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Blood Troopers

As man explores space they find many new things. Including horrible diseases. Some need to be dealt
with as their victims don't die.

Official recorded infections...

Type 1
A plant/fungus. Enters blood stream then alters brain to encurage spreading of the infection. Starts by
absorbing bones then organs and finaly mussle and skin. Will ocasionaly grow vines that it uses
as weapons. Once body nears end of use will attack people to infect them.

Type 2
Posible a supernatural virus. Infects cells and reproduces with/out killing the cell. Its unknow where
they get the energy to reproduce like that. Once spreads to 80-90% of the victom's cells will
cause rapid mutations and genetic alterations. In some cases bodies can fuse to form larger
creatures. Mostly apears as a terrorist weapon.

Type 3
Degeneration Plauge
Initialy increases bone density and musle mass while inhancing the immune system. Does create a
healthier and stronger being. Then causes sivear mental decay. Altimitly results in a feral
savage monster as goes insain. Also called the zombie plauge as the infected will start to rot but
still move about.

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