a la dirección física de la
Dirección postal different from the place where they work
property. propiedad.
or live.
One who administers, controls or directs a She was promoted to manager in less than La ascendieron a gerente en menos de un
336 General Manager Gerente
business or other enterprise. a year. año.
A person's state of being single, married, What is your marital status, are you single, ¿Cuál es su estado civil, es usted soltero,
337 General Marital Status Estado Civil
separated, divorced, or widowed. married, divorced, separated or widowed? casado, divorciado, separado o viudo?
One that belongs to a group or That service is only available to members Ese servicio solo está disponible para los
338 General Member Miembro organization, such as a bank, insurance of our community. miembros de nuestra comunidad.
company, church, music band.
Número de identificacion Identification number of one that belongs I need the name of the policy holder and Necesito el nombre del titular de la póliza
339 General Member ID de y el número de identificación de miembro
to a group or organization. member ID number to look up the policy.
miembro para buscar la póliza.
Membership A card certifying membership and the Enjoy free online access when you have a Disfrute del acceso gratuito en línea al
340 General Membresía (tarjeta) identity of the bearer in an organization or tener una membresía de su biblioteca
(card) membership from your local library.
insurance company. local.
The model of an object is a physical
representation that shows what it looks like
or how it works. ¿Cuál es el año, marca y modelo de su
341 General Model Modelo Refers to a particular brand of vehicle sold What is your car's year, make and model?
by a manufacturer, usually within a range of
models, usually of different sizes or
Modificación / The act of altering or changing a contract, A contract modification could be approved Una modificación del contrato puede ser
342 General Modification or a purchase contract, or altering the aprobada por escrito o por un acuerdo
Reestructuración in writing or by oral agreement.
terms of such purchase. verbal.
To get a free checking account, you need a Para recibir una cuenta corriente gratis
343 General Monthly Mensualmente Once a month. necesita un depósito directo
monthly direct deposit.
A nebulizer is a small machine that turns
liquid medicine into a mist that can be
easily inhaled. You sit with the machine and The drug was administered with a El medicamento fue administrado con un
344 General Nebulizer Nebulizador breathe in the medicine through a nebulizer, a device that turns a liquid nebulizador, un dispositivo que convierte
connected mouthpiece or facemask. This substance into an aerosol una sustancia líquida en aerosol.
allows the medicine to enter the lungs
Mi sobrina y sobrino necesitan ser
My niece and nephew need to be added as
A daughter of one's brother, brother-in- agregados como beneficiarios a mi póliza
345 General Niece Sobrina beneficiaries to my life insurance policy as
law, sister or sister-in-law. de seguro de vida ya que yo soy su tutor
I am their legal guardian.

Advance notification of intention to end an General Assistance pays for your housing, La Asistencia General paga su vivienda,
346 General Notice (noun) Notificación so you were not supposed to receive a entonces usted no debió recibir una
arrangement, contract, etc.
notice of eviction. notificación de desalojo.
Something that takes place or comes to
pass. Complaints seemed to be an everyday Las quejas parecían ser un incidente del
347 General Ocurrence Incidente
The action, fact, or instance of occurring. occurrence. día a día.
Something that happens; event; incident.
Connected to a computer, a computer To expedite the approval process, you can Para acelerar el proceso de aprobación,
348 General Online En línea
network, or the Internet. apply online. puede realizar la solicitud en línea.
An oxygen tank is an oxygen storage vessel,
Mi hotel tenía un tanque de oxígeno en el
which is either held under pressure in gas My hotel had an oxygen tank in the lobby
349 General Oxygen tank Tanque de oxígeno vestíbulo para los viajeros que tenían
cylinders, or as liquid oxygen in a cryogenic for travelers struggling with the altitude.
problemas con la altitud.
storage tank.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Your password should contain a minimum Su contraseña deberá tener un mínimo de
A secret word or phrase that must be used of 8 characters, letters, numbers and one 8 caracteres, letras, números y un símbolo.
350 General Password Contraseña
to gain admission to something. symbol. Please make sure to write it down Por favor asegúrese de escribirlo en un
in a secure place. lugar seguro.
Cheque de pago /
How often does your employer send out ¿Qué tan seguido envía su empleador los
Cheque de sueldo / A check issued to an employee in payment
351 General Paycheck your paychecks, weekly, bi-weekly or cheques de pago, semanal, quincenal, o
Cheque de salario / of salary or wages.
monthly? mensual?
Cheque de nómina
Tan pronto como se convierta en
Nómina / As soon as you become an employee you
The total sum of money to be paid out to empleado será agregado a nuestra nómina
352 General Payroll Paga / will be added to our official payroll and
employees at a given time. oficial y sus beneficios empezarán después
Planilla your benefits will start after 6 months.
de 6 meses.
353 General Purchase Compra To get (something) by paying money for it The interest on purchases is 19.99%. El interés sobre las compras es 19.99%.
Taking place four times a year. A period of The economy entered a low-growth phase La economía entró en una fase de bajo
354 General Quarter Trimestre crecimiento en el primer trimestre del
time consisting of three months. in the first quarter of the year.
The act or process of storing sounds or This call may be recorded for quality Esta llamada pudiera ser grabada para
355 General Recorded Grabado
images on tape or a disk. assurance purposes. propósitos de control de calidad.
Official document that gives/contains
information. A document or set of
According to our records, you have not De acuerdo a nuestros registros, usted no
documents that memorializes and provides
356 General Records Expedientes, registros made a payment since last July and you ha hecho un pago desde julio y necesita
objective evidence of activities performed,
need to bring the account current. poner la cuenta al día.
events occurred, results achieved, or
statements made.
Reduce / To make (something) smaller in size, A modification may reduce your monthly Una modificación puede reducir su pago
357 General Reducir
Bring down amount, number, etc. loan payment. mensual del préstamo.
To send (someone or something) to a Para ayudarle a perder peso, le puedo
particular person or place for treatment, referir a un nutricionista que le puede
To help you lose weight, I can refer you to
Referir / help, advice, etc. ayudar a planear sus comidas; también le
a nutritionist who can help you plan your
358 General Refer Refers to the process of directing or
Remitir meals; I also suggest you join a gym and sugiero que se inscriba en un gimnasio y
redirecting a patient to an appropriate empiece a hacer ejercicio por lo menos 5
start working out at least 5 days a week.
specialist or agency for definitive días a la semana
treatment, aid. Information or decision
The way in which two or more people or What is your relationship to the patient ¿Cual es su relación con el paciente y el
359 General Relationship Relación and the medical record number? número de registro médico?
things are connected.

To obtain occupancy or use of (another's Do you rent or own your home? If you ¿Alquila o es dueño de su casa? Si alquila,
360 General Rent Alquilar (NO RENTA) rent, I need the name and other contact necesito el nombre y otra información de
property) in return for regular payments.
information of the owner of the property. contacto del dueño de la propiedad.
An account given of a particular matter,
especially in the form of an official According to the police report, you were Según el informe de la policía usted estaba
Reporte /
361 General Report document, after thorough investigation or standing on the corner when the fire parado en la esquina cuando empezó el
consideration by an appointed person or began. incendio.
An amount of money that is used for a You do not have enough resources to No tiene suficientes recursos para calificar
362 General Resources Recursos
special purpose qualify for that type of home. a ese tipo de préstamos.
A rollator consists of a frame with three or Si su condición requiere que usted se
Rollator / four large wheels, handlebars, and a built-in If your condition requires you to stop and detenga y descanse con frecuencia, un
363 General Walker with a Andador con asiento seat. It is mainly used for patients who rest often, a rollator could be a better
andador con asiento podría ser una mejor
seat need a walker only for balance but not for choice for you.
elección para usted.
He was driving so fast that we could all Él manejaba tan rápido que todos pudimos
364 General Screech Chillido A loud shrill, harsh, or high-pitched sound. hear the screech of brakes when he got to oír el chillido de los frenos cuando llegó al
the traffic light. semáforo.

A gesture, action, or sound that is used to

365 General Signal Señal Did you see the traffic signal? ¿Vio usted la señal de tránsito?
convey information or instructions.

El conductor estaba muy enojado y

A heavy blow or impact; a noisy violent The driver was really mad and slammed embistió la puerta cuando se bajó de la
366 General Slam Embestir
closing; a banging noise. the door as he stepped out of his truck. camioneta.

Sufficient / Being as much as is needed; adequate; There is sufficient balance to execute the El saldo es suficiente para realizar la
367 General Suficiente
Enough enough. transaction. transacción.
An amount of money that a government Collecting taxes is a fundamental way for El recolectar impuestos es una manera
368 General Taxes Impuestos requires people to pay according to their fundamental para que los países generen
countries to generate public revenues.
income, the value of their property, etc. ingresos públicos.
A test strip is a strip of material containing
chemicals that react to certain substances.
Las tiras reactivas indican la acidez de la
Test strips are part of many tests for home The test strips indicate the acidity of urine
369 General Test strips Tiritas reactivas orina cambiando de color al entrar en
use that allow people to test for or monitor by changing color on contact with it.
contacto con ella.
some diseases or health conditions,
including diabetes.

Renovar / You must renew your application for Deberá renovar su solicitud de Medicaid
370 General To renew To make effective for an additional period. Medicaid every year if you want to cada año si quiere continuar recibiendo los
continue receiving the same benefits. mismos beneficios.
Adiestramiento / The education, instruction, or discipline of a She completed training to become a Ella completó el entrenamiento para ser
371 General Training physical therapist and graduated at the terapeuta físico y se graduó al final del
Entrenamiento person learning a new skill or task.
end of the summer. verano.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
El ejecutivo bancario aceptó transferir el
The banker agreed to transfer the client's
To take over the possession of (property, a dinero del cliente a un tipo de cuenta
372 General Transfer Transferir money to a different type of account since
right, or a responsibility) to someone else. distinto debido a que estaba descontento
he was unhappy with the current fees. ·
con los cargos actuales.
The action of transporting someone or Do you need transportation to and from ¿Necesita transporte para ir y regresar del
373 General Transportation Transporte something or the process of being the doctor's office? If so, that can be consultorio del doctor? Si así es, eso
transported. arranged. puede ser acordado.
Two offspring produced by the same
pregnancy. Identical twins result from the
Me dijeron que estoy embarazada con
fertilization of a single egg by a single They told me that I’m pregnant with twins,
mellizos, así que voy a necesitar ayuda
Twins (identical) / Gemelos / sperm, with the fertilized egg then splitting so I am going to need help, because I was
374 General porque estaba preparada para solo un
Twins (fraternal) Mellizos into two. Fraternal twins result from the prepared for just one baby. What do I
bebé. ¿Qué necesito hacer para recibir
fertilization of two separate eggs with two need to do to receive assistance?
different sperm during the same

