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A Practical Research 1

Presented to the Faculty of Senior Highschool Department

Of St. Vincent College of Cabuyao

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Practical Research

Pamela Rein Bolences

Catherine Crizaldo

Mark Angelo Sta Ana

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Chapter 1



Religion holds a central place in the life of most Filipinos, especially in keeping

the society organized and according to God’s will. It is human being’s relation to that

which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of special

reverence. As many people may have misunderstood the real essence of religion about

only being the way to talk to God, religion also attempts to maintain the peace of minds

of every follower. Engaging in a specific religion isn’t only about praying and

worshipping, it also helps people sort out the relation of existence to the world. It tries to

ensure that people reconcile themselves to their existence and reality. Also, religion

creates a regulator for values in day-to-day life and helps build a good character of a


There are different religions existing in the Philippines but no one could ever

justify which of those is the best of them all. Religion wasn’t built to act superior over

others but rather to keep the followers in good spiritual shape. Due to the history of the

country, Roman Catholic became the dominant religion with 80.6% of Filipino members.

Devotees of other religion are fighting for their rights to be known like Protestants with

8.2% members (includes Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches with 2.7%,

National Council of Churches in the Philippines with 1.2%, other Protestants 4.3%),

Christians with the population of 3.4%, Muslims are 5.6%, tribal religion with only 0.2%,

and other 1.9%. Religion in the Philippines is marked by a majority of people being

advocate of the Christian faith. According to National Religious surveys, about 5.6% of

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the population of the Philippines is Muslims, making the Islam community the second

largest religion in the country.

Time has passed by, a lot of things changed and improved, and many people

also seem to have changed their perspective towards religion. Globalization has

changed people’s morals and beliefs that links their faith in God. Some thought that

there’s no more God because of their hardships, difficulties, and trials that they faced.

Few people altered the way they go to church and some even had their religion

converted, having a change in their religious beliefs.

On the other hand, a lot of factors tend to have affected the way people believe

in religion. One of those is social media, which millennial and older generation find

necessary to use. Social media has been a very big help in a lot of aspects existing as

time had gone by. However, socialization through social media platforms brought a huge

change in some people’s religious beliefs. Social media served as the way to spread the

words of God world widely especially in this time of pandemic where people couldn’t

attend religious mass gatherings. Social media users played the biggest role in sharing

their ideas and thoughts about their beliefs and helped those confused ones to sort out

their spiritual belongingness.

It was 1997 when the first recognizable social media site was created, and as

technology advanced, religion did, too. A lot of platforms were created, making it easier

for people to socialize and share their thoughts about variety of topics which includes

religion. Everything became easy for people to spread their beliefs and some even try

fighting for what they’re best fitting to.

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With the given set of ideas, the researchers were able to come up with this study

that aims to study the impact of social media to religious beliefs of every member. In

relation to this, the researchers will conduct the study that will greatly enhance people’s

knowledge about the limits and changes of every devotee.

Theoretical Underpinnings

A lot of

scholars believe that there is a meaningful relationship among religion, culture, and,

media. According to Bordieu, culture is a distinct form of power which is like to

investment in economy. It produces habitus but has its own regulations. Habitus which

means behavior, style, life contingency and arrangement is defined as a collection of

circumstances to act by particular ways creating recognition or physical behaviors for

individual and is considered as mind, decision, and action guide.

One viewpoint is concerned with overcoming the requirements of modern media

so called emerge of “media religion”, as a matter of fact, has a negative insight to the

issue. This approach believes that there is conflict between religion and media. Religion

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is a traditional subject spreading knowledge that should be regarded as the other

traditional ones. But modern conceptual media has very new functions, inconsistency

with religion. From this point of view, medial like religion distribute knowledge as well as

shape the human relationship with the environment. Therefore, in this approach, media

is the opponent of religion in a new world, try to replace it.

Next viewpoint which is offering the necessity of religious media and possibility

for being religious by media, believes that not only there is an intimate relationship

between media and religion, but also media have been effective is piety stabilization in

different periods based on many studies, so that linkage between them refers to the

very long times that is the age of first stories of fables and inscriptions. Based on this

approach, religion is tracing its way on the new media, believing that to develop new

technologies is not only to weaken or threaten it, but also it should paid to attend as a


Numerous religious-themed social networking group are now on the internet

allowing users to create prayer groups, discuss movies, and find potential significant

others. Creators and users say the sites are family-friendly alternatives to networking

sites but some also contains content that some founders found offensive.

