The Ascending Flame Project

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The Ascending Flame Project

The following set of rituals is required to complete if you want to participate in our Introductory
Course and possibly become a member of the temple.

It contains 7 workings which have to be done individually on 7 days in a row, at any chosen hour of
the evening/night. Each working expands your consciousness and prepares your consciousness for
communion with Lucifer who is the patron god of the temple and the initiator of the Ascending
Flame. All of them are designed according to the same pattern, except for the last one, which has to be
designed by the practitioner alone. Do not change or alter the workings - perform them as they are
described here. After each ritual, write down experiences, visions, or anything else that happened and
keep it for your own records. When the whole project is finished, prepare a report and send it to us at or Further in this document you will find
instructions on how to prepare the report and apply for membership.

There is no required span of time to do the project. When you receive it from us, you can start working
with it right away or you can do it at a later time. Once you send your report, you will hear from us
within 7 days with the confirmation that your report has been received. If you don't hear from us at
all, it probably means we haven't received your email, so please resend the report.

If you don't feel comfortable with the idea of sharing your vision and experience, you don't have to
send the report, BUT in order to participate in the further work of the group, take part in our initiatory
program, and receive other workings and feedback from other participants and Initiates, you have to
be active, open-minded, and able to talk about your own work. Our wish and hope is to see the
Draconian Current alive, not kept in hiding in private temples, but spreading actively among the

The completion of the project and having your report accepted by the temple gives you access to our
inner work, more advanced projects, and initiatory program.

Each day contains of the following set of workings:

- Concentration on the Key Sigil

- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

While the first two elements are the same all the time, the successive meditations will take you further
and deeper into communion with Lucifer and new elements will be added each day. There is no
invocation or meditation for the last day - on the seventh day you have to write your own invocation
and perform it in the same way as it was done on the previous six days. Use the same sigil, but speak
your own words and let the meditation take you to the most personal areas of your subconscious
mind. Then let your consciousness merge with Lucifer's and rise with his Ascending Flame. You may
prefer to speak the words of invocation spontaneously, flowing from your heart in the course of the
ritual. In this case, write down the invocation afterwards and include it in your report as well.

The following schedule will seem familiar to practitioners who have worked with our open projects so
far, but if you have never worked this way and you have questions about the methods, or if anything
here seems unclear, feel free to contact us. You don't need to be an advanced practitioner to take part
in the project, anyone with a genuine interest in Draconian magic and desire for spiritual ascent on the
path of Lucifer's Ascending Flame is welcome to join the workings.

Lucifer is the Light Bearer, the symbol and the patron of the age of re-awakening. He stands as the
gate and the guide to the path of self-deification, illumination, and awakening from the slumber of
ignorance. He is the initiator of the Ascending Flame and the patron god of the temple, which was
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founded to bring forth the gnosis of the Light Bearer and the primal Draconian Gods. This is the
gnosis of the Dragon of the Void that over the ages has been forgotten, lost, misinterpreted, and
distorted, and now it is being brought back to the world in the form of the Draconian Current that is
being earthed through individuals capable of receiving and channeling this knowledge. The purpose
of the project is to open the consciousness of the practitioner for a glimpse of this Draconian gnosis
through communion with Lucifer, which occurs both on the mundane plane and in stellar dimensions,
at his throne among the stars.

Before the invocation:

Prepare your ritual space/room/temple in the way you feel it is suitable for the work with the Lord of
Flames. You may put his statues, images, or other sigils and glyphs on the altar, or you may choose to
focus on the Key Sigil alone, without any other decorations - this choice is entirely up to you. The only
tool you need for this work is a printed or painted sigil - we recommend to paint it in golden color on
a black background - on paper, wood, or any other chosen material, big enough to gaze into
comfortably. You should also have a ritual blade - a dagger, knife, or sword – a simple razor or lancet
will do as well. This is because the Key Sigil has to be anointed and activated with your own blood. It
is recommended to repeat the blood offering each day, but you can also do it on the first day only. On
the Path of the Dragon blood is the substance that opens the door to the Nightside and the gateways
of the subconscious mind. If the idea of offering a few drops of your own blood puts you off, you
don't have to do it in this particular project. But more advanced projects and initiatory work on the
Path of Ascending Flame sooner or later will include the element of blood anyway. If you find such
practices unacceptable, perhaps this work is not for you. Think about it before starting this project.