Sin autorizar / Not having been given permission or Unauthorized vehicles without an Los vehículos no autorizados sin un pase
375 General Unauthorized entrance pass will not be allowed to pass
No autorizada(o) authority to do something. de entrada no podrán pasar por la puerta.
through the gate.
To bring up to date. To inform (someone) You need to update your contact Necesita actualizar su información de
376 General Update Actualizar information so we can ensure the contacto para asegurarnos que la
with the latest information.
correspondence is sent to the right place. correspondencia se envía al lugar correcto.
Also known as "user ID". A sequence of
You will need to create a username and Debe crear un nombre de usuario y
characters, different from a password, that
377 General Username Nombre de usuario password before you will have access to contraseña antes de tener acceso a este
is used as identification and is required
this system. sistema.
when logging on to a computer or website.
For verification purposes please provide Para fines de verificación por favor
378 General Verify Verificar To check or test the accuracy of.
your full address. proporcione su dirección completa.
An amount of money paid each hour or day He earns a good wage, because he works Él gana un buen salario, porque trabaja
379 General Wages Salario to compensate an employee for the for a fair employer. para un empleador justo.
amount of time he/she spends working.
A wheelchair is a chair with wheels, used
He spent the last ten years of his life in a Pasó los últimos diez años de su vida en
when walking is difficult or impossible due
380 General Wheelchair Silla de ruedas wheelchair after a fall that left him silla de ruedas tras una caída que lo dejó
to illness, injury, problems related to old
paralyzed from the waist down. paralizado de cintura para abajo.
age, or disability.
A drug that has a trade name and is The brand name medication will cost more El medicamento de marca costará mas que
Brand name protected by a patent (can be produced than the generic product. You can check el producto genérico. Puede confirmar con
381 Health Insurance Medicamentos de marca
medication and sold only by the company holding the with the pharmacist to see if your health el farmaceuta para ver si su seguro de
patent). insurance will cover that. salud lo cubrirá.
A common feature of many health plans,
Copago / where the insured pays a set out-of-pocket Su porción de pago /copago por el
Co-pay /
382 Health Insurance Pago compartido / amount for health care services. Providers Your copay for the specialist is $45. especialista es de $45.
Porción de pago often charge co-pays for services such as
doctor visits or prescriptions drugs.
Coinsurance is the percentage of costs a
patient pays for medical expenses - such as
Coaseguro / a hospital stay, office visit, medical device,
383 Health Insurance Coinsurance Co seguro / or prescription drug. Coinsurance is a form Your co-insurance is 20%. Su coaseguro es 20%.
Seguro compartido of cost-sharing, or splitting the cost of a
service or medication between the
insurance company and consumer.
To register and give information relevant to
an insured's participation in an insurance
Inscribirse (NO You must fill out an application to be able Usted debe llenar una solicitud para poder
384 Health Insurance Enroll (verb) plan. To officially register as a member of
ENROLARSE) to enroll in this health insurance plan. inscribirse en este plan de seguro de salud.
an institution, company or organization
that provides services.
Tarifa preindicada / A comprehensive listing of fee maximums That's your co-pay for the visit, it is based Ese es su copago por la visita, se basa en la
385 Health Insurance Fee schedule Lista de precios used to reimburse a physician and/or other on the agreed fee schedule with the tarifa preindicada acordada con el
preindicados providers on a fee-for-service basis. facility you went to. establecimiento a donde fue.
Medicamentos de la lista
de medicamentos Formularies are lists that have the The doctor prescribed a formulary El médico le recetó un medicamento de la
Formulary aprobados / insurance carriers preferred drugs. You can medication which does appear on the list lista de medicinas aprobadas el cual sí
386 Health Insurance
medication Medicamento de la lista normally find both generic and brand name of approved medications by the insurance aparece en la lista de medicamentos
de medicinas aprobadas drugs in the formularies. company. aprobados por la compañía de seguros.
por el seguro de salud
Do you have a health plan that would ¿Tiene un plan de salud que cubra esta
cover this illness? Otherwise, you will have enfermedad? De otra manera usted
Health plan / Plan de salud / to pay out of pocket and it will be very tendrá que pagar de su propio bolsillo y
387 Health Insurance An insurance plan that covers expenses.
Insurance plan Plan de seguro expensive. Maybe your husband can será muy costoso. Tal vez su esposo la
include you in his employment health pueda incluir en el plan de salud de su
plan. empleo.
A health maintenance organization (HMO)
is an organization that provides health
No estoy segura si tengo un plan de
HMO / coverage with providers under contract. An
HMO (Health organización para el mantenimiento de la
Organización para el HMO differs from traditional health by the I am not sure if I have an HMO or a PPO
388 Health Insurance Maintenance salud o un plan de proveedores
mantenimiento de la contracts it has with its providers. HMO plan and do I need to select a PCP?
Organization) preferenciales. Y ¿debo escoger un doctor
salud usually only pay for care within the
de cabecera?
network. You choose a primary care doctor
who coordinates most of your care.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Worker, who assists elderly or disabled Older people get the best care and Los adultos mayores reciben los mejores
Home care Proveedor(a) de atención adults with daily living activities at the services when they feel comfortable with cuidados y servicios cuando se sienten a
389 Health Insurance
provider domiciliaria person's home, such as preparing meals, the home care providers they have gusto con los proveedores de atención
housekeeping, transportation. chosen. médica que ellos escogieron.
Refers to providers or health care facilities
Dentro de la red de that are part of a health plan's network of Please make sure that you see an in- Por favor asegúrese de ver un médico
390 Health Insurance In-network
proveedores providers with which it has negotiated a network doctor. dentro de la red de proveedores.
A number that identifies a patient at a
medical facility. The number identifies the
Número de expediente
Medical Record chronological written account of a patient's Can you please give me your medical ¿Por favor, me puede dar su número de
médico /
391 Health Insurance medical examination and treatment record number to look for providers in expediente médico para buscar
Number Número de registro
history, physician's physical findings, your area? proveedores en su área?
medications and therapeutic procedures
Office visit where a patient seeks care or He charges $225 for a 40-minute physical Él cobra $225 por un examen físico de 40
392 Health Insurance Office visit Consulta examination and $150 for a 20-minute minutos y $150 por una consulta de 20
advice from a health care provider.
office visit. minutos.
Usually refers to physicians, hospitals or
Mr. Luna, you're responsible for the bill Señor Luna, usted es responsable por la
Fuera de la red de other health care providers who are
393 Health Insurance Out of network because you went to see an out-of- factura ya que fue a ver a un proveedor
proveedores considered non participants in an plan
network provider. fuera de la red.
(usually an HMO or PPO).

Out-of-pocket Dinero de su bolsillo / Refers to costs that individuals pay out of You must also be aware that out of pocket También debe tener en cuenta que los
394 Health Insurance De su propio dinero / expenses can occur when you make a gastos de su propio dinero se pueden dar
expense their own cash reserves.
Que corre por su cuenta claim. cuando realice un reclamo.
PPO / A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a
Debido a que tiene un plan de
Organización de managed care organization of health
PPO (Preferred Organización de Proveedores
Proveedores providers who contract with an insurer or Because you have a PPO plan, you do not
395 Health Insurance Provider Preferenciales usted no necesita una
Preferenciales / third-party administrator (TPA) to provide need a referral to see a specialist.
Organization) remisión para ver a un especialista.
Organización de health coverage to policy holders
proveedores Preferentes represented by the insurer or TPA.
Someone that provides a service, such as a The provider will examine you now.
396 Health Insurance Provider Proveedor(a) El proveedor lo examinará ahora.
health care provider.
Refers to the most money an insured
individual will have to pay out of his own Since you already reached your annual Dado que usted ya llegó al límite anual de
Límite anual de gastos del
Insurance Annual out-of- pocket, during a policy period (usually a out-of-pocket maximum the insurance gastos del paciente la compañía de seguro
397 paciente /
(general) pocket maximum year) for health care services. Añadir: . company will take care of your medical se hará cargo de sus facturas médicas por
Tope anual
When this limit is reached, your health plan bills for rest of the year. el resto del año.
will cover 100% of your qualified expenses.

Insurance The extent of protection afforded by an He said that what is covered is one item Me dijo que lo que está cubierto es un
398 Coverage Cobertura artículo por cada tipo de equipo que
(general) insurance policy. per each type of equipment I need.
Destruction or a loss in value, usefulness, or
The results of the vehicle inspection show Los resultados de la inspección del
Insurance Daños / ability resulting from an action or event. that there were previous damages, vehículo muestran que habían daños
399 Damages
(general) Pérdidas physical harm that is done to something or therefore we will only cover damages previos, así que solo cubriremos daños
to someone's body. caused by this accident. causados por éste accidente.
When I came back, the car was not there. Cuando regresé el carro ya no estaba ahí.
Insurance The scattered remains of something broken There were only debris where I parked it Solo habían escombros dónde lo estacioné
400 Debris Escombros
(general) or destroyed; rubble or wreckage. last night. It seems that they even broke anoche. Parece ser que inclusive
the windows to get in. rompieron la ventana para meterse.
Insurance The amount for which the insured is liable You will have to pay a $500 deductible for Usted tendrá que pagar un deducible de
401 Deductible Deducible
(general) on each claim made on an insurance policy. the repairs to your vehicle. $500 por las reparaciones de su vehículo.
Insurance The date on which coverage begins. Date Your coverage will begin on the effective Su cobertura empezará en la fecha vigente
402 Effective date Fecha de vigencia on which some service, agreement or right date which in your case is September 15, que en su caso es el 15 de Septiembre del
of use enters into effect. 2016. 2016.
Insurance Homeowners Seguro para propietarias Policies designed to protect the property of Homeowner's insurance is considered El seguro para viviendas es considerado
403 (os) de vivienda / homeowners, as well as the legal liability mandatory if you plan to purchase the obligatorio si usted planea comprar la
(general) insurance
Seguro de viviendas derived from owning said property. property. propiedad.
Insurance Lesionado /
404 Injured Harmed, damaged, or impaired physically. Were you injured in this accident? ¿Se lastimó/se lesionó en este accidente?
(general) Herido
Harm or damage. An act or event that
Lesiones / causes someone or something to no longer
Insurance Did anyone involved in the accident suffer ¿Alguien implicado en el accidente sufrió
405 Injuries Lastimaduras / be fully healthy or in good condition.
(general) any injuries? lesiones/heridas?
Heridas Physical damage or harm done to or
suffered by a person.
Insurance To look at something closely, typically to The appraiser will come out to inspect the El tasador va a ir a inspeccionar los daños
406 Inspect (verb) Inspeccionar
(general) assess their condition. damages to the vehicle. del vehículo.
An agreement in which a person makes
regular payments to a company and the
company promises to pay money if the
person is injured or dies, or to pay money It’s a good thing I have flood insurance, Es bueno que tengo seguro contra
407 Insurance Seguro equal to the value of something (such as a because we are close to the lake and the inundación porque estamos cerca del lago
house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or rain lasted all night. y la lluvia duró toda la noche.
stolen. Coverage by contract in which one
party agrees to cover another for loss that
occurs under the terms of the contract.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Insurance A qualified sales person, who searches for We paid an insurance broker to look for Le pagamos a una corredora de seguros
408 Insurance broker Corredor(a) de seguros insurance coverage at the lowest cost and
(general) insurance on our behalf. para buscar un seguro por nosotros.
providing the highest benefit to the buyer.
Insurance A person whose life or property is insured. We determined our insured is not at fault Determinamos que nuestro asegurado no
409 Insured Asegurada(o) One who has or is covered by an insurance
(general) for the accident. es culpable del accidente.
The price at which a product or service is
selling in the open market/the value of a
Insurance Market price / business, property, etc., in terms of what If the car is a total loss, what is the market Si el carro es pérdida total, ¿cuál es el
410 Precio/valor del mercado can be sold for on the open market. The
(general) Market value price you are estimating then? precio de mercado que está calculando?
amount for which something can be sold on
a given market. Often contrasted with book
Insurance: a person(s) who is traveling from
Insurance one place to another in a car, bus, train, How many passengers were there in your
411 Passengers Pasajeros ¿Cuántos pasajeros iban en su vehículo?
(general) ship, airplane, etc., and who is not driving vehicle?
or working on it.
I am calling about my life insurance policy.
Estoy llamando sobre mi póliza de seguro
It is a term policy and I believe I can
de vida. Es una póliza temporal y creo que
Insurance A document detailing the terms and surrender it in July. Is that right? I am
412 Policy Póliza puedo cancelarla en julio. ¿Es eso
(general) conditions of a contract of insurance. going to need some money and that would
correcto? Voy a necesitar dinero y sería
be great if I can cash it in.
genial si pudiera cobralo.

Insurance Titular de la póliza / A person or group in whose name an Who is the policyholder, you or your ¿Quién es el titular/polizahabiente?
413 Policyholder
(general) Pólizahabiente insurance policy is held. husband? ¿Usted o su esposo?
Insurance Premium (context Prima / The cost of an insurance policy; the The premium or cost of the car insurance La prima o costo del seguro será
414 Prima del seguro / consideration paid by the insured to the will be approximately $150 per month.
(general) dependent) aproximadamente de $150 por mes.
Cuota del seguro insurer for protection.
Insurance Comprobante / Evidence that establishes or helps to Do they have any proof that it was ¿Tienen alguna prueba de que fue
415 Proof establish the truth, validity, quality of
(general) Prueba Hampson who stole the goods? Hampson quien robó la mercancía?
Insurance Information about the cost of an insurance I can give you a quote for a 6 or 12 month Le puedo dar una cotización para una
416 Quote Cotización (NO CUOTA) policy given to the prospective insured by policy which will tell you how much you póliza de 6 o 12 meses que le indicará
the insurance company. will pay each month or year. cuanto pagará cada mes
A formal oral declaration, usually taken
within hours or days after a loss or Necesitaremos tomar una declaración
Insurance Recorded We will need to take a recorded statement
417 Declaración grabada accident, especially with regard to facts or grabada de ambos conductores
(general) statement from both drivers involved in the accident.
claims. The statements are audio recorded involucrados en el accidente.
by an adjuster.
A settlement, in the context of insurance,
refers to a policy benefit or claims
Como parte de su acuerdo de divorcio, Jeff
Insurance payment. The amount depends on the As part of their divorce settlement, Jeff
418 Settlement Acuerdo estuvo de acuerdo en dejar que Polly se
(general) particular claim, the guidelines stipulated in agreed to let Polly keep the house.
quedara con la casa.
the insurance policy, and the mutual
agreement of the parties involved.

