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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2022) 24, 1093–1132

PRACTICE guidelines

2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly

Veterinary Interaction Guidelines
Approach and Handling Techniques

Practical relevance: The ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines:
Ilona Rodan
Approach and Handling Techniques’ (hereafter the ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction
DVM, DABVP (Feline)*
Guidelines’) support veterinary professionals with feline interactions and handling to reduce the Co-Chair
impact of fear and other protective (negative) emotions, in so doing enhancing feline welfare and Cat Behavior Solutions,
Cat Care Clinic, Madison,
In implementing these Guidelines, team satisfaction and cat caregiver confidence in the veterinary WI, USA
team will increase as the result of efficient examinations, better experience, more reliable diagnostic testing
Nathalie Dowgray
and improved feline wellbeing. Veterinary professionals will learn the importance of understanding and BVSc, MANZCVS, PgDip,
appropriately responding to the current emotional state of the cat and tailoring each visit to the individual. MRCVS, PhD*
Clinical challenges: Cats have evolved with emotions and behaviors that are necessary for their survival International Society
as both a predator and prey species. A clinical setting and the required examinations and procedures of Feline Medicine,
to meet their physical health needs can result in behavioral responses to protective emotions. Cat friendly International Cat Care,
Tisbury, Wiltshire, UK
interactions require understanding, interpreting and appropriately responding to cats’ emotional states and
Hazel C Carney
giving them a perceived sense of control while performing the required assessment. DVM, MS, DABVP
Evidence base: These Guidelines have been created by a Task Force of experts convened by the American (Canine/Feline)
Association of Feline Practitioners and the International Society of Feline Medicine, based on an extensive Gem Veterinary Center,
Emmett, ID, USA
literature review and, where evidence is lacking, the authors’ experience.
Ellen Carozza
Endorsements: These Guidelines have been endorsed by a number of groups and organizations, LVT, VTS (CP-Feline)
as detailed on page 1127 and at and The Cat LVT LLC,
Virginia, USA
Keywords: Cat Friendly Practice; Cat Friendly Clinic; behavioral needs; feline emotions; non-physical Sarah LH Ellis
BSc (Hons), PGDip, PhD
interactions; physical interactions; handling; chemical restraint; anxiolytic; cooperative care International Cat Care,
Tisbury, Wiltshire, UK
Sarah Heath
Introduction cerns around the concept of restraint. The BVSc, PgCertVE,
former guidelines used the term ‘minimal FHEA, FRCVS
in 2011, the American Association of Feline restraint’, but restraint implies a lack of control Behavioural Referrals
Veterinary Practice,
Practitioners (AAFP) and international Society or consent on behalf of the cat, and there is Chester, UK
of Feline Medicine (iSFM) published the evidence to prove that interactions without
Lee Niel
‘AAFP and iSFM Feline-Friendly Handling restraint are more efficient and effective.7 BSc, PhD
Guidelines’1 and in the interim the understand- Understanding, interpreting and appropriately Ontario Veterinary College,
University of Guelph,
ing of what is ‘cat friendly’ has expanded con- responding to cats’ emotional states and giving Guelph, ON, Canada
siderably. As numerous studies have advanced them a sense of control through cooperative
Kelly St Denis
our knowledge in this field, these Guidelines care are fundamental to being cat friendly. MSc, DVM, DABVP (Feline)
replace the previous handling guidelines. A cat Because cats are non-verbal mammals, we St Denis Veterinary
Professional Corporation,
friendly approach encompasses both non- rely on their proxies to understand what caus- Powassan, Ontario, Canada
physical and physical interactions, which in a es patient distress surrounding veterinary
Samantha Taylor
veterinary context usually includes ‘handling’. appointments/visits. Proxies include veteri- BVetMed(Hons), CertSAM,
Moderating the impact that non-physical inter- nary professionals, animal welfare researchers DipECVIM-CA, MANZCVS,
actions (eg, visual, auditory, olfactory) have on and cat caregivers. A survey of over 1000 International Society
the cat is equally as important as considering caregivers indicated that most cats (88.7%) of Feline Medicine,
interactions involving physical contact. Hence, had impaired welfare at all stages of the visit, International Cat Care,
Wiltshire, Tisbury, UK
there is the new name of ‘Cat Friendly including before and after the appointment,8
Veterinary interactions’ for these Guidelines. *Corresponding authors:
(Additional terminology is listed in the ‘defini-
tions’ box on page 1095.) The other notable nathalie.dowgray@
change in this set of Guidelines reflects con-

doi: 10.1177/1098612X221128760
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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

CONTENTS page Cat Friendly Guidelines

< Introduction 1093
The ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines:
< Feline behavioral needs during human–cat
interactions 1096 Approach and Handling Techniques’ are published together with the
– The cat as a species 1096 ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’ in this
– The individual cat 1097 special issue of JFMS dedicated to optimizing the veterinary visit for cats.
– The emotional state 1098 Cats’ emotional health and wellbeing are intricately related to both the
< What is appropriate and what is no longer interactions they experience and the environment they find themselves
appropriate ... times have changed! 1103 in. As such, the two Cat Friendly Guidelines go hand in hand, and are
< Preparation prior to visiting the veterinary
intended to be read closely in conjunction with one another.
practice 1105
– Why is this so important to interactions? 1105 A number of important principles underpin the cat friendly approach,
– Caregiver role 1105 and these are described in an additional article in this special issue:
– Client education 1106 ‘ISFM’s Cat Friendly Principles for Veterinary Professionals’.
– Pre-visit anxiolytics and other useful
pharmacotherapy 1106 All three articles, and related content, are available at:
< Cooperative care, the future of cat friendly 1107
< Principles for interacting with cats 1109
– Preparing the cat and caregiver for Further information:
veterinary visits 1109 < AAFP Cat Friendly Practice®
– Veterinarian preparation 1109 Program:
– Develop a plan for working with cats 1110
< ISFM Cat Friendly Clinic
– Examination room preparation 1110
– Considerations for home visits 1110 programme:
– Feline preferred locations and positions 1110
– Feline preferred areas of touch 1111
– Communication and recording
in the practice 1111
< How to approach the cat 1112
– Recommendations for first interactions 1112 as well as during the veterinary examination.
– What is the cat’s body language revealing?1113 A further, very recent survey study of care-
< How to perform a cat friendly physical givers reports that travel to the practice, the
examination 1113 waiting room and examination itself are the
– General approach 1113 most stressful events for the cat, with one-
– Tips for performing an effective physical third of respondents indicating that witness-
examination while minimizing stress 1114
ing their cat’s stress discouraged them from
< Considerations for specific procedures 1116
– Blood pressure measurement 1117
bringing their cat to the practice.9 in both sur-
– Venipuncture 1118 veys, the caregivers reported that they, them-
– Cystocentesis 1119 A cat friendly selves, experienced stress.8,9 Caregiver stress
– IV catheter placement 1119 influences the perception of their cat’s stress.10
– Cat friendly administration of injections 1119 approach Surveyed veterinarians and animal welfare
– Microchipping 1120 researchers also determined that feline wel-
– Ultrasound examination 1120 encompasses fare was impaired, starting at home and
– Radiology 1121
both physical during practice visits.11 The key stress-causing
– Nail clipping 1121
– Ear cleaning 1121 factors that were suggested to impair welfare
– Grooming 1121 and non- in the clinical setting were auditory and olfac-
– Rectal examinations and anal gland tory stimulation, lack of analgesia and the use
expression 1121
physical of restraint.11 Those surveyed also said that
< Life stage handling 1121 interactions. the majority of factors impairing welfare in
– Neonates and pediatrics (0–12 weeks) 1121 the veterinary practice and home can be
– Mature adult and senior cats 1122
improved through practical approaches,
< Working with feral or street/community cats:
key principles 1122
including recognition of species-specific signs
< Management of the hospitalized cat of fear and pain, use of cognitive techniques to
to reduce stress 1122 prepare cats prior to veterinary visits, and use
– Scheduling interactions 1123 of food to cue positive (engaging) emotions
– Handling hospitalized cats 1123 as well as to provide positive reinforcement of
– Attention to nutrition 1124 specific desired feline behaviors during the
< Protective cats 1124 visit.11
– Procedural sedation 1125
< Creating cat friendly interactions from
Adhering to these ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary
a human behavior change perspective 1126 interaction Guidelines’ reduces distress for
< Conclusions 1127 cats, caregivers and veterinary professionals.
< Summary points 1127 This is critically important. Cats have good
< Endorsements 1127 long-term memory and can remember a single
< Supplementary material 1128 event, such as a negative experience during a
< References 1128 veterinary visit.12 our interactions, therefore,


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Many of the words used in the veterinary industry have the same meaning. These Guidelines are written
in American English and use terms that are common in this language. The following are synonymous
terms that may be used and/or be more familiar in other countries.

< Practice/clinic/hospital < Treatment area/‘the back’/preparation area/

< Appointment/examination/consultation prep area/‘out back’
< Examination room/exam room/consulting < Cages/kennels/condos
room/consult room < Hospitalization ward/kennel
< Physical examination/clinical examination room

< Cat friendly interaction An interaction between a person < Distress Umbrella term for the impact of all protective
and a cat that respects the cat as an individual while still (negative) emotions (eg, fear–anxiety, pain, frustration) when
achieving the required clinical outcome. the individual’s perceived threats exceed coping ability.5,6
< Practice/clinic/hospital Veterinary practice or business; < Stress The physiological response to emotional change
in these Guidelines, often referring to the physical building. as a result of a perceived threat or an upset to physiological
< Welfare Encompasses both the physical health and mental homeostasis. In common language this term has a much
wellbeing of the cat. broader meaning. In these Guidelines it is used as a broad
< Wellbeing Encompasses both welfare and quality of life.2 term to describe complex and not well understood cognitive,
Mental wellbeing includes emotional and cognitive health. emotional and physiological responses to various stimuli
< Quality of life There is not a widely accepted definition (both pleasant and aversive).
of quality of life in cats. Therefore, the following definition < Cooperative care This involves teaching an animal to enable
has been proposed: an individual’s satisfaction with their them to be an active, willing participant in handling and
physical, emotional and cognitive health, physical and social husbandry procedures.
environment, and ability to successfully interact with that < Classical conditioning The cat learns through association
environment.3,4 (ie, one thing predicts another).
< Engaging and protective emotions These Guidelines < Operant conditioning The cat learns from the consequence
adopt the new terminology of ‘engaging’ and ‘protective’ of their behavior.
for ‘positive’ and ‘negative’, respectively, when discussing < Training Use of operant and classical conditioning
emotions (as all emotions aid the cat’s survival). techniques to modify behavior.
< Valence Extent to which an emotion is positive (engaging) < Positive reinforcement Based on providing a pleasant action
or negative (protective). or event (a consequence, such as a food treat) to an animal
< Positive emotional bias To have more engaging than in association with a desired behavior, to prolong the
protective emotions. behavior or increase its frequency.
< Temperament The cat’s consistent behavioral tendencies < Procedures As used in these Guidelines – phlebotomy, blood
(eg, confident, timid). pressure measurement, cystocentesis, ultrasound, radiology, etc.

not only affect the cat at that time but will Interactions can impact a young animal for life. A negative
also influence their emotional responses and veterinary experience in young puppies can
behaviors at subsequent veterinary visits.12–14 not only affect impact their long-term welfare, leading to
Classical conditioning will lead to emotional the cat at the chronic fear or anxiety regardless of the
associations with the veterinary experience environment; the same is likely to be true in
even when there has not been any one specific time, but will kittens.15 The investment to incorporate these
negative experience. For example, if a cat is Guidelines into practice also enhances
painful or fearful during a veterinary visit, also influence appointment efficiency7,16 and human safe-
which may be as a result of their physical their emotional ty.1,17–20 See Box 1 for a summary of the wide-
health condition, that protective emotional bias ranging benefits of cat friendly interactions,
will become associated with the veterinary responses and and always keep in mind that:
context and the cat may, therefore, respond < Working cooperatively with cats increases
protectively at future visits. Simply avoiding
behaviors human safety by reducing the intensity, and
obvious negative interactions, such as exces- at subsequent thus minimizing the impact, of fear and other
sive restraint or scruffing, is not enough. it is negative (protective) emotions. Restraint
important to enhance a positive emotional bias. veterinary increases negative emotions and undesirable
Cat friendly interactions involve consider- visits. behavioral responses.
ing emotional and cognitive health through- < With consistent positive handling, cats
out the journey of the veterinary visit, even become safer and easier to work with, which
before leaving the patient’s home. Mounting means that appointments can be completed
evidence suggests that first veterinary visits more quickly and with minimal handlers.


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Box 1
Benefits of cat friendly interactions
< Improved feline wellbeing during visits and more broadly, – Urine pH (alkaline urine occurs with hyperventilation
due to improved care due to stress)28
< Better human safety19,20 < Improved anesthesia and shortened induction time
< Improved feline responses during future visits to anesthesia29
< Increased efficiency, with shorter examination times and < Wider benefits:
fewer team members involved7,16 – When surveyed, 94% and 80% of practices, respectively,
< Increased veterinary care for cats: AAFP Cat Friendly stated that being an AAFP Cat Friendly Practice or ISFM
Practices and ISFM Cat Friendly Clinics see a higher Cat Friendly Clinic has positive effects on team dynamics
percentage of feline patients and have a 30% higher (AAFP and ISFM 2021 survey results)
frequency of visits with their feline patients compared – 94% of AAFP Cat Friendly Practice teams report they
with non-Cat Friendly Practices/Clinics21 have seen an improvement in feline clinical and behavioral
< More accurate examination findings: knowledge and care since implementing the Cat Friendly
– Heart and respiratory rates, body temperature, Practice Program (AAFP 2021 survey results)
pupil size22 – Improved client satisfaction10
– Fewer dynamic heart murmurs23,24 – More frequent feline visits10,21 (also confirmed by the
< More complete examination25 AAFP 2021 survey results)
< More accurate diagnostic tests: – Improved financial outcome with increased numbers of
– Blood glucose26 feline patients, increased frequency of examinations and ability
– Blood pressure22,27 to achieve clinical outcomes, as well as greater individual
– Stress leukogram transaction values, annual spending and pet food sales21

Feline behavioral needs physical environment but also in their social

during human–cat interactions environment.
< Sense of control and choice it is always
our interactions with cats must take into preferable to interact with cats in their preferred
consideration species-specific behavior as location. Hiding is common in a novel or
well as individual differences. stressful situation, increasing the cat’s ability to
cope.30–33 The preferred location in the practice
The cat as a species is often the bottom half of their carrier or other
Cats are solitary survivors and territorial safe, contained area (eg, high-sided cat bed,
animals who need a sense of control, safety, small pet weighing scales with higher sides, or
choice and familiarity, not only in their under towels or blankets; Figure 1). Confident

a b c

Figure 1 Examples of places

and opportunities for cats to hide
during their visit. (a) High-sided
cat weighing scales, (b) blankets
and towels, (c) igloo beds or
(d) high-sided beds, with or
without an added blanket/towel,
are all excellent options and items
that can easily be washed and
dried in the veterinary practice.
(e) An additional towel or blanket
‘roll’ draped over the neck can
also give cats a sensation of being
d e hidden. Images courtesy of Kelly St
Denis (a,b,e) and Ilona Rodan (c,d)