Scope and Limitation

This study aims to focus on determining the impacts of exposure to social media

towards the beliefs of every member of the religious community. The researchers will

conduct the study seeking for knowledge and opinions of selected religious members

present around Calamba and Cabuyao, Laguna. Only one (1) member of every religion

(particularly a millennial) existing at the said respondents per se will be expected to go

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through an interview with the researchers. The target of the researchers is: to know if it

is possible for social media to ramify their beliefs and what specifically are the influence

of social media to the religious beliefs of every member.

Significance of the study

The study of knowing the impact of social media to religious beliefs of every member

will be beneficial to the following:

Social media users. This study would be of help to every social media users as this

study will expand their prior knowledge about the role of social media to religion. Also,

this study will contribute and raise awareness on how influential social media is.

Students. This study will be advantageous to students of any level since the study will

tackle and apprehend knowledge regarding the possible impact of technological

advancement, specifically social media, to the fixed and lived beliefs of every member.

Religious community. This study will be most beneficial to the religious community.

They will perceive and understand how their beliefs could possibly be changed just by

scrolling through their social media accounts. Thus, they can also give themselves

comprehension on how they could strengthen their faith and not let social media

weaken their stand.

Future researchers. This study will serve as a guide to those researchers who will

have an eye of interest in the near future towards the study of knowing the impacts of

social media to religious beliefs of every member. They will get easy reference since

there are already statements about the subject matter.

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Definition of Terms

To help better comprehend this study, the following words are precisely defined:

Advocate. An act of voicing out or educating people in concern to christian faith.

Beliefs. Is a matter that a person is made to believe in and is demanded to be followed

in order to live accordingly to the world.

Devotee. A person who extremely admires a particular person; a person who believes

in God.

Faith. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of religion, based on spiritual

apprehension rather than proof.

Impact. Refers to the influence per se of social media to a religious beliefs of a

member. The act of affecting something.

Linkage. The action of linking or state of linking social media to religion.

Member. An individual who is a part of a religious group that believes in a specific

attitude over supernatural being/s.

Piety. The quality of being religious or reverent.

Religion. An organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that

relates humanity to an order of existence. Commonly has narratives, scared histories

that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of the


Socialization. The activity of mixing with a lot of people through the act of

communication. A process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society.

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Social media. Is a product of technological growth that people of any age use for

sharing and receiving ideas. Social media is also defined as any digital tool that allow

users to quickly create and share content with public.

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Chapter 2

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which the

researchers gathered to strengthen the basis of the topic selected.


According to Science Daily (2021), religion is an organized collection of beliefs,

cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many

religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the

meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs

about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a

preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the

world. Many religions may have organized behaviors, clergy, a definition of what

constitutes adherence or membership, holy places, and scriptures. The practice of a

religion may also include rituals, sermons, commemoration or veneration of a deity,

gods or goddesses, sacrifices, festivals, feasts, trance, initiations, funerary services,

matrimonial services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public service or other

aspects of human culture. Religions may also contain mythology.

The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith, belief system or

sometimes set of duties; however, in the words of Émile Durkheim, religion differs from

private belief in that it is "something eminently social." A global 2012 poll reports that

59% of the world's population is religious, and 36% are not religious, including 13% who

are atheists, with a 9 percent decrease in religious belief from 2005. Some people follow

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multiple religions or multiple religious principles at the same time, regardless of whether

or not the religious principles they follow traditionally allow for syncretism.

Meanwhile, Council of Europe (2017) stated that religions and related social and

cultural structures have played an important part in human history. As mental structures,

they influence the way we perceive the world around us and the values we accept or

reject. As social structures, they provide a supporting network and a sense of belonging.

In many cases, religions have become the basis of power structures and have become

intertwined with it. History, remote and recent, is full of examples of "theocratic" states,

be they Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish or other. The separation between state and

religion is still recent and only partly applied: there are official state religions in Europe

and de facto state religions. In most cases this does not pose a particular problem as

long as it is tempered by values of tolerance.

Religions and other belief systems in our environment have an influence on our

identity, regardless of whether we consider ourselves religious or spiritual or not. At the

same time, other parts of our identity, our history, our approach to other religions and

groups considered "different" will influence how we interpret that religion or belief

system. Religion has made a strong imprint on culture, which can be seen, for example,

on holy days, at feasts, in marriage ceremonies, burial practices, pilgrimages, the

wearing of religious symbols, or in physical alterations to the body, such as male

circumcision. The influence of religions may become even stronger when nations adopt

a state religion or religious ideology. In such situations, religion and religious arguments

may become confused with the political, economic or social reasoning.

