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THE WEDDING PARTY: Charles Kurukuru (300l) v The

Administrators/Executors of the Estate of Chief Damilare

John-Simon (200l)


DeLaw if you don’t help me, nobody can. I got married to the love of my life, Anike, last week
Saturday, February 24. Anike is rich, like rich rich. Her father is banking billionaire, Damilare
John-Simon. The family never liked me. I didn’t marry her for the money. I truly love her. She
fought her parents for us to get married before they grudgingly agreed. It was a massive
party, food, drinks, decorations, and dancing. Even though they didn’t like me, they gave
Anike the wedding of her dreams. During the reception where everyone was celebrating and
having a swell time, Chief Damilare John-Simon called me aside and said I should follow him
to pick up something at the house. He told me to drive him to the house, then he sat me
down and we had a deep conversation. This was what we discussed:

Anike’s Dad: “I never really liked you. Anike’s mother likes you even less. But Anike seems
to trust you and love you ”

Me: “Sir, I know I’m not one tenth as affluent as your family…”

“I’m aware” he cut me off and laughed

Me: “But Sir, I’m a hardworking man, with dreams and determination to succeed, I truly love
your daughter”

I don’t want to bore you with our full conversation but eventually he said,

“Anike is my only daughter, if she trusts you, then I do. Promise to be a good husband to her,
and a good father to the kids you’ll have”

Me: “I promise Sir”

Anike’s Dad: “Well, I can’t have you disgracing my family name, I give you shares worth
N200m in Pluto Bank. Here’s my lawyer’s card. Call him on Monday to finalise the

I was shocked and said “Sir, this is too much, I can’t accept”

Anike’s Dad: “Nonsense, do you love my daughter?”

Me: “Yes Sir”

Anike’s Dad: “The shares are yours, drive back to the Wedding in the Bentley, I need to go
sleep upstairs, I’m tired after all the food and drinks, here are the keys, take this ring which
all the men in the family wear. Think of it as a gift, welcome to the family”

He removed the ring he was wearing and gave it to me. I was stunned, I didn’t know what to
say, I took the keys and went back to the wedding to my beautiful bride.

After much dancing and merriment. We left the venue and I told Anike about what her father
said. She laughed and said we would talk about it the next day. She was tired.

Chief Damilare John-Simon died in his sleep that night.

DeLaw, wasn’t there a contract between us? Aren’t the shares mine? Do I get to keep the
car? See, this is the lawyer's card that he told me to call. I’m not lying? Lawyer, what can you
do for me?

Patience (Anike’s Mother):

Imagine the audacity of that young man. Never in all my years could I imagine such a blatant
lie. Why would he claim my late husband would give him N200m worth of shares? It's
impossible, my Husband worked for every penny he has, so you mean to say he would give
it to this gold-digger for free? It’s an insult to his memory to even say such.

Chief Shallipopi, younger brother to the deceased further added:

That boy is a liar. He is also a thief. I blame my late brother God bless his soul. He was an
alcoholic, I saw him drinking at the wedding. That must be the source of all this wahala. We
are supposed to have shared the property since my brother’s will has unfortunately
disappeared, that man was too secretive. We told him to tell us where the will was but he
refused, now he has died. Let everyone collect their share and let’s all be going.
Lawyer, Abeg help us deal with him.

This is to be a full mock trial, with witnesses and evidence. Parties are to file pleadings and
adopt the High Court Civil Procedure Rules of the Lagos State High Court. 200l will be
assisted, upon request, by the Heads of Litigation of Jus Civile and Jus Gentium Chambers
while 300l may be assisted, upon request, by the Heads of Litigation of Jus Naturalis and

Claimants are to serve their processes on the Defendants by 12 noon on Friday, 8th March,
2024. Defendants are to serve their processes same time Wednesday, 13th March, 2024.

Have fun and Goodluck!

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