Insurance A person who receives a service or Some large companies will not sell, lease Algunas compañías grandes no venden,
419 Subscriber Suscriptor(a) or rent its email subscriber list to third arriendan o alquilan su lista de correo
(general) coverage regularly by paying in advance.
parties. electrónico de suscriptores a terceros.
Insurance Ceder / To return, turn in, give up, or give back an You have 15 days to bring your account up Usted tiene 15 días para poner su cuenta
420 Surrender to date or you will have to surrender your
(general) Entregar asset. al día o tendrá que entregar su vehículo.
Marcas de nacimiento / An unusual and typically permanent brown La mayoría de las marcas de nacimiento
421 Jail system Birthmarks The majority of birthmarks are harmless.
Manchas de nacimiento or red mark on someone's body from birth. son inocuas.
Status assigned to an inmate, as a
consequence from a violation of jail rules,
which consists of confinement in a cell, He is in disciplinary segregation due to his Está en aislamiento disciplinario debido a
422 Jail system Segregation / Aislamiento disciplinario
room, or other housing unit, in isolation, violent behavior. su comportamiento violento.
segregated from inmates who are not on
disciplinary segregation status.
Doing the Dutch / Reclusa(o) que planea We are worried he only talks about the Estamos preocupados, él solo habla de
423 Jail system Inmate talk: To commit suicide
The “Dutch Act” suicidarse Dutch Act. suicidarse.
I.K. Inmate Cocina para Kitchen facility area in which some inmates I got burned while helping in the IK while Me quemé cuando ayudaba en la cocina
424 Jail system
Kitchen reclusas(os) / presas(os) can work. preparing breakfast. para reclusos preparando el desayuno.
A room or building where groups of people, Se desmayó en nuestra mesa en el
425 Jail system Mess hall Comedor de reclusos He fainted at our table in the mess hall.
especially inmates or soldiers, eat together. comedor.
Something that confines a person
preventing free action as if by fetters — Los grilletes se usan especialmente para
Shackles are used especially to restrain
426 Jail system Shackles Grilletes usually used in plural. Usually U-shaped inmovilizar prisioneros de alta
highly dangerous prisoners.
fastening device secured by a bolt or pin peligrosidad.
through holes in the end of the two arms.
A room or building set aside for the
Los encarcelados que necesiten ir a la
treatment or accommodation of the sick, Inmates who need to go to the sick bay
427 Jail system Sick bay Enfermería enfermería deben solicitar una visita
especially within a jail, military base or on must make a sick call.
board a ship.
The Monster / Inmate talk: Refers to an inmate having
428 Jail system (Recluso) con SIDA Watch out he's got 'the ninja'. Cuidado, él tiene SIDA.
The Ninja HIV.
Malestares / Minor pains and discomforts, typically in I have aches and pains almost everyday Tengo malestares casi todos los días, pero
429 Medical Aches and pains
Achaques the muscles. but I think that comes with age. creo que vienen con la edad.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
430 Medical Acid reflux Reflujo gástrico / A condition in which acidic gastric fluid is After I eat tomatoes I get acid reflux. Después de comer tomates tengo reflujo
Reflujo ácido regurgitated into the esophagus, causing gástrico.
heartburn. for answering calls and
You can always call the advice nurse to Usted siempre puede llamar a la
providing appropriate information to assist
find out if it is necessary to make an enfermera consejera para averiguar si es
Enfermera(o) consejera callers in assessing needs for health
431 Medical Advice nurse appointment with your doctor or if you necesario hacer una cita con su doctor o si
(o) services. They give appropriate clinical
should go immediately to the emergency debe ir de inmediato a la sala de
options and assist in assessing primary care,
room. emergencias.
specialty care or community resources.
They also educate callers on self-care
advice and preventative measures.
The passage by which air reaches a person's Please make sure your child's airways are Por favor, asegúrese de que las vías
432 Medical Airway Vía(s) respiratoria(s)
lungs. clear. respiratorias de su niño estén despejadas.

Drugs used to kill harmful bacteria and to It is important you take the antibiotics Es importante que tome los antibióticos
cure infections (such as penicillin or its prescribed with food, until you run out. recetados con comida hasta que se
433 Medical Antibiotics Antibióticos
derivatives). Antibiotics inhibit the growth Don't stop taking them, even if you start terminen. No deje de tomarlos, incluso si
of and destroy microorganisms. feeling better. empieza a sentirse mejor.
Any of the muscular-walled tubes forming
part of the circulation system by which
Chest pain is one of the effects of coronary El dolor de pecho es uno de los efectos de
434 Medical Artery Arteria blood (mainly which has been oxygenated)
artery disease. la enfermedad de las arterias coronarias.
is conveyed from the heart to all parts of
the body.
A bedside commode is a portable toilet. It
has no water supply or drainage and can be
Inodoro portátil / easily moved around for convenience. It is a
Bedside The nurse will help you go to the La enfermera le ayudará a ir al baño
435 Medical Retrete portátil / great help to people who can't walk to the
commode bathroom using a bedside commode. usando un inodoro portátil.
Baño portátil bathroom because of frailty or illness. A
bedside commode is better than using a
bedpan or urinal.
Refers to a person or an animal use of the
Mordedura (de teeth to cut into something in order to eat En algunos casos, las mordeduras
In some cases, a human bite can be more
436 Medical Bite animal, de serpiente) / it. An animal bite is an injury caused by the humanas pueden ser más peligrosas que
dangerous than an animal bite.
Picadura (de insecto) mouth and teeth of an animal (including las de los animales.
A membranous sac in humans and other My father needs a procedure to fix his Mi papá necesita un procedimiento para
437 Medical Bladder Vejiga animals, in which urine is collected for bladder issues. arreglar sus problemas de vejiga.
He needs an ambulance, he is bleeding Necesita una ambulancia, está sangrando
438 Medical Bleeding Sangrado Escape of blood from an injured vessel
profusely. profusamente.
The red liquid that circulates in the arteries
and veins of humans and other vertebrate We will do some blood tests to determine Le haremos unos exámenes de sangre
439 Medical Blood Sangre
animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon if there is an infection. para determinar si tiene una infección.
dioxide from the tissues of the body.
The pressure of the blood in the circulatory
If you have problems with high blood Si usted tiene problemas de presión
system closely related to the force and rate
440 Medical Blood Pressure Presión arterial presure you should avoid sodium in your arterial alta, debería evitar el sodio en su
of the heartbeat and the diameter and
diet. dieta.
elasticity of the arterial walls.
An instrument for measuring blood
Tensiómetro / pressure in the arteries, especially one
Blood pressure Please do not move the blood pressure Por favor, no mueva el tensiómetro
441 Medical Medidor de la presión consisting of a pressure gauge and a nylon
cuff cuff while it is inflating. mientras se está inflando.
arterial or rubber cuff that wraps around the upper
arm and inflates to constrict the arteries.
Defecación con sangre /
Defecación sanguinolenta Defecación sanguinolenta significa que hay
Refers to a sign that there is bleeding Bloody stool means there is bleeding
442 Medical Bloody stool / sangrado en alguna parte del tracto
somewhere along the digestive tract. somewhere in the digestive tract.
Heces con sangre / digestivo.
Heces sanguinolentas
Vacuna de refuerzo / A dose of a substance used to renew or Many vaccines require a booster shot after Muchas vacunas requieren una dosis de
443 Medical Booster shot increase the effect of a drug or immunizing the initial dose to continue immunizing the refuerzo después de la dosis inicial para
Dosis de refuerzo
agent. body. continuar inmunizando el organismo.
Evacuación / An act of passing usually solid waste Not drinking enough water throughout the El no tomar suficiente agua durante el día
444 Medical Bowel movement Deposición / day may be the reason you don't have puede ser la razón por la que no está
through the rectum and anus.
Defecación daily bowel movements. teniendo deposiciones diarias.
(Dental) Braces are devices used in
orthodontics that align and straighten
Frenillos - aparatos teeth. My child needs braces but I cannot afford Mi niña necesita frenillos, pero no los
445 Medical Braces dentales (dental) / (Orthopedics) A device fitted to something, them, they're expensive. puedo pagar, son caros.
Soporte (ortopédico) in particular a weak or injured part of the
body, to give support. Example: A neck
Breast self- Autoexamen de los senos A screening method used in an attempt to Do you perform a monthly breast self- ¿Usted realiza mensualmente un
446 Medical / autoexamen de los senos?
examination detect early breast cancer. exam?
Autoexamen de mamas
Clínica de lactancia Facilities committed to the protection, La clínica de lactancia materna es un
Breast-feeding materna / promotion and support of breast feeding. The breastfeeding clinic is an important recurso importante para las nuevas
447 Medical
clinic Clínica de Breastfeeding is the optimal way to feed resource for new mothers. madres.
amamantamiento neonates and infants.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Respiración / The passage of air into and out of the lungs
448 Medical Breathing Is the patient awake and breathing? ¿Está el paciente despierto y respirando?
Respirar to supply the body with oxygen.
A tube inserted (as through the nose or
If the swelling continues we will insert a Si la hinchazón continúa vamos a insertar
mouth) into the trachea to maintain an
449 Medical Breathing tube Tubo respiratorio breathing tube. un tubo respiratorio/ de respiración.
unobstructed passageway especially to
deliver oxygen or anesthesia to the lungs.
Plural form of bronchus. Any of the major Breathing is difficult when the bronchi La respiración se dificulta cuando los
450 Medical Bronchi Bronquios air passages of the lungs that diverge from bronquios se inflaman.
become swollen.
the windpipe.
Refers to any sensations anywhere that
elicit a feeling of warmth or intense heat A burning sensation with urination may be Una sensación de escozor/ardor al orinar
Ardor /
451 Medical Burning sensation that may or may not be accompanied by an puede ser una indicación de una infección
pain. Blazing, red-hot, smoldering, indication of a UTI. de las vías urinarias.
Nalga / Either of the two round fleshy parts that
452 Medical Buttock I will inject on your baby's buttocks. Inyectaré a su bebé en la nalga.
Glúteo form the lower rear area of a human trunk.
A sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation He passed out and was taken to the Él se desmayó y fue llevado al hospital, él
453 Medical Cardiac arrest Paro cardíaco
of function of the heart. hospital, he had a cardiac arrest. tuvo un paro cardíaco.
Dental caries or cavities, more commonly Las caries dentales o cavidades dentales
known as tooth decay, are caused by a más comúnmente conocidos como
454 Medical Cavity Caries Tooth decay.
breakdown of the tooth enamel. deterioro dental, son causadas por la
ruptura del esmalte dental.
A sheet of information in the form of a The doctor will release you tomorrow El doctor le dará de alta mañana de
455 Medical Chart Cartilla médica
table, graph or diagram. according to his notes on your chart. acuerdo a las notas en su cartilla medica.
Chickenpox is an infection caused by the
varicella zoster virus. Most cases are in Chicken pox often affects children and
La varicela a menudo afecta a niños y
456 Medical Chicken Pox Varicela children under age 15, but older children causes a fever and red spots on the skin.
causa fiebre y manchas rojas en la piel.
and adults can get it. It spreads very easily
from one person to another.
A sensation of coldness, often When I had Covid, I had fever, chills and Cuando tuve Covid, me dió febre,
457 Medical Chills Escalofríos accompanied by shivering and pallor of the body aches. escalofríos y dolores corporales.
A health care professional trained to
diagnose and treat neuromuscular Un médico quiropráctico puede algunas
A chiropractor can sometimes help reduce
458 Medical Chiropractor Quiropráctica(o) disorders, through manual adjustment veces, ayudarle a reducir el dolor de
your back pain by stretching your spine.
and/or manipulation of the spine, bones espalda al elongar su columna vertebral.
and joints.
A bacterial infection caused by Chlamydia
Ya que es una infección bacteriana, la
trachomatis. The infection can spread Because it is a bacterial infection,
459 Medical Chlamydia Clamidia clamidia puede ser tratada con
through the genital tract from various types chlamydia can be treated with medication.
of sexual contact.
Refers to a person or animal with severe
Una de las escenas más graciosas en
Atorarse / difficulty in breathing because of a Mrs. Doubtfire's chocking is one of the
460 Medical Choke comedia, es de la Sra. Doubtfire
Atragantarse constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of funniest scenes in comedy.
The term chronic is often applied when the For resistant or chronic acne patients, we Para pacientes con acné persistente o
461 Medical Chronic Crónico course of the disease lasts for more than crónico, también ofrecemos tratamiento
also offer laser treatment.
three months. con láser.
A establishment or hospital department Please bring your child to the clinic so we Por favor traiga a su hijo a la clínica para
462 Medical Clinic Clínica can assess his symptoms and provide poder evaluar sus síntomas y proveer
where outpatients are given treatment.
treatment if needed. tratamiento si es necesario.
An infectious disease transmissible from
Enfermedad contagiosa /
Communicable person to person by direct contact with an Most venereal diseases are communicable La mayoría de las enfermedades venéreas
463 Medical Enfermedad contagiable /
disease affected individual or the individual's diseases. son enfermedades contagiosas.
Enfermedad transferible
discharges or by indirect means.
An abnormal or excessive accumulation of a
body fluid. The term is used broadly in No puedo respirar, mi nariz está muy
464 Medical Congested Congestionada(o) medicine, for example 'nasal congestion' I can't breathe, my nose is so congested. congestionada.
referring to excess mucus and secretions in
the air passages of the nose.
The condition of being unable to easily
Estreñimiento (NO release solid waste from your body; the To avoid constipation you should eat Para evitar el estreñimiento usted debería
465 Medical Constipation
constipado) condition of being unable to have a bowel plenty vegetables and fruit. comer abundantes vegetales y frutas.
movement easily.
(of a disease) Spread from one person or Parents of students who suffer contagious Los padres de estudiantes que padecen
466 Medical Contagious Contagiosa(o) organism to another by direct or indirect diseases should notify school authorities. enfermedades contagiosas deben avisar a
contact. las autoridades escolares.
To expel air from the lungs suddenly and
noisily, often to keep the respiratory
You can buy an over-the-counter cough Usted puede comprar jarabe para la tos de
467 Medical Cough Tos passages free of irritating material. To force
syrup for that cough. venta libre.
air through your throat with a short, loud
noise often because you are sick.
Expectorar / To help you cough up the phlemg, try Para ayudar a expectorar la flema, trate de
468 Medical Cough up An illness marked by frequent coughing.
Toser walking as much as you can. caminar lo más que pueda.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Resucitación CPR is an emergency procedure for a You can attend free CPR classes that the Puede asistir a clases gratuitas de
CPR cardiopulmonar person whose heart has stopped or is no resucitación cardiopulmonar que ofrece la
Red Cross offers so that you are prepared
469 Medical (Cardiopulmonary (RCP) / longer breathing. CPR can maintain Cruz Roja para que esté preparado para
to help those in an emergency situation.
resuscitation) Reanimación circulation and breathing until emergency ayudar a aquellos en una situación de
cardiopulmonar help arrives. emergencia.
Cólicos (menstrual) / A painful, involuntary contraction of a If you don't stretch before and after Si usted no se estira antes y después de
470 Medical Cramps Calambres (muscular) / muscle or muscles, typically caused by working out you may get cramps. ejercitarse, le podrían dar calambres.
Retorcijones (abdominal) fatigue or strain.
CT (Computerized Tomografía A type of imaging that uses special x-ray The CT scan detected calcium deposits in La tomografía computarizada detectó
471 Medical Tomography) equipment to make cross-sectional pictures
computarizada your arteries. depósitos de calcio en sus arterias.
scan of your body.
The sudden death of some brain cells due Los defectos del campo visual ocurren
to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to Visual field defects often occur as a
Cerebrovascular Accidente como consecuencia de un accidente
472 Medical the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture consequence of cerebrovascular accident,
accident (CVA) cerebrovascular (ACV) cerebrovascular, ligados a parálisis de una
of an artery to the brain. A CVA is a higher- linked with paralysis of a limb.
register term for stroke.
Parto /
Did you plan on a natural delivery or birth?
Alumbramiento / ¿Planea un parto natural? ¿Planea tener al
473 Medical Delivery The act of giving birth; parturition. Do you plan to have the baby at home or
Dar a luz / bebé en casa o en el hospital?
at a hospital?
Any of a group of diseases characterized by
high blood sugar (glucose) levels caused by
insufficient production of insulin, impaired Mi abuela tenía que darse inyecciones de
response to insulin, or both. With type 1 My grandmother had to give herself daily
insulina diariamente ella misma y
474 Medical Diabetes Diabetes diabetes, your body does not make insulin. insulin injections and watch her sugar
controlar el consumo de azúcar debido a
With type 2 diabetes, the more common intake due to her diabetes.
su diabetes.
type, your body does not make or use
insulin well. Without enough insulin, the
glucose stays in your blood.
Loose, watery stools more than three times
I need an appointment with the Necesito una cita con el pediatra ya que mi
in one day. You may also have cramps,
475 Medical Diarrhea Diarrea pediatrician as my son has diarrhea, a hijo tiene diarrea, fiebre y lloró gran parte
bloating, nausea and an urgent need to
fever and was crying most of the night. de la noche.
have a bowel movement.
Discharge (from Flujo / They developed a fever and a watery Desarrollaron fiebre y una secreción
476 Medical Secretions.
the body) Secreción discharge from their eyes. acuosa de sus ojos.
The point at which the patient leaves the
Me dieron de alta del hospital 5 días
Discharge (release hospital and either returns home or is I was discharged 5 days after giving birth.
477 Medical Dar de alta después que dí a luz. Hubo algunas
from the hospital) transferred to another facility such as one There were a few complications.
for rehabilitation or to a nursing home.
Ese procedimiento es usualmente más
An absence of comfort or ease; uneasiness, That procedure is usually more involved
Molestia / complicado y causa más
478 Medical Discomfort hardship, or mild pain. Being uneasy, and causes more discomfort than the
Malestar molestias/malestar que un procedimiento
anxious, or embarrassed. laparoscopic procedure.

