Statement of Problem of Social Networkin

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Recent technological developments, including the smartphones, laptops and the Internet, have
lessened physical barriers to communication and make people communicate through global
network. Based on, Social networking is the grouping of
individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if
you will. Although social networking is possible in person, especially in the workplace,
universities, and high schools, it is most popular online.
A study by researchers at University of Minnesota “found that, of the students observed, 94
percent used the Internet, 82 percent go online at home and 77 percent had a profile on a social
networking site.” (University of Minnesota, 2008)
According to a survey that was conducted by Whitmore School of Business and Economics and
by the University of New Hampshire, they interviewed 1,127 college students. Among these
students, “96%” of them use “Facebook”, 8.4 out of 10 use “YouTube”, “20 %” use “blog”, 1.4
out of 10 of them use “Twitter”, “12 %” use “MySpace”, and 1 out of 10 of them use
“LinkedIn”. Also, “81%” of college students “use social sites” ( These statistics seem
to show that many college students often use social networks or social medias, or most of them
use social sites. (Whitmore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire)
Social network site sometimes give advantages to a people. By using social network it helps
people communicate easily to keep in contact with old friends and colleagues. We also can seek
for any information we need in internet. As we know, the Internet carries an extensive range of
information resources. People especially students can further explore topics that they’re
interested in through online social networking.
Of course social networking helps people…...


Nowadays, social networking has made an enormous impact on the lifestyle of individuals aroundthe globe. It has
already been a huge contribution to the daily social routine of the people in various typesof communities. High and middle class
society is now into social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter,MySpace, Tumblr and etc. Even low-class people are into these
social networking sites as well. Actually,these social networking sites have played a big part to the global community in terms of
communication purposes.Some use these sites in order to communicate to their loved ones across the globe, in differentcountries as
possible. Companies and business people use it for selling and advertising products and forgaining customers. Some also use
it as a media for gaining friends and for engaging in relationships andothers use these internet sites for gaming purposes.
But what is bothersome today is the way students usethese networking sites.Social Networking is helpful among students in ways
such as communicating about projects andtasks in school but some students cross the boundaries of using such sites.
They use it for sexual andintimacy purposes. Some use it for gambling purposes. Misuse of such sites are what makes the
socialnetworking world hazardous to all people involved in it especially to student
s of minor ages. What’s moreharmful is that it seldom leads to the destruction of the student’s foundation for their
future –
which iseducation.
The researchers conducted this study because they are also part and exposed in such addictionand misuse. The researchers are also
curious and interested to know if this study can help them avoid thisso-called addiction or if already involved in
this addiction- help them find ways to get out of thisaddiction and gain back their interests in their studies and school
This study aims to know the social factors that affect the 1
to 3
year college students of NewEra University to become addicted to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and etc. This
studyalso aims to know how this addiction affects the lack of interest of students in school works and activities.


This study determines the social factors that cause the New Era University 1
to 3
year college studentsto get addicted to social networking that result to habitual absenteeism and poor class performance.Specifically,
answers to the following are sought:1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:a. Gender b. Religion2. What are
the social factors that cause the New Era University students to get addicted to socialnetworking that result to habitual
absenteeism and poor class performance in terms of:a. Attitude towards study b. Family involvement and concernc.
Peer pressure

Scope and Delimitations

The respondents of the study are 60 selected 1
to 3rd year students of New EraUniversity and is only limited within the 1
to 3
year level both male and female between theages 16-21 years old including all sections. We do not include other
year levels to this study because of their self-control in terms of social networking. This aims to identify the
studentswho are addicted in social networking resulting in poor class performance. The researchers donot intend to
include all kinds of factors that may affect student's poor class performance, but isonly focused on the social factors
(the factors that affect our direct or daily lifestyle).

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