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Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right

includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in

community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in

teaching, practice, worship and observance. Freedom to manifest one's religion or

beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are

necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of

public order, health or morals, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

On the other hand, Trimble (2021) have said that religion is not a bad word. The

definition of religion in and of itself denotes peace and reconciliation. Religion does not

encourage people to “stop thinking”. In fact, religion encourages people to think about

how they can re-bind themselves or re-connect with a God who is infinitely more

intelligent and loving. The word religion comes from the Latin and while there are a few

different translations, the most prevalent roots take you back to the Latin word “Re-

Ligare”. “Ligare” means “to bind” or to “connect”. Adding the “re” before “ligare” causes

the word to mean “Re-Bind” or “Re-Connect.” There is massive controversy surrounding

the word “religion” and the definition of religion. People define religion as a set of

beliefs, and then atheists assume that because a set of beliefs has become corrupt,

then all religion is corrupt.

Based on James and Durkheim, it is not a simple matter to define religion;

conceptions and opinions regarding the character of religion are diverse. Even among

scholars who spend a lifetime studying expressions of religion, views vary on its

essential nature. Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred

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things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden—beliefs and practices which unite

into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.


As Britannica (2015) has said, belief is a mental attitude of acceptance or assent

towards a proposition without the full intellectual knowledge required to guarantee its

truth. Believing is either an intellectual judgment or, as the 18th-century Scottish Skeptic

David Hume maintained, a special sort of feeling with overtones that differ from those of

disbelief. Beliefs have been distinguished according to their degree of certainty: a

surmise or suspicion, an opinion, or a conviction. Belief becomes knowledge only when

the truth of a proposition becomes evident to the believer. Belief in someone or

something is basically different from belief that a proposition is true. Our religious

beliefs, such as they are, can affect our lifestyle, our perceptions, and the manner in

which we relate to fellow human beings.

According to Council of Europe (2017), belief is a state of the mind when we

consider something true even though we are not 100% sure or able to prove it.

Everybody has beliefs about life and the world they experience. Mutually supportive

beliefs may form belief systems, which may be religious, philosophical or ideological.

Religions are belief systems that relate humanity to spirituality. Beliefs in the spiritual

dimension of life have existed since time immemorial. Many human societies have left

us historical evidence of their systems of belief, whether it was worship of the sun, of

gods and goddesses, knowledge of good and evil or of the sacred.

As stated by Van Tongeren (2020), religious beliefs and practices for thousands

of years have served to maintain mental health and well-being and promote

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interpersonal relationships among humans. Not all religious beliefs are created equal.

That is, not all systems of religious meaning are equitable in their ability to address

existential concerns. Religious beliefs that loom large in one’s sense of identity are

valuable to managing existential fears, such as death.

Importance of Religion

As defined by Iyer (2018), religion helps in creating an ethical framework and

also a regulator for values in day to day life. This particular approach helps in character

building of a person. In other words, Religion acts as an agency of socialization. Thus,

religion helps in building values like love, empathy, respect, and harmony. People are

always on the quest of fulfilling the economic and material pursuits in today’s world. It is

the religion which plays a crucial role in establishing our connection to the divine and

developing the belief that there is a supreme energy that acts as a regulator in our day

to day lives. Thus, the components of prayer, chants, hymns, creates the spiritual bond.

Each and every religion promotes its philosophy and the crux of it has always been the

welfare and wellness of the people.

Furthermore, Cantor (2016) has stated that religion is dying. We live in a world

where society has now changed. Women can get married to women, men to men, men

can be women, and women can be men. It is a beautiful thing to see how we have

grown. But sometimes, it is a bit scary because we now brand people of faith. At first, it

was the people of faith doing the branding, but now people who never met the status

quo before a few years ago brand the people of faith. Funny how we millennials claim to

be the generation of free speech, free love and acceptance, but I noticed that we do not

live up to that claim.

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Millennials now shy away from religion. All religions are a foundation for morals

and beliefs; it helps shape us and determine what we see as right and wrong. Religion

is beautiful. They’re the reasons why we know right from wrong. They made

communities and built cities, caused debates, and brought people together. To see

religion die because our generation choses to be closed minded would be hypocritical.

As said by Swinburne (2017), the purposes of the practice of a religion are to

achieve the goals of salvation for oneself and others, and (if there is a God) to render

due worship and obedience to God. Different religions have different understandings of

salvation and God. It is rational for someone to pursue these goals by following a

religious way (the practices commended by some religion, in so far as they judge that it

would be greatly worthwhile to achieve those goals and in so far as they judge that it is

to some degree probable that they will attain them by following the way of that religion.