Dizzy / Having a feeling of being whirled about and Please send an ambulance soon, my Por favor envíen una ambulancia pronto,
479 Medical Mareada(o) / Aturdida(o) in danger of falling down. Feeling unsteady
Light headed mother feels dizzy, light headed. mi madre se siente mareada.
or confused.
Refers to the duration or frequency at
which a medicine must be taken or
The doctor will indicate the dosage of the El médico le indicará la dosificación del
480 Medical Dosage Dosificación administered. The dosage is the dose, or
new medication. nuevo medicamento.
amount of drug, plus when and how often
to take it.
Refers to a measured portion or a quantity That new dose is hard to take, the cough Esa nueva dosis es difícil de tomar, el
481 Medical Dose Dosis of a medicine or a substance that must be syrup does not taste good. jarabe para la tos no sabe bien.
taken at a time.
(Feeling) Down / Feeling out of sorts, under the weather, With all of his problems lately, he is feeling Con todos sus problemas últimamente, él
482 Medical Decaída(o)
Weak weak, unwell. a bit down. se está sintiendo un poco decaído.
A vaccine used for active immunization
DPT / DTP / DTaP against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping
Vacuna contra la difteria, He got a shot for diphtheria, tetanus, and Le pusieron las vacunas contra la difteria,
483 Medical / TdaP/ DTP cough. Sometimes this vaccine is called the
el tétanos y la tos ferina whooping cough. tétanos y tosferina.
vaccine bacterial triple shot, however, it is a
different register.
Pain lacking in force, intensity, or Are you experiencing a dull pain, or is it ¿Esta experimentando un dolor sordo, o es
484 Medical Dull pain Dolor sordo sharpness; type of pain that is not very agudo o ardor?
sharp or burning?
strong but continues for a long time.
Durable medical Any equipment that provides therapeutic You can rent any durable medical Puede alquilar cualquier equipo médico
485 Medical Equipo médico duradero benefits to a patient in need because of duradero que necesite para su
equipment equipment needed for your treatment.
certain conditions and/or illnesses. tratamiento.
A hospital room or area that is used for
Emergency Room treating people who need immediate
Please take the patient to the ER if there is Por favor lleve al paciente a la sala de
(ER) / medical care - abbreviation ER. The section
486 Medical Sala de emergencias any sudden loss of consciousness or emergencias si hay una repentina pérdida
Emergency of a health care facility for providing rapid
excessive bleeding. de conciencia o sangrado excesivo.
Department (ED) treatment to victims of sudden illness or
Feces /
Excremento / We have detected blood in your Hemos detectado sangre en su
Excrement /
487 Medical Heces/ Solid waste passed out of the body. excrement (feces) and we need to know excremento (heces fecales) y necesitamos
Stool /
Materia fecal where it is coming from. saber de dónde viene.
Fecal matter

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
An abnormally high body temperature,
Fever / Fiebre / usually accompanied by shivering,
488 Medical How high is your baby's fever? ¿Qué tan alta tiene la fiebre su bebé?
Temperature Tener temperatura headache, and in severe instances,
Presenting a prescription provided by a Because of the strength of the medication, Debido a la concentración del
Fill a precription Surtir una medicina / healthcare professional to a pharmacy who I have to be there in person with my ID medicamento, debo estar ahí en persona
489 Medical
(verb) Surtir una receta in turn dispenses the medication listed in when they fill my prescription for the first con mi documento de identidad cuando
the precription. time. surtan mi receta por primera vez.
Intoxicación con Estamos aquí para inspeccionar su
We're here to inspect your restaurant due
alimentos / Illness caused by bacteria or other toxins in restaurante debido al número de casos de
490 Medical Food poisoning to the number of food poisoning cases
Envenenamiento por food, typically with vomiting and diarrhea. intoxicación con alimentos reportados en
reported in the last week.
comestibles la última semana.
Rubella is an infection caused by a virus. It
The signs and symptoms of German Los signos y síntomas del sarampión
is usually mild with fever and a rash. About
measles may begin with 1-2 days of mild Alemán pudieran empezar con 1 - 2 días
German measles Sarampión Alemán / half of the people who get rubella do not
491 Medical fever and swollen, tender lymph nodes, de fiebre leve, inflamación y sensibilidad
(rubella) rubeola have symptoms. There is no treatment for
usually in the back of the neck or behind en los nódulos linfáticos usualmente
measles, but the measles-mumps-rubella
the ears. detrás del cuello o atrás de las orejas.
(MMR) vaccine can prevent it.
A roughness of the skin produced by
erection of its papillae especially from cold, When I saw the injured pet, I got Cuando vi a la mascota herida se me puso
492 Medical Goosebumps Piel de gallina
fear, or a sudden feeling of excitement. goosebumps. la piel de gallina.
Called also goose pimples.
The area between the abdomen and the
493 Medical Groin Ingle He received several kicks to the groin. Recibió varias patadas en la ingle.
thigh on either side of the body.
The branch of medicine that deals with the In order to schedule a gynecology Para poder agendar una cita en
494 Medical Gynecology Ginecología female reproductive system, its diseases, appointment, you need a referral from ginecología, necesita una remisión de su
and their treatment. your primary care doctor. médico de cabecera.
A prolonged hacking cough is reason to Una tos prolongada, seca y frecuente es
495 Medical Hacking cough Tos seca y frecuente A short, dry, frequent cough.
see your doctor. razón para ver a su médico.
Sanar / To make or become well again, especially Tomó bastante tiempo para que las
496 Medical Heal (verb) It took a long time for the wounds to heal.
Cicatrizar after a cut or other injury. heridas sanen.
The chambered muscular organ in
vertebrates that pumps blood received Have you or any family members suffered ¿Usted o algún miembro de su familia ha
497 Medical Heart Corazón from the veins into the arteries, thereby from any diseases or disorders of the sufrido de enfermedades o trastornos del
maintaining the flow of blood through the heart, liver or kidneys? corazón, hígado o riñones?
entire circulatory system.
Most heart attacks happen when a clot in
the coronary artery blocks the supply of
blood and oxygen to the heart. Often this Please note that if you continue smoking, Por favor sepa que si continúa fumando
Ataque al corazón / leads to an irregular heartbeat (called an you are at a greater risk of a heart attack, tiene mayor riesgo de tener un ataque
498 Medical Heart attack Ataque cardíaco / arrhythmia) that causes a severe decrease in addition to other serious medical cardíaco aparte de otras condiciones
Infarto in the pumping function of the heart. A conditions. médicas graves.
blockage that is not treated within a few
hours causes the affected heart muscle to
Heart murmur is a sound during the
heartbeat cycle — such as whooshing or You have a mild heart murmur that poses Usted tiene un soplo cardíaco leve que no
499 Medical Heart murmur Soplo cardiaco
swishing — made by turbulent blood in or no risk. representa ningún riesgo.
near the heart.
Heartburn is discomfort or actual pain Debido a que la acidez estomacal
As heartburn is usually worse when you're
caused by digestive acid moving into the normalmente empeora cuando está
500 Medical Heartburn Acidez estomacal lying down in bed, you should avoid lying
tube that carries swallowed food to your recostado, debe evitar recostarse en
stomach (esophagus). posición plana.
People who are overweight may Personas que tienen sobrepeso pueden
A long term medical condition in which the
High blood Presión arterial alta / experience medical problems such as high padecer problemas de salud como presión
501 Medical blood pressure in the arteries is persistently
pressure Presión sanguínea alta blood pressure and diabetes, so it is arterial alta y diabetes, así que es
important to eat a healthy diet. importante que coma una dieta saludable.
Ronchas / Refers to an allergic skin reaction causing I'm allergic to seafood, I break out in hives Soy alérgico a los mariscos; cuando los
502 Medical Hives
Urticaria localized redness, swelling, and itching. when I eat any. como me salen ronchas.
Hoarseness refers to a difficulty making
Ronquera / sounds when trying to speak. Vocal sounds
That chronic hoarseness will stop when Esa ronquera crónica se le quitará cuando
503 Medical Hoarseness Carraspera / may be weak, breathy, scratchy, or husky,
you quit smoking. deje de fumar.
Voz ronca and the pitch or quality of the voice may
Cuidado de hospicio - Care that focuses on the palliation of a
terminal / Los cuidados en centros para
chronically ill, terminally ill or seriously ill
504 Medical Hospice care Cuidado - Atención para Hospice care may or may not be covered. desahuciados podrían estar cubiertos o
patient's pain and symptoms, and attending
deshauciadas(os) no.
to their emotional and spiritual needs.

