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Weapons, armor, drop pod

Level 0 Weapons
Dagger [25$] Damage Class 2
A short handle with an energy blade that wraps around the fist. If upgraded becomes a short blade
straight on one side and curved on the other.
R=1, Shots=1, D=d6, Penetration=1, 1 hand
• Wrist mount—Can use with 0 hands.
• Long blades—D=d8
• Double Blades—Shots=2

SNG [25$] Damage Class 1

Similar to a large pistol its small size, light weight, and burst fire makes it ideal for indoor fighting.
R=20, Sh=2, D=d6, Clip=5, 1 hand
• Extended clip—Clip=8
• Blue Light—Gives +2 IQ to spot illusions that the light falls on.
• Recoil suppression—Shots=3

Hand grenades Damage Class 2

A metal cylinder, a pin, and an explosive charge. Pull pin, toss, and boom.
R=15, Shot=1, 1 use, can arc the throw, [25$ each]
When buy choose 1 type
• Basic—D=2d8, blast=1
• Pyro—D=2d6, blast=1, sets area on fire. Those in fire take +d6 to their armor rolls from all
non-fire sources
• Shrapnel—D=d10, blast=2
• Shock—D=d10, blast=2, those in pass a RES test or loose 1 action.
• Cryogenic—D=d6, blast=1, all in the blast suffer Frost for 2 turns

Pistol [50$] Damage Class 1

Small guns designed for minimum size. If upgraded can be mounted on your wrist and can reload
without costing spirit. Sadly low power.
R=20, Sh=1, D=d6, Clip=5, 1 hand
• Revolver—Clip=6, D=d8
• Wrist mount—Can use with 0 hands
• Auto-loader—Can reload for 1 action without using spirit

Shield [25$]
A hand held metal plate ment to protect the holder. Good for shoot outs.
1 hand, 10 HP, Armor=2+
-All attacks to your front arc hit the shield.
• 0Reinforce—HP +10
• Armored—Armor=3+
• Bash—R=1, SH=1, D=d8. If hits punches foe back 2 spaces.
Spirit Gauntlet [475$] Damage Class 1
Built with circuits that allow the user to alter the space around them. Various effects are possible.
1 hand, allows the usage of alterations. Can use one alteration ability a turn [per glove]
• Double coils—When use an alteration power that does damage it does +d6 to the armor roll.
• Crystal matrix—Lowers spirit costs by 1 to a minimum of 1.
• Bracer design—Make this take 0 hands so can use other weapons.

Level 1 weapon
Bow [200$] Damage Class 1
Bent metal and string. Launches arrows at high speed.
R=10, SH=1, D=d12, 2 handed, silent, flash-less.
• Compound Bow—R+10
• Triple arrow head—Penetration +1
• Serrated edge—D +d6

Chakram [125$] Damage Class 1 [throw] or 2 in melee

A metal disk usable in hand to hand or ranged combat. Replaces your gun and melee weapon if have
more then 1 and can have up to 4. Can use with spirit gloves.
R=8+[STR level *4], SH=1, D=d12, 1 hand, silent, no flash. If holding 2 can make 3 melee attacks as
2 actions. For ranged you throw them. For 1 spirit can recall all the Chakram to you.
• Ricosha—When you throw a Chakram, if it does 2+ D it returns to you.
• Motorized spin—Damage gets +d8
• Trick shot—Can hit up to 3 foes in a line. If try get -2 accuracy on each. If fail to pass a foes
armor the attack stops. Chakram will not return to you after.
• Venom—If enchanted [alteration skill] the Chakram[s] stays enchanted for the entire mission.