Social Media

Pursuant to Hudson (2020), social media refers to websites and applications that

are designed to allow people to share content quickly, efficiently, and in real-time. While

many people access social media through smartphone apps, this communication tool

started with computers, and social media can refer to any internet communication tool

that allows users to broadly share content and engage with the public.

Social media is any digital tool that allows users to quickly create and share

content with the public. Social media encompasses a wide range of websites and apps.

Some, like Twitter, specialize in sharing links and short written messages. Others, like

Instagram and TikTok, are built to optimize the sharing of photos and videos. Anyone

with internet access can sign up for a social media account. They can use that account

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to share whatever content they choose to, and the content they share reaches anyone

who visits their page or profile. Social media often use "feeds" that allow users to scroll

through content. Social media companies use algorithms, based on a user's profile

data, to determine the content that appears and the order that it appears in. The feed

will include content from "followed" users, as well as from entities that pay to promote

their content.

One of the biggest mistakes retailers make is to open up accounts on every

social media platform they think is relevant and then leave them alone with no activity.

In fact, social media users may be turned off by the retailer who opens accounts and

does not engage with clients or the public. Another big mistake retailers make is to use

social media to talk about what is important to them rather than talking about what is

important to the customer. Retailers who use social media, for instance, may think it is

great to spread the word about a sale. In some ways, this would be true, but if that's the

only reason you are getting involved in social media, it won't be beneficial. Your goal

should be to provide content that is relevant to your customer and engage with them to

the point that they want to share your post with others.

Just as Wigmore (2020) reported, social media is a collective term for websites

and applications which focus on communication, community-based input, interaction,

content-sharing and collaboration. Forums, microblogging, social networking, social

bookmarking, social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media.

Many individuals will use social media to stay in touch and interact with friends and

family, while others use it to communicate with different communities. Many businesses

will use social media as a way to market and promote their products. Social media has

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become larger and more accessible thanks to access to mobile applications, with some

examples of social media including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.

Why is Social Media Important?

Social Media as defined by Harden Communications Partners (2019) plays a

crucial role in connecting people and developing relationships, not only with key

influencers and journalists covering your company’s sector, but also provides a great

opportunity to establish customer service by gathering input, answering questions and

listening to their feedback.

Social media is defined by its interactivity, connectedness, and user-generated

content. In today’s society, the use of social media has become a necessary daily

activity. Social media is typically used for social interaction and access to news and

information, and decision making. It is a valuable communication tool with others locally

and worldwide, as well as to share, create, and spread information. Social media can

influence consumer’s purchase decisions through reviews, marketing tactics and

advertising. Essentially, social media vastly impacts our ability to communicate, form

relationships, access and spread information, and to arrive at the best decision. These

social networking sites can be used to connect people worldwide. This means that

business meetings can be conducted internationally via Google Hangouts or old friends

can reconnect. For businesses, schools, and various other groups, the communication

possibilities are endless (Unknown).

According to the Nielsen Social Media Report, active social media users have a

higher likelihood of being influenced offline. Social media is now beginning to impact its’

users’ decision making processes. Reviews and blogs are posted constantly describing

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colleges, restaurants, products, companies, etc. Some people have learned to rely on

these reviews to make their decisions.

In the article of University Canada West, the importance of social media in

communication is a constant topic of discussion. Online communication has brought

information to people and audiences that previously could not be reached. It has

increased awareness among people about what is happening in other parts of the

world. Social media’s influence has given rise to a different genre of communication,

where conversations are quick and information is easily relayed.

Moreover, according to Force (2016), social media can be very influential on

society in both positive and negative ways. It gives people a way to stay in touch with

people who live far away. It lets people share fun, interesting and informative content. It

gives businesses a way to engage with customers.

One of the problems, however, is that anybody can share anything, including

material that may not be accurate. In some cases, real harm is done when people

spread inflammatory, unverified or outright false information. This can harm private

individuals, as when someone is bullied online. It can also have a harmful impact on

society as a whole.

Role of Social Media to Religion

The link between social media and religion has attracted the interest of many

scholars in the last decade. social networks offer strong evidence for social and

participatory mechanisms shaping religion's impact on life satisfaction. Although the rise

of online social networking appears to represent a new challenge to religious individuals

and institutions, Verschoor-Kirss opines that it is wrong to assume that the interaction

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between religion and technology is always adversarial. Generally, technology can

enhance religious practices through the expansion and creation of religious

communities (Kgatle, 2018).