A hospital unit in which is concentrated Su padre fue enviado a la unidad de

special equipment and specially trained Your father has been sent to the ICU as his
ICU (Intensive Unidad de cuidados cuidados intensivos ya que su insuficiencia
505 Medical personnel for the care of seriously ill renal failure is serious and he needs to be
Care Unit) intensivos (UCI) renal es seria y él requiere ser
patients requiring immediate and monitored closely.
monitoreado muy de cerca.
continuous attention (intensive care).
Illness is a period of sickness affecting a It takes time to adjust when you are told Lleva tiempo adaptarse cuando te dicen
506 Medical Illness Enfermedad human or a health condition or disease that you have a chronic illness. que tienes una enferdedad crónica.
is affecting the body or mind.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Cartilla de vacunación /
Immunization Cuadro de vacunas / Immunization records provide a history of
Do I need to take my child's immunization
record / Boleta de vacuación / all the vaccines you or your child received. ¿Necesito llevar el registro de vacunas de
507 Medical record with me when I enroll him for
Vaccination Tarjeta de vacunación / This record may be required for certain mi hijo cuando lo inscriba en la escuela?
record Registro/historial de jobs, travel abroad, or school registration.
The invasion of bodily tissue by pathogenic Infection is the major cause of death in La infección es la principal causa de
508 Medical Infection Infección microorganisms that proliferate, resulting children under the age of 5 years in this muerte en niños menores de 5 años en
in tissue injury that can progress to disease. population. esta población.
Paciente hospitalizada(o) A patient who stays in a hospital while This will be covered as an inpatient Esto será cubierto como un procedimiento
509 Medical Inpatient / under procedure. de paciente hospitalizado.
Paciente internada(o) treatment.
Picazón / Skin tingling or irritation that makes you Is the rash on your arm itching or burning? ¿El sarpullido en su brazo le da picazón o
510 Medical Itching Picor / If so, you will need to make an ardor? Y si es así, deberá hacer una cita
want to scratch the affected area.
Comezón appointment with a dermatologist. con el dermatólogo.
A room or building with special equipment Results are usually available between 10 Según el laboratorio, los resultados suelen
511 Medical Laboratory Laboratorio for days to 14 days, depending on the estar listos entre 10 y 14 días.
doing scientific experiments and tests. laboratory.
A drug or medicine tending to stimulate or Laxatives can be used for occasional relief Los laxantes se pueden usar para el alivio
512 Medical Laxative Laxante
facilitate evacuation of the bowels. of constipation. ocasional del estreñimiento.
An arm or leg of a person or four-legged Keep your limb elevated to reduce Mantenga la extremidad elevada para
513 Medical Limb Extremidad
animal, or a bird's wing. swelling. reducir la hinchazón.
Refers to an individual characterized by lack I'm very concerned about my daughter, Estoy muy preocupada por mi hija, ha
514 Medical Listlessness Falta de energía of interest, energy, or spirit. Inactivity she's had listlessness for 2 days. estado con falta de energía por 2 días.
resulting from lethargy or lack of vigor.
Pérdida del apetito / Uno de los efectos secundarios es la
515 Medical Loss of appetite A reduced or lack of desire to eat. One of the side effects is loss of appetite.
Falta de apetito pérdida de apetito.
A small, typically medicated tablet intended
Caramelo para la tos /
Lozenge / to be dissolved slowly in the mouth to The doctor recommended a Lozenge for El doctor recomendó un caramelo para la
516 Medical Pastilla para la tos /
Cough drop temporarily stop coughs, lubricate, and my throat irritation and cough. tos, para mi irritación en la garganta y tos.
soothe irritated tissues of the throat
Measles is an infectious disease caused by a
virus. It spreads easily from person to
person. It causes a blotchy red rash. Measles starts with fever, runny nose, El sarampión empieza con fiebre,
Sometimes measles can lead to serious cough, red eyes, and sore throat. It's secreción nasal, tos, ojos rojos y dolor de
517 Medical Measles Sarampión
problems. There is no treatment for followed by a rash that spreads over the garganta. Seguido por una erupción que se
measles, but the MMR vaccine can prevent body. esparce por todo el cuerpo.
it. "German measles", also known as
rubella, is a completely different illness.
Medicina / A substance used for treatment, especially Sorry, that medication does not come in Lo lamento pero esa medicina no viene en
518 Medical Medication
Medicamento a medicine or drug. liquid form. forma líquida.
A recurring acute headache characterized
Migrañas / by severe throbbing pain, vertigo, nausea, She knew she suffered from migraine but Ella sabía que sufría de migraña, pero no le
519 Medical Migraines
Jaqueca vomiting, and photophobia, which may last had been unable to identify the cause. fue posible determinar la causa.
for hours or days.

MMR vaccine Vacuna contra sarampión, The MMR vaccine is a vaccine against Many colleges also require a second MMR Varias facultades también piden una
520 Medical paperas y rubeola segunda vacuna contra sarampión,
(triple shot) measles, mumps, and rubella. shot for incoming students.
(Vacuna triple viral) paperas y rubeola para nuevos estudiantes
Hemos programado una imagen por
We have scheduled an MRI as it is an
resonancia magnética ya que es un
MRI (Magnetic MRI uses a large magnet and radio waves extremely accurate method of disease
Imágenes por resonancia método extremamente preciso para la
521 Medical Resonance to look at organs and structures inside your detection throughout the body because
magnética detección de enfermedades en todo el
Imaging) body. the other tests failed to provide sufficient
cuerpo porque las otras pruebas fallaron al
no proporcionar suficiente información.
An infectious disease characterized by
swelling of the salivary glands, especially
Paperas / the parotid glands, and sometimes of the As there have been recent outbreaks of Ya que ha habido recientes brotes de
522 Medical Mumps Parótidas / pancreas, testes, or ovaries. There is no mumps, it is important to have all school paperas, es importante vacunar a todos
Parotiditis treatment for mumps, but the measles- age children vaccinated. los menores en edad escolar.
mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine can prevent
Is the pain you are experiencing in the ¿El dolor que está sintiendo en la nuca es
Nape (of the nape of the neck the same as in your el mismo dolor que siente en sus
523 Medical Nuca Back of the neck.
neck) shoulders? Can you describe the pain and hombros? ¿Puede describir el dolor en una
rate the pain on a scale of 1 to 10? escala del 1 al 10?
Con náuseas / Make (someone) feel sick; affect with Cuando me levanté, me sentí
524 Medical Nauseated When I woke up, I felt nauseated.
Nauseabunda(o) nausea. nauseabunda.
A especialist in the anatomy, functions, and As your headaches are becoming more Ya que sus dolores de cabeza se han hecho
525 Medical Neurologist Neuróloga(o) disorders of nerves and the nervous severe and frequent, I am going to refer más graves y frecuentes, lo voy a remitir
system. you to a neurologist. con un neurólogo.
NICU is an intensive care unit specializing in
El bajo peso al nacer y la fragilidad
the care of ill or premature newborn The low birth weight and extreme frailty of
NICU (Neonatal extrema de los bebés prematuros requiere
Unidad de Cuidados infants. Usually, this name is reserved for premature babies requires a stay in the
526 Medical Intensive Care una estadía en la unidad de cuidados
Intensivos Neonatales the type of nurseries where the highest neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),
Unit) intensivos neonatales, probablemente por
level of care can be provided to newborn probably for several weeks.
varias semanas.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Hemorragia nasal /
It is the common occurrence of bleeding
Sangrado de la nariz / Las vías nasales secas pueden provocar
527 Medical Nosebleed from the nose. It is usually noticed when Dry nasal passages can lead to nosebleeds.
Sangrado nasal / hemorragias nasales.
the blood drains out through the nostrils.
Nariz sangrante
Numbness describes a loss of sensation or
feeling in a part of your body. It's often ¿Está sintiendo entumecimiento u
Entumecimiento / Are you experiencing any numbness or
528 Medical Numbness accompanied by or combined with other hormigueo en los dedos de las manos o de
Adormecimiento tingling in your fingers and toes?
changes in sensation, such as a pins-and- los pies?
needles feeling, burning or tingling.
A nurse who is qualified to treat certain
conditions without the direct supervision of
Enfermera(o) facultativa
a doctor. A registered nurse who is We can offer you an appointment with Podemos ofrecerle una cita con la
(o) /
529 Medical Nurse practitioner qualified through advanced training to
Enfermera(o) nurse practitioner Susan. enfermera facultativa Susan.
assume some of the duties and
responsibilities formerly assumed only by a
A physician who specializes in obstetrics. As your pregnancy test came back Ya que su prueba de embarazo fue
Specialist in pregnancy and related positive, you need to make monthly positiva, necesita hacer citas mensuales
530 Medical Obstetrician Obstetra
conditions (often also experienced in appointments with your obstetrician and con el obstetra y asegurarse de tomar sus
gynecology). make sure to take your prenatal vitamins. vitaminas prenatales.
A dentist who specializes in the treatment
of irregularities in the teeth (especially of Please, remember the orthodontist will be Por favor, recuerde que el ortodoncista lo
531 Medical Orthodontist Ortodoncista
alignment and occlusion) and jaws, seeing you at three today. verá hoy a las tres.
including the use of braces.

OTC Medicamentos de venta OTC medicines are drugs you can buy Two of the medications I want you to take Dos de los medicamentos que quiero que
532 Medical
(over the counter) libre / without a prescription. are over-the-counter medications and you tome son medicamentos de venta libre y
Medicinas sin receta don't need a prescription for those. no necesita receta.
Medical: physical suffering or discomfort On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is your En una escala de 1 a 10 ¿qué tan fuerte es
533 Medical Pain Dolor
caused by illness or injury. pain? su dolor?
A medicine, such as an analgesic drug, that She received strong painkillers but the Le dieron analgésicos fuertes, pero el
534 Medical Painkiller Analgésico
relieves pain. pain did not go away. dolor no desapareció.
Used to describe a person's face or skin if it
has less color than usual, for example when I've lost weight, I feel bad and I'm very He perdido peso, me siento mal y estoy
535 Medical Pale Pálida(o)
the person is or ill or frightened, or if it has pale. muy pálida.
less color than people generally have.
Palliative care is specialized medical care
for people living with a serious illness. This
The team was able to arrange for five new El equipo pudo concertar la compra de
type of care is focused on providing relief
536 Medical Palliative care Cuidados paliativos bedside commodes to be purchased for cinco nuevos inodoros portátiles para su
from the symptoms and stress of the
use in the palliative care ward. uso en la sala de cuidados paliativos.
illness. The goal is to improve quality of life
for both the patient and the family.
The Papanicolaou test, Pap smear or Pap We will call you if the results of your pap Le llamaremos si los resultados de su
537 Medical Pap smear Papanicolaou test, is a procedure to test for cervical smear return abnormal. Papanicolaou regresan anormales.
cancer in people with a cervix.
Desmayarse / Temporary loss of consciousness, to faint; My father passed out and is not breathing! ¡Mi papá se desvaneció y no está
538 Medical Pass out respirando! ¡Por favor, mande una
Desvanecerse become unconscious. Please send the ambulance right away!
ambulancia rápidamente!
Ya que es nuevo en el plan, por favor
A physician who provides both the first As you are new to the plan, please select a
seleccione a un médico de cabecera de
Médica(o) de cabecera / contact for a person with an undiagnosed PCP from our list of family doctors or
PCP (Primary Care nuestra lista de doctores de familia o
539 Medical Médica(o) principal / health concern as well as continuing care of pediatricians. This way your children will
Physician) pediatras. De esta manera sus hijos verán
Doctor(a) de Cabecera varied conditions, not limited by cause, see the same doctor for all of your routine
al mismo doctor para todas sus
organ system, or diagnosis. medical needs.
necesidades médicas rutinarias.

