Lesson 1

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At the end of the lessons, students must be able to:

a. Differentiate sex, gender, and sexuality;
b. Discuss the implications of these differences;
c. Contemplate about your own sexuality and on the importance of appreciating
sexual diversity.

Sex- the biological dimension of your gender and sexuality.

- Biological sex or physical sex.
- It is typically determined by examining your genitals.

 A child is categorized as male if he has a penis and testicles.

 A child is categorized as female if she has a vagina.

 There are some cases that children’s sex organ do not develop (Pseudo
 Dual sex organs (hermaphrodites)
Chromosomes- protein structures which contain genetic materials that are also used to
determine sex.
XX chromosomes- female
XY chromosomes- male

Testosterone- sex drive and aggressions.

Estrogen and Progesterone- associated for lactation, menstruation, and other female
reproductive functions.

Gender- social interpretation of sex. (one’s sexual preferences)

Blue (male)
Pink (female)
Sexuality- the totality of our own experience of our sex and gender.
Gender crisis- confusion of identity
Transgender- homosexual who doesn’t undergo sexual transplant
Transexuality- homosexual who undergo sexual transplant

Contemplate. Let us think about how gender is portrayed in your community. List down
as many words or phrases used to identify and describe the following genders.

Men Women Homosexuals

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