In her article, Petrauskas (2019) stated it’s not possible to reach every single

person you hope to, however using social media gives you a better chance in reaching

more people than you could offline. Social media gives a church more opportunity to

reach its members, the people in their community and those searching for more to life.

It’s a way to engage directly with these people in a manner that they’re comfortable

with, where they are and in their own time. Social media for churches can mean

becoming known in the local area, and becoming a place that people are talking about.

Just watch any group of people, young and old – many are spending their time looking

at their phones or mobile devices. The majority will be on Facebook or searching the

web for information. They are searching for something significant. Something that gives

them substance and a meaning. If a church can get in front of them in their place of ‘go-

to’, it can be a step towards growing the church and seeing lives changed.

Not all churches have the resources to be on every social platform that’s out

there. In fact, unless you’ve got a dedicated marketing team that has time to do social, it

can be hard for any organization to spread themselves over all the social media

channels. But for churches, as we mentioned in our previous post, social media is often

the first thing to be dropped when there’s not enough time in the day. Therefore, it’s

good to establish what platforms would work for your church, establishing where people

are hanging out, and then focusing on these platforms to grow an effective community.

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There is so much content online that it’s easy for someone in one swipe to be on

another church Facebook page, instead of yours. If you’re not familiar with how social

works or have tried to stay away from it as much as possible, it’s not time for that to

change – or to find someone that can do it for you! It’s important to meet the people

where they are.

Many Christians are turning to apps and memes to express their faith instead of

churches – and it's raising intriguing questions about the future of the world's largest

religion. The mobile phone Bible is now replacing the book Bible. The ubiquity of

smartphones and social media makes them hard to avoid, however. And they are

changing the way people practice their religion. Faiths are adopting online technologies

to make it easier for people to communicate ideas and worship (Walker, 2017).

Apps and social media accounts tweeting out Bible verses allow a private

expression of faith that takes place between a person and their phone screen. And the

ability to pick and choose means they can avoid doctrine that does not appeal. A lot of

people who consider themselves to be active Christians may not strictly even believe in

God or Jesus or the acts described in the Bible. Sharing Bible verses on social media

lets worshippers find their own readings rather than sitting through ones chosen by a

priest every Sunday. Bible verses are also subject to popularity contests, where their

acceptability to a wide audience can dictate their spread.

Impact of Social Media to Religious Devotees

Young social media users are less likely to commit to one religious tradition than

those who do not use social media. Young social media users are more likely to pick

and choose religious beliefs and practices, even if those beliefs are contradictory.

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Technology tends to give individuals so much control over their life’s circumstances and

presents so many options before them that people feel empowered to approach religion

with a cafeteria-style mentality.

Social media users are between 50 and 80 percent more likely to be flexible

about various religious beliefs and practices. There’s something in the technology that

subtly encourages people to experiment with all the options that are before them.

Technology certainly accelerates the channels through which people are exposed to

new material and new religious options, that could work for religious groups who want to

recruit members to their tradition, but it could also weaken institutions that have typically

been able to present their message in a way that gets more traction and appeal among

followers (Ericksen, 2016).

Religious groups can use the internet to their advantage by promoting their

religion to the world and bringing together the faithful by sharing news and views online

(BBC, 2021).

According to Larsen (2017), many religious communities and church

congregations create opportunities for social interactions beyond the regular worship

services. Youth groups, men’s worship groups, women’s circles, summer camps, and

other activities provide a social network of people to connect beyond their shared faith.

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Chapter 3

In this chapter, the researchers discussed the research design,

participants of the study, interview guide questions and validation of interview guide


Research Design

In this study, the respondents will be interviewed which will be used as the

means of gathering data to support the study.

Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen

by the researchers. The design of a research topic explains the type of research, which

is qualitative research. In this study, an interview will be held, though it is impossible to

conduct a one-on-one interview between the researchers and the respondents due to

pandemic. Conducting an online interview to gather data to support the study is the

safest way as observed by the researchers and was believed that it will not make much

difference from a one-on-one interview. To be precise, the researchers will use this

design and method to know the impact of social media to religious beliefs of every


Participants of the Study

As the researchers of the study have agreed, the respondents will be coming around

Calamba and Cabuyao, Laguna. An approximately 10 religious members of different

religions are expected to participate on the interview.

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Interview Guide Questions

The set of questions made by the researchers will be the followed format by the

participants in answering the questions to gather relevant information that corresponds

to the issue of this study. The researchers looked for approximately 10 members of

every religion existing around Calamba and Cabuyao City and asked for consent to be

interviewed via online. The following questions are asked:

1.) Did social media once made you elaborate and question your thoughts about

what you believe spiritually?

