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COURSE: English


Robinn Vega Salinas Alexander Palma Pineda

Teacher: Rosalin Leslye Pacheco Saldaña

Año: 2023
Week 18 - Final Assignment: An interview (Part 2)

I: Hello Alexander Palma, in this interview I’m going to ask you some questions about your

life and your expectations for the future.

S: Hello Robinn Vega, thank you for receiving me, I’m all ears.

I: Tell me, why do you study International Business?

S: Because I wish to be able to venture into the field of exporting products.

I: Are you working right now?

S: Yes, I have a part-time job as a sales manager.

I: What are your aspirations for the future and how does this opportunity align with them?

S: My goal is to work in an international organization that focuses on economic

development of exports.

I: Have you had any notable experiences or achievements that you would like to share

with me?

S: Yes, I obtained a diploma in an international negotiation course.

I: That’s great, Robinn Tell me about your personal life, how do you prioritize maintaining a

healthy lifestyle amidst your studies and other commitments?

S: I believe in a balanced lifestyle, so I make time for regular exercise, follow a nutritious

diet, and practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress effectively. In addition, I love

doing yoga, I will always practice it.

I: It was a pleasure hearing about your experiences and aspirations. Do you have any

questions for me?

S: Yes, I'd like to know more about the support and resources available to students

through this job.

I: Certainly, we provide a support system.

S: Thank you for the valuable information.

I: You are welcome! It was a pleasure getting to know of you better. We will be in touch

soon. Have a wonderful day!

S: Thank you for this interview, goodbye and take care of yourself.

Week18 LINK:

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