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University of Manitoba

MATH 1500 – Quiz 3

Fall 2023
60 minutes

This quiz contains 8 pages (including this cover page) and 4 questions. Good luck!

Quiz Instructions

1. No texts, notes, or other aids are permitted. There are no calculators, cellphones or electronic
translators permitted.

2. This quiz has a title page, 8 pages including this cover page. Please check that you have all
the pages. Do not remove any pages.

3. The value of each question is indicated in the lefthand margin beside the statement of the
question. The total value of all questions is 24 points.

4. Answer all questions in the space provided beneath the question. Correct answers with no
steps will receive little or no credit. If you need more space, continue on the back of the page,

5. Do not deface the QR code in the top left and right corner. Doing so may result in the page
not being scanned and therefore not graded.
1. V1: For given f (x) = (g(x))2 − ln (g(x)), g(x) = (2x + cos(2x))x , x > 0,
(a) (4 points) find g ′ (x).

ln(g(x)) = x ln (2x + cos(2x))
g ′ (x) x
= ln (2x + cos(2x)) + 2x +cos(2x) (2x ln(2) − 2 sin(2x))
g ′ (x) = (2x + cos(2x))x ln (2x + cos(2x)) + 2x +cos(2x)
(2x ln(2) − 2 sin(2x))

(b) (3 points) find f ′ (x).

g ′ (x) ′
f ′ (x) = 2g(x)g ′ (x) − = (2g 2 (x) − 1) gg(x)

f ′ (x) = 2(2x + cos(2x))2x − 1 ln (2x + cos(2x)) + x

2x +cos(2x)
(2x ln(2) − 2 sin(2x)))

V2: For given f (x) = (g(x))3 + ln (g(x)), g(x) = (5x + sin(2x + 1))x , x > 0,
(a) (4 points) find g ′ (x).

ln(g(x)) = x ln (5x + sin(2x + 1)).
g ′ (x) x
= ln (5x + sin(2x + 1)) + 5x +sin(2x+1) (5x ln(5) + 2 cos(2x + 1)).
g ′ (x) = ln (5x + sin(2x + 1)) + 5x +sin(2x+1)
(5x ln(5) + 2 cos(2x + 1)) ×
(5x + sin(2x + 1))x .

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

(b) (3 points) find f ′ (x).

g ′ (x) ′
f ′ (x) = 3g 2 (x)g ′ (x) + = (3g 3 (x) + 1) gg(x)

f ′ (x) = 3(5x + sin(2x + 1))3x + 1 ln (5x + sin(2x + 1)) + x

5x +sin(2x+1)
(5x ln(5) + 2 cos(2x + 1))).

V3: For given f (x) = (g(x))5 − 2 ln (g(x)), g(x) = (10x + 2 cos(x + 5))x , x > 1,
(a) (4 points) find g ′ (x)

ln(g(x)) = x ln (10x + 2 cos(x + 5)).
g ′ (x) x x x
= ln (10 + 2 cos(x + 5)) + x
10 +2 cos(x+5)
(10 ln(10) − 2 sin(x + 5)) .
g ′ (x) = ln (10x + 2 cos(x + 5)) + 10x +2 cos(x+5)
(10x ln(10) − 2 sin(x + 5)) ×
(10x + 2 cos(x + 5))x .

(b) (3 points) find f ′ (x).

′ ′
f ′ (x) = 5g 4 (x)g ′ (x) − 2 gg(x)
= (5g 5 (x) − 2) gg(x)

f ′ (x) = 5(10x + 2 cos(x + 5))5x − 2 ln (10x + 2 cos(x + 5)) + x

10x +2 cos(x+5)
(10x ln(10) − 2 sin(x + 5))).

2. V1: For given equation of the curve e2x + ln (1 + y 2 ) sin(y) = 1 + y

(a) (5 points) find y ′ (x)

′ sin(y)
(e2x + ln (1 + y 2 ) sin(y)) = 2e2x + (1+y 2 )
2yy ′ + ln (1 + y 2 ) cos(y)y ′ .
(1 + y)′ = y ′ .
y ′ (x) = 1 − (1+y 2) 2y − ln (1 + y 2
) cos(y) 2e2x .

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

(b) Find equation of the tangent line to the curve at point (0,0).

General equation of TL is T (x) = kx + c. The slope of T (x) is k = y ′ (0).
k = y ′ (0) = 2.
c = 0, T (x) = 2x.

V2: For given equation of the curve 10x + ln (1 + 2y 2 ) cos(1 − y) = (1 − 2y)2

(a) (5 points) find y ′ (x)


(10x + ln (1 + 2y 2 ) cos(1 − y)) = 10x ln(10) + cos(1−y)
(1+2y 2 )
4yy ′ + ln (1 + 2y 2 ) sin(1 − y)y ′ .
(1 − 2y)2 = −4 (1 − 2y) y ′ .
′ cos(1−y) 2
y (x) = 4 (2y − 1) − (1+2y2 ) 4y − ln (1 + 2y ) sin(1 − y) 10x ln(10).

(b) (2 points) find equation of the tangent line to the curve at point (0,0).

General equation of TL is . The slope of T (x) is k = y ′ (0).
k = y ′ (0) = −0.25 ln(10).
c = 0, N (x) = −0.25 ln(10)x.