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

increased likelihood to approach the

a b person.36,37 it is important to keep movements
slow when working with cats and avoid
sudden and unpredictable motions.
< Tactile interaction once human
introductions have been made through non-
physical interactions, it is important to
consider how cats prefer to be physically
handled. Preferred areas of touch are the head
and neck areas, particularly in the region of the
facial glands, which produce the pheromones
used in facial rubbing (Figure 3; see also Video
1 in the supplementary material).38,39 Cats are
most comfortable when being petted or
massaged in the direction of their fur. They
demonstrate negative behavioral responses
Figure 2 (a,b) A veterinary team member approaching a cat in their carrier with a soft hand; when touched over the caudal area of their
note the curved fingers. Images courtesy of Ellen Carozza
body, just before the base of the tail,39 and on
Preferred areas their belly. Providing the cat with the choice to
cats may choose to explore, and often prefer sit, stand, lie down and to move body parts
perches or elevated space. Calm cats who enjoy of touch are during handling leads to more positive
treats, human interactions or object play may interactions when compared with restraint.7
be enticed or redirected to a suitable location the head and
that offers some sensation of protection (as neck areas, The individual cat
described above). Research has shown that An individual cat’s sociability toward
human–feline interactions are of longer particularly humans, other cats and other species, and
duration when the cat chooses to approach a their ability to cope in different situations is
person rather than when a person approaches in the region influenced by a number of factors, including
them.34 it is, therefore, preferable to give the cat of the facial genetics, their parents’ sociability to humans,
the opportunity to initiate the interaction, and the queen’s health and experiences during
this can be encouraged by getting down to the glands, which pregnancy, and the cat’s own experiences.
cat’s level a few feet away from them and if the father is bold or friendly toward
extending a soft (relaxed and gently curved)
produce the people, the probability that the kittens will
hand to invite approach (Figure 2), rather than pheromones respond well to socialization increases.40 The
picking up or restraining them.35 queen impacts kittens genetically, prenatally
< Respecting feline senses Using their well- used in facial and through her behavior and interactions
developed senses, cats can detect information rubbing. with them after birth. Prenatally, kittens are
about people before any handling begins, negatively impacted if the queen is malnour-
and this can impact their emotional state and ished, suffering from physical illness, or has
the quality of physical interactions. Cats are a negative emotional bias during pregnancy.
highly sensitive to olfactory stimuli, and strong Her emotional bias will be influenced by
perfumes and other potentially her general emotional health
aversive smells, such as the as well as any specific experi-
scent of other animals, should ences during her pregnancy
be avoided where practically and can likely cause epigenetic
possible. Additionally, cats’ changes and influence physi-
sensitivity to a wide frequency cal and behavioral develop-
of auditory stimuli and ment of the kittens.41
reactivity to loud noises means Kitten experiences between
that the surrounding area 2 and 9 weeks of age can have
should be quiet, and all human a significant impact on the
vocalization should be soft, behavior of the individual
gentle and slow in tempo. throughout life.40,42 if handled
Visual communication is also positively and frequently
important to cats and direct during this time period, and
eye contact from an unfamiliar by a diverse range of humans
person can be perceived as including children, the kitten
threatening. Many cats respond will be more likely to develop
positively to slow blinks in their into a cat who is more
direction, even from unfamiliar amenable to handling and less
people, as demonstrated by fearful of people, including
Figure 3 Feline facial glands are preferred areas of touch for the
reduced body tension and head region. Image courtesy of International Cat Care those who are unfamiliar.40,42


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

in contrast, cats who are not appropriately to.5 This terminology, and the Heath Model
introduced to people early in life will have a explanatory approach to emotional health,50
significant risk factor for being more fearful, are being used throughout these Guidelines.
including during veterinary visits.40 While Although the scientific terms for emotions
learning is most influential during these early are positive and negative, the emotional moti-
weeks of development, kittens will continue vations aid the cat’s welfare and these terms
to learn throughout their lives. Age of wean- may erroneously imply that the emotions and
ing may have an impact on behavior, but subsequent behaviors are good or bad. Heath,
further work is needed to ascertain this.43–46 therefore, refers to positive emotions as
Above all, handling needs to respect natural ‘engaging emotions’. These are emotions that
feline behavior and all interactions need to be cause the cat to actively seek out something
considered from a feline perspective. An Use of negative that results in benefit to their survival; an
adverse experience during a veterinary visit, example would include desire-seeking in rela-
such as tight restraint or triggering of pain or
terminology tion to food, attention or comfort.
fear, can lead to the cat becoming highly reactive when Negative emotions occur in environments
at future visits. if not well socialized to humans and with interactions that are perceived to be
as a kitten, it may only take a single negative describing threatening, and their goal is self-protection to
experience for a cat to become wary of humans feline patients, enhance the cat’s survival.51 Heath uses the term
vs many positive ones to become friendly ‘protective emotions’ to emphasize why they
toward them.15,47 Thus, even in cat friendly envi- such as evil, occur.5,50 Although a predominantly protective
ronments, many cats who were not adequately emotional state in a feline patient can lead to
and appropriately socialized to humans and nasty or behavioral responses that are considered
habituated to human environments can benefit aggressive, undesirable, the cat is responding to their emo-
from the use of anxiolytics to reduce their pro- tions by employing behaviors that are designed
tective emotional bias during veterinary visits. erroneously to protect them and ensure their survival in the
The negative factors that can impact a cat’s emo- face of what they perceive as a threatening expe-
tional state at the veterinary practice are numer- labels them and rience. To this end, the terms ‘aggressive’ and
ous and some examples are listed in Box 2. can negatively ‘fight’ are not used within the Heath Model, in
the context of cat handling. These behaviors are
The emotional state impact the referred to as repelling responses, and have the
The information contained in these aim of increasing distance from, and decreasing
Guidelines regarding emotional motivations
veterinary interaction with, a potential threat.5,50
and the behavioral responses to those emo- team’s it is important that veterinary professionals
tions is based on the work of Jaak Panksepp use terminology that reinforces understanding
and on the recently described Heath Model of response. of the underlying emotions that lead to cats’
emotional health.49–51 behavioral responses; hence these Guidelines
Both positive and negative emotions can emphasize the terms ‘protective’ and ‘engaging’
occur in relation to the veterinary visit and emotions. Use of negative terminology when
recognizing these emotions is important in describing feline patients, such as evil, nasty or
tailoring the approach to the individual cat aggressive, erroneously labels them and can
(Algorithm 1). Sarah Heath, one of the Task negatively impact our response, leading to a
Force members, has developed new terminol- lack of sensitivity among team members toward
ogy in relation to emotional health in order to cats in general or to individual feline patients.
explain the purpose of the emotional motiva- Negative terms such as these also prevent us
tions and the behavioral responses they lead from understanding the feline perspective,

Box 2
Underlying negative factors that can influence a feline patient’s emotions
and resulting behaviors during a veterinary visit

< Genetic influence on timidity (eg, through paternal and < Previous veterinary visits that led to protective behaviors
maternal factors)40,48 < Compromised physical health, including pain
< Prenatal stress < Factors immediately prior to the visit:
< Lack of socialization to people during the early sensitive – Caregiver emotions and behaviors
period of development – Carrier and transport experience
< Lack of socialization to other cats and other non-human < Practice environmental factors
species < Cumulative exposure to protective emotional triggers during
< Early removal from queen and siblings the visit (eg, noises, visual triggers)
< Previous negative experience(s) with unfamiliar < Approach from an unfamiliar person
people < Unfamiliar physical interaction


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

identifying underlying stressors and establish- at that specific point in time (Algorithm 1). A
ing what works to minimize or resolve the situ- combination of the environment, interactions
ation rather than exacerbate it. Behavioral and the individual cat’s previous experiences
responses are driven by the cat’s emotional state influence the immediate emotional state.

Emotional states seen in the veterinary practice,
driven by the individual cat’s experiences, environment and interactions


(see Box 3)

Low state of arousal High state of arousal

Predatory behavior directed Busy, exploring,

toward humans wriggling
(biting or scratching)
Give treats or other
desirables, if they do not
lead to a high state Lure to specific location
of arousal Take a break and redirect to calm object play.
and still body position with
Reward calm behavior. Provide caregiver
treats. Reward desired,
education to prevent hand play at home
calm behavior



(see Box 4) (see Box 5)

High state of arousal because frustration

is an additional emotion

Inhibition Avoidance Repelling behavior

Confrontational Information-
behavior gathering behavior

Give information that

signals security Do not chase or actively engage! Do not engage! Alleviate frustration
(eg, move slowly and Give signals of decreased interaction Try to identify and by meeting all
calmly, and provide and increased security alleviate the emotion essential needs.
hiding options). (eg, provide hiding options). that is being frustrated Provide consistency
Advise caregiver If arousal is high, give adequate time (eg, where fear–anxiety of caretakers
regarding future to reduce arousal (30 mins to 2 h). is frustrated, provide and routines
pre-visit preparation If necessary, sedate or reschedule hiding options)


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Cats can experience more than one emotion encouraged to engage in object play with their
at any one time, and positive (engaging) and kittens, and direct playful interactions toward
negative (protective) emotions can be triggered appropriate toys. object play may be used to
by the same stimulus or during the same expe- facilitate veterinary visits, but it is important
rience, resulting in emotional conflict.5 A good to avoid high levels of arousal.
example is the offering of a treat to a highly
fearful feline patient. The treat will trigger an Positive (engaging) emotions
engaging emotion, but if it is being offered by a The desire-seeking system is the positive emo-
person who triggers a protective emotion, the tion most commonly seen in the veterinary
resulting emotional conflict can be detrimental practice (Box 3). This emotional state moti-
to the cat and negate any potential benefit of vates cats (and other animals) to move to loca-
offering a treat.6 if a treat is to be offered, it tions where they are more likely to find
should be done passively and placed on the resources for survival, such as food, water,
floor or table, rather than given directly from shelter, warmth or coolness.52 it is also the
the human hand, in order to reduce the poten- emotional system that is triggered in reward-
tial for inducing conflict. The cat then is able to based or positive reinforcement learning and
choose whether to take the treat and will only training, such as carrier training.53
do so if the engaging emotional response to the
treat is the predominant emotion they are expe- Negative (protective) emotions
riencing (S Heath, personal communication). The aim with Negative or protective emotions that can be rel-
Carrier training, cooperative care, and a cat any veterinary evant to feline behavior in the veterinary prac-
friendly veterinary environment and interac- tice are fear, anxiety, pain and frustration. When
tions that help cats feel safe, greatly increase interaction we identify the cause of protective emotion(s),
the potential for feline positive (engaging) especially early on, we can often minimize the
emotional states. For more information on
is to encourage cat’s perception of threat, and sometimes even
how the veterinary practice environment can a positive, activate positive emotions instead.64
be manipulated to minimize feline patient < Fear–anxiety and pain Fear and anxiety are
distress, see the accompanying ‘2022 iSFM/ engaging the same emotional system and will be
AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment emotional bias considered together. it is important to
Guidelines’60 (hereafter the ‘Cat Friendly recognize that pain is both a sensory and
Veterinary Environment Guidelines’). while keeping emotional response, impacting physical
Although it is often easier to work with cats function and the patient’s emotional
in a positive emotional state, some kittens and the cat’s level welfare.65,66 Pain can be considered part of the
young confident cats are very active, which of emotional fear–anxiety emotional system and these
can make it more challenging to complete the emotions can impact one another: fear–anxiety
necessary examinations and treatment. in the arousal low. can alter the perception of pain and make
Heath Model there is an emphasis on the equal it more significant to the individual; and
significance of emotional valence (the extent to the presence of pain can exacerbate emotions
which an emotion is positive or negative) and of fear–anxiety.6,51,64 The administration of
emotional arousal (the intensity of the emotion) an anxiolytic is often necessary to reduce fear–
in terms of the emotional health of the individ- anxiety but additional analgesia is indicated if
ual (see supporting material at acute or chronic pain is also present.
JFMSCatFriendly).61,62 The wriggly kitten illus- There are four primary behavioral responses
trates the importance of considering both emo- to protective emotions. Using the Heath Model
tional arousal and the valence of an emotional terminology, these are referred to as inhibition,
stimulus. Too much emotional arousal, even appeasement, avoidance and repulsion, and
when it is engaging in nature, can lead to they are of equal significance when considering
behavioral responses that make handling prob- feline emotional health and welfare.5 Within
lematic.63 The aim, therefore, is to encourage a the context of the veterinary experience the
positive, engaging emotional bias while keep- three responses that are of most importance are
ing levels of emotional arousal low. inhibition, avoidance and repelling behaviors.
it should also be remembered that positive Box 3
emotions can lead to behavioral responses that
can be problematic if they occur in an inappro- Desire-seeking motivated behaviors
priate context. one example is the emotion seen in the veterinary practice
of desire-seeking, motivating the behavior
of predatory play. if a caregiver encourages < Predatory behavior < Exploration of the environment
predatory play through the use of hand play, < Seeking food, treats and play < Seeking pleasure
it can lead to kittens or cats attempting to play < Social interaction (with caregivers < Seeking comfort
with the hands of veterinary team members and the clinical team) < Seeking warmth or coolness
during physical interactions. To prevent
these types of problems, caregivers should be The information in this box is based on references 51–55.


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Box 4
Body language and behavioral responses associated
with the protective emotions of fear–anxiety and/or pain

Body language
< Ears rotated to the side or back (Figures 4 and 6a–c)
< Pupils partially or fully dilated, or oblong (Figure 6a)
< Rapid blinking or half-blinking
< Left head and gaze bias (see Video 2 in the supplementary material)
< Eyes partially closed (Figure 4) or pressed tightly shut
< Focused attention
< Whiskers splayed (Figures 5 and 6b,c)
Figure 4 Example of an inhibited cat. The cat is
passively gathering information, with eyes half-shut
Behavioral responses (listing examples of increasing intensity and ears rotated laterally. Image courtesy of Sarah Heath

within each category)

< Inhibition (passive gathering of visual, auditory and olfactory
– Listening
– Watching
– Passively gathering scent information
– Inhibition of normal behaviors (inappetence, lack of elimination,
disruption of normal sleep, inactivity)
– Freezing, tense muscles, ventral flat posture, crouching
< Avoidance:
– Passive eye avoidance
– Hiding
– Sitting at the back of the cage
– Backing away/retreating/fleeing
< Repelling:
– Hissing and/or growling and other vocalizations to increase Figure 5 Splayed whiskers is one of the signs a cat may
distance (Figure 6c) display when experiencing protective emotions. Image courtesy
of Ilona Rodan
– Swatting/swiping/striking/scratching
– Biting/bite attempts The information in this box is based on references 56–59.

The selection of the response is based on the < Frustration Frustration is the emotional
individual cat, their previous and current response to an inability to succeed in responding
experiences, and the context in which they to one of the other emotions, whether positive
experience the emotion.51 Their selection is not or negative. it can be triggered by an inability
directly related to the intensity of the emotional to acquire access to resources such as safety,
response and, therefore, all three responses are Cats become or a failure to achieve expectations (eg, when
of equal importance when assessing a patient’s receiving fewer rewards than anticipated).49 As
emotional health. inhibition is a passive stressed when an example, frustration in the veterinary context
response and is often not recognized by people they are not can occur when a more social individual does
interacting with the cat (Figure 4; see also Video not receive what they seek in the form of food
2 in the supplementary material). As such, the able to respond or human attention (Figure 7).56 Frustration can
inhibition response may not succeed in protect- occur in conjunction with fear–anxiety and be
ing the cat from the perceived threat and the successfully triggered when an attempt to resolve those
cat remains in a negative (protective) emotional to protective emotions (eg, by avoidance) is thwarted through
state. When this happens, the cat must turn to handling. Frustration might also occur when
one of the other responses – avoidance (escaping emotions and an individual has the sensation of not being
from the perceived threat) or repelling the per- in control – for example, when experiencing
ceived threat (eg, growling, hissing, striking, bit-
resolve them. tight restraint or being removed from a cage or
ing). These behaviors can have more significant carrier against their will.49 Frustration leads to
consequences for veterinary professionals, mak- more intense and rapid behavioral responses
ing examination and any necessary procedures and often results in behaviors that are con-
more difficult to complete. There may also be an frontational in nature (eg, growling, scratching
increased risk of cat or human injury.17,51 See Box or biting; Box 5).
4 and Figure 6a–c for signs of fear–anxiety. Protective emotions can still be present in


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a cat friendly environment but the aim is for visit (see Algorithm 1). When the feline behav-
the cat to be able to express them through iors needed to achieve this aim are not com-
successful behavioral responses – for exam- patible with the veterinary context then the
ple, have the ability to hide, reducing the emo- use of anxiolytics and/or chemical restraint
tional arousal associated with the veterinary needs to be considered.