After the invocation:

When you finish the words of invocation, open yourself for energies manifesting in your ritual space
and in your consciousness. Memorize the meditations and direct your initial vision according to the
recommended pattern. Then flow with the visions and explore them, but stay focused on key elements
in the meditations. Write down what you have experienced.

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Day 1
Concentration on the Key Sigil

The Key Sigil

Sit in a comfortable position and put the Key Sigil in front of you. Anoint it with your blood and focus
all your attention on it. Start chanting the words: "In the name of the Dragon, Lucifer come!" You can
do it aloud, whisper, or chant the words silently in your mind. This should take at least a couple of
minutes, but feel free to take your time if you need more.

See how the lines become charged and activated with your life substance, visualize the sigil glowing
and pulsating with golden light which flashes and illuminates the room. Imagine that the sigil is alive
and grows bigger and bigger, filling the whole room with red and golden light and making the whole
ritual space a huge gateway into the Nightside. In front of you, there is a black space which looks like
a door or portal, and it's shaped like a triangle. Everything else is surrounded by red and golden

Now see the sigil appearing in the middle of the black portal. It is not only the gate to the Nightside
but also connects you with other participants, members and Initiates of the temple. Visualize them as
standing/sitting in the circle around you, as black shadows with dark faces.

When you feel that the atmosphere in the room is charged with energy and your mind is ready for the
communion with Lucifer's Flames, begin the invocation.

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Invocation of the Ascending Flame

In the name of the Dragon,

Primal source of all creation,
I call forth the Ascending Flame of Lucifer
To burn illusions of the world
And to open the gateways of flesh
So that my soul may rise above the mortal body
And ascend to Lucifer's throne among the Stars,
In the pillar of fire
On the wings of the Dragon
And through the ancient current of forgotten gods.
Lucifer, Lord of Flames,
Ignite my soul from within!


Focus on the atmosphere in the room. See the flames, feel their warmth and watch the fire arising all
around. The air tastes metallic and carries the scent of blood. Focus your attention on the black
triangle portal. You can do it with your eyes open if your sight is accustomed to astral energies.
Otherwise, close your eyes and let the image build up in your inner vision. Visualize the fiery figure of
the Lord of Flames forming in the black space, in the middle of the room. He looks demonic, with
horns on his head, red fiery skin and burning amber eyes. Welcome him in your temple and ask him
for guidance on the path. When you feel it's time to end the meditation, return to your mundane


Day 2
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

Start the meditation with the visualization of Lucifer's fiery form, like on the previous day. When you
feel his presence and see his fiery shape forming in the triangle, welcome him in your temple.
Visualize that he is standing very close and he can easily touch you with his fiery hand. Let him touch
your forehead and mark it with the glyph of an eye. Feel the burning sensation in your third eye
which spreads rapidly over the whole body. Focus on the heat rising from the base of your spine and
ascending to your forehead. See how your astral body transforms into the shape of a fiery snake which
rises like a pillar of fire. And when the stream of fire reaches your third eye, see the wings rising from
your back and your whole astral body becomes a fiery dragon. Enjoy this feeling for a while, then
return to your mundane consciousness.