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

V3: For given equation of the curve 22(x−1) − 1 + log2 (1 + y 2 ) sin(y) = 2y
(a) (5 points) find y ′ (x)

′ sin(y)
22(x−1) − 1 + log2 (1 + y 2 ) sin(y) = 22(x−1) 2 ln(2) + (1+y 2 ) ln(2)
2yy ′ + log2 (1 + y 2 ) cos(y)y ′ .
(2y)′ = 2y ′ .
y ′ (x) = 2 − (1+y 2 ) ln(2)
2y − log2 (1 + y 2 ) cos(y) 2 ln(2)2−2(x−1) .

(b) (2 points) find equation of the tangent line to the curve at point (1,0).

General equation of TL is T (x) = kx + c. The slope of T (x) is k = y ′ (1).
k = y ′ (1) = ln(2).
c = 0 − ln(2) = − ln(2), T (x) = (x − 1) ln(2).

3. (5 points) V1: The company that produces cars has a profit function of C = (x2 + x − 1)
where C is a profit in million dollars and x is a number of cars produced (in thousands).
At particular day, the number of produced cars was 3 thousand. At this moment profit of
production is increasing at 308 million dollars/month. What is the rate of change of produced
cars at that moment?

= dC dx
dx dt
= 2(x2 + x − 1)(2x + 1)x′ (t).
x′ (t) = 0.5C ′ (t)(x2 + x − 1) (2x + 1)−1 = 154(9 + 2)−1 (7)−1 = 2 thousand cars/month
Number of cars is increasing at 2 thousand cars/month.

V.2: The company produces laptops. The company’s cost function is V = (2x2 + 2x − 1) ,
where V is a cost in million dollars and x is a number of laptops produced (in millions).
Company is expanding. At some moment, x was 2 million laptops. At this moment the cost
function of company is increasing at 440 million dollars/year. What is the rate of change of
parameter x at that moment?

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

dV (t)
= dV dx
dx dt
= 2(2x2 + 2x − 1)(4x + 2)x′ (t).
x′ (t) = 0.5V ′ (t)(2x2 + 2x − 1) (4x + 2)−1 = 220(11)−1 (10)−1 = 2 million/year
Number of laptops is increasing at 2 million/year.

V.3: The profit function of a company which produces headphones is S = (x2 + 3x − 2) where
S is a profit in million dollars and x is a number of headphones (in millions). Company suffered
a loss. At some moment, the parameter x was 2 million headphones. At this moment the profit
of company is decreasing at -176 million dollars/year. What is the rate of change of number of
headphones x at that moment?

= dS dx
dx dt
= 2(x2 + 3x − 2)(2x + 3)x′ (t). [3]
x′ (t) = 0.5S ′ (t)(x2 + 3x − 2) (2x + 3)−1 = (−88)(8)−1 (7)−1 = − 11
Number of headphones is decreasing at − 11

4. (7 points) V1 : Find the absolute minimum and maximum of V (x) = (2x2 + 2x − 1) + 2 on
the interval [0, 10].

dV (x)
= 2(2x2 + 2x − 1)(4x + 2) = 0.

−1− 3
Critical numbers: 2x2 + 2x − 1 = 0, D = 12, x1 = 2

−1+ 3
x2 = 2
4x + 2 = 0, x3 = − 12 .

−1+ 3
The suitable critical number is xc = 2
, 0 ≤ xc ≤ 10.
x = 0 and x = 10 are endpoints.
V (xc ) = 0 + 2 = 2, V (0) = 3, V (10) = 2192 + 2.
V (xc ) = 2 is an absolute minimum.
V (10) = 2192 + 2 is an absolute maximum.

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

V2: Find the absolute minimum and maximum of S(x) = (x2 + 3x − 2) + 5 on the interval
[0, 10].

= 2(x2 + 3x − 2)(2x + 3) = 0.
Critical numbers: √
x2 + 3x −√2 = 0, D = 17, x1 = −3−2 17 .
x2 = −3+2 17 .
2x + 3 = 0, x3 = − 32 . √
The suitable critical number is xc = −3+2 17 , 0 ≤ xc ≤ 10.
x = 0 and x = 10 are endpoints.
S(xc ) = 0 + 5 = 5, S(0) = 9, S(10) = 1282 + 5.
S(xc ) = 5 is an absolute minimum.
S(10) = 1282 + 5 is an absolute maximum.

V3 : Find the absolute minimum and maximum of C(x) = (x2 + x − 1) + 1 on the interval
[0, 20].

= 2(x2 + x − 1)(2x + 1) = 0.
Critical numbers:

−1− 5
x2 + x − 1 = 0, D = 5, x1 = 2

−1+ 5
x2 = 2
2x + 1 = 0, x3 = − 12 .

−1+ 5
The suitable critical number is xc = 2
, 0 ≤ xc ≤ 20.
x = 0 and x = 20 are boundary points.
C(xc ) = 0 + 1 = 1, C(0) = 2, C(20) = 4192 + 1,
C(xc ) = 1 is an absolute minimum.
C(20) = 4192 + 1 is an absolute maximum.

Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

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Fall 2023 MATH 1500 Quiz 3

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