(Minsan mo na bang kinuwestiyon at pinagkaisipan ang mga nalalaman mo

tungkol sa mga relihiyosong paniniwala mo?)

2.) What are the changes you see with regards to your opinions in relation to religion

upon engaging to different social media platforms? Have you ever had a debate

comparing your beliefs from what you see in the internet?

(Ano ang mga pagbabago na nakikita mo sa iyong ispiritwal na paniniwala simula

nang gumamit ka ng social media? Naranasan mo na bang ikumpara ang mga

paniniwala mo sa mga nakikita mo sa internet?)

3.) Did social media make you shift your general beliefs concerning religion with

what you saw in the internet? Have you ever thought of changing religion?

(Nagawa ba ng social media na palitan ang kabuoan ng iyong ispiritwal na

paniniwala dahil sa mga nakikita mo sa internet? Naisipan mo na bang magpalit

ng relihiyon dahil dito?)

4.) How did you act upon social media’s influence to your spiritual belongingness?

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(Anong ginawa mo sa impluwensya ng social media sa iyong ispiritwal na


5.) Despite all the challenges you experience in communicating to other people

(personal or via internet), how do you deal with it without influencing your

religious beliefs?

(Sa kabila ng mga hamon na kinakaharap mo sa pakikipag-communicate sa

ibang tao, mapa-personal man o internet, paano mo ito kinakaharap nang hindi

naaapektuhan ang iyong ispiritwal na paniniwala?)

6.) Have you and your friends ever discussed about your difference in religious

beliefs? Did shifting to what they believe once crossed your mind?

(Naranasan niyo na ba ng mga kaibigan mong pag-isapan ang tungkol sa mga

pagkakaiba ninyo sa isipiritwal na paniniwala? Minsan mo na bang naisip na

pumanig sa paniniwala nila?)

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers derived to six (6) questions that will be used in the

interview and will be asking ten (10) members of different religions existing around

Calamba and Cabuyao, Laguna. Since it is impossible and indeed not advisable for the

researchers to have a one on one interview with the participants of the study, the

researchers have decided to conduct it via internet where it could also be possible to

have an exchange of words between the researchers and respondents. After getting the

answers from the participants, the researchers may now continue the study of knowing

the impact of social media to religious beliefs of every member.

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Chapter 4

The researchers started the interview by explaining the flow and purpose of the

research to be conducted to the respondents.

Central Questions

1. What is the impact of social media towards a devotee in terms of:

1.1 Thoughts;

1.2 Opinions; and

1.3 Beliefs

2. How do devotees strengthen their faith in spite of:

2.1 Social media influence;

2.2 Challenges in social interaction; and

2.3 Peer’s religious indifferences?

3. What theme can be extracted from the results of the research investigation?

Corollary Statement

1. Social media can create an impact towards a member’s thoughts, opinions, and


2. Devotees have ways on strengthening their faith in spite of social media

influence, challenges in social interactions, and peer’s religious indifferences.

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1. Did social media once made you elaborate and question your thoughts about
what you believe spiritually?
(Minsan mo na bang kinuwestiyon at pinagkaisipan ang mga nalalaman mo
tungkol sa mga relihiyosong paniniwala mo?)

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Members 1, 4, 6, No Some devotees do According to

8, 9 not let the power Cachila (2017), to

of social media be content is a

interfere with what great thing. To be

they believe content means to

spiritually. They be satisfied

tend to ignore despite humble

what was on the circumstances.

internet and just Regardless of

stick to their what we have or

beliefs. what we don’t

have, we find

ourselves happy

and satisfied with

no complaints.
Members 2, 3, 10 Yes Upon engaging to According to

social media and Wikipedia (2021),

exploring every people convert to

platform, a different religion

influencing one’s for various

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religious beliefs is reasons, including

not impossible for active

there are a lot of conversation by

factors that are free choice due to

present and could a change of

inflict an impact. beliefs, secondary

conversion for



conversion, and


Members 5 & 7 Depends on how Despite all the According to

the devotee uses positive and Wikipedia (2021),

it (social media). negative impacts free will in religion

of social media to is the main factor

religious beliefs, for man’s

there are still accountability in

devotees who tend his/her actions

not to notice throughout life. All

anything bad actions committed

about social by man’s free will

media’s effect are said to be

towards beliefs counted on the

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because they Day of Judgement

believe that because they are

everything is up to not Gods’s

the devotee. decisions.