Figure 6 Behavioral
responses to protective a b
emotions are shown in
images (a–c), while image (d)
shows a behavioral response
to engaging emotions.
If avoidance and inhibition
responses have not been
successful for the cat, this
increases the probability that
repelling responses will then
be selected. In this case, an
anxiolytic within a treat was
offered passively and the cat
was left alone for 2 h, which
was successful (see image
d). The alternative would (a) This cat is exhibiting a fearful body posture in the
have been to sedate the cat examination room and attempting to use avoidance (b) The whiskers are splayed with increased
for the procedure to be
carried out, or send the cat as the behavioral response to the fear–anxiety intensity of the protective emotion of fear–anxiety.
home with advice for the motivation, but the door and wall are preventing
caregiver to carry out carrier
training and administer this from succeeding. The cat is also using
anxiolytic medication inhibition (staring, listening) to gather information d
(eg, gabapentin) before
the next visit. Images courtesy in an attempt to resolve his emotional state.
of Ilona Rodan

(c) The cat is exhibiting
repelling behaviors.
If attention is not paid
to the signs of fear–
anxiety, the protective
emotion will not be
resolved and frustration
can be triggered, which
then intensifies and
accelerates the (d) After being administered anxiolytic medication
behavioral responses, and left to calm down, the cat is then presented
and increases the level with a toy to activate the engaging emotion of
of confrontation. desire-seeking.

Box 5
Body language and behavioral responses associated with the protective emotion of frustration

< Displacement behaviors:

– Rapid grooming Frustration
– Gulping
leads to
< Repetitive behaviors:
– Persistent vocalizing more intense
– Pacing
– Repeated biting or pawing and rapid
at cage doors or walls, and/or behavioral
attempts to escape (Figure 7)
< Disruptive behaviors: responses.
– Disruption of cage contents
< Confrontational behaviors:
Figure 7 Young cat becoming frustrated in relation to their desire-seeking system due to confinement and
– These include behaviors the presence of the soft collar. Strategies to prevent frustration aim to increase fulfillment of the desire-
listed in Box 4 under seeking system; for example, through providing social interactions at consistent times by one or two veterinary
team members and, for some patients, allowing the caregiver to visit. Consistency in the timing of feeding and
‘Repelling’, but have a playing is also helpful; remove the soft collar for feeding. If the cat is hospitalized for more than 24 h, ensure
different emotional trigger that all environmental needs are met, either in the cage or a small room environment (see the accompanying
Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines).60 Image courtesy of Sam Taylor


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What is appropriate and

enable the cat to cope and thereby prevent
them from becoming stressed. The overarch-
ing objective is to protect cat welfare in the
what is no longer appropriate current moment and encourage ongoing
improvement during future visits.
When cats are showing low-intensity behav-
... times have changed! ioral responses of inhibition and avoidance
(passive eye avoidance rather than fleeing),5
Every cat friendly visit should be framed it is often possible to ensure success through
around providing the cat with a sense of simple measures such as allowing the cat to
control, emphasizing positive experiences hide in the bottom of their carrier, using towels
while lessening the potential for negative or a high-sided cat bed to encourage a sensa-
experiences through alternative approaches. tion of being hidden and protected (see Figure
As addressed in these Guidelines, key areas 1), and maintaining the cat’s sensation of com-
of focus for ensuring this sense of control fort by allowing them to select their chosen
include developing a plan in advance location for examination. This is discussed
based on the cat’s history and preferences, further in ‘Principles for interacting with cats’.
minimizing potential physical and emotional When repelling behaviors are the primary
disturbances, appropriately managing intro- response, it can be more difficult for the cat to
ductions and handler interactions, and allow- use them successfully without risking injury to
ing the cat to move and position themselves in themselves or the veterinary team members.
ways that are most comfortable for them. in these situations it is more appropriate to
For these strategies to be effective, examina- select chemical restraint to enable handling to
tions and procedures should take place in quiet continue without intensifying the protective
and secure enclosed spaces (eg, an examination interpreting and emotional state and resulting physiological
room) where the cat has the opportunity to stress.68,69 in some cases, chemical restraint can
move freely without any form of physical appropriately be employed in the moment, but this may not
interaction, if required – for example, if the responding to be appropriate if the cat has already reached
cat is becoming aroused and needs a break. a state of extreme emotional arousal. in these
Releasing the cat must always be an option, cats’ emotional cases, and if the procedure is not urgent, the
without putting anyone, including the cat, caregiver can be asked to take the cat home
in danger. The examination room has been states and and schedule a return visit. An appropriate
demonstrated to be the most appropriate loca- giving them approach to chemical restraint can then be dis-
tion for physical examinations to be per- cussed and anxiolytic medication dispensed
formed.67 Unless insurmountable barriers exist, a sense of to be given at home before the visit, with the
any additional outpatient procedures required caregiver also encouraged to provide carrier
should also be performed in the examination
control through training, if possible; if still needed, suitable
room, to increase the accuracy of certain diag- cooperative chemical restraint can be employed on arrival.
nostic tests, to reduce sensory arousal and if rescheduling is not an option, it is neces-
exposure to unfamilar animals, and to avoid care are sary to minimize arousal by leaving the cat in
separation of cats from their caregivers.67 a quiet and secluded location for at least an
All veterinary visits are likely to induce hour, where possible, before administering
protective emotions to some degree, as these to being chemical restraint. in extreme cases it might
are natural and necessary responses to experi- be necessary to momentarily use higher levels
ences the cat perceives as threatening. it is cat friendly. of handling to deliver required medications
important to minimize the triggering of these for chemical restraint (eg, restraint cages for
emotions, including fear–anxiety, pain and feral cats; loose towel wraps or coverage
frustration, and to enable the cat to select with blankets in the bottom of the carrier
appropriate behavioral responses. For exam- for companion cats), always ensuring that all
ple, the provision of places and opportunities required supplies are immediately available
to hide enables the successful selection of an so that the handling time is the absolute mini-
avoidance response. When protective behav- mum necessary to administer the medication.
ioral responses occur, it is essential for the When caregivers are resistant to chemical
veterinary team to recognize them and ensure restraint or rescheduling the appointment, the
that they react appropriately. The aim of the veterinarian must advocate for the cat’s welfare
cat’s behavioral responses to protective emo- and explain that this approach is necessary to
tions is to reach a physical and emotional place reduce the risk of negative emotional associa-
of safety and security, and it is the job of the tions with the veterinary visit, which can seri-
veterinary team to facilitate this. Cats become ously threaten the ability to provide quality
stressed when they are not able to respond veterinary care now and in the future. Care-
successfully to protective emotions and givers can also be offered advice and materials
resolve them. Cat friendly interactions aim to to assist them with training their cat at home for


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carrier travel and handling in order to improve ‘Cooperative care, the future of cat friendly’),
responses during future visits (see later).16 handling methods that cause discomfort or ele-
it is important to remember that protective vate a cat’s fear or frustration levels should be
emotions are normal when they are justified. avoided. Studies have demonstrated that cats
While avoidance behaviors and repelling examined with minimal handling show fewer
responses may be easy to identify and are negative responses than cats handled with more
more commonly recognized as being prob- heavy restraint methods (Figure 8).7,70,71 A sur-
lematic, the response of inhibition is also asso- vey of Canadian and American veterinary
ciated with protective emotion and must be teams found that most respondents reported
recognized as such. inhibition can certainly using a range of handling methods, with both
make cats easy to handle and work with, but calm and fearful cats, aimed at minimizing
those showing this response are indicating restraint and improving the cat’s experience
that they feel the need to protect themselves. during examinations and procedures.70
Thus, they too are in need of assistance However, many respondents also reported
through alternative approaches. routine use of heavy restraint (eg, full body
Given this focus on ‘cooperative care’ (see restraint, scruffing) with calm and fearful cats,

Figure 8 Images from Couture et al72 provide evidence to support the benefit of minimal feline handling (a,b) over restraint. Blinded observers reviewed
video clips and pictures, including those shown here. The methods of restraint illustrated in images (c–e) resulted in increased objective indicators of fear
and aversion.7,71 Images courtesy of Lee Niel

(b) Minimal handling

a b
using a loose towel
cover to give the cat
an additional sense
of safety.


(a) Minimal handling, with the option to sit, stand, lie

down and move the limbs, has been determined to be
preferable for cats. Cats handled in this way chose to
spend time in the locations where this handling was
(e) Full body restraint. Cats handled in this way showed a greater
frequency of side and back ear positions, more lip-licking, greater
c d pupil dilation and a higher respiratory rate.7,71 Cats that received full

body restraint were also more likely to struggle when being placed
into restraint, and to remove themselves from the handler by
jumping off the table after the handling session was complete. They
avoided areas where this type of handling occurred on subsequent
assessments. Appointment times were longer with tight restraint.


Based on current evidence indicating clear negative impacts on cat
welfare, the following handling methods should never be used with cats
(c) Scruffing. Cats (d) Use of clips as a during veterinary care: scruffing (image [c]), clips intended to mimic
restrained by scruffing form of restraint. Cats scruffing (ie, Clipnosis restraint clips, image [d]) and full body restraint
showed a greater restrained by clips showed (image [e]).7,71 As discussed in the accompanying ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary
frequency of side and greater pupil dilation, Environment Guidelines’,60 the following additional equipment is also
back ear positions more vocalization and a not recommended for cat friendly interactions: cat bags, gauntlets or
(as opposed to up and greater frequency of side gloves, muzzles of any kind, Elizabethan collars, anesthetic induction
forward) than cats that and back ear positions boxes/vessels, pillow cases, mesh cat ‘nabbers’, air muzzles or any
experienced minimal than cats that experienced other device placed over the cat’s head, cat tongs or rabies poles.
handling.71 minimal handling.71


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and a majority reported using these approaches issues – getting their cat(s) to the practice, not
with cats showing repelling behaviors. While knowing how their cat will behave at the prac-
heavy restraint and scruffing are still commonly tice, an unexpected diagnosis or inability to
used with cats in veterinary practice,9,70 cats resolve health issues, and unintentionally
show signs of fear–anxiety during such interac- harming the relationship they have with their
tions, which should be avoided to safeguard cat. Cats recognize human and conspecific
feline welfare. emotions by integrating visual and auditory
one study compared the responses of cats signals, and change their behaviors based on
that were minimally handled with cats handled the perceived emotion.76 Since caregiver and
with either full body, scruff or clip restraint;71 the feline distress are so intertwined, education
investigators found that all methods of restraint about carrier training and transport may addi-
resulted in increased objective indicators of fear tionally help reduce caregiver anxiety.
and aversion in comparison with minimal han-
dling, and that responses were greatest for full Behavioral Caregiver role
body and clip restraint, followed by scruff Caregivers may feel embarrassed by their cat’s
restraint (see Figure 8). These heavy restraint modification response to handling or frustrated if postpone-
methods not only impair cat welfare in the short ment of a procedure is recommended. it
term, but the effects of repeated use are also using positive should be explained why the cat is likely
likely to be cumulative over time and increase reinforcement responding with protective behaviors,
handling aversion and welfare impairment, emphasizing the cat is not being ‘naughty’,
potentially leading to repelling behaviors in the to teach cats but reacting based on fear–anxiety, pain
longer term. Furthermore, a survey of caregiver and/or frustration, and influenced by previ-
perceptions of different cat handling methods
to voluntarily ous negative experiences in the clinical setting.
determined that a majority of respondents enter and in addition to teaching the cat to be comfort-
disagreed with use of these restraint methods able in the carrier and administering pre-visit
for their own cat.72 calmly travel anxiolytics, caregivers can also provide
within their favorite treats to be made available to the cat at
Preparation prior to visiting the practice to help cue an engaging emotional
the veterinary practice carriers is bias. it can be explained that cooperative care
and specific teaching, including carrier train-
Why is this so important to interactions? beneficial to ing (Boxes 6 and 7), as well as use of pre-visit
Events that precede entry to the veterinary feline welfare. anxiolytic medication, make visits easier for
practice commonly increase feline and both caregiver and cat, with the practice and
caregiver distress and the veterinary team’s caregiver working as a team to improve the
difficulties in interacting with cats.8,9,11 Feline cat’s experience and behavioral response.
distress resulting from the emotions of fear– Behavioral modification using positive rein-
anxiety, pain and/or frustration can be associ- forcement to teach cats to voluntarily enter and
ated with a lack of control getting into the calmly travel within their carriers is beneficial
carrier, carrier confinement, carrier instability to feline welfare.16,18,53 The benefits of carrier
and movement during the trip, and the trans- training (Figure 9) extend to increased positive
portation itself. Cats with prior negative emotions, as demonstrated by increased
carrier experiences or other distress triggers searching for food rewards during the veteri-
at home (eg, intercat tension, inability to nary visit and significantly shortened examina-
perform normal behaviors, caregiver–cat rela- tion times.16 Behavioral modification using
tionship breakdown due to undesired feline positive reinforcement training prior to the vet-
behaviors) need additional attention to ensure erinary visit is the gold standard. However, if
positive experiences both prior to and during caregivers are unable or unwilling to under-
veterinary interactions, and to minimize take this, the advice should be, as a minimum,
‘stressor stacking’ (see image and further dis- to prepare the carrier and car with synthetic
cussion in the accompanying ‘Cat Friendly feline pheromones 15 mins in advance, and
Veterinary Environment Guidelines’60). to keep the carrier covered and stable during
if caregivers are not educated about carrier transport. The Center for Pet Safety (centerfor-
training and transport (Box 6), their interac- recommends that most carriers
tions when moving cats into the carrier and be placed on the floor behind the front seats,
during transportation can increase feline dis- including all hard-sided plastic carriers; details
tress prior to arriving at the practice. over 75% of which carriers have passed crash testing and
of caregivers report they have not been given can be seat-belted in the back seat are also
travel advice,9 so this is an area that requires provided. These interventions to improve cats’
improvement from the veterinary team. experiences with the carrier and during travel
Caregiver personality, emotions, moods and have been shown to help reduce both the time
behaviors also influence feline patients.73–75 required to reach sedation and the induction
Caregivers are often anxious about various dose of propofol in cats requiring general anes-


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Client education
Providing caregivers with a supportive plan or
checklist to help them be part of the solution
can minimize their anxiety as well as help the
cat. This should encompass: information on
carrier selection and possible anxiolytic and/or
Figure 9 Carrier training analgesic medications; training advice for calm
case study, providing a clear carrier travel and mini-health examinations at
example of how prior negative
experiences can influence home; and practical tips such as bringing one or
veterinary interactions, and more of the cat’s favored items to the appoint-
how the veterinary team can
support caregivers to train ment, as well as tips to help the caregiver stay
cats, of any age, to voluntarily calm themselves (making sure they have
enter the cat carrier. Note the
facial expression indicating
enough time to travel to the practice, using
discomfort, which was due to relaxed body language around the cat, etc).
musculoskeletal pain not being
well controlled. Image courtesy
Practices can use the resources highlighted in
of Ilona Rodan Box 6 to facilitate client education about carrier
training and transport, adding this information
Watson was presented as a 12-year-old who was highly fearful during to websites, as well as distributing via social
veterinary visits due to a painful experience as a kitten at the practice he media and handouts. The veterinary team
then visited. Carrier training was recommended and successfully resulted should also take every opportunity to verbally
in a calm and content cat during veterinary visits. At home, Watson readily emphasize the cat and caregiver benefits and
entered the bottom half of the carrier lined with his favored bedding. As a explain that all training must be positive in
food-motivated cat, he then entered the carrier with the top added when order to reinforce desired behaviors. Techniques
coaxed with food treats. At 14 years of age he starred in a carrier training can be demonstrated by team members with the
video, ‘Cats & carriers: friends not foes’ (Box 6) filmed in the practice he appropriate training expertise.
had been so fearful in prior to carrier training.
Pre-visit anxiolytics and other useful
Box 6 pharmacotherapy
Pharmacotherapy can significantly lessen a
Carrier training resources cat’s protective emotional bias and resulting
potential for distress. it does not replace posi-
tive modifications to minimize distress during
feline interactions, and so it must be used con-
< Visiting your veterinarian: getting your cat to the veterinary practice
currently when indicated. Cats with previous
(; also available in the supplementary material)
negative veterinary experiences, those not
< Taking your cat to the veterinary clinic – a guide for cat carers
habituated to handling and those described as
(; also available in the supplementary
having a very anxious or fearful temperament
should receive an anxiolytic before the visit.
< Cats & carriers: friends not foes
information on anxiolytics for use prior to
the veterinary visit, including doses and best
timing of administration, is given in Table 1.
thesia.29 Caregivers can use positive reinforce- By recording in the cat’s medical record (in a
ment training at home to teach their cats to pop-up or easily viewed location) caregiver
enjoy handling that mimics or approximates education, anxiolytics or analgesics recom-
that conducted during health examinations mended pre-visit, the cat’s preferences and
by the veterinarian. See ‘Cooperative care, the the cat’s emotional state, best practices for
future of cat friendly’ for further information. each cat can always be followed.

