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The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Turning Point in Global History

The Fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, was an unforgettable milestone for

world history as it represented the climax of the Cold War resulting in the victory of a

democratic regime. In this essay, the meaning of the fall of the Berlin Wall is revealed in regard

to its influence on international relations, the process of German reunification, and general ideas

about democracy and diplomacy. The essay, written based on intensive research, aims at

presenting a full picture of why this event is the may be the most important happening in the

modern history.

The End of the Cold War

The collapse of The Berlin Wall marked the end of decades of political confrontations

between the Eastern Bloc, which was headed by the Soviet Union, and the Western Bloc that was

led by the United States. With the implementation of Gorbachev's perestroika and glasnost

programs, after which more transparency and reforms started to emerge in the Soviet Union, the

cracks began to appear in the Iron Curtain which had partitioned Europe since the end of World

War II (Kostecki et al., 2000). The toppling of the Berlin Wall acted as a visual representation of

the end of the Cold War, which also meant that communism was on its way out and the

democratic ideas had triumphed.

As argued by the historian Meyer, (2009), the Fall of the Berlin Wall was not only a

spontaneous event but the outcome of a political, social, and economic complex of factors. It was

a mirror for rising discontent with communist governance in Eastern Europe and for a quest of

more political freedom and economic success. The demolition of the barrier led to the unification

of East and West Germany, which took place on October 3, 1990, thus the process was

complete. This defining event not only put reunified Germany on the map but at the same time it

is the expression of the long-awaited union of Europe after long decades apart.

The Triumph of Democracy

One of the most momentous repercussions of the Berlin Wall downfall was its effect on

promoting democracy and human rights worldwide. The collapse of communist regimes of

Eastern Europe fired democracy movements in the other parts of the globe which resulted in the

fall of the autocratic governments and the emergence of democracy. Frank Fukuyama, a political

scientist, describes the events of 1989 as the "end of history" in the sense that no other system of

government can compete with liberal democracy because of its ability to spread the ideals of the

West (Fukuyama, 2000).

The re-unification of Germany was emblematic of the plausibility of peacefully occurring

reconciliation and unification. Untill 1990, Europe's history was divided even deeper, but

Germany managed to bring together both the East and West and gained a united democratic

nation with respect for human rights. Such a result proved that dialogue and cooperation could be

a weapon to mute the enemies even on the background of the most protracted conflicts.

Socioeconomic Implications

The dismantling of the Berlin Wall had an enormous impact in the socioeconomic sphere,

the average person in East Germany being no exception. After the reunification East Germany

faced a period of intensive reconfiguration and structural transition, events that potentially both

offered opportunities and presented difficulties. The elimination of the barriers between East and

West Germany that provided for enhanced markets and investment opportunities has also

brought widespread unemployment and social disarray as old ex-industries in East struggled to

match the level of competitiveness of their West counterparts (Kostecki et al., 2000). The

privatization and liberalization process brought about by fraternity changed the economic

situation in East Germany, which led to the closure of most of the state-owned enterprises and

the loss of jobs for thousand workers. Regardless of these difficulties, the reunification has

brought numerous benefits as well such as the availability of Western technology and know-how

and the improvement of living conditions for many East Germans (Sarotte, 2014).

Global Diplomacy and Cooperation

The fall of the Berlin Wall led to profound effects on global diplomacy and cooperation,

and brought along a new era in international relations where more dialogue and collaboration

have been the key characteristics. The unification of Germany was achieved through joint efforts

of both of the Western and the Eastern powers, who clearly saw the principle of peace and

reconciliation in the times of changes. According to Wohlforth, (1994) claims, the end of the

Cold War was a big step for diplomacy and conflict resolution because former adversaries started

to cooperate more.

The fall of the Berlin Wall also brought into focus the role of multilateral institutions

such as the United Nations and NATO in peacekeeping and conflict prevention (Hannay,

2012). Those organizations greatly contributed in the process of reunification and made sure that

the period of transition was peaceful and smooth. The German reunification was not only a

victory for the people of Germany but also a success for the international community which had

long been trying to overcome the Cold War divides and create a more secure and prosperous


Cultural Impact and Legacy

On the political and diplomatic level, the fall of the Berlin Wall had a tremendous

cultural impact that was felt additionally via the world. The image of Berliners happily

destroying the Wall became the faces of freedom and liberation and inspired people all over the

world to fight for a better tomorrow (Sonnevend, 2016). The fall of the border also meant the

cultural exchange and artistic expression wave as West and East Berliners came to celebrate their

common goal.

The heritage of the demolition of the Berlin Wall impacts our understanding of

international politics and of the world today (Sarotte, 2014). It shows the power of ordinary

people to change what seems to be an unchangeable state of affairs. The lessons drawn from this

outstanding event about the necessity of dialogue, cooperation and respect of the human rights

are just as important nowadays as the ones from the historic times, when the world was less

connected and dependent.


In a nutshell, the Fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 sealed the Cold War and

marked the rise of democracy and global cooperation. Its importance goes way beyond the

reunion of Germany and also becomes the torch of hope and light for people around the

world. While we are considering of this great event, we are once again reminded of the strength

of unity, struggle and the unending fight for freedom. The fall of the Berlin Wall, shall definitely

be remembered for ages as a triumph of human spirit and an embodiment of the ideals of

democracy and peace.


Work Cited

Fukuyama, F. (2000). The End of History?. Globalization and the Challenges of a New Century,


Hannay, D. (2012). 2 Effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the UN Security Council in the 20

years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The EU, the UN and collective security: Making

multilateralism effective, 37.

Kostecki, W., Żukrowska, K., & Góralczyk, B. (Eds.). (2000). Transformations of post-

communist states. Basingstoke and London: Macmillan Press.

Meyer, M. (2009). The year that changed the world: the untold story behind the fall of the Berlin

Wall. Simon and Schuster.

Sonnevend, J. (2016). Stories without borders: The Berlin Wall and the making of a global

iconic event. Oxford University Press. Actions

Sarotte, M. E. (2014). Princeton Studies in International History and Politics (1989) The

Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe. Princeton University Press.

Wohlforth, W. C. (1994). Realism and the End of the Cold War. International Security, 19(3),


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