A medical practitioner specializing in The pediatrician will be here in a couple of El pediatra estará aquí en un par de
540 Medical Pediatrician Pediatra minutes; have your child undress and put minutos, por favor desvista a su hijo y
children and their diseases.
this robe on. póngale esta bata.
A contagious bacterial disease chiefly
affecting children, characterized by
Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory La pertusis es una infección respiratoria
541 Medical Pertussis Pertusis convulsive coughs followed by a whoop,
infection. sumamente contagiosa.
also known as whooping cough; however, it
is a different register.
A store where medicinal drugs are Many drugs are sold over the counter, and Muchas medicinas se venden sin receta
542 Medical Pharmacy Farmacia patients ask pharmacies for advice on their médica y los pacientes piden consejos en
dispensed and sold.
ailments. las farmacias sobre sus dolencias.
The thick viscous substance secreted by the
mucous membranes of the respiratory No importa lo fuerte que tosa no logro
No matter how hard I cough, I can't seem
543 Medical Phlegm Flema passages, especially when produced in despejar la flema de mis pulmones.
to clear the phlegm from my lungs.
excessive or abnormal quantities, e.g.,
when someone is suffering from a cold.
A examination, usually by a physician to
Un examen físico puede ser general o
determine the state of a person's health, A physical exam can be general or specific
544 Medical Physical (exam) (Examen) Físico específico con respecto a un problema en
identify risk factors for disease, or verify to a particular problem.
Therapy that uses physical agents: exercise
and massage and other modalities. The The aim of physical therapy is to relieve El objetivo de la terapia física, es aliviar el
Physical therapy / Terapia física /
545 Medical main difference between physical therapy pain, help you move better or strengthen dolor, ayudarle a moverse mejor o
Physiotherapy Fisioterapia
and physiotherapy is how they focus on weakened muscles. fortalecer los músculos debilitados.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
A sensation of uncomfortable tingling or The test shows that the pins and needles
La prueba muestra que los hormigueos
prickling, usually felt in the hands or feet. A you are experiencing are caused by a
546 Medical Pins and needles Hormigueo que está experimentando son causados
common cause is leaning awkwardly on a pinched nerve.
por un nervio pellizcado.
limb, which presses against the nerves.

Recetado (NO When a practitioner advises and authorizes I do not remember if the doctor prescribed No recuerdo si el doctor me ha recetado
547 Medical Prescribed the use of a medicine or treatment for Diazepam of 5 or 10 mgs.
PRESCRITO) Diazepam de 5 o de 10 miligramos.
someone, especially in writing.
Refers to breaking out (eruption) of the
Erupción / Cada vez que como naranjas me sale un
skin. A rash can be caused by an underlying
548 Medical Rash Urticaria / Every time I eat oranges, I get a rash. sarpullido.
condition, hormonal cycles, allergies, or
contact with irritating substances.
Instructions given to a patient directing or
Referido /
redirecting their case to an appropriate
549 Medical Referral Remisión / I will give you a referral to a cardiologist. Le daré una remisión a un cardiólogo.
specialist or agency for definitive

Resurtir / To fill a prescription again. Something How many times can I refill the medication ¿Cuántas veces puedo volver a surtir el
550 Medical Refill provided again; a second or later filling of a you prescribed or do I need a new medicamento que me recetó o necesito
Volver a surtir
medical prescription. prescription every month? una nueva receta cada mes?
A usually mild contagious viral disease
Rubella Rubéola characterized by fever, mild upper Nowadays, less than 10 people in the Actualmente, menos de 10 personas en los
551 Medical
(German measles) (Sarampión alemán) respiratory congestion, and a fine red rash United States have rubella each year. Estados Unidos tienen rubeola cada año.
lasting a few days.
Raspón / Score or mark the surface of (something) As I told the police, my girlfriend became Como le dije a la policía, mi novia se puso
552 Medical Scratch Raya / with a sharp or pointed object. jealous and scratched my car. celosa y rayó mi coche.
Prueba de despistaje / A test designed to identify and eliminate They perform regular screenings to rule Ellos realizan pruebas de despistaje de
553 Medical Screening Prueba evaluatoria / manera regular para descartar cáncer de
those who are not affected by a disease. out cervical cancer.
Cribado cuello uterino.
A sudden attack with physical
manifestations (as convulsions, sensory
Ataque convulsivo / Your medical record indicates you suffer Su expediente médico indica que usted
554 Medical Seizure disturbances, or loss of consciousness)
Episodio de convulsión from seizures. padece de ataques convulsivos.
resulting from abnormal electrical
discharges in the brain (as in epilepsy).
Shake / To shake involuntarily with quick, short
555 Medical Temblar movements, as from fear, excitement, It was so cold I was shaking. Hacía tanto frio que estaba temblando.
Tremble (verb)
weakness, or cold; quake; quiver.
Dolor agudo / I have a sharp pain in the middle of my Tengo un dolor agudo en medio del
556 Medical Sharp pain A sharp pain is sudden and severe. stomach; it feels like someone is stabbing estómago, se siente como si alguien me
Dolor intenso
me with a knife. estuviera apuñalando con un cuchillo.
Shingles, also known as zoster or herpes
zoster, is a viral disease characterized by a If you are over 50, you should receive the Si usted tiene más de 50, debería recibir la
557 Medical Shingles Culebrilla
painful skin rash with blisters in a localized shingles vaccine. vacuna contra la culebrilla.

Shortness of Falta de aliento / A feeling of difficult or labored breathing Do you experience shortness of breath ¿Siente falta de aire al subir o bajar las
558 Medical Falta de respiración / that is out of proportion to the patient's
breath when going up or down the stairs? escaleras?
Falta de aire level of physical activity.
Efectos secundarios / A secondary, typically undesirable effect of Let the doctor know if you experience any Avísele al doctor de cualquier efecto
559 Medical Side effects side effects when you start this new secundario que sienta cuando comience
Efectos colaterales / a drug or treatment.
medicine. esta nueva medicina.
A supporting bandage or suspensory
device; especially a loop suspended from Be sure to keep your arm in the sling until Asegúrese de mantener el brazo en el
560 Medical Sling Cabestrillo
the neck and supporting the flexed your next appointment. cabestrillo hasta su próxima cita.
He is complaining of burning pain on the Él se está quejando de un ardor en la
561 Medical Sole (of the foot) Planta (del pie) The sole is the bottom of the foot.
sole of the foot. planta del pie.
¿Cuántos episodios de desmayo
A period of bodily or mental distress or How many fainting spells do you experimenta
562 Medical Spell Episodio
disorder. experience in one month? en un mes?

The series of articulated vertebrae,

separated by intervertebral disks and held
Spinal column / together by muscles and tendons, that Spinal pain in this case is located in the El dolor de la columna vertebral, en este
Columna vertebral /
563 Medical Spine / extends from the cranium to the coccyx or lumbar region. The spine contains 33 caso, está localizado en la región lumbar.
Espina dorsal
Backbone the end of the tail, encasing the spinal cord vertebrae. La espina dorsal contiene 33 vértebras.
and forming the central support of the
The spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in
the body. The spleen also filters blood, An enlarged spleen is a serious but Un agrandamiento del bazo es una
564 Medical Spleen Bazo serves as a major reservoir for blood, and treatable condition. enfermedad grave pero tratable.
destroys blood cells that are aged or
Torcedura / To injure (a joint) by a sudden twisting or I sprained my ankle when I fell down the Me torcí el tobillo cuando me caí de las
565 Medical Sprain
Esguince wrenching of its ligaments. stairs. escaleras.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
STD (Sexually
Transmitted Enfermedad de ¿Alguna vez ha tenido enfermedades de
Diseases that are passed on from one Have you ever had a STD, such as
Disease) / transmisión sexual / transmisión sexual, como gonorrea,
566 Medical person to another through sexual contact, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts or
STI (Sexually Infección de transmisión clamidia, verrugas genitales o herpes?
and sometimes by genital contact. herpes?
Transmitted sexual
Strain is a stretching or tearing of muscle or
n. Distensión muscular / You suffered a muscle strain during the Usted sufrió una distensión muscular
tendon. A tendon is a fibrous cord of tissue
Cepa (viral, bacteriana) fall. durante la caída.
Strain (context that connects muscles to bones.
567 Medical v. Sufrir una distensión
dependent) Strain (Viral) is a genetic variant or subtype
muscular / The vaccine contains three strains of the La vacuna contiene tres cepas del virus de
of microorganism (that could be a virus, but
pujar flu virus. la gripe.
it also applies to bacteria and fungi).
The proportion of active drug substance to
excipient, measured in units of volume or
Strength (of a The doctor changed the medication El médico cambió la concentración del
568 Medical Concentración concentration. The strength of a drug
medication) strength. medicamento.
product, which indicates the amount of
active ingredient in each dose.
Infección de la garganta Throat infection caused by streptococcus
por estreptococos / bacteria. Symptoms include fever, redness We need to do a strep throat test on your Tenemos que hacer una prueba de
569 Medical Strep throat Estreptococos en la of the throat, and inflammation of the throat. faringitis estreptocócica en la garganta.
garganta / tonsils.
Faringitis estreptocócica
Stretcher / Camilla / An apparatus used for moving patients who The paramedics came and put me on a Los paramédicos llegaron y me pusieron
570 Medical Camilla portátil para require care. A basic type of cot that must
Gurney stretcher. en una camilla.
ambulancia be carried by two or more people.
Occurs when blood supply to part of the My father suffered a stroke last year and Mi papá sufrió un derrame cerebral el año
brain is disrupted, causing brain cells to die. still has difficulty walking and speaking, pasado y todavía tiene dificultad para
Derrame cerebral /
571 Medical Stroke When blood flow to the brain is impaired,
Apoplejía but with continued therapy he should caminar y hablar, pero con terapia
oxygen and glucose cannot be delivered to improve slowly. contínua él debe mejorar despacio.
the brain.
The presence of increased secretions and
mucus in the nasal passages, most
Tapada(o) / No estoy durmiendo, porque estoy
commonly arising as a result of a common
572 Medical Stuffed up Congestionada(o) / I can't sleep because I am really stuffed up. realmente congestionada.
cold, allergic reaction, or inflammation or
infection of the paranasal sinuses (sinus
Refers to the buildup of fluid in the soft Tengo los pies muy hinchados, no me
573 Medical Swollen Hinchada(o) tissue surrounding a body part like a joint My feet are swollen, I can't wear shoes.
puedo usar zapatos.
for example.
An indication or sign of a disorder or
disease, especially a subjective one such as
Symptoms may differ from patient to Los síntomas pueden diferir entre paciente
574 Medical Symptoms Síntomas pain, sensation or change in bodily function
patient. y paciente.
experienced by a patient that is associated
with a particular disease.
TB is a disease caused by bacteria called
Ya que la prueba cutánea de al
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria As the TB skin test result is positive, we
575 Medical TB (Tuberculosis) Tuberculosis (TB) tuberculosis fue positiva, necesitaremos
usually attack the lungs, but they can also will need to order a chest x-ray.
ordenar unos rayos-X del pecho.
damage other parts of the body.
Terminally ill refers to the condition of a
Desahuciada(o) / person who is expected to be deceased Desafortunadamente, el paciente está
576 Medical Terminally ill Unfortunately, the patient is terminally ill.
Enferma(o) terminal within a few months, or no more than a desahuciado.
year, because of a serious disease or illness.
Prueba / A procedure intended to establish the These are the doctor's orders for the tests Estas son las órdenes del doctor para los
577 Medical Test Análisis / quality, performance, or reliability of an exámenes/pruebas que necesita.
you need.
Examen individual's health.
Tetanus is a serious illness caused by
Clostridium bacteria. The infection causes
painful tightening of the muscles, usually all
over the body. It can lead to locking of the
jaw. This makes it impossible to open your ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que recibió la
When was the last time you received the
578 Medical Tetanus Tétanos mouth or swallow. A dangerous disease vacuna contra el tétanos?
tetanus shot?
that is caused by bacteria that usually
enters the body through a cut or wound;
Tetanus causes muscles and especially
muscles in the jaw to become stiff. A
vaccine can prevent tetanus.
An instrument for measuring and indicating
579 Medical Thermometer Termómetro I do not have a thermometer at home. No tengo un termómetro en casa.
Tengo un dolor palpitante en mi lado
Dolor palpitante / Throbbing pain consists of recurring achy I have a throbbing pain in my left side that
Throbbing pain / izquierdo que no se va cuando me acuesto
580 Medical Dolor que late / pains. You may also experience pounding, doesn't go away when I lay down and is
Pulsing pain y me mantiene despierto durante la
Dolor pulsante beating, or pulsing pain. keeping me up at night.
To feel or cause to feel a prickling, itching, Are you feeling any tingling in your arms ¿Está sintiendo algún hormigueo en sus
581 Medical Tingling Hormigueo or stinging sensation of the flesh, as from a and legs and if so, is it constant or brazos y piernas y si es así, es constante o
cold plunge or electric shock. intermittent? esporádico?
To fill (A To go to a pharmacy to buy a dose or set of Please take the prescription to the Por favor lleve la receta a la farmacia para
582 Medical prescription or Surtir una receta doses of a medicine as prescribed by a pharmacy to have it filled and follow the que la surtan y siga las instrucciones de la
medication) doctor. instruction on the label. etiqueta.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
An infection and swelling of the tonsils,
which are oval-shaped masses of lymph We can treat the tonsillitis with antibiotics Podemos tratar la amigdalitis con
583 Medical Tonsillitis Amigdalitis
gland tissue located on both sides of the first. antibióticos primero.
back of the throat.
Amígdalas / Either of two small masses of lymphoid Tonsils can become enlarged for many Las amígdalas pueden agrandarse por
584 Medical Tonsils Anginas (MX regionalism. tissue in the throat, one on each side of the different reasons, including exposure to muchas razones diferentes, incluyendo la
Not standard) root of the tongue. viruses and bacteria. exposición a virus y bacteria.
Medicines, surgery, psychotherapy, etc. Su tratamiento puede tomar hasta seis
585 Medical Treatment Tratamiento given to a patient to treat a disease or Your treatment may take up to six months.
symptom in an attempt to cure it.
A registered nurse (typically in the
Después del terremoto, la Red Cross/Cruz
emergency room) who assesses patients After the earthquake, the Red Cross sent
Enfermera(o) de Roja envió a enfermera(o)s de clasificación
and determines their need for medical triage nurses to assess the victims and
586 Medical Triage nurse clasificación de para evaluar a las víctimas y proveer
attention in order of urgency to determine treat them according to the severity of
emergencias tratamiento de acuerdo a la gravedad de
the order in which they will receive medical their injuries and symptoms.
sus lesiones y síntomas.