2. What are the changes you see with regards to your opinions in relation to religion
upon engaging to different social media platforms? Have you ever had a debate
comparing your beliefs from what you see on the internet?

(Ano ang mga pagbabago na nakikita mo sa iyong ispiritwal na paniniwala simula

nang gumamit ka ng social media? Naranasan mo na bang ikumpara ang
paniniwala mo sa mga nakikita mo sa internet?)

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Members 1, 2, 4, 6, No Devotees who Individuals
&7 spend less time on experiencing
social media are religious delusuions
more likely not to arepreoccupied
have their beliefs with religious
changed or subjects that are
affected by what not within the
they’re seeing on expected beliefs for
the internet. Even an individual
though they also background,
spend time including culture,
exploring on social education, and
media, they know known experiences
how to set religious of religion
matters from (Wikipedia).
leisure ones.
Members 3, 5, 9, & Yes In most cases, The media has
10 devotees who are become an
more open-minded ubiquitous source
about stuffs that of information. As
they encounter on to beliefs, mass
the internet media changes our

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experience ways of thinking

changes towards and living, it also
to what they promotes the
believe spiritually transformation of
and debates to personality and the
what should be formation of new
believed. beliefs (Baenglish,
Member 8 It depends to the There are According to
devotee members of the Quora, religion is
religious often only choice
community that once a person
believe that a realizes they have
person‘s beliefs a choice.
would not change if
they wish to and,
same goes to the
other party.

3. Did social media make you shift your general beliefs concerning religion with

what you saw on the internet? Have you ever thought of changing religion?

(Nagawa ba ng social media na paltan ang kabuoan ng iyong ispiritwal na

paniniwala dahil sa mga nakikita mo sa internet? Naisipan mo na bang magpalit

ng relihiyon dahil dito?)

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Members 1, 2, 4, 5, Hindi/No Proportional to what Technology tends to
6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 beliefs they stick to, give individuals so
they don’t involve much control over
social media to their their life’s
religious affiliations. circumstances and
There are devotees presents so many
who are highly options before them
devoted that they that people feel

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don’t get shaken empowered to

with what they see approach religion
on the internet with a cafeteria-
especially on social style mentality
media. (McClure, 2016).
Member 3 Yes It is undeniable that People who spent
social media indeed more time online
has an impact to the were more likely to
religious beliefs of skip religious
every member. services, and were
Some have the also more likely to
thoughts of take a “pluralistic” of
changing religion religion. In other
due to the changes words, they were
of beliefs brought by less likely to believe
social media but that only one
can’t because of religion is true
their family (Specktor, 2018).

4. How did you act upon social media’s influence to your spiritual belongingness?
(Anong ginawa mo sa impluwensiya ng social media sa iyong ispiritwal na

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Members 1, 2, 3, 6, Acts on different Due to noticeable Faith isn’t just a
7, 8, & 10 ways changes (or notion that some
alteration), people hold onto in
devotees who still tough times, faith is
want to stick to their an important
present religions act element to all
upon different ways human life on earth.

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like referring to Faith is what helps

elder Christian to get us through,
members through illuminating the
chat or texts, pathway in times of
strengthening their darkness, helping to
faith by reading give us strength in
motivational quotes, times of weakness
or even spreads the (Unknown).
word of God.
Members 4, 5, & 9 Ignores To prevent social As reported by
media from GoodTherapy
confusing their (2017), a person
minds, some may base a number
devotees choose of life choices on
not to care or just religious views, but
ignore whatever when aspects of a
they see on the person’s life conflict
internet. They do with religious ideals,
believe that they are it may be difficult to
on the right religion reconcile the two so
and that they it wouldn’t be
believe what is questionable if a
right. person chooses to
ignore anything
irrelevant to their

5. Despite all the challenges you experience in communicating to other people

(personal or via internet), how do you deal with it without influencing your
religious beliefs?

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(Sa kabila ng mga hamon na kinakaharap mo sa pakikipag-communicate sa

ibang tao, paano mo ito kinakaharap nang hindi naaapektuhan ang iyong
ispiritwal na paniniwala?)

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Member 5 Avoid To prevent the The influence of
confusion of a religion on identity
person towards formation may also
what he/she work through
believes spiritually, parental influence.
he/she chooses to Children whose
avoid topics parents are
involving the significantly
introduction of religious are more
beliefs when likely to be
communicating. significantly
religious as well
Members 1, 2, 3, 4, Communicates and Open-minded When it comes to
6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 strengthens beliefs people tend to relax religious faith, a
more. and let the situation closed mind often
give them their doesn’t allow you to
opinionated see, understand,
perspective towards and experience
the topic concerning other belief systems
religion. They listen to give you a better
to each party and picture of the entire
try to share their world (Dr. Oz).
thoughts about it.

