Web Developement Tools

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DOM Manipulation:

Selecting HTML elements: document.getElementById(), document.querySelector(),

Modifying HTML content: .innerHTML, .textContent.
Modifying CSS styles: .style.
Adding and removing classes: .classList.add(), .classList.remove().
Creating new HTML elements: document.createElement().
Appending and removing elements: .appendChild(), .removeChild().


Adding event listeners: .addEventListener().

Event object: Accessing event information like event.target, event.type, etc.
Event propagation: Understanding event.stopPropagation() and

AJAX and Fetch:

Making asynchronous requests: XMLHttpRequest, fetch().

Handling responses: .then(), .catch() for promises.


setTimeout() and setInterval() for executing code after a delay or at regular


Cookies and Local Storage:

Storing data in cookies: document.cookie.

Using local storage: localStorage and sessionStorage.

Forms and Form Validation:

Accessing form elements: document.forms, form.elements.

Form submission: form.submit().
Form validation: Custom JavaScript validation using event listeners.


Parsing JSON data: JSON.parse().

Converting JavaScript objects to JSON: JSON.stringify().


Creating and using promises for asynchronous operations.

Chaining promises with .then() and .catch().

ES6 Features:

Arrow functions.
Template literals for string interpolation.
Destructuring assignment.
let and const for variable declaration.
import and export for modular code.

Frameworks and Libraries:

Usage of popular JavaScript libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, or

Vue.js for building interactive web applications.

Error Handling:

Handling errors using try...catch blocks.

Throwing custom errors with throw.

Asynchronous Programming:

Using async and await for asynchronous code execution.

Client-Side Routing:

Implementing client-side routing for single-page applications (SPA).

Web APIs:

Utilizing various web APIs like Geolocation, Web Storage, Canvas, etc., for
enhanced web functionality.


Implementing real-time communication in web applications using WebSockets.

Event Delegation:

Using event delegation to handle events on multiple elements efficiently.


Understanding closures and their role in JavaScript.

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