Urgent care centers primarily treat injuries Go to an urgent care center or a walk-in Acuda a un centro de atención de
Cuidados de urgencias / urgencias o a una clínica sin cita previa
or illnesses requiring immediate care, but clinic to see a doctor for your son's minor
587 Medical Urgent Care Atención de urgencias / para ver a un médico por la lesión menor
not serious enough to require an injury; there is no need to rush to the
Cuidados urgentes de su hijo; no hay necesidad de correr a la
emergency department visit. emergency room.
sala de emergencias.
A test that evaluates a sample of urine to
detect and assess a wide range of disorders, According to your urinalysis, you have a De acuerdo a su análisis de orina tiene una
588 Medical Urinalysis Análisis de orina
such as urinary tract infection, kidney bladder infection. infección en la vejiga.
disease and diabetes.
The involuntary leakage of urine. The
Urinary inability to hold urine in the bladder Shortly after the C section, I began to Poco después de la cesárea empecé a
589 Medical Incontinencia urinaria
incontinence because voluntary control over the urinary experience urinary incontinence. experimentar incontinencia urinaria.
sphincter is either lost or weakened.
Biological preparations that provide active
acquired immunity to a particular infectious
Vaccines /
disease. A vaccine typically contains an It is important to keep your child's Es importante mantener las vacunas de su
590 Medical Vaccination / Vacunas
agent that resembles a disease-causing vaccines up to date. hijo al día.
microorganism and is often made from
weakened or killed forms of the microbe
A usually localized infection, as of the
Candidiasis vaginal /
Vaginal yeast vagina or mucous membranes of the We're going to treat the vaginal yeast Vamos a tratar la infección vaginal de
591 Medical Infección vaginal por
infection mouth, caused by fungi of the genus infection with pills instead of creams. hongos con pastillas en lugar de cremas.
hongos /
Clinical measurements, specifically pulse The babies in this unit have various Los bebés en esta unidad tienen varios
592 Medical Vital Signs Signos vitales rate, temperature, respiration rate, and devices attached to them that monitor the dispositivos conectados a ellos que
blood pressure. vital signs. monitorean los signos vitales.
¿Usted puede vaciar completamente la
593 Medical Void Vaciar la vejiga To discharge or emit -void urine. Can you void your bladder completely?
My son has been vomiting since last night Mi hijo ha estado vomitando desde
Refers to the involuntary, forceful expulsion
Vómito / and has had diarrhea twice this morning. anoche y ha tenido diarrea dos veces esta
594 Medical Vomiting of the contents of one's stomach through
Con vómitos He may also have a fever as he feels hot to mañana. Tal vez también tenga fiebre ya
the mouth and sometimes the nose.
the touch. que se siente caliente al tacto.
Clínica ambulatoria / Refers to a very broad category of facilities
Clínica donde se atiende only loosely defined as those that accept I can give you the address to your nearest Le puedo dar la dirección de la clínica
595 Medical Walk-in clinic
sin cita y por orden de patients on a walk- in basis and with no walk-in clinic. ambulatoria más cercana.
llegada appointment required.

Andadera / A frame that is designed to support Please ask your doctor to write a Por favor, pídale a su médico que le
596 Medical Walker someone such as a baby or an injured or prescription for a walker and the insurance escriba una receta para un andador y el
elderly person who needs help walking. will cover it. seguro lo cubrirá.
El medicamento me está causando
The medicine is causing watery stools. Can
Diarrhea is multiple bouts of very loose, defecación aguada. ¿Puedo dejar de
597 Medical Watery stool Defecación aguada I stop taking it?
watery stools with little to no form. tomarlo?

How long have you had the weakness in ¿Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido esta
598 Medical Weakness Debilidad The state or condition of lacking strength. debilidad en la pierna derecha?
your right leg?

Sibilancia / Refers to a person that breathes with a Wheezing can be caused by many things, La sibilancia puede ser causado por
599 Medical Wheezing Resuello whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a one being asthma. muchos factores, uno de ellos es asma.
result of obstruction in the air passages.
Latigazo / A neck injury caused by a sudden jerking The doctor said I had whiplash and need El doctor me dijo que sufrí un latigazo en
600 Medical Whiplash
Latigazo cervical backward, forward, or both, of the head. therapy. la nuca y necesito terapia.
Whooping cough (pertussis) is a bacterial
infection of the lungs and breathing tubes.
There are no safe or effective alternatives No existen alternativas seguras o eficaces
Tos ferina / It spreads very easily and can sometimes
601 Medical Whooping cough to the whooping cough vaccine to protect a la vacuna contra la tos ferina para
Tos convulsiva cause serious problems. It's important for
against the disease. proteger contra la enfermedad.
babies and children to get vaccinated
against it.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
The trachea, colloquially called the
windpipe, is a cartilaginous tube that
Windpipe / connects the pharynx and larynx to the A tube was inserted into his windpipe to Le insertaron un tubo en la tráquea para
602 Medical Tráquea
trachea lungs, allowing the passage of air, and so is help him breathe ayudarle a respirar.
present in almost all air-breathing animals
with lungs.
Vientre / The uterus. The organ in the body of a During the sonogram the doctor saw some Durante la ecografía el médico vio algunas
603 Medical Womb Útero / woman or other female mammal in which a abnormalities in the womb. anomalías en el vientre.
Matriz baby develops before birth.
An injury to living tissue caused by a cut, As a diabetic, you have to check your feet Como diabético, tiene que revisar sus pies
604 Medical Wound Herida blow, or other impact, typically one in for wounds everyday. por heridas todos los días.
which the skin is cut or broken.
Secreción vaginal / Refers to secretions from the vagina; the Does the vaginal discharge have a bad
605 Medical Vaginal discharge Flujo vaginal discharge may be: Thick, pasty, or thin, ¿Tiene un mal olor el flujo vaginal?
clear, cloudy, odorless or have a bad odor.
Accesible / Easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, The Welfare Office is easily accessible by La oficina de Bienestar Social es accesible
606 Social Services Accessible
Alcanzable or use. public transport. fácilmente por transporte público.
Asequible (NO Being within the financial means of most You may find affordable clothes at the Usted puede encontrar ropa asequible en
607 Social Services Affordable people. Being economically able to pay for
ACCESIBLE) Salvation Army. Salvation Army.
an asset or service
Pensión al/a la ex- Payments made to a spouse or former
608 Social Services Alimony spouse under a separation or divorce Do you receive alimony? ¿Usted recibe pensión al ex-cónyuge?
A form used in making a request for a
Solicitud (NO service or purchase, to be filled out by an Your credit card application has been Su solicitud de tarjeta de crédito ha sido
609 Social Services Application
APLICACIÓN) applicant, as for a loan, credit card, job, approved. aprobada.
driver's license, etc.
Payment or service provided, receiving
Your food stamps benefits will begin as of Sus beneficios de cupones de alimentos
money from the government because of a
610 Social Services Benefits Beneficios June 1st and the monthly amount will be empezarán a partir del primero de junio y
low income or lack of income. An
$265.48. la cantidad mensual será de $265.48.
advantage or profit gained from something.
A reference number that may consist of all ¿Me podría brindar su número de caso por
611 Social Services Case (number) (Número) de caso numbers, numbers and letters, or even May I please have your case number?
include other characters such as a dash.
A type of social worker who is employed by
a government agency, non-profit
My case worker adviced me to call this Mi trabajadora de caso me aconsejó que
612 Social Services Case worker Trabajador(a) de caso organization, or other group to take on the
number. llamara a este número.
cases of individuals and provide them with
advocacy, information or other services.
Child support is money paid by one parent
Manutención de menores to the other parent for the purpose of
Tengo una cuenta corriente en la que
/ providing financial support to a child or I have a checking bank account in which I
613 Social Services Child support recibo el pago de manutención de
Manutención para las(os) children. Most frequently, child support is receive the child support payment.
hijas(os) paid by the non-custodial parent to the
custodial parent.
Impairment of physical activity; the extent Yo soy su administrador de caso para su
I am your case manager for your work
Discapacidad / to which normal work or daily activities lesión de trabajo. ¿Cuantos días dijo el
614 Social Services Disability injury. How many days did the doctor say
Incapacidad cannot be performed due to mental or doctor que estaría en
you would be on disability?
physical injury or impairment. discapadidad/incapacidad?
Through the EBT program, recipients of
nutrition assistance are issued an electronic
Tarjeta de transferencia card similar to a debit card for payment of Usted no puede usar su tarjeta de
615 Social Services EBT card electrónica de beneficios benefits directly to retailers. EBT is used You cannot use your EBT card in an ATM. transferencia electrónica de beneficios en
(Tarjeta EBT ) most commonly for a program called SNAP, un cajero automático.
which provides food-purchasing assistance
for low- and no-income people.
Meeting the stipulated requirements; Before you apply for SSI benefits, please Antes de que usted presente su solicitud
616 Social Services Eligible Elegible para el Ingreso Suplementario del Seguro
qualified. make sure you are elegible.
Social, por favor asegúrese de sea elegible.
A place where stocks of food, typically basic In its first year of operation, the food bank En su primer año de operaciones, el banco
617 Social Services Food bank Banco de alimentos provisions and non-perishable items, are managed to offer food to almost one de alimentos logró ofrecer comida a casi
supplied free of charge to people in need. hundred organizations. cien organizaciones.
Cupones de alimentos /
Government benefits provided to eligible ¿Alguna vez ha solicitado cupones de
Vales de comida / Have you ever applied for food stamps or
618 Social Services Food stamps low-income individuals to be used to alimentos u otros programas de
Cupones de comida / any other assistance programs?
purchase food products. asistencia?
Vales de despensa