Table 1 Examples of sedative/anxiolytic drugs that can be used prior to veterinary visits

Drug Dose (given PO) Timing of administration Indication Adverse drug effects

Gabapentin 77–81 100–200 mg/cat or 20 mg/kg 2–3 h prior to the first To alleviate fear–anxiety and increase Sedation
Use lower doses in small stressor (eg, carrier, compliance with the examination. Ataxia
patients or those with CKD, transport or arrival at the Reduction in repelling behaviors Salivation (rare)
frailty and/or debilitation practice, based on known Vomiting (rare)
triggers for the individual)
Trazodone68,81,82 50–100 mg/cat 60–90 mins prior to the Less evidence for use. If needed, Sedation
or 10 mg/kg first stressor use in combination with gabapentin.
To alleviate fear–anxiety and increase
compliance with the examination.
Reduction in repelling behaviors

CKD = chronic kidney disease; PO = orally


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Anxiolytics thesia as fasting times have been shortened to

Gabapentin is an excellent feline anxiolytic and 3 h and medication within a small-volume treat
more effective than other pharmaceuticals and does not impact anesthesia.65 Note that a simi-
nutraceuticals, as demonstrated by reduced lar approach can also be used for hospitalized
distress during transport and examina- cats undergoing planned procedures or exami-
tion.77–79,83 Gabapentin administration also nation, and to reduce anxiety in hospitalized
improves the quality of medical care, increas- and boarding patients; lower doses may be
ing the ability to perform a complete examina- considered where repeat usage is required.
tion that may otherwise be impossible in cats Encourage veterinary teams and caregivers to
that display intense fear-associated behav- use a hands-off approach to medicating the cat
iors;77 such behaviors, which can lead to injury, to further reduce anxiety and improve the effi-
are reduced with a single dose of oral cacy of the anxiolytic medication (see Video 3
gabapentin.77 Researchers have identified the in the supplementary material).
lowest stress scores to be 2–3 h after gabapentin
administration,77–79 with the studied and Anxiolytics can Motion sickness medication
recommended dose being 20 mg/kg78,79,83 or For cats who experience signs of motion sick-
100–200 mg/cat.77 Gabapentin is 100% renally significantly ness, such as lip-licking, drooling or vomiting,
excreted,78 and significantly higher levels of lessen a cat’s maropitant can be prescribed 4 h prior to trav-
serum gabapentin are found in cats with iRiS el.89 There are no contraindications to its use
stages 2 and 3 chronic kidney disease (CKd) as protective in combination with anxiolytics. Fasting the
compared with cats without renal disease.80 cat for 2–3 h before travel is also advised.
it is suggested to use 50% of the lower doses of
emotional bias
gabapentin in cats with reduced renal func- and resulting Analgesia
tion.77,80 Gabapentin is safe to use in cats with degenerative joint disease (dJd), which
systemic illness, including hyperthyroidism, potential for includes osteoarthritis (oA) and spondylosis,
due to its minimal cardiovascular effects, and distress. They and periodontal disease are common chronic
can facilitate the performance of procedures pain conditions in cats.90–92 in addition, the
such as blood pressure measurement and phle- do not replace possibility of a range of other sources of acute
botomy.80,83 Caregivers should be warned that or chronic pain should always be considered
cats may be ataxic after receiving gabapentin positive if a cat is presented as being challenging to
and this effect can last for several hours after modifications handle during a veterinary visit. Additional
the cat is discharged. Therefore, cats should be analgesics may be prescribed to administer
kept indoors for at least 8 h and, for some, to minimize prior to visits to reduce pain and to prevent
preventing access to high perches/stairs may protective emotions escalating during travel
be sensible to avoid falls. distress during and examination. Appropriate ongoing chron-
A small study has evaluated pregabalin in feline ic pain management should also be provided.
cats at 5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg doses and deter- See the ‘2022 AAHA Pain Management Guide-
mined that signs of anxiety and the fear associ- interactions, lines for dogs and Cats’ and ‘2022 iSFM
ated with car transportation were reduced.84 Consensus Guidelines on the Management of
Additionally the pharmacokinetics of pre-
and must Acute Pain in Cats’ for further information.93,94
gabalin have been investigated, showing no be used
safety concerns with doses up to 7.5 mg/kg.85 Cooperative care, the future
Trazodone is a sedative that has been recom- concurrently, of cat friendly
mended for use as a single agent or in combi- when indicated.
nation with gabapentin. Studies provide Cooperative patient care involves utilizing a
conflicting information about efficacy and combination of classical conditioning, to create
sample sizes were small, making it challenging positive emotional associations with certain
to draw firm conclusions.68,82 Trazodone has contexts, and operant conditioning using pos-
minimal cardiovascular effects and so is safe itive reinforcement to teach desired behavioral
for use in cats with systemic illness.81 responses that facilitate the delivery of veteri-
No research on the use of benzodiazepines nary care. This approach can help animals feel
as a pre-visit anxiolytic is available. dis- physically and mentally comfortable with
inhibition and repulsion can occur with some veterinary care and, most importantly, able to
benzodiazepines (eg, diazepam, alprazo- make their own decisions about engaging with
lam)86,87 and oral diazepam has been associat- the humans who provide it. The overarching
ed with hepatotoxicity.88 Acepromazine is not goal is to enable cats to make appropriate
an anxiolytic and can also cause disinhibition cognitive and emotional associations with the
and repelling behaviors. veterinary experience. This results in cats who
Anxiolytics are most effective when can calmly accept human proximity and vol-
administered prior to patient arousal and best untarily cooperate with medical interventions.
given in the home environment. Anxiolytics Positive reinforcement training utilizes expe-
can even be administered prior to general anes- riences individual cats find rewarding, such as


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accepting food treats and, for some, positive ers of varying size and shape brought toward
social interactions, to increase the probability
Being cat- the cat’s body can be used to approximate the
of a particular behavioral response. These focused and initial stages of medicating. Box 7 and Figure
engaging triggers are also cues for the positive 10 provide examples of cooperative care train-
(engaging) emotional system of desire-seeking adapting to ing in action.
and will encourage a positive emotional bias Cooperative care involves both the handler
that can enhance self-confidence in the indi-
where they are (person) and patient (cat) learning new skills
vidual. By offering these in response to the on their journey that are underpinned with a sound knowledge
expression of desired behaviors and postures, of what a cat is in terms of their behavior and
the veterinary team can develop: of cooperative how they learn. Education programs should
< Calm, passive behaviors For example, a cat care learning, take into account individual cat-related factors
holding their body still in a particular posture (eg, temperament, previous veterinary experi-
for an extended period of time, as may be is pivotal ences), as well as the caregiver’s knowledge
required during examination. Such a posture and skill when it comes to implementing the
may be aided by a person gently handling the to being necessary interactions to facilitate appropriate
cat, the use of positional aids such as sandbags, cat friendly. learning, plus their expectations of their cat
or provision of hiding options (eg, high-sided and the learning process. To ensure cooperation
cat beds/carriers). in all cases, the aim is a from the cat is optimal, handler skills need to be
relaxed cat who accepts such positioning. developed and practiced by both the caregiver
< Active behaviors For example, a cat at home and by the veterinary professionals
lifting their head to reveal their neck or working with the cat in the practice. This way,
Figure 10 Example of
offering their front leg to allow blood cooperative care. This the cat comes to the practice with a solid foun-
sampling, or walking onto and settling on cat was trained to be dation of required behaviors (or approxima-
comfortable with weighing
weighing scales. Such behaviors can even be scales to prevent fear of the
tions of such behaviors) and in a calm, relaxed
taught to occur on cue. equipment and to allow emotional state that the veterinary team can
weight to be monitored at
Cooperative care helps cats feel more com- home on a routine basis for
build on to reduce stress during the clinical
fortable, relaxed and in control in husbandry early detection of obesity or experience.
and medical situations where they weight loss. Image courtesy
of Ilona Rodan
Being cat-focused and adapting to a
may naturally feel anxious, fearful cat’s comfort levels, and where they
and/or frustrated. The desired behav- are on their journey of cooperative
ioral and postural outputs of the more care learning, is pivotal to being cat
positive emotional bias are not initial- friendly. in addition, with the care-
ly automatically offered by the cat giver and veterinary team working in
and so training involves the succes- similar ways with the cat, a team
sive reinforcement of approximations approach is created, with the cat’s
of them. in addition, approximations physical health and mental wellbeing
of equipment required (eg, nail clip- at the core. This leads not only to
pers) and/or sensory experiences stronger caregiver–veterinarian relation-
associated with equipment and hus- ships but also stronger veterinarian–
bandry procedures may initially be caregiver–patient relationships.
used to gradually increase a cat’s it is important to recognize that cats
confidence and exposure through vary greatly in their individual tem-
classical and operant conditioning. peraments and previous experiences
For example, snipping of dried within veterinary practices. Beginning
spaghetti can be used to teach a cat to cooperative care education from kit-
remain relaxed when hearing a sound tenhood gives us the best chances of
that approximates that of nails being true long-term cooperation, thus min-
clipped. Likewise, different contain- imizing negative experiences. How-
ever, not all cats are obtained during
kittenhood or stay with the same care-
Box 7 giver and/or practice, and so it is
important to be able to assess each individual
Examples of introducing cooperative care cat’s comfort with veterinary handling and
< Series of videos from International Cat Care on the theme, ‘Helping your procedures (and what factors may be leading
cat accept having their ...’: to such experiences). Caregivers should not be
– eyes checked tasked with trying to educate cats who are
– paws checked and claws clipped showing signs of distress or have existing
– coat checked health or behavior problems. in cats with
– mouth checked problem behaviors, cooperative care educa-
– ears checked tion programs should only be performed
< Inhaler training: with the input of a suitably qualified feline


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Principles for interacting needed based on an individual’s prior

with cats experiences and temperament, and potential-
ly analgesia if the cat has a known painful
Pleasant, effective interactions with feline condition (see ‘Pre-visit anxiolytics and other
patients result from developing a plan based useful pharmacotherapy’). The success of the
on species-specific needs, understanding each caregiver’s preparations for the trip to the
individual, utilizing a calming environment practice influences the cat’s emotional state
(see accompanying ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary during transportation and examination.
Environment Guidelines’60), and adapting
according to the condition and life stage of the Veterinarian preparation
cat. How well the veterinary team is prepared Review medical records prior to the appoint-
for each patient’s visit will greatly influence ment, both for medical health and to identify the
how the examination proceeds. best means to work with the individual patient.
< Previous history Knowledge of each
Preparing the cat and caregiver patient’s genetics, early history (see above) and
for veterinary visits previous experiences, together with the clinical
Practices often have technicians or nurses history, allows an individualized approach.
educate clients about preparing the cat at Cats who were not properly socialized to
home. Alternatively, client care coordinators people, not habituated to human environments,
or veterinary care assistants can be trained to or who have had a previous negative
supply the information either electronically or experience are likely to have decreased
in person. Providing information on websites tolerance during veterinary visits. New people
and social media, including videos or links or pets in the home, loss of a person or pet,
to videos supporting this education, can be tension between resident pets, and not having
helpful (Boxes 6 and 7). Anxiolytics may be a cat’s essential needs met can likewise
predispose the cat to a decreased tolerance
of the veterinary visit. The section below
‘Communication and recording in the practice’
describes how best to identify relevant previous
history and to work with the individual cat.
< Medical history and reason for visit
Review the medical record and appointment
notes for any conditions that might affect the
approach taken. illness or pain can result in
emotional compromise (ie, more protective
than engaging emotions) due to intensifying
of emotions secondary to the medical
condition(s).6 For example, a cat who is
normally friendly at the veterinary practice
might demonstrate protective behavior, such
as hiding, when experiencing pain and/or
poor health that makes them feel more
vulnerable. Be prepared to address any of these
a b

Figure 11 (a–e) Clinical examinations being performed

in the cat’s chosen location. Images courtesy of Ilona
Rodan (a–c) and the Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic, University d e
of Liverpool, UK (d,e)


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b c

Figure 12 (a–e) Examples of towels and blankets being used to loosely wrap (rather than
a tightly restrain) anxious cats to facilitate the examination. Images courtesy of Ilona Rodan (a,b), d
the Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic, University of Liverpool, UK (c), Sam Taylor (d) and the AAFP (e)

Throughout the cat carrier. once the room is prepared, the cat
and caregiver can enter. Many practices recog-
examination nize the benefit of bringing the cat in a covered
it is essential carrier directly from the vehicle to the exami-
nation room. Provide towels sprayed with
that the cat has synthetic feline pheromones to cover carriers
if the caregiver has not done so. Perform the
the choice to examination and other outpatient procedures
e hide, as this is (eg, blood pressure measurement, phlebotomy,
cystocentesis) in the examination room.
an important
issues prior to beginning examinations – for Considerations for home visits
coping strategy.
example, through the provision of analgesia or Home visits are common for hospice and pal-
antiemetics/antinausea medication. liative care patients and end-of-life appoint-
ments. Additionally, some veterinarians offer
Develop a plan for working with cats only house calls or home visits for feline
Ensure all team members understand cats as patients.
both a species and as individuals, their emo- Performing the appointment in a cat’s home
tional and behavioral responses, and how best environment does not remove the potential for
to interact with and handle them. Minimize distress, which is associated with unfamiliar
wait times and stressors in the waiting area. people entering and performing unfamiliar
only experienced team members with feline- procedures in their territory.22,95 in one study,
specific knowledge should work with cat stress scores were shown to be higher in
conscious cats. Training is critical to support the home environment than the clinical envi-
other veterinary professionals to ensure ronment, with increased struggling, vocalizing
respect for cats, and appropriate interactions and agitation.95 The same study reported that
and handling. Share these Guidelines and systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements
other resources at to were the same in both the home and clinical
further team education. environments,95 though another study has
shown lower SBP in the home environment.22
Examination room preparation The principles discussed in these Guidelines
Prepare the cat-only examination room (if regarding handling techniques, hiding
available) with all equipment that may be options, and so forth, are just as relevant in the
needed before the appointment to avoid senso- home environment as they are in the practice.
ry arousal of the cat caused by exiting and re-
entering the room. See the accompanying ‘Cat Feline preferred locations and positions
Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’60 Start the examination and do as much as possi-
for a list of equipment for the cat friendly ble in the cat’s chosen location and position.
examination room, and additionally for infor- in terms of location, this might include on the
mation on working in multispecies practices. floor, on the weighing scales, inside the bottom
importantly, the only non-medical equipment of the carrier with the lid removed, in a cat bed,
needed to interact with and handle cats is a or in the caregiver’s or veterinary profession-
variety of treats, soft blankets or towels, and a al’s lap (Figure 11). Cats may prefer being cov-
high-sided bed or the bottom half of their own ered with a warm blanket or towel (Figure 12)


