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Internet Application Programming Exam revisions

1. Explain the box model in CSS &its components (padding border &
2. Describe the concept of a variable scope in javascript, provide
3. Explain the process of handling forms in PHP including form
validation and data submission
4. Discuss the importance of routing in laravel & provide examples of
defining routes.
5. Expain the importance of using external CSS files over inline CSS
(What are the advantages and the disadvantages)
6. Describe the concept of sessions in PHP. How are sessions initiated,
managed and destroyed in PHP?
7. What is the role of middleware in laravel? provide examples of
situations where middleware is commonly used in a laravel application
8. Explain the significance of MVC (Model View Controller)
architecture in web development. How does laravel implement MVC?
9. Explain the process of setting up a laravel project and its directory
10. Describe the DOM and its significance in javascript
11. Explain the concept of RESTFULL API and their significance in
web development. Provide examples of HTTP methods used in
12. Describe the concept of user authentication and authorization used in
web development
Exam structure
Section A 20 MCQ for 10mks
Section B structural for 30mks
Section C problem solving for 30mks

Section C
1.) You have been tasked with redesigning a website for a local
photography business. The current business uses basic HTML and CSS
for layout and styling. Explain how you will develop the new website
using bootstrap framework to make the site more modern, responsive
and accessible on different devices
nb: bootstrap slant is mobile first
a.) Describe the overall layout structure that you will use like containers,
rows, columns considering including navigation, sections, gallery and
footer (5mks)
b.) Select appropriate bootsrap components like cards, modals, etc and
how they would be utilized in different sections
c.) Explain the responsive design features of bootstrap like grid systems,
responsive utilities and how they would respond on mobile
d.) write CSS styles to customize bootstrap components like colors,
typography, image/logos to match clients branding.

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