Sword [150$] Damage Class 2

Basic handle with a sharpened metal blade attacked. Do to weight, size, and balance are very easy to
hit with.
R=1, Sh=1, D=2d10, Accuracy +1, 1 handed
• Superior grip—Accuracy=+3
• Boost—For 1 spirit get +d8 to armor roll for rest of turn
• Stabilizer—When use boost get penetration +1

Rifle [325$] Damage Class 1

Long barreled bolt action rifle. Has the best range of the weapons we can readily produce. Can be
modified for sniper work.
R=30, Sh=1, D=2d8, clip=3, 2 hand
• Scope—If use 2 actions on an attack this weapons range becomes 50
• Silencer—Makes no noise when fired
• Extended clip—Clip=5

Halabird [300$] Damage Class 2

A long staff with a blade at the end. Excellent reach and effective at hitting multiple foes. Bit heavy
and unwieldy.
R=2, Sh=1, D=d12, Arc-2, 2 hands
• Power swing—Arc=3
• Boost—For 1 spirit get +d8 to armor rolls for rest of turn.
• Edged—Penetration +1

Shotgun [300$] Damage Class 1

Instead of bullets these guns fire clusters of pellets. Not very good at range but can hit several foes if
they're close enough.
R=18, Sh=1, D=d20, Clip=4, 2 hand, reload takes 2 actions, spray-2
• Combat shotgun—Reload only takes 1 action
• Fletching rounds—Spray=3
• Drum clip—Clip=6, requires combat shotgun

Level 2 weapons

LMG—Light machine gun [575$] Damage Class 1

A light machine gun. Large clip and powerful bullets. Until upgraded hard to keep under control.
R=20, Sh=d3, D=d10, Clip=10, takes 2 actions to reload, 2 handed
• Stabilizer I—Shots become d2+1
• Stabilizer II—Requires version 1. Shots=3
• Heavy rounds—Penetration +1

Flamer [550$] Damage Class 2

A pressurized tank, a hose, and a gun that acts as a nozzle. Sprays flaming fuel over targets.
R=12, sh=1, D=d10, Clip=15, 2 hand, can't reload, stream, ignite.
• Double tanks—Clip=30
• Superior nozzle—Shots=2
• Cryonics—Replaces ignite with frost

Level 3 weapons

Mark VII tactical rifle [900$] Damage Class 1

A weapon designed for advanced missions. Has a variety of options that can be added to it.
R=20, Sh=1, D=d6, Clip=5, 2 hands
• Laser pointer—Accuracy +2
• Springs—Shots=2
• Long Barrel—R=30
• Large rounds—D=d8
• Long Clip—Clip=8
• Anti-armor rounds—Penetration=2
• Mount—Holds 1 of these mount weapons [change between missions]. These can;t be reloaded
◦ Flamer—R=10, shots=1, D=d8, Clip=1, steam
◦ Grenade—R=20, Sh=1, D=d8, Blast=1

Flesh ripper [900$] Damage Class 2

A chainsaw developed into a close combat weapon. One side has a fully exposed chain. The other has
a short guard and handle to help control it.
R=1, Sh=3, D=d6, Penetration=0, 2 handed
• Hard edges—D=d8
• Superior motor—Pen +1
• New Alloys—Pen +1
• New Chains—Pen +1

Mini Gun [900$] Damage Class 2

Multiple barrels spun by a motor. Fires a lot of rounds quickly. A heavy weapon but excellent at
killing foes.
R=20, Sh=4, D=d8, Clip=30, Pen=1, 2 hand, can't reload
• Ammo pack—Clip=45
• Rip through—If target dies any extra shots will hit foe behind them
• point blank—Can use in melle range

Force baton [500$] Damage Class 2

R=1, SH=1, D=d12, Pen=2, 1 hand
Uses a mix of a shield generator and pistons to violently break targets apart.
• High focus impact—If your attack does no damage the foe's armor gets -1 to that location.
• Vibrato field—If target has protection [or similar] this attack destroys d6 protection instead of
just 1.
• Backlash—If roll the highest number on the damage die cause 1 more damage loss.

