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Get 28-day

Healing Plan

Personal summary
Based on your answers we have determined
that these factors negatively affect your well-

Rejection trauma: Mild

When you get pushed away, turned down, not accepted

Abandonment trauma: High

When close people turn emotionally unavailable,
neglect, or suddenly vanish

Betrayal trauma: Very high

When people violate trust you place in them

Injustice trauma: High

When people's decisions and actions were unfair to you

Get this healing plan if you


Fear to end up alone:

· Difficult to believe that you’re

· Can’t find a suitable partner
· Negative assumptions about
what others think of you
· Anxiety, worry, depression
· Wary about letting people in
· Nightmares, bad sleep

Relationship problems:

· Sexual problems or low libido

· Feeling lonely or isolated
· Toxic or abusive relationships
· Partner grows distant
· Fear of being left behind or
· Constant fights with family or

Feeling not good enough:

· Constant comparing yourself to

· Feeling guilty about taking care
of yourself
· Feeling ashamed
· Being always shy
· Not feeling secure or safe
· Not enough money

Toxic attraction:

· Difficult to say ‘no’

· People-pleasing to receive love
· Trying to always save others
while rejecting your needs
· Desire to fix or change your
· Fear to talk about your problems
· Unpredictable and irrational

How can 28-day Childhood

Trauma healing plan help:

Stop fearing you'll end up alone

Attract people who make you feel safe.
Feel better, happier, loved and seen in
relationships. Don’t isolate yourself
and stop feeling lonely. Improve your
sex life and don’t feel the need to fix or
change your partner anymore.

Form a strong, healthy bond in

your relationship
Understand your partner better,
nurture mutual trust, while keeping
healthy boundaries. Escape from toxic
relationships and abuse, learn to say
‘no’ to things that don’t serve you. Be
treated with respect and kindness.

Reduce anxiety, depression and

other mental health symptoms
Stop assuming the worst or fearing
breakup, learn to share your genuine
feelings without anxiety or fear of
being rejected. Have a stable balanced
relationship, reduce fights, and feel

Increase confidence and self-

Stop making negative assumptions
about what others are thinking of you
or comparing yourself to “perfect”
pictures on Instagram. Break the self-
deprecation habit. Experience what is
feels like ‘being good enough’. Feel
accepted for who you are, and stop
feeling ‘left out’, ‘sorry’, or ‘bad’.

Stop fearing you won't handle a

promotion, new job or starting a
Feel more confident in achieving your
goals, make your career dreams a
reality. Impress employers, get ahead
and build long-term success in the

WARNING What also

happens after you heal

Better sex
Increase intimacy, passion and pleasure

Stop feeling lonely

Reduce fear of betrayal, abandonment and

Feel “good enough”

Feel more confident and worthy of being

More money
Feel less stressed and increase your career


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