Cese laboral (noun) / The act of suspending or dismissing an I was recently laid off from my job and Fuí cesado de mi trabajo recientemente y
619 Social Services Lay-off employee, as for lack of work or because of need to know how soon I can apply for necesito saber qué tan pronto puedo
Cesar (verb)
corporate reorganization. unemployment benefits. solicitar beneficios de desempleo.
A legal guardian is a person who has the Should a student withdraw from the
Si un estudiante se retira de la escuela, sus
legal authority (and the corresponding school, the student's parents or legal
620 Social Services Legal guardian Tutor(a) legal padres o tutor legal se comprometen a
duty) to care for the personal and property guardian undertake to give a notice of
entregar un aviso de rescisión.
interests of another person, called a ward. termination.
The immigration status of a person He traveled to the United States to visit his Viajó a los Estados Unidos para visitar su
621 Social Services Legal resident Residente legal authorized to live and work in the United son, who was already a legal resident. hijo, quien ya era residente legal.
States of America permanently.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Medicaid in the United States is a federal
and state program that helps with
healthcare costs for some people with Medicaid is financed jointly by the federal Medicaid es financiado en conjunto por el
622 Social Services Medicaid Medicaid (proper name)
limited income and resources. Medicaid government and the states. gobierno federal y los estados.
also offers benefits including nursing home
care and personal care services.
Medicare is a national program that
subsidizes healthcare services for anyone
age 65 or older, younger people with Debido a que mi anciana madre tiene
specific eligibility criteria, and people with Since my elderly mother has poor health,
problemas de salud, Medicare es su
623 Social Services Medicare Medicare (proper name) certain diseases. Medicare is her supplier of health care
proveedor de cuidado de la salud en caso
Medicare is divided into four categories: should she need medical attention.
necesite atención médica.
Medicare Part A, Part B, Part C (also called
Medicare Advantage), and Part D for
prescription drugs.
Food that is not subject to spoilage or She said employees are asked to donate Ella dijo que se le pide a los empleados
624 Social Services Non-perishable Alimentos no perecederos
decay. money and nonperishable foods. donar dinero y alimentos no perecederos.
Please fill out all of the paperwork we Por favor llene todo el papeleo que
Documentación / Written documents such as forms, records, sent; have all forms filled out, signed and enviamos; tenga todos los documentos
625 Social Services Paperwork
Papeleo or letters. dated before you return them to our llenos, firmados y con fecha antes de
office. regresarlos a nuestra oficina.
Talón de pago /
Talonario de pago / A part of a check that is kept for record Necesito los últimos 6 talones de pago,
I need the last 6 paystubs, a copy of your
Talones de cheque / keeping purposes. For example, the stub is copia de su tarjeta de seguro social, y una
Paystub / social security card, and a letter from your
626 Social Services Recibo de pago / the part of a payroll check that includes carta de su empleador mostrando cuando
Check stub employer as to when you were hired to
Colilla de pago / information about the current paycheck as fue contratado para trabajar tiempo
work full time.
Comprobantes de pago well as payments to date. completo.
del trabajo
Proceso / A series of actions that produce something
627 Social Services Process The review process takes 30 days. El proceso de revisión tarda 30 días.
Trámite or that lead to a particular result.
Comprobante de ingresos Document that proves how much a person Based on program guidelines, a proof of En función de las directrices del programa,
628 Social Services Proof of income / income may be required for program es posible que se exija una prueba de
Prueba de ingresos approval. ingresos para la aprobación del programa.
To meet the necessary requirements to Unfortunately, you do not qualify for Desafortunadamente usted no califica
629 Social Services Qualify (verb) Calificar
receive a service, loan, or position. Medicaid due to your high income. para Medicaid debido a sus altos ingresos.
Calificar de nuevo / To show or meet the necessary The case manager told me I have to re- La gerente de caso me dijo que tengo que
630 Social Services Re-qualify requirements to continue to receive a
Volver a calificar qualify this week. volver a calificar esta semana.
service, loan, or position.
Registrada(o) /
Matriculada(o) /
Por favor suministre el correo electrónico
Certificada (o) / Recorded, as in a register, list or book, Please provide the email address you used que usó cuando inscribió la cuenta por
631 Social Services Registered Inscribió / enrolled. when you first registered your account. primera vez.
Registró /

Solicitar / I requested a loan modification and I Solicité una modificación de préstamo y no

632 Social Services Request To make a request to or of.
Pedir haven't received it. la he recibido.
I would like to refinance my home; what
A prerequisite, something that is required Quisiera refinanciar mi casa; ¿cuales son
are the requirements and how soon can I
633 Social Services Requirements Requisitos or needed to cualify for something, or to los requisitos y que tan rápido puedo
start the process?
complete a task. empezar el proceso?

Trabajo por cuenta propia Earning one's livelihood directly from one's I prefer self-employment, I can set my own Prefiero el trabajo autónomo, puedo
634 Social Services Self-employment / own trade or business rather than as an schedule. establecer mi propio horario.
Trabajo autónomo employee of another.
Seguro Social / A federal insurance program that provides Will my full social security benefits begin ¿Mis beneficios completos del seguro
635 Social Services Social Security
Seguridad Social benefits for old age, survivors and disability. at the age of 65 or 67? social empezarían a la edad de 65 o 67?
Social Security A number assigned by the government for Please verify the last four digits of your Por favor verifique los últimos cuatro
636 Social Services Número de seguro social taxation, employment, social security
Number social security number. dígitos de su número de seguro social.
benefits, and identification purposes.
The social worker assigned to your case El trabajador social asignado a su caso le
A professional whose job is to facilitate the
will call you to determine what services llamará para determinar cuáles son los
637 Social Services Social worker Trabajador(a) social welfare of communities, individuals and
are available to you and your family servicios disponibles para usted y los
members. miembros de su familia.
A Federal income supplement program
funded by general tax revenues. It is A fin de ser elegible para recibir Ingreso
In order to be eligible to receive SSI, you
SSI (Supplemental Ingreso suplementario del designed to help aged, blind, and disabled suplementario del seguro social, usted
638 Social Services must be older than 65 among other
Security Income) seguro social people, who have little or no income. It debe de ser mayor de 65, entre otros
provides cash to meet basic needs for food, requisitos.
clothing, and shelter.
State or condition of matters of personal or Call us back on Monday to check the Llámenos de vuelta el lunes para revisar el
639 Social Services Status Estado
business nature. status of your application. estado de su solicitud.
Unemployment A payment made by a government or a Since you were laid off you can apply for Ya que fue despedido usted puede solicitar
640 Social Services Beneficios de desempleo labor union to an unemployed person, unemployment benefits for a maximum of beneficios de desempleo por un máximo
while they look for work. 6 months. de 6 meses.

Nº Industry English Term Spanish equivalent Definition Sample Sentence English Sample Sentence Spanish
Welfare refers to government-sponsored Welfare encompasses a range of El bienestar social engloba una serie de
assistance programs for individuals and government programs designed for programas gubernamentales destinados a
641 Social Services Welfare Bienestar Social individuals and families who do not make personas y familias que no ganan el dinero
families in need. Welfare programs are
typically funded through taxation. enough money to have a decent standard suficiente para tener un nivel de vida
of living. decente.
Travel and
642 Arrival Llegada The act or time of arriving. What is the date and time of your arrival? ¿Cuál es la fecha y hora de su llegada?
Travel and Registro de entrada / To register or record one's arrival ¡Tenemos que apurarnos, el registro de
643 Check-in We have to hurry, the check-in is at 10!
Hospitality Registro de ingreso somewhere, as at a hotel or airport. entrada es a las 10!
Travel and Record one's departure from a hotel by Usted tiene que registrar su salida en
644 Check-out Registro de salida paying the bill, or from a conference or You have to check-ou in person.
Hospitality persona.
other function.
Travel and The arrival and departure dates and times Las horas y fechas de llegada y salida están
645 Departure Salida The act of leaving somewhere. are indicated on the plane reservation indicadas en el correo electrónico de
email. reservación del avión.
Su vuelo deberá llegar a las 12:00 del
Your flight should arrive at 12:00 noon
Travel and medio día horario del pacifico y tendrá
646 Flight Vuelo A scheduled airline trip. Pacific time so you will have plenty of time
Hospitality suficiente tiempo antes de que el bus se
before the bus leaves at 2:00 PM.
vaya a las 2:00 pm.

Travel and An individual who pays for meals or I am a guest at this hotel and would like to Soy un huésped en este hotel y quisiera
647 Guest Huésped accommodations at a restaurant, hotel, or find out what other services the hotel
Hospitality saber qué otros servicios ofrece el hotel.
other establishment; a patron. provides.
Your flight departs at 8:00 am Pacific time Su vuelo despega a las 8:00 am horario del
A stop during a trip, for refuiling, changing
Travel and and you have a layover in New York City pacífico y tiene una escala en la ciudad de
648 Layover Escala planes, or picking up/dropping off
Hospitality before changing planes, arriving in Rome Nueva York antes de cambiar aviones,
the next day. llegando a Roma al día siguiente.

Travel and Vestíbulo / A hall, foyer, or waiting room at or near the When you arrive at the hotel, please go to Cuando llegue al hotel, por favor vaya al
649 Lobby entrance to a building, such as a hotel or
Hospitality Recibidor the lobby to check in. vestíbulo para registrarse.
Travel and A flight that goes from the place of origin to Tomamos un vuelo sin escala a Los
650 Non-stop (flight) Sin escala / We took a non-stop flight to Los Angeles.
Hospitality the destination, without making any stops. Ángeles.
Your reservation is confirmed for 6 nights
An arrangement by which accommodations Su reservación esta confirmada para 6
Travel and at the Disney Resort Hotel beginning on
651 Reservation Reservación are secured in advance, as in a hotel or noches en el Disney Resort Hotel
Hospitality July 1st.
restaurant or on an airplane. empezando el primero de julio.

Travel and I would like to purchase a round trip ticket Quisiera comprar un boleto de ida y vuelta
652 Round-trip Viaje de ida y vuelta A trip from one place to another and back. from Los Angeles to Las Vegas near the de Los Ángeles a Las Vegas a finales de
end of December. diciembre.
Travel and An electric vehicle that transports people, The tram was running in darkness in early El tranvía corría en la oscuridad temprano
653 Tram Tranvía usually in cities, and goes along metal en la mañana en medio de las fuertes
Hospitality morning amid heavy rain.
tracks in the road. lluvias.
Workers' IRA (Individual Cuenta individual de Retirement savings account with tax Payout from an individual retirement Es posible que el pago de una cuenta
654 retirement advantages that individuals can open to individual de jubilación no comience hasta
Compensation jubilación account may not begin until a certain age.
account) save and invest in the long term. una cierta edad.
Light duty is the term that is used for work
that a treating doctor says will fall within I didn't return to work until two months No regresé a trabajar hasta dos meses
Workers' Trabajo ligero /
655 Light duty the physical restrictions of an injured after the accident, only taking on light después del accidente, solo realicé
Compensation Trabajo liviano
worker while that worker continues to heal duties in the beginning. trabajos ligeros al principio.
from a work-related injury or illness.
Wages or employment compensation that La propiedad fue recibida como
The property was received as
Workers' Salario perdido / was lost and unable to be earned as a result compensación por lesiones personales, a
656 Lost wages compensation for personal injuries, except
Compensation Salario no devengado of an injury caused by the acts of another excepción de cualquier pago realizado por
for any payment made for lost wages.
person or party. salario perdido.

Workers' Suma global / A lump sum amount is defined as a single Pharmacists who fabricate drugs are paid Se les paga una suma global a las
657 Lump sum farmacéuticas que fabrican
Compensation Suma total complete sum of money. a lump sum.
A nurse case manager is responsible for:
Enfermera(o) encargada Helping an injured worker to obtain the
(o) del caso / Enfermera medical care that he or she needs; serving
The nurse case manager's role focuses on El rol de la enfermera encargada del caso
Workers' Nurse case (o) administrador (a) del as a liaison between all parties involved in
658 providing advice and medication to the se centra en brindar asesoramiento y
Compensation manager caso) / the workers’ compensation claim; providing
patient. medicamento al paciente.
Enfermera(o) gerente del information to an insurance adjuster
caso regarding doctors’ visits and treatment
Injured workers will generally receive 2/3%
of their average weekly wage for lost wages
due to a disability. This payment is
generally called a stipend. A stipend is also
Workers' She gets a monthly stipend from the Ella recibe un estipendio mensual por
659 Stipend Estipendio a type of compensation for students,
Compensation university. parte de la universidad.
interns, apprentices, fellows, and clergy
that don't receive a salary. It is normally
provided on a daily, weekly, or monthly
A form of insurance required from To get an exemption for workers’ Para obtener una dispensa de la cobertura
employers that provides money as compensation coverage, your business de compensación de los trabajadores, su
Workers' Workers'
660 Indemnización laboral compensation for workers who are injured
Compensation compensation must go through your state’s screening empresa debe pasar por el proceso de
at work or contract an occupational process. selección de su estado.


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