Day 3
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

Again, start the meditation with previous visualizations and the transformation into the dragon form.
Focus now on how it feels to be a dragon: enjoy the fire and power flowing through your body and
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soul. You can also use your dragon eyes now and see through barriers and illusions of the world.
Look around, watch the differences in your perception of the world. See the surrounding room and all
objects glowing with their own light, vibrating with energy. See the darkness of the Void pouring into
the room through the black portal and gateways existing around which are shattered by your flaming
gaze. Feel the breath of the Dragon, the primal force in the universe, entering the room, awakening the
desire to fly through worlds and dimensions. Focus your mind on the wish to experience the same in
dreams this night. Then return to your mundane consciousness.


Day 4
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

Start with the previous meditations, getting to the point where you left before. Focus for a while on
the seething breath of the Dragon entering your ritual space. Breathe in the same rhythm and let your
mind slip into an ecstatic trance. Then look at Lucifer in the black portal. When your eyes meet his, he
suddenly disappears and you feel that you are being drawn into the black portal, into the night. Fly
through the night, crossing barriers between the mundane world and stellar dimensions. Ascend to
the stars on the flaming dragon wings and see thousands of pathways to the throne of Lucifer. Enjoy
the trance and when you feel ready to return to your room, open your eyes and finish the meditation.


Day 5
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

Return to the stellar realm in which you will now have to choose one of the pathways leading to the
throne of Lucifer among the stars. As you fly through the night, you can see it in the distance as a
pillar of fire. And as you get closer, you notice golden stairs leading upwards, high into the stars.
Focus for a while on the journey to the throne, see the flames rising around you as you climb the
stairs. And finally reach the top of the stairs and face the throne itself. It's huge, golden and majestic.
Tongues of red and golden fire are all around and the whole scenery is beautiful and breathtaking.
Focus for a moment on this feeling, then return to your mundane consciousness.


Day 6
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Invocation of the Ascending Flame
- Meditation

Continue the previous meditations until you get to the point where you left. Focus for a while on the
surrounding scenery as you look at Lucifer's throne and call him to come. See how he emerges from
the flames and touches your forehead again. This time the eye is marked not on your flesh but on your
soul. Feel yourself filled with Lucifer's Flames, enjoy the ecstatic sensation which overwhelms you as
the eye is imprinted on your soul. When the trance is over, return to your mundane temple. Meditate
for a moment on what you have experienced. Feel the flames burning in your soul, forever changed by
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Lucifer's touch. Envision yourself as a living manifestation of the Ascending Flame which will from
now on guide you on your path. End the meditation and return to your mundane consciousness.


Day 7
- Concentration on the Key Sigil
- Personal Invocation of Lucifer and his Ascending Flame
- Meditation

There is no guided meditation for the final working. You can repeat the meditations from the previous
six days as a whole or you can simply open yourself for visions of Lucifer's Flames and let the
experience carry you to his stellar Throne. Make this day personal for you and think about your first
steps on the path of the Ascending Flame. Take a look at your visions and experiences from the whole
project and consider your further work on the path, or maybe you'll decide now that this is not a work
for you. Let the final day be the time of reflections and perhaps new inspirations in your pursuit of
spiritual ascent.


Thank you for your work with the project. If you are ready to submit your results and apply for
membership, make sure your report contains all parts listed below:

1) Personal introduction and explanation why you want to join the temple
2) Description of each day’s working (several sentences about each day)
3) Your personal invocation written for day 7

Send it all in one document (preferably pdf, but a Word document is fine as well). Since in the past
we received reports of various length, making it difficult to give the candidates the same kind of
assessment, right now we require that your report contains 1000-2000 words. Also, your personal
introduction should include your name (not nickname) and age – this information is not shared
anywhere outside the temple.

If your application is accepted, before you are introduced to our inner work you will be asked for a
meeting in person (through Skype or another online communicator). This usually takes 10-30
minutes and the chat is in English, so please make sure you’re ready for it. This is not a test or
anything like that, and you don’t have to prepare for it - it’s just a way of getting to know you a
little better before you start working with us. If you are not fluent in English, you are allowed to
bring someone who will translate it for you.

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