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pre-sprayed with synthetic feline pheromones,

or may respond favorably to soft conversation
from the caregiver or interaction with toys.
Lower-level lighting in the examination room
may soothe some cats and dimmer switches
in these rooms can allow varying light levels to
accommodate each situation. Use of treats for
distraction and reinforcement of desired
behavior is often helpful; have lots of options
available, such as liquid/tube treats, pill
pouches, canned food and dry cat treats. The a b
ideal position for the cat during examination is
Figure 13 (a,b) Massaging
very individual, and includes sitting, standing over the facial glands. These
or lying down. produce pheromones used avoid direct eye contact). Ask caregivers about
in facial rubbing and are the
preferred areas of touch in
their cat’s individual preferences with regard to
Feline preferred areas of touch the head region (see Figure touch, bearing in mind that cats may allow only
3). In both these images,
Preferred areas of touch for cats are the same massage is over at least
caregivers to pet certain areas. Most cats dislike
regions that socially bonded cats groom one two of the facial glands. touch over the caudal area, the abdomen and
another to strengthen the social bond.38,39 Images courtesy of Ilona
Rodan (a) and the AAFP (b)
feet, and this should be avoided as much as
These regions are over the feline facial glands, possible.38 if these areas need to be examined,
which produce pheromones used to communi- perform this toward the end of the assessment.
cate between members of the species.38,39
The facial glands are illustrated and labeled in Communication and recording
Figure 3. Massage or pet over these areas in the in the practice
direction of the fur (Figure 13) and from a non- Add as much supporting information as pos-
threatening position (ie, at the cat’s level, sible into the most visible area of the medical
approaching from the side, where possible, to record. in addition to the medical diagnosis

Box 8 Box 9
Supporting questions Important information to record from each visit
prior to examination < Medications given regularly (ease of administration)
< How was the journey to the practice < Pre-visit treatment (ease of administration, dose and timing of sedative/
today? Any problems with getting your anxiolytic) and effect
cat into the carrier? < Demeanor on arrival and caregiver information about the journey (eg, carrier
< What carrier training has your cat trained, hard to get into the carrier, cat was vocal, cat was distressed during
received? transport, etc). Include if the cat urinated/defecated/vomited/drooled during
If none, ask the caregiver whether they transport
previously received information on carrier < Reactions in the practice and with handling – what worked and what did not?
training. Address challenges, if any – Preference to hide or to explore room
< What other training has your cat received? – Cat’s preferred location for examination (eg, within the carrier)
< What is your cat’s history prior to – Preferred limb or tail for blood pressure measurement
adoption? – Preferred vein and position for venipuncture
Ask regardless of the patient’s age if it – Preferred position for cystocentesis
has not already been noted in the medical – Any results likely affected by fear–anxiety (eg, heart rate, blood glucose,
record. Many caregivers can provide valuable blood pressure)
information about parentage, when taken – Response to treats/food, and preferences and dislikes (including type
away from parents and siblings, if orphaned, and presentation – on floor/table, in hand, in a dish, etc)
rehomed, or other factors that may affect – Aids or tools that were helpful (or not), such as loose towel wraps or a
socialization, and/or previous experiences high-sided cat bed
that could impact veterinary visits < Cat’s behavior on return home after the last visit; for example, whether the
< How has your cat reacted to previous cat hid or showed protective behavior;96 and/or whether there were changes
veterinary visits and examinations? in interactions between cats or with other pets in the household
< What areas of the body is your cat
comfortable with having touched? What Avoid using negative and unhelpful language such as ‘aggressive’,
areas are they not comfortable with? ‘fractious’, ‘naughty’ or ‘spicy’, as these terms provide team
< What changes in your cat’s behavior members with no information about the cat’s emotional state or
have you noticed since the last visit? behavioral responses in certain situations, nor about best handling
This helps identify unrecognized pain, techniques during future veterinary visits.
illness and behavioral concerns


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include: early history; stressors within the physical state, can be obtained. Leaving the
home physical or social environment; the cat’s door to the carrier open, where possible, so the
emotional state during previous veterinary cat can enter and exit at will, will impart a
visits (including, for example, whether they better sense of safety (access to carrier) and
choose to explore or hide within the examina- choice, and ease the cat’s anxiety about possi-
tion room); medications to be given when ble threats and frustration caused by the inabil-
preparing the cat for the visit; and the cat’s ity to escape. Throughout the examination it is
preferences regarding position and location essential that the cat has the choice to hide, as
for the clinical examination, areas of touch this is an important coping strategy, especially
and phlebotomy sites. Always ask supporting in an unfamiliar environment or when protec-
questions prior to the examination (Box 8). tive emotions are aroused.
After the examination, recording what General considerations when approaching a
worked and what did not work (see Box 9 for cat are highlighted in Video 5 in the supple-
examples) will help avoid protective behav- mentary material.
ioral responses and escalation at future visits.
Appropriate record-keeping can also alert the Recommendations for first interactions
wider team of the need to discuss with the Trust is not < Where possible, bring yourself to the same
caregiver scheduling of appointments at a level as the cat; if they are on the floor or in a
quieter time and/or of longer duration, and transferable. low cage, crouch or kneel down.
that preparation prior to the appointment Each veterinary < Avoid leaning over the cat.
may be required. These aspects should be dis- < Avoid cornering the cat within the carrier
cussed in advance with the attending veteri- team member or anywhere in the room (eg, under a chair).
narian. This is preferable to an appointment < do not make direct eye contact.
where the cat cannot be safely handled, proce-
needs to build < Blink slowly in the direction of the cat
dures not completed, and the cat’s negative rapport with (many cats respond favorably to this).36,37
experience in the practice reinforced. < Move slowly and deliberately.
the cat before < Reach out with a soft hand (Figure 2)
How to approach the cat handling. toward the cat, but without getting too close;
the cat can then choose to come to sniff the
Prior to approaching, the cat should first be hand and interact further.
observed to assess their emotional state; while < Passively offer treats to entice the cat to
knowledge of the cat’s previous behavioral leave the carrier by placing them on the table
history is useful in planning your approach, or floor at the entrance to the carrier – do not
the cat’s emotional state at each interaction offer treats directly from the hand (Figure 14).
needs to be assessed before initiating any con- < if the cat still remains within the carrier or
tact. in an examination room situation, the cat has returned to the carrier prior to the start
should be allowed time to choose to come out of the examination, remove the top half so
of the carrier on their own accord and acclima- that examination and any diagnostics can be
tize to the room (Figure 14). This is preferable to performed with the cat in the bottom half.
reaching into the carrier (which risks the cat A towel or blanket can be placed over the cat to
feeling threatened or trapped) and pulling the still give them a sensation of being hidden.
cat out, or tilting the carrier to force the cat out. < if the cat is in a top-opening carrier, place
The same holds true for hospitalized cats – the carrier on the floor and use a towel to
begin by opening the cage door slightly and
allowing the cat to choose to come to the front
of the cage. For tips and techniques on enticing
a cat out of their carrier, see ‘Recommendations
for first interactions’, and Video 4 in the
supplementary material.
Explain the strategy to the caregiver or other
team members and ask that they not interact
with the cat unless the cat approaches them,
which will give the cat more options. While
the cat either chooses to remain in the carrier
or is exploring, a history or update on the cat’s
progress can be obtained; calm conversation
will put everyone, including the cat, at ease.
Figure 14 Open the carrier
By observing the cat’s movements and body door and allow the cat to
language, including facial expressions, and come out on their own
accord. Treats can be offered
response to room smells, your presence, noise passively in front of the
and/or activity, a better understanding of the carrier to encourage the
cat to exit. Image courtesy
cat’s current emotional state, as well as their of Ilona Rodan


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loosely wrap the cat and gently lift them out; collection). Some cats become frustrated with
do not lift the cat any more than required. confinement in a cat carrier or cage, and
< if the cat is in a carrier where the top cannot allowing them additional time and space to
be opened or removed, try to slowly slide the explore the examination room, or
cat out of the side opening on any bedding other area, prior to approaching
material that is lining the bottom of the carrier, (eg, using treats to encourage positive
Treats can be used in different
then attempt to slowly place one hand behind engagement with the environment)
ways – to build rapport, by
the cat and draw them out gradually toward can be helpful. Hiding options and
tossing from a distance; to
your body; use towels to facilitate this. Make consistency in care can also help
distract, by offering during
sure there is a well-designed carrier, lined with diffuse frustration for cats in cages.
handling and procedures; and
soft bedding, ready to use for the rest of the Always continue to assess and
to reward desirable behaviors.
examination, and encourage the caregiver to reassess a cat’s body language during
For building rapport (tossing)
replace their current carrier. any interaction, as their emotional
and rewarding, use small
< Further contact should focus on massaging states and behavior can change. An
pieces. For distraction, have
the cat’s facial glands (Figures 3 and 13) for a few inhibited cat who is freezing can
something that can be smeared
seconds, and then pausing to assess the cat’s become more aroused if the cause of
and takes time and full
reaction. Continue to massage only if welcomed the fear is not addressed and sympa-
investment to consume (ie,
by the cat (eg, as indicated by the cat rubbing thetic handling is not applied. if they
requires maximal attention on
their face on your hand [Figure 2] or moving perceive that their inhibition response
the part of the cat). While there
closer to you). is unsuccessful, they may change to
is a belief that cats are not
< if the cat needs to be lifted or moved within one of the other available responses
interested in treats in the
the examination room for examination or such as avoidance or repelling behav-
practice, this is not always true
diagnostic purposes, note the following pointers: iors (Box 4). Confident cats can
– many cats will consume treats
– Cats feel more secure with all four feet in become frustrated if they are physical-
but we tend to offer them things
contact with a solid surface; ly restricted during examination, and
that are not sufficiently high
– Request that the caregiver facilitates moving such cats may be happy to initiate
value and in ways that induce
the cat if you feel confident in their ability to a short amount of contact with you
emotional conflict. Highly
do this safely in a cat friendly manner; but may not be happy with prolonged
palatable wet foods and lickable
– Transfer the cat in their carrier or the bottom intense contact.39,97 Some of these cats
treats are more likely to be
half of the carrier, if possible; can be distracted using treats (see box)
accepted than dry kibble.
– if not using the carrier, use a loose towel to and will permit further examinations
provide a sense of security; try to mimic the to be performed while they are eating.
sensation that the limbs are in contact with a solid Clinical interactions are a dynamic process
surface by bringing the cat, loosely protected in and the veterinary team must be prepared to
the towel, closer in toward your body. adapt, slow down when required, and give
< if leaving the examination room, the cat the cat breaks in order to complete the neces-
must always be in their carrier. sary work.
< Trust is not transferable and each team
member needs to build rapport with the cat How to perform a cat friendly
before handling. physical examination

What is the cat’s body language revealing? General approach

At all times, use the information the cat is giv- in most cases, only one person is needed to
ing to determine appropriate ‘handling’. if the examine a cat. Although practices may ask that
cat has approached with relaxed or positive basic physiological data (temperature, heart
body language and facial expressions (eg, ears rate, respiration rate) are gathered and weigh-
up and forward, head and body upright, ing is performed prior to the veterinarian
straight legs, tail up, positive vocalizations, examining the patient, this should be avoided
relaxed position when lying down, explor- – not only to increase efficiency, but to prevent
ing), then proceed with the examination. Cats the need for additional handling and the risk
who are exhibiting protective behaviors need of triggering protective emotions. The veteri-
a hiding option during the examination, or narian should enter first, either with or with-
consideration should be given to rescheduling out another team member who (if present) will
the appointment and dispensing anxiolytics remain throughout the appointment.
for administration prior to the return visit (see Most veterinarians approach a physical
Table 1). if it is necessary to proceed with the examination with a checklist that moves from
examination at the time, consider administer- head to tail. Although this may ensure that the
ing chemical restraint (see Table 2, page 1125). veterinarian meets basic standards of care,
Analgesia should be provided for cats who flexibility in the order of the evaluation, based
are painful, with assessment of painful areas on the cat’s preferences, minimizes patient
delayed until this has taken effect (eg, at the distress. Progressing carefully and slowly
end of the examination or following sample through the examination, while allowing the


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Clinical interactions are a dynamic process. Be prepared to adapt, slow down

when required, and give the cat breaks in order to complete the necessary work.

cat to make choices about positioning and veterinary practice’, ‘Cooperative care, the
handling, and taking short breaks when nec- future of cat friendly’ and ‘Protective cats’).
essary, will facilitate the evaluation. if the cat
resists aspects of the examination, attempt dif- Tips for performing an effective physical
ferent distraction techniques, such as massag- examination while minimizing stress
ing over the facial glands or making food The following are suggestions to facilitate
treats passively available to the cat (eg, on the completion of the examination with the least
examination table); proceed with examination stress for the cat. if required, use blankets or
in short manageable segments; or perform towels to cover or gently wrap – but not to
other parts of the evaluation and then return tightly restrain – the cat (Figure 12).
to the areas of hesitation. The least preferred < Equipment Ensure that all equipment
aspect of the examination varies among cats; is available in the room prior to starting
some may resist interaction with certain the examination and is thoroughly
equipment (eg, stethoscope, weighing scales), cleaned between animals to remove smells.
while others may be wary of handling of indi- Allow the cat the choice to approach, sniff
vidual body parts or deep palpation of the and explore the item before moving it toward
abdomen. it may be best to leave these partic- them.
ular aspects until last. < Thoracic auscultation Position yourself
For most cats, auscultation of the heart and behind or to the side of the patient, and start
lungs is the best first step, as it is the least with the hand and stethoscope along the lateral
invasive; moreover, if subsequent chemical thorax, auscultating the lateral pulmonary
restraint is needed, the necessary assessment fields and that side of the heart. From the
of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems opposite side of the cat, slowly place your
will have been performed. However, the respi- other hand under the sternum, gently lifting
ratory rate of the cat is ideally recorded prior to the cat slightly to facilitate moving the
any physical interaction. Where possible, the stethoscope over the heart at the sternum.
heart should be auscultated on a number of Repeat on the other side. Avoid putting
occasions during the examination as the heart unnecessary pressure on the chest to prevent
rate and detectability of a heart murmur will induced murmurs,24 and be cautious with
vary throughout the examination.98 hand and stethoscope movement near the
For evaluation of musculoskeletal disease elbows of older, potentially arthritic cats.
(predominantly dJd), a combination of physi- To reduce excessive purring, instead of using
cal examination and caregiver assessment is surgical spirit or water, distract the cat by
essential, as caregivers may have recognized altering lighting, providing visual access to a
changes in their cat’s normal behaviors and window, or using squeaky or chirpy toys; if
Figure 15 Approach the
mobility.99,100 Several questionnaires have been cat from an angle when
necessary, reassess after any sample collection.
validated for this purpose, and can be provid- examining the head, to avoid < Head and neck examination it is important
direct eye contact. Image
ed to caregivers in advance of the courtesy of Ilona Rodan
to proceed slowly with the head
appointment.101–106 Visual assess- examination, breaking it into
ment of mobility is best conducted segments that the cat will tolerate.
in the home, as many cats do not The head structures can be
move normally in the practice. do assessed first from a distance
not coerce the cat to move during while the cat is walking around
the physical examination; instead, the room or sitting in the bottom
the veterinary team should request half of their carrier, and secondly
caregiver videos of the cat walking, while massaging over the facial
jumping, and climbing up and glands.38,39 For otoscopic eval-
down stairs for the veterinarian to uation, holding the ear at the base
assess. of the pinna eases cone insertion
if a cat consistently resists por- and allows gentle canal extension
tions of the evaluation or demon- for better tympanic visualization.
strates protective behavior despite For intraocular and retinal
the provision of hiding options examinations, be cautious of face-
and other positive reinforcements, to-face contact, especially for
consider alternative approaches nervous or protective cats.107
based on immediacy of need (see Approach from an angle and avoid
‘Preparation prior to visiting the direct eye contact (Figure 15).