6. Have you and your friends ever discussed about your difference in religious
beliefs? Did shifting to what they believe once crossed your mind?

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(Naranasan niyo na ba ng iyong mga kaibigan na pag-usapan ang tungkol sa

mga pagkakaiba niyo sa ispiritwal na paniniwala? Minsan mo na bang naisip na
pumanig sa paniniwala nila?)

Respondents Answers Explanation Theories

Members 1, 4, 6, 8, No There are particular Religion disrupts
9, & 10 times that religion is communication as it
mention inside a creates a specific
friend group but image of people
they most likely do who follow other
not give the topic a religions. People
special treatment find it difficult to talk
for they have their to people who
own beliefs to follow different
practice, nurture, religions. Religious
and respect. views influence how
people think about
others. It creates
differences in
Members 2, 3, 5, 7 Yes, Sometimes In a circle of friend, Being raised in a
it is common to religious home can
have religion be the have some powerful
topic of the group effects on your life
which leads to and relationships.
sharing of their Religious institution
thoughts and can provide moral
opinions. Some and ethical
devotees, who education,
seem to be emotional support

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confused of what and social

they are currently interactions.
believing, finds However, the power
comfort from their of most religions
other friends’ beliefs give people
which causes to freedom of choice
have his/her beliefs (Bri).
change as well.

Chapter 5

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations to further enhance the concepts and the facts discussed in the

preceding chapters as provided by the results of analysis of data for the research.

The study focused on determining the impact of social media to religious beliefs

of every member around Calamba and Cabuyao, Laguna.

To solve the main problem, the researchers worked out the following central


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1. What is the impact of social media towards a devotee in terms of:

1.1 Thoughts;

1.2 Opinions; and

1.3 Beliefs

2. How do devotees strengthen their faith in spite of:

2.1 Social media influence;

2.2 Challenges in social interaction; and

2.3 Peer’s religious indifferences?

Summary of Findings

The relevant findings of the study were listed as follows:

As for the impact of social media to the religious beliefs of every member

of the religious community, 5 members said that even though they engage t

different social media platforms, they still haven’t experienced questioning their

thoughts about what they believe spiritually. 3 members answered Yes because

there are many ideas and even thoughts displayed in social media that roams

around the whole system of social communication. Meanwhile, 2 members said

that having your spirituality changed depends to the devotees using social media.

As for opinions, 5 members said that they do not compare what they believe to

what they see on the internet. While 4 members answered Yes because there

are different category of sharing opinions in different social media platforms and

that it distracts them from their main priorities. And with regards to beliefs, 9 out

of 10 members said that they haven’t thought of shifting to another religion just

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because of the influence of social media to their religious beliefs. Only one

member answered Yes.

In terms of the action upon social media’s influence, 7 members said that they

act on different ways in strengthening their faith like chatting for consultation,

spreading the words of God, and uses social media as a motivation in strengthening

their faith towards Christianity. 3 members answered that they just ignore what they

see on the internet which they think is irrelevant for their beliefs. Meanwhile, in spite

of all the challenges they experience in communicating to other people, one member

answered avoiding the mixture of social media and religion is a much to protect

his/her spiritual belongingness and 9 members answered they deal with it through

communicating, strengthening their faith and more. And in peer’s religious

indifferences, 6 members said that although they talk about religion in their friend

group, they still don’t consider shifting to what their friends believe. Only 4 members

said Yes/Sometimes.


According to the statements of different members of the religious community,

social media really has an effect towards their thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. Some

might not encounter any change, but there are still some people who think that changes

in spirituality would depend to the person using social media and how they utilize it.

Every change they see would reflect to what they have seen all over the internet. Social

media has both a negative and positive impact to some people because sometimes

they share the same opinions about religion and sometimes they have a whole different

belief. Opinionated remarks on social media would still be up to the users if they would

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choose to believe it or not. They deal with it through different things like consulting to

elder Christian members, reading the Bible to seek for the truth, turning negative vibes

into motivation to do better in their chosen beliefs and religion.


To the future researchers, the researchers suggest elaborating more of the

central questions in asking the respondents for the interview to get wider knowledge

about the topic. Getting a more specific viewpoint of the respondents towards the

linkage of social media and religion is highly recommended for it will help you find more

accurate answers that will help solve the main problem which is knowing the impact of

social media to the religious beliefs of every member.

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