Level 4

Laser Rifle Damage Class 1

R=20, SH=1, D=2d6, clip=Infinite
Fires a beam of concentrated light. Burns through the target. Limited to 1 shot an attack.
• D +d6
• D +d6
• D +d6
• D +d6

Hand Cannon Damage Class 1

R=10, Sh=1, D=d12, Clip=6
-A large caliber weapon. Also counts as a pistol.
• Shots +1
• D +d12
• If roll highest number on a D die foe looses 1 action

Claw Blades Damage Class 2

R=1, SH=2, D=2d8
-A gauntlet that lets you punch a dagger into the foe
• Double wield—This takes both hands but you now have two claws. After an attack roll a d6.
On a 4+ you can make a free attack with them.
• Penetration +1
• Accuracy +1
• open slot—Can use with a pistol [gets the 0-hand mod for free]
• Circuitry—Can use with a spirit gauntlet.

Basic armor
Torso—14 HP, Armor 4+/9+
Legs—10 HP, Armor 3+/7+
Arms—8 HP, Armor 3+/7+
Supply Pack—holds 5 items
• Supply pack—Holds 5 items. Start with 1 for free and can buy one
• Torso plates—Torso armor +0/+1
• Leg plates—Leg armor +0/+1
• Arm plates—Arm armor +0/+1
• Shoulder lamp—Provides light
• System Alpha—Torso HP +2
• System Beta—Leg HP +1
• System gamma—Arm HP +1
◦ If have Alpha, beta, and gamma—All location get +1 more HP and move +1
• Leg servers—Move +1
• Multi purpose explosive—A small demotion charge. Can blast holes in walls and doors. Can
be used as a mine that has blast=1 and D=2d6.
• Black plates—Adds protection to your armor. Any hit will break 1, but only 1.
◦ Torso version—Give 3 protection to torso
◦ Leg version—Gives 2 protection to each leg
◦ Arm version—Gives 2 protection to each arm.
▪ If have all 3 all locations get +1 protection.
• Nano mussel—Strength +1
• Neural booster—Dexterity +1
• Brain chip—IQ +1
• Soul storage—Spirit +2
• Damned back pack—Spirit +5
• Grenade belt—Hold 3 grenades instead of 1
• Leg pack—Can hold up to 5 quick patches. Only get 1 free a mission.
• Ammo pocket—First 2 reloads a mission don't cost spirit.

Ogre armor--$2200, requires level 3

Larger heavier version of the standard body armor.
torso—28HP, Armor 5+/11+
Legs—20/20 HP, Armor 4+/9+
Arms—16/16 HP, Armor 4+/9+
Comes with a plasma rifle and concussion spear as its only weapon options.

Plasma rifle—Special Damage Class 1

Theoretical weapon that fires magnetically contained orbs of super heated gas.
R=18, Sh=4, D=d6, Pen=2, Clip=3, 1 hand
Recharges 1 round every 2 turns. Can't be reloaded otherwise.
• Large battery—Clip=5
• Thermal charger—Recharges 1 round after every round.
• Refocus—Costs 2 upgrades—D=d10.

Concision spear—Special Damage Class 1

A spear vibrated at high speed to shatter bones.
R=1, Sh=1, D=d20, Pen=2, 1 hand
• Long reach—R=3
• Electrocution—D=d20+d12
• Blunt force—Arc 2


Insertion Cube [free]

Basically an armored box. On 1 side door 'A' is a portal to base. Door 'B' leads to the outside, Door A
can't be activated if door B is open. Besides being your way into a mission it also holds 25
spirit refills, Using them takes 1 action and fills your spirit [on a 1 to 1 basis].

Black Bart [500$]

An insertion cube with a defense turret, Its in the cube [limiting vision] but attacks foes it can see.
R=8, Sh=3, D=d12, Clip=100, can shoot twice a round.

War hound [1200$]

An insertion cube that defends its self. Once lands guns deploy on the corners by door B. They have a
270 degree firing arc and shoot at foes. Both shoot twice a turn. The guns have R=30, Sh=1,
D=d20, Pen=3, Clip=55

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