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< Abdominal palpation

Begin abdominal palpation
slowly to assess for potential
reactivity, combining the
assessment with petting and
massaging motions to make the
experience more positive if the
cat is receptive (Figure 16). Be
aware of the potential for
referred pain in cats with spinal
< Painful areas Assessment
of painful areas or those areas
that the cat prefers not having
touched should wait until the
last part of the examination or Figure 17 Palpation of the spine for degenerative joint
disease. Image courtesy of Ilona Rodan
until analgesia has taken
effect. Many feline patients are
painful. As many as 70% of cats (ie, whether the cat is more sensitive or painful
over 3 years of age have dental Figure 16 Combine on a certain limb or limbs) and pay attention to
abdominal palpation with
disease;108 and dJd, including oA, can be head and neck petting and patient response to or resistance with handling.
present in cats of all ages, with a dramatic massage to make the As oA is usually bilateral in cats, lameness is
experience more positive.
increase in prevalence and severity after 10 Image courtesy of the
uncommon.90 Pay special attention in younger
years of age.90,91 See Box 10 for further Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic, cats with a history of trauma, genetic diseases
University of Liverpool, UK
information on pain assessment. such as osteochondrodysplasia, hip dysplasia
< Back and limb assessment Always palpate or patellar luxation, as well as in cats 10 years
along the length of the spine, as dJd commonly and older, as they are all at risk for pain with
occurs in both the thoracic and lumbar spine limb palpation. While the AAFP and iSFM
(Figure 17).91,119 This can be done when oppose elective declawing, when cats have
assessing muscle condition score. individualize already undergone the procedure it is
limb assessment based on the patient’s history important to assess for potential tendon

B ox 10
Pain assessment
Pain is considered part of the fear–anxiety emotional system.6,51,64 veterinary professional to the presence of chronic or acute pain. This
Veterinary professionals will be examining cats both in acute and should be followed up with the use of a validated pain assessment
chronic pain, and this has implications not only in terms of their tool and analgesia, as required. For acute pain, the Feline Grimace
physical health but also from an emotional and cognitive Scale,109–112 Glasgow composite measure pain scale-feline113 and
perspective. The presence of pain can alter an individual’s UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional feline pain assessment scale
emotional state; and a protective emotional bias can also alter short form114 have been validated in cats (see the ‘2022 ISFM
the cat’s perception of pain and thus the potential significance of Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Acute Pain in Cats’ for
the pain for them. further information94). A number of tools have also been developed
Assessment for, and recognition of, pain is an important part of for the assessment of chronic, musculoskeletal pain, including the
any cat friendly interaction as it enables analgesia to be given prior Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Checklist,105 Client Specific
to physical examination. The medical record, caregiver history, Outcome Measures,101 the Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index,99,115,116
reason for the required examination, cat’s response to first the Montreal Instrument for Cat Arthritis Testing104,117,118 and a health-
interactions and/or visual assessment of the cat may alert the related quality of life instrument, VetMetrica.106

Links to pain resources

Acute pain
< Feline Grimace Scale:
< Glasgow composite measure pain scale-feline:
< UNESP-Botucatu multidimensional feline pain assessment scale short form:

Chronic pain
< Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index (pain assessment for degenerative joint disease):


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Considerations for specific


When considering the best (ie, most cat

friendly) way to perform a specific procedure,
it is important always to remember that each
cat is an individual and be prepared to adapt
and try a different approach or technique
based on information from the cat. if the pro-
a b cedure is one that is going to be required on an
ongoing basis, then introducing it slowly to
Figure 18 (a,b) Oral acclimatize the cat, and training them to offer
examination. Note the
contraction,120,121 P3 fragments,122 back pain and examiners are avoiding an appropriate posture or behavior to assist
other chronic pain associated with digital pulling on the cat’s fur in the performance of the procedure, should
to raise or lower the lips.
amputation. Myofascial examination provides Images courtesy of the AAFP (a)
be considered. This may take more time and
a soothing, gentle approach to assessing for and Feline Healthy Ageing effort initially but the investment will be
Clinic, University of Liverpool,
pain and origins of pain (see Video 6 in the UK (b)
worth it in the longer term. Use treats or other
supplementary material).123 positive reinforcement to reward the cat for
< Oral examination From the outset of this appropriate postures and behaviors, both
part of the examination, be aware of the high while undertaking the procedure and imme-
potential for oral pain in the patient. A slow diately afterwards (see Video 8 in the supple-
approach to the mouth, with gentle petting of the mentary material for examples).
face, may facilitate assessment of oral structures. When obtaining blood, urine or any other
Gently lift or lower the lips to evaluate buccal samples, consider collecting extra and storing
tooth surfaces before opening the mouth to view it for a day or two, so that further tests can
lingual tooth surfaces and internal oral structures be performed if indicated. in the majority of
(Figure 18; see also Video 7 in the supplementary cases, only one or two veterinary team mem-
material).124 Make sure not to pull on the cat’s bers are needed to collect laboratory samples.
fur when lowering or raising the lips. if the cat in cats demonstrating protective emotions
objects to any part of the oral assessment, it may and behaviors, collection of samples should
be best to return to it later in the examination be performed by experienced team members
or after chemical restraint/analgesia has been only; valuable experience with sample collec-
administered and taken effect. tion can be gained on anesthetized patients or
< Temperature For apparently healthy cats, on calm cats. However, even experienced per-
auricular and axillary temperature assessment sons may have challenges with an individual
is generally sufficient to ensure body or on a certain day. if there is difficulty with
temperature is in the normal range.125,126 if collecting a sample or with intravenous (iV)
rectal temperature is required, perform this catheterization due to lack of experience or
assessment toward the end of the examination; ability, discontinue after two attempts and ask
placing the cat in a comfortable position with someone else to try; if they are not successful,
the perineum at the edge of the examination reconsider the approach required.
table, allows the veterinary professional to
access the anus without forcing the cat into an
uncomfortable position. Hyperextension of the
tail is uncomfortable and should be avoided.
infrared options and ocular temperature
determination may become the preferred
methods in the future.127,128
< Weight, body condition and muscle
condition scores if possible, move the scales,
topped with a warm blanket, close to the cat’s
location and tare the scales to zero weight
(Figure 19). if appropriate, entice the cat to
walk onto the scales using a trail of treats.


Encourage positive emotions throughout the physical examination, and
always aim to end on a positive note. If the final part of the examination
is a negative experience (eg, assessment of a painful area), try to leave
the cat with a positive association of the visit by passively providing Figure 19 Cat sitting on a warm blanket on weighing scales.
treats or other positive reinforcers. The scales are zeroed after placing the blanket and before the cat
is enticed onto them. Image courtesy of Kelly St Denis


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Review the cat’s history and consider any

factors that may influence how you approach SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT
the procedure. For example, cats who have a Cat friendly interactions remove the need for equipment that historically has
history of severe dental disease may be been used for cat restraint or ‘handling’, including cat bags, gauntlets and
painful around the head and so the jugular muzzles. Instead, the necessary equipment includes those items that provide
vein may not be a good choice for a blood the patient with comfort, a sense of safety, a sense of choice and positive
sample. Likewise, brachycephalic cats often distractions. Detailed discussion on cat friendly equipment is provided in the
do not tolerate their head being lifted for a accompanying ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’.60
jugular sample, obese cats may not have veins
that are easy to find, and arthritic cats and
Scottish Folds may not be comfortable with al joints or with sarcopenia.130 Radial mea-
extension of some of their joints. Rather than surements (Figure 21) are preferable in obese
extending or holding over a joint, move the cats.131 For further details on feline hyperten-
humerus forward or the femur back to accom- sion, see the ‘iSFM Consensus Guidelines
plish the desired positioning. Life stage also on the diagnosis and Management of
needs to be taken into consideration, as the Hypertension in Cats’132 and the AAFP’s
approach to an adult or senior cat may be Review the Hypertension Educational Toolkit (catvets.
very different to that for a kitten, due to size cat’s history com/hypertension).
and the presence of comorbidities (see ‘Life
stage handling’). Always ensure the cat has and consider Additional considerations for Doppler
adequate analgesia prior to starting any machines
procedure and do not be afraid to provide
any factors < Avoid clipping the fur; instead wet down
chemical restraint if required. that may the contact area, either by using a damp cotton
importantly, the lifestyle of the cat also ball (cotton wool) or by gently massaging
needs to be taken into consideration, with influence how ultrasound gel into the paw.
feral or street/community cats needing a very you approach < Use quiet clippers if clipping the fur is
different approach to companion cats (see required to detect blood flow (see accom-
‘Working with feral or street/community cats: a specific panying ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment
key principles’). Guidelines’60); allow time for the cat to resettle
procedure. before measuring SBP.
Blood pressure measurement < do not hyperextend or place hands over
Cat friendly interactions performed in a cat joints while measuring blood pressure, as
friendly environment should reduce the risk painful joints are often undiagnosed. As many
of situational hypertension. Always work cats do not like to have their feet touched,
where the cat is comfortable, be it on their gently hold the paw (Figure 21) or let it rest in
own bedding or warm towel or blanket, or the palm of your hand, rather than holding the
in their caregiver’s lap. if the carrier has a foot tightly.
removable top, and the cat prefers, allow the < Use headphones. if not available, use the
cat to stay in the bottom half of the carrier lowest volume needed to hear pulsatile blood
(partially or fully covered with a blanket, if flow, and turn down or off when moving the
required). Coccygeal measurements (Figure probe.
20) are preferable for some oscillometric < Keep ultrasound gel in a small bottle with a
machines,129 and for cats with oA in peripher- pump-action top.

Figure 21 Radial blood

pressure measurement
being taken while the
cat is relaxed in the base
of their carrier. Image
courtesy of the Feline
Figure 20 Coccygeal blood pressure measurement being taken while the cat Healthy Ageing Clinic,
remains relaxed in a cat bed. Image courtesy of the AAFP University of Liverpool, UK


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

The venipuncture site should be chosen based
on the individual, and a small gauge needle,
appropriate for the size of the animal, select-
ed. insulin syringes (28–31 G needles) can
be used for neonatal and pediatric patients
or where small volumes of blood are required.
if clipping of fur is performed, use quiet
clippers (see accompanying ‘Cat Friendly
Veterinary Environment Guidelines’60). For
cleaning the skin or wetting down the fur if
not clipping, use dilute chlorhexidine or simi-
lar, avoiding alcohol-based products due to b
their strong scent. For cats undergoing
Figure 22 Cats having a jugular blood sample collected
planned phlebotomy that withdraw with nee- with (a) no physical handling and (b) only minimal
dle touch (eg, hospitalized patients or cats handling, including no restraint of the forelimbs.
Note the use of a liquid treat to distract the cat in
coming in for regular screening tests), apply a image (a). Images courtesy of the Feline Healthy Ageing
topical local anesthetic 30 mins before the Clinic, University of Liverpool, UK (a) and Ilona Rodan (b)
procedure, when possible.133,134 Advance the
needle slowly and gently – avoid ‘stabbing’.

Tips for jugular sampling

Use minimal handling, tilting the head up
gently while avoiding the whiskers. do not
restrain the legs or hang the forelimbs over the
edge of the examination table, as it causes the
cat to lose their sense of control and can be
painful. if the cat raises a forelimb, consider
wrapping the cat loosely in a towel so they
can freely move their legs, but team members
are protected. Cats who are very active in the
practice may be able to be distracted with a Figure 23 Medial saphenous venipuncture with the cat in a semilateral position. Image courtesy
of Eliza Sundahl
liquid treat and a hands-free blood sample
collected (Figure 22; see also Video 8 in the
supplementary material). Always continue to assess and reassess a cat’s
body language during any interaction, as their
Tips for medial saphenous vein sampling
The medial saphenous vein is appropriate emotional status and behavior can change.
for use in cats with head or forelimb shyness,
as well as for cats with cervical and/or elbow
oA; it is also suitable for routine use. The cat all sense of control for the cat. The cat can be
should be placed in a semilateral position, so snuggled by the handler, loosely wrapped in a
that the dorsal half of the body retains a com- towel, and massaged over the facial glands
fortable, sternal posture (Figure 23). Forcing and/or distracted with treats. Let the tail
the cat into full lateral recumbency takes away remain in a natural position as determined by
the cat. The limb used for sampling should be
stabilized without tightly holding over the
joints, pumping the foot or using the full
weight of the hand; and refrain from hyper-
extending the tarsal joint, which can cause
unnecessary discomfort.

Tips for cephalic sampling

Avoid hyperextending elbow joints. Place a
hand behind the humerus to advance the fore-
limb and prevent retraction. Allow the cat to
snuggle back into the body of the handler if
they choose. Some cats may wish to hide their
Figure 24 Cephalic head from view into an offered loose towel
venipuncture with a 25 G
butterfly catheter. The patient or blanket. The forelimb used for sampling
remains comfortable within should be stabilized without tightly holding
the bottom half of the carrier.
Image courtesy of Ilona Rodan
or pumping the foot (Figure 24).


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

A standing
with minimal
handling, may
be the most
for the cat.

Figure 25 Standing cystocentesis. The cat is held gently against the Figure 26 Cystocentesis in lateral recumbency.
body of the assistant, who is slightly retracting the hindlimb, holding at Note the hindlimbs are not being held at the joints
the thigh. Image courtesy of Kelly St Denis or feet. Image courtesy of Ilona Rodan

Cystocentesis eat, drink, rest comfortably, sleep and/or

Have the cat standing, held gently against the groom. The goal should be to secure the
body of the assistant, who will have one arm catheter adequately so that it stays in place,
around the cat’s head/neck area and the other but to minimize the dressing required to keep
slightly retracting the hindleg at the thigh it clean and covered. Full leg bandages are
(Figure 25). Use one hand to localize and often not tolerated well by cats and can
hold the bladder and the other to perform the impede comfortable resting postures. distally,
cystocentesis. Where possible, use distraction toes should be left exposed in order to assess
techniques. if performing cystocentesis in for reduced digit temperature or cyanosis
lateral recumbency, avoid hyperextending the (indicating an over-tight bandage), as well for
hindleg; hand placement should likewise the presence of any odors or discharge. in
avoid feet and joints, and do not hold the tail cases where tape has stuck to fur, utilize safe
(Figure 26). dorsal recumbency collection veterinary products that dissolve the adhesive
may be necessary during ultrasound-guided rather than pulling the tape and fur away.
cystocentesis, in which case the cat should during removal of iV catheters, caution
be placed in a blanket-padded trough for full should be exercised when cutting tape, in
body support. if the patient demonstrates any order to avoid cutting the catheter itself, which
distress, do not proceed with this approach, can then become a venous foreign body.
but make an effort to trial lateral recumbency
or standing approaches or a plan to provide Cat friendly administration of injections
chemical restraint. Factors contributing to painful injections
< Quantity of the medication and the site that
IV catheter placement it is administered;
The key points of iV catheter placement are < pH and temperature of the medication;
the same as for venipuncture, except that local < Needle length and gauge;
anesthetic can often be incorporated more eas- < Sharpness of the needle; dulling of the
ily into the catheterization protocol as more needle occurs with penetration of rubber
time may be available to prepare. When cats stoppers and, therefore, the needle should be
are presented with significant dehydration or replaced just prior to injection;135
low blood pressure, the size of catheter should < Route of administration (iV, intramuscular
be chosen based on the size and status of the [iM] or subcutaneous [SC]);
vein (regardless of body size). This will reduce < Underlying patient comorbidities, as well as
unnecessary pain for the patient and the risk fear–anxiety predisposing to hyperalgesia;
of damage to the vein. determining the site of < Potentially irritant drugs; certain chemo-
catheter placement needs to take into account therapeutics, for example, may cause pain or
the length of time it will be in place, how tissue damage in the case of extravasation, and
comfortable this position will be for the cat, should only be administered through stable iV
and whether it interferes with their ability to catheters.


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Strategies for reducing injection site pain injection. Use the site that involves minimal
< Use the medication according to the handling of the individual cat for iM
manufacturer’s instructions. For example, if injections.
it is labeled for iV use, do not administer
intramuscularly or subcutaneously, as the pH Microchipping
may cause a pain response; Perform microchipping under sedation/
< Use the smallest needle length and size anesthesia in conjunction with other proce-
suitable to administer the drug correctly the dures (eg, spay/neuter), whenever possible,
first time. This will vary based on the viscosity and use a smaller-sized microchip if available.
of the liquid being administered; Where Placement of a microchip without considera-
< Replace the existing dull needle with a new tion of the potential for pain, leading to
needle after removing medication from a vial possible, an aversive experience, can potentially influ-
and before administration of the drug to the medicate ence future appointments at the veterinary
patient; practice. When microchipping conscious cats
< if the injection has an acidic pH or is known for pain or or kittens, have a team member massage over
to sting on administration, consider anxiolytics/ the facial glands or use other distraction
chemical restraint, where possible;
fear–anxiety techniques. An occasional cat may require
< Remove any air bubbles; before anxiolytics, analgesia or chemical restraint
< iM and SC injections should be administered prior to microchipping.
efficiently and at a consistent rate. Some iV administration
drugs require slow administration. Follow of injections. Ultrasound examination
manufacturer recommendations; Many patients requiring ultrasound examina-
< inject with the needle going in and coming tion are unwell and/or older and likely to
out at the same angle. Avoid moving the have dJd-associated musculoskeletal pain.
needle around during injection; Analgesia should be administered prior to
< if the manufacturer’s directions state it to be ultrasound, and chemical restraint is also
acceptable, allow the drug to come to room generally preferred, both to improve image
temperature before administration.136 acquisition and reduce patient fear–anxiety.
The veterinary team should consider The cat should be supported in a blanket-
ways to reduce the number of injections given. padded trough or other appropriate form of
For example, is it possible to mix some soft warm bed during the procedure. Food
medications into one syringe or administer distraction may be helpful if the cat is con-
medication diluted within fluids being given scious. Become comfortable with scanning
subcutaneously? Alternative routes of admin- patients in positions that are comfortable for
istration that may sting less should be consid- them; for example, bladder checks can be per-
ered if the safety, absorption and efficacy of the formed standing, and emergency scans/fluid
drug is not impacted. Assigning regions of checks (eg, point-of-care ultrasound to check
the body for specific injections and avoiding for effusion in dyspneic patients) can be
repeated use of the ‘scruff’ area is helpful performed in the cat’s carrier or hospital cage
for tracking any inflammatory responses to (Figure 27).

restraint for
improves image
acquisition and
reduces patient

a b

Figure 27 (a,b) Examples of a cat having an ultrasound examination in the bottom half of their carrier. Images courtesy of
Sam Taylor


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Radiology Life stage handling

Minimize human exposure to radiation (legal
requirements in many regions prohibit the Regardless of age, cats must be handled in a
presence of humans in the x-ray room during respectful manner, minimizing distress as
exposure). Analgesia should be administered, much as possible. Starting off with cat friend-
as many patients requiring radiographs are ly interactions during kittenhood can help
painful. Chemical restraint or anesthesia will prevent negative responses in the future.12–14
reduce patient distress and pain, and help in
the acquisition of diagnostic quality radio- Neonates and pediatrics (0–12 weeks)
graphs. Use warm towels, blankets, soft beds or While traditionally it might have been consid-
padded troughs on the table to limit hypother- ered normal practice to scruff pediatric
mia. Neither ties nor heavy sandbags should and neonatal feline patients, due to their size
be used as positioning aids, even in a sedated/ and demeanor, scruffing is no longer recom-
anesthetized cat. mended for cats at any life stage. it is a
mistaken premise that scruffing makes
Nail clipping patients easier to work with. Scruffing causes
Perform nail clipping under anesthesia in negative responses71 that impact on future
conjunction with other procedures, where pos- visits, as the cat will remember the painful or
sible. in conscious patients, use a loose towel stressful event.
wrap, positive reinforcement and minimal Rather than such forceful
handling. Consider the potential for underly- restraint, the ideal is to
ing painful disease, such as dental disease or incorporate the same cat
dJd, which may be impacting the cat’s ability friendly techniques as used
to maintain their own claws, and pretreat with in adult cats, with some
analgesics if required. For indoor cats, point simple modifications. A kit-
caregivers to appropriate resources (eg, the ten can be loosely wrapped
AAFP’s Claw Friendly Educational Toolkit, in the same manner as an and teach adult cat, but on a smaller
them to trim nails. scale using a tea towel or
washcloth. Alternatively, a
Ear cleaning gentle pediatric cradle hold
in the absence of aural discomfort or disease, can be used to help control
feline ears do not require cleaning. Cleaning movement (Figure 28).
should only be performed after an otoscopic Neonates and young kit-
examination (under chemical restraint or gen- tens can be quite receptive
eral anesthesia, where possible) and cytological to having the facial glands
assessment. Take care as some ear cleaners can massaged, and this can
be irritating to the ear canal and nasopharynx. often prove a good distrac-
instead, use saline to moisten and facilitate the tion technique while proce-
removal of debris, and avoid placing large dures such as vaccinations
quantities of fluids directly into the ear to are performed. Kittenhood
reduce the risk of irritation to the nasopharynx. is a critical time in terms of
the animal’s emotional and
Figure 28 Pediatric cradle
Grooming hold. Neonates may be held cognitive health, and kit-
Any grooming that is more involved than a by placing one hand over the tens will readily form emotional associations
dorsum, holding the base of
hygiene clip or single mat removal is best per- the jaws with thumb and with novel experiences. Early veterinary expe-
formed under chemical restraint or general forefinger. The other hand riences for these individuals are, therefore,
holds the lower half of the
anesthesia. Avoid brushing if the coat is kitten and helps control the particularly important.
matted, as the brush will pull on the skin and animal’s movement. Image in rabies-endemic countries, a bite from a
courtesy of Ellen Carozza
cause pain. Consider the potential for under- kitten that is under the age for rabies vaccina-
lying disease (obesity, dental disease, muscu- tion can potentially mean quarantine or
loskeletal disease), which could be reducing euthanasia for that animal. Practicing cat
the cat’s ability to groom. friendly interactions is extremely important in
these young patients to decrease this risk.
Rectal examinations and anal gland
Rectal examination or enema administration
in cats should not be performed without
analgesia, chemical restraint or anesthesia.
Scruffing causes negative responses that
impacted anal glands in cats should also not impact on future visits and is no longer
be expressed without consideration given to
providing analgesia or chemical restraint. recommended for cats at any life stage.


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Mature adult and senior cats urine/feces or vomit to be cleaned away with
There are additional considerations as cats minimal disturbance to the cat. incontinence
advance into mature adult and senior life pads can be placed on top of towels and blankets
stages.123 As mentioned, the prevalence of dJd to provide extra warmth and comfort, but it is
increases as cat age,90,91 as does the prevalence best to avoid putting any bedding directly in the
of concurrent diseases such as CKd137,138 and carrier as this can interfere with administration
hyperthyroidism.139 Assessment for frailty of iM injections, and it can be difficult to dispose
using modified frailty scales123 will further of the bedding if it becomes soiled.
guide the veterinary team on appropriate cat < Have all anesthetic drugs and medication
friendly interactions with the patient. drawn up and prepared in advance, to reduce
it is important to assess any aging cat for the time the cat carrier is uncovered.
musculoskeletal pain (Box 10) before deciding < Administer sedation intramuscularly using
how the required procedure is going to be per- The carriers either a restraint cage, or ‘forks’ to restrain a cat
formed. Attempts should be made to keep that is in a wire basket or trap. Ensure that
joints in a neutral position and minimize flex- of feral or forks or the squeeze action of the restraint cage
ion/extension. Cats with chronic diseases street/ are introduced slowly and gently (never
such as CKd or hyperthyroidism will likely quickly or forcefully) to restrain the cat against
require procedures such as blood sampling on community the side of the cage to allow iM injection.
a more frequent basis, so taking time to reduce < Reverse sedatives where possible post-
distress and make the experience more posi-
cats should be sedation to reduce the risk of hypothermia.
tive for these patients will be beneficial in the covered at < Recover the cat from sedation/anesthesia in
longer term and, in turn, will increase client the carrier in which they are going to be
compliance. Cats with hyperthyroidism and all times to returned. The carrier should be side-opening
CKd are both more at risk of hyperten- to allow quick and safe release.
reduce visual
sion;140–142 in the experience of the Task Force
members, the risk of damage and bruising stimulation. Management of the hospitalized
during venipuncture is greater in these cat to reduce stress
patients, further underlining the importance
of a cat friendly approach. Patients with dJd Hospitalization can be a challenging time for
should receive analgesia, too, which can be a patient as they are in an unfamiliar environ-
given by the caregiver at home. ment and handling for procedures (eg, iV
Aging has implications for a cat’s emotional catheter placement, measurement of vital
state, and an increase in anxiety can be seen in parameters, medicating) is likely to be
older patients. it is also important to remem- required. if iV therapy and/or frequent
ber the potential for cognitive decline and to patient monitoring are not indicated, it is ideal
consider how this may impact the patient’s to manage the cat’s medical condition at home.
perception of the veterinary experience.143 if the cat needs to be hospitalized, efforts
should be made to reduce triggers for protec-
Working with feral or street/ tive emotions and to maintain manageable lev-
community cats: key principles els of emotional arousal. Ensuring that the cat
can cope with their environment will reduce
< do not physically handle these cats when the potential for distress and this, in itself, will
they are not sedated or anesthetized. likely expedite recovery, reduce pain and
< The pre- and post-sedation area should be encourage voluntary food intake.6 Prior to
warm, quiet and dimly lit to reduce stimulation. admission, information should be obtained
< Work with local charity groups to ensure from the caregiver (verbally or preferably
cats are presented to the practice in suitable using a history questionnaire) on the cat’s
carriers, including a wire trap, restraint cage or temperament, dietary preferences, litter prefer-
side-loading wire carrier. ences and preferred interaction with humans.
< Keep carriers covered at all times to reduce Relevant information regarding temperament
visual stimulation. (eg, confident or timid), prior history and pre-
< if it is necessary to move cats between ferred interactions should be passed on to all
carriers, bear in mind that they will be more team members, noted in the medical record
willing to move to a hidden location; hence, and hospitalization chart, and/or added to the
cover the cage they need to move into and cage (in the form of a label or card attached to
uncover the one they need to move out of. the door, or by writing directly on the cage
< Where possible, the cat should remain door, if plastic/acrylic). The accompanying
within the same carrier throughout the ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment
procedure, reducing the risk of disease spread Guidelines’60 contain example new client and
and the mingling of scents between cats. dietary history questionnaires, and a cat
< Place incontinence pads under the wire trap/ friendly hospital chart as supplementary
carrier both pre- and post-sedation to allow material. They also discuss cage layout and,


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

B o x 11
Tips for minimizing distress when interacting with hospitalized cats
< Obtain information from the caregiver on handling < Give medications in a treat when possible
preferences, diet and temperament < Minimize the number of people in the ward, and try to keep
< Feed the cat’s familiar diet, if possible; or at least a diet with consistency of team members interacting with the cat
a similar texture < Minimize all noise in the ward – talking, equipment
< Keep a blanket or towel from home in the cat’s cage, which (eg, centrifuges) and music other than calming music
has a favorite caregiver’s scent on it < Perform pain scoring using a validated assessment (Box 10)
< Minimize handling by combining procedures/treatments < Carefully consider the use of bandaging and wound
< Reduce the frequency of monitoring, if not clinically indicated protection shirts, as these are generally poorly tolerated by
(eg, frequency of temperature measurements, other than cats. Only soft Elizabethan collars should be used, and only
during the postoperative period and in critical patients) if absolutely necessary, with the collar removed for
< Evaluate medication plans and, if possible, combine oral supervised periods to allow normal activity and eating
medications to reduce the frequency of medicating, or use < Apply local anesthetic creams or gels prior to IV catheter
parenteral formulations placement and, when indicated, prior to venipuncture

in particular, the importance of hiding places. If a cat below section on ‘Protective cats’, is relevant
Box 11 summarizes further ways to reduce the needs to be to approaching and handling hospitalized
potential for distress during hospitalization. cats. in general, if there is a quiet, cat-only
Always individualize what is most impor- hospitalized, area in which to perform procedures, give
tant for each patient, and take into considera- medications, check iV catheters, and so on,
tion when finalizing the treatment plan. efforts should then use that area. Examinations, treatments
be made to or euthanasia should not be performed in
Scheduling interactions front of other cats. Such procedures can be
interactions and procedures that require han- reduce triggers performed in the cage if no such area is
dling should preferably be scheduled so as to available but use minimal and cat friendly
minimize interventions. Where possible, syn-
for protective handling techniques. The veterinary team
chronize medication with vital parameter moni- emotions and should evaluate whether all monitoring and
toring, or combine procedures (eg, check heart assessments are truly needed and whether the
rate and flush an iV catheter at the time a to maintain information acquired would change case
medication is due), to reduce the number of manageable management. For example, checking the
times a cat is handled, ideally within the cage. temperature of hospitalized patients twice a
Assuming there are no contraindications, it may levels of day may not be necessary, especially if other
be possible to combine timing of medications by, parameters are normal and the cat is bright,
for example, putting oral medications together emotional alert, responsive and eating, or has undergone
in a gelatin capsule. if the cat is distressed by arousal. a routine procedure. interactions should
being orally medicated, then choose another incorporate the use of positive emotional trig-
route (eg, iV), if appropriate. Where analgesic gers, such as food treats, grooming or playing
medications with a sedative or anxiolytic effect with toys, and, if accepted by the cat, be
are being used, schedule interventions for when recorded and communicated to the team.
these are at peak effect (eg, place an iV catheter Some cats may show frustration associated
30 mins after methadone is administered); simi- with hospitalization and methods to minimize
larly, consider using local anesthetic creams or this emotion are described in Box 12.57,146
gels prior to iV catheter placement and blood
sampling,144 and allow adequate time for effect
B ox 12
(minimum 30 mins).133,134
Managing frustration in hospitalized cats
Allow periods of uninterrupted sleep or rest
during standard resting periods (ie, at night), Cats may react to confinement with fear–anxiety and/or frustration (Boxes 4
as proper rest and maintenance of circadian and 5). Some ways to reduce frustration include:
rhythms is recognized to be vital for recovery
< Adding toys to the cage, if safe play and move around, where
in human patients,145 and likely similar is true
and clinically acceptable appropriate and possible64
in cats. Ensure minimal disturbance from lights
< Adding areas to hide and perch, < Providing other enrichment in
and noise in the ward during these times.
if not already available the cage, such as puzzle feeding
< Removing the cat to another area < Ensuring predictable and
Handling hospitalized cats
(eg, cat-only procedure room or positive human contact,
Much of the discussion in the earlier sections
examination room) at regular involving one or two consistent
on ‘Principles for interacting with cats’ and
intervals to allow the patient to technicians/nurses
‘How to approach the cat’, as well as the


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Attention to nutrition should be considered promptly in patients con-

A positive association between adequate suming less than RER for 3 days or more, which
nutrition and hospital discharge has been includes any period of inappetence prior to
demonstrated in dogs and cats.147 Conversely, admission.148 For more information, readers
metabolic derangements associated with mal- are referred to a review by Witzel Rollins and
nutrition are likely to impact negatively on the Murphy on nutritional assessment in the
prognosis of hospitalized cats,148 and the stress cat,150and the ‘2022 iSFM Consensus Guidelines
of hospitalization itself is likely to reduce food on Management of the inappetent Hospitalised
intake.149 information on the cat’s normal diet, Cat’.151 Note that syringe feeding is not
including preferred treats, should be obtained recommended due to the risk of aspiration, food
when taking the history. Furthermore, a nutri- aversion and procedure-related stress.
tional assessment of the patient should be
performed routinely, along with recording of Protective cats
voluntary intake as a proportion of the resting
energy requirement (RER). Pain management, Cats who appear challenging or difficult in
and control of nausea and ileus, will encourage the veterinary practice have intensified emo-
intake but assisted feeding interventions (a tional states – commonly fear–anxiety, pain
feeding tube and/or appetite stimulants) or frustration, but also, on occasion, emotional

Interactions to support protective cats in the veterinary practice

Review patient Pre-visit preparation Arrange appointment

record to < Training to tolerate at a quiet time
Cat has minimize or carrier and car journey in the practice
previously eliminate triggers < Pre-visit anxiolysis < On arrival, either
and promote (eg, gabapentin 100–200 encourage caregiver
behaved positive mg/cat or 20 mg/kg to wait with cat in the
PROTECTIVELY interactions 2 h beforehand)* car, or take cat to a
quiet area

Record in Procedure can’t

patient record Consider if be postponed Assess response
Cat behaving information procedure < Attempt brief to pre-visit sedation
PROTECTIVELY on behavior can be physical < Provide positive
and responses postponed examination
in the practice to handling
non-physical and
(eg, examine in physical interactions
base of carrier
Consider recovery† with towel
< Remove IV lines before full over)
recovery, if safe to do so < Plan sedation Still reacting
Discharge as soon < Provide adequate analgesia via IM injection PROTECTIVELY
as safe to do so < Remove dressings/place
< Avoid hospitalization, Elizabethan collar, etc (if
if possible needed) prior to recovery
< If hospitalized, < Very protective cats can be Give IM sedation
consider ongoing monitored for recovery in < Combine agents to minimize volume
anxiolysis (eg, their carrier < Consider reversible agents to speed
gabapentin)* recovery
< Provide caregiver with < Inject while cat remains in carrier base,
discharge information with assistant covering with a towel
and discuss future < Leave in quiet environment (with
management pre-visit Convert to GA if needed monitoring)
< If sedation is not adequate < Provide oxygen
< Intubate to ensure secure airway < Place IV catheter

A cat friendly environment is also needed to support protective cats in the practice
*Use 50% of the lower dose of gabapentin in cats with reduced renal function

All cats should be closely monitored during recovery from sedation or anesthesia
IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous; GA = general anesthesia


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

arousal connected with intense desire-seeking Procedural sedation

(Box 3). Protective behaviors can be caused Sedating protective cats for procedures (phys-
by previous life or veterinary experiences, ical examination, blood tests, etc) reduces the
particularly if the recommendations in these potential for future distress and enhances
Guidelines, as well as the accompanying human safety. ideally, as discussed earlier,
‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment pre-visit anxiolytics will have been pre-
Guidelines’,60 are not followed. Such cats scribed, or the procedure postponed, but
may exhibit repelling behaviors (eg, hissing, sometimes this is not possible. in these situa-
swiping, scratching or biting) if forcibly tions, the safest combination of sedative and
handled or unable to retreat/hide. The earlier analgesic drugs should be used to minimize
section on ‘The emotional state’ describes adverse effects and injection volume. in some
protective emotions that can lead to these circumstances, pre-sedation assessment will
behaviors. By providing a cat friendly envi- not be possible due to the cat’s demeanor and
ronment and following all the principles out- protective behavior. Choosing drugs with
lined in these Guidelines, with pre-visit minimal cardiovascular adverse effects and
preparation, and careful and positive interac- sedating the cat before protective behaviors
tions, it may be possible for these cats to escalate avoids the stress and negative
improve rather than become increasingly consequences (physiologically and emotion-
more difficult with each visit. ally) of heavy restraint and forced procedures.
Protective behaviors may also be due to pain, Note that induction chambers are not recom-
making a pain assessment essential (Box 10). mended due to increased cardiovascular risks
Use validated acute or chronic pain assessment to the cat from high-dose inhaled anesthetics
tools,105,109,114 where indicated, provide analge- and to team members from unscavenged
sia and assess the cat’s response and change gases,65,81 as well as the considerable distress
in demeanor. Historical knowledge of the caused to the cat.
cat’s temperament and demeanor in the prac- iM injections can be given into the lumbar,
tice is also useful, as these patient factors hindlimb or neck region, with the cat remain-
can influence the results of pain assessment ing in the bottom half of a cat carrier if
tools. anxiolytics have not been given pre-visit.
Algorithm 2 presents a decision-making tree Additionally, if not given pre-visit, oral
to assist the veterinary team on how to proceed gabapentin can be administered in a treat dur-
with cats who exhibit protective behaviors. ing the consultation or in the carrier. Chemical

Table 2 Commonly used sedation protocols that can be administered as a single

Sedating the IM injection in protective cats
cat before Sedative agent or combination Doses for IM injection* Comments
the escalation Butorphanol 0.2–0.4 mg/kg May result in adequate sedation for
minimal procedures only
of protective
Opioid plus dexmedetomidine Butorphanol 0.2–0.4 mg/kg or Vomiting can be observed with
behaviors buprenorphine 0.02–0.04 mg/kg or dexmedetomidine
methadone 0.2–0.5 mg/kg, plus
avoids the dexmedetomidine 0.0025–0.005 mg/kg

Opioid plus alfaxalone Opioid, as above, plus alfaxalone Large-volume injection can be an issue
stress and 2–5 mg/kg in protective cats
negative Opioid plus alfaxalone plus Opioid, as above, plus alfaxalone High end of dose ranges may cause
dexmedetomidine 1–2 mg/kg and dexmedetomidine anesthesia
consequences 0.0025–0.005 mg/kg

of heavy Opioid plus dexmedetomidine Opioid, as above, plus Vomiting can be observed with
plus midazolam dexmedetomidine 0.0025–0.005 mg/kg dexmedetomidine
restraint and midazolam 0.05–0.2 mg/kg

Opioid plus dexmedetomidine Opioid, as above, plus Ketamine is used at a low dose and
and forced plus ketamine dexmedetomidine 0.0025–0.005 mg/kg should not cause adverse effects when
and ketamine 2–3 mg/kg dexmedetomidine is reversed
Alfaxalone plus Alfaxalone 2–5 mg/kg, plus Large-volume injection may be an issue
dexmedetomidine dexmedetomidine 0.0025–0.005 mg/kg in protective cats and analgesia can be

*Consider reducing doses by 25–50% if gabapentin or trazodone have been administered pre-visit
IM = intramuscular
Adapted with permission from the ‘AAFP Feline Anesthesia Guidelines’65 and Simon and Steagall (2020)81


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

Table 3 Sedation protocols for emotionally challenged cats*

Sedative combination Doses Comments and route of administration

Medetomidine plus opioid Medetomidine 0.02–0.04 mg/kg, Protocol for ASA I/II patients
plus ketamine plus butorphanol 0.2 mg/kg or Give IM, with choice of opioid depending
methadone 0.2 mg/kg or on pain anticipated/present
buprenorphine 0.02 mg/kg, Wait 5 mins for medetomidine/opioid
plus ketamine 3–5 mg/kg to take effect before giving ketamine

Alfaxalone plus butorphanol Alfaxalone 2 mg/kg, plus butorphanol Protocol for ASA III+ patients
plus midazolam 0.2 mg/kg, plus midazolam 0.2 mg/kg (undetermined cardiac disease,
Give IM
Alfaxalone plus butorphanol Alfaxalone 3 mg/kg, plus butorphanol Protocol for ASA III+ patients
0.2 mg/kg Give SC

*Provide oxygen by mask during sedation. The goal of these sedation protocols is to enable placement of an IV
catheter for further sedation or to induce anesthesia
Gabapentin (20 mg/kg PO) or trazodone (10 mg/kg PO) are given 2 h prior to leaving the house. In exceptional
circumstances, trazodone 5–10 mg/kg PO and gabapentin 20 mg/kg PO can be given in combination 2 h prior to
leaving the house
IM = intramuscular; SC = subcutaneous; PO = oral; ASA category = American Society of Anesthesiologists’ physical
status classification
Protocol from Sarah Heath (Behavioural Referrals Veterinary Practice, UK) and Matthew Gurney (Zero Pain

restraint will be less effective in the presence of Example questions include:

high arousal; hence, as discussed, cats should – do veterinary teams and caregivers have
be placed in a quiet area, with the carrier cov- relevant knowledge about cat behavior and
ered with a blanket. Sedated patients must be communication to understand cats’ interac-
monitored at all times.81 Removing iV catheters tion preferences?
and dressings prior to recovery, if safe to do so, – do they know how to put that knowledge
avoids the need for additional sedation later. Human into action when interacting with cats?
Tables 2 and 3 outline commonly used seda- < Opportunity considers both physical
tion protocols that can be administered intra- behavior opportunity (time, resources, locations and
muscularly as a single injection in protective change is cues) and social opportunity (opportunity
cats, and sedation protocols for emotionally afforded by interpersonal influences, social
challenged cats, respectively. For detailed dis- increasingly cues and cultural norms that influence the way
cussion on feline sedation, readers are referred we think about things; cultural norms can be
to the ‘AAFP Feline Anesthesia Guidelines’65
being thought of as the words and concepts that make
and a review by Simon and Steagall on feline recognized up our language). Example questions include:
procedural sedation and analgesia.81 – do caregivers have the time to train their
as a key cats to voluntarily go in the carrier and remain
Creating cat friendly interactions component calm during carrier travel?
from a human behavior change – do caregivers and veterinary team members
perspective in improving have treats on hand to reward calm behavior
or to use to increase positive (engaging)
Changing human behaviors that are in con- animal welfare. emotions during interactions?
flict with cat friendly interactions, whether – is the practice supportive of these approach-
our own behaviors or the behaviors of others, es being taken by individual team members?
can be challenging. < Motivation separates into reflective
Human behavior change theories can be motivation (people’s plans [self-conscious
helpful, assisting us to: intentions] and evaluations [beliefs about
1) Understand the external and internal influ- what is good and bad] before behaving in a
ences on human behavior that facilitate and particular way) and automatic motivation
prevent desired behavior. (automatic processes involving emotional
2) design, implement and assess interven- reactions, desires [wants and needs], impulses,
tions to facilitate desired behavior. inhibitions, drive states and reflex responses).
The CoM-B model152 identifies three factors When trying to facilitate the change toward
– capability, opportunity and motivation – cat friendly behaviors within the veterinary
that influence human behavior. team it is important to identify possible barri-
< Capability refers to both psychological ers to the desired behavior in terms of these
capability (knowledge or psychological skills) factors. This will be individual to every prac-
and physical capability (physical skill). tice: team training can help overcome barriers


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

< The ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines: Approach and Handling Techniques’ provide
up-to-date information about best practices for veterinary professionals during feline interactions, taking into
consideration both human and feline safety.
< Improved interactions with cats significantly enhance their welfare by correctly addressing both their current
physical and emotional health.
< A cat friendly approach from the veterinary team allows successful examination and required interventions
during the veterinary visit, improving team satisfaction and cat caregiver confidence in the veterinary team.
< The importance of understanding and responding to the current emotional state of the cat is key
for successful interactions and enables every visit to be tailored to the individual.
< A cat friendly environment is also fundamental for achieving an optimal veterinary visit, and is the
focus of the accompanying ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’.60

in capability; modeling of cat friendly interac- behaviors of our feline patients during their
tions may afford social opportunity for other veterinary experience.
team members to also start to work in this way;
but a cultural change in the practice may also Conclusions
be required to give physical opportunity (eg,
longer appointments). The automatic motiva- The ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary interaction
tion to interact in a cat friendly manner may be Guidelines’ replace the previous ‘AAFP and
something many of us recognize in ourselves, iSFM Feline-Friendly Handling Guidelines’,1
but tapping into the reflective motivation of incorporating supporting evidence for the
other team members may be required to facili- continued adoption of cat friendly interac-
tate their behavioral change. tions. These Guidelines should be used in
An example question for reflective motiva- conjunction with the ‘iSFM’s Cat Friendly
tion is: Principles for Veterinary Professionals’153 and
– do veterinary team members believe cat the accompanying ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary
friendly interactions are the right way to inter- Environment Guidelines’.60 it may take time
act with cats? for all team members in the practice to imple-
Example questions for automatic motiva- ment these suggestions, but a gradual intro-
tion include: duction, education and involvement of the
– does interacting in a cat friendly way (or team in the incorporation of these steps will
other way) make you feel good? result in wider adoption as the benefits are
– is interacting in a cat friendly way (or other recognized. The Guidelines also prepare
way) reflexive in nature? practices and individuals for the AAFP Cat
Human behavior change is increasingly Friendly Practice/iSFM Cat Friendly Clinic
being recognized as a key component in Programs, an AAFP Cat Friendly Certificate
improving animal welfare. it is our behavior ( and the iSFM Cat
that needs to change – in order to facilitate a Friendly Veterinary Professional course
positive change in the emotions and resulting (

The ‘Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines’ are endorsed by the following organizations and groups. The AAFP and ISFM are
grateful to each one for their support of this cat friendly resource for the veterinary profession. For an updated list of endorsers, please
visit and


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P R A C T I C E g u i d e l i n e s / Cat Friendly Veterinary Interactions

The benefits of incorporating cat friendly Animal Health, Purina Pro Plan Veterinary diets
interactions into veterinary practice include and Royal Canin, and is supported by Wedgewood
efficiency and effectiveness, resulting in time Pharmacy. iSFM Cat Friendly Clinic is sponsored
saving, and more positive emotions for the by idEXX, Ceva, Royal Canin, Boehringer
veterinary team, cats and caregivers. Feline ingelheim and Zoetis. The AAFP and iSFM grate-
and human safety, both physically and in fully acknowledge the support of these companies
terms of mental wellbeing, is enhanced, with in enabling them to deliver and build on their
the veterinary experience respecting the cat Cat Friendly Practice/Clinic Programs.
as an individual while achieving the required
clinical outcome. Conflict of interest

Supplementary material Nathalie dowgray is employed part-time as a post-

doctoral researcher at the Feline Healthy Ageing
The following files are available online at Clinic funded by Royal Canin. ilona Rodan serves
and can also be accessed at on an advisory board for Royal Canin. Sam Taylor
tions and is employed by Linnaeus. All members of the Task
Force have also received financial remuneration for
< Video 1: How to interact with your cat – the providing educational material, speaking at confer-
Battersea way. ences and/or consultancy work; however, none of
< Video 2: inhibition and left gaze bias. these activities cause any direct conflict of interest
< Video 3: Teaching your cat to get used to in relation to these Guidelines.
< Video 4: Removing a cat from the carrier. Funding
< Video 5: Approaching a cat.
< Video 6: Myofascial examination. The members of the Task Force received no finan-
< Video 7: Cat friendly tips for thorough dental cial support for the research, authorship, and/or
examinations. publication of this article.
< Video 8: Cat friendly interactions in practice.
< AAFP client brochure – ‘Visiting your veterinarian: Ethical approval
getting your cat to the veterinary practice’.
< AAFP client brochure – ‘You and your cat deserve This work did not involve the use of animals and
a Cat Friendly Practice®’. therefore ethical approval was not specifically
< iSFM guide for cat carers – ‘Taking your cat to the required for publication in JFMS.
veterinary clinic’.
< iSFM guide for cat carers – ‘Cat Friendly Clinic: Informed consent
cat friendly veterinary care’.
This work did not involve the use of animals (includ-
Acknowledgements ing cadavers) and therefore informed consent was
not required. For any animals or people individually
The AAFP Cat Friendly Practice Program is identifiable within this publication, informed con-
sponsored by Zoetis, Boehringer ingelheim, Ceva sent (verbal or written) for their use in the publica-
Animal Health, Elanco, Hill’s, idEXX, Merck tion was obtained from the people involved.

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