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Names: Khensani Burton and Solomon Thomas

School: Clarendon College
Teacher: Mr. Rose
Territory: Jamaica
Year of Examination: 2024


Title Page Number

Acknowledgement 4

Introduction 5

Statement of Problem 5

Research Questions 5

Educational Value 5

Definition of key\technical terms 6

Literature Review 7

Presentation of Data 8-13

Analysis of Data 14-16

Discussion of Findings 17-18

Conclusion 19

Recommendations 20

Limitations 21

Bibliography 22

Appendix 23-24


The researchers would like to give God thanks for the strength and wisdom to complete this
internal assessment. Secondly, this research could not be possible without the hard work and
dedication and also the time the research took to be completed by the researchers. Lastly, the
researchers would like to express gratitude to our teacher Mr. Rose for the continuous guidance
and patience that it took to complete this research.

Purpose of research
In the research the researcher seeks to highlight the impacts of the pandemic on the students and
how it affects them academically in The Study. Also seeks to identify the causes and effects of
the pandemic. The pandemic was a prevalent issue which had affected individuals, families,
communities and societies. As a result, the researcher will identify the strategies that were
applied to eliminate the issue in schools.

Problem Statements
An investigation on the impact of the Covid pandemic on students at Solomon High School in
the community of Chapelton.

Research questions
 How has the pandemic negatively impacted learning?
 What are ways in which students have coped during the pandemic?
 What are the causes of Covid 19 pandemic?
 What measures could be in place of the Covid 19 pandemic on learning?
Educational value
Upon completion this research will allow the respective persons to be more aware
about the impact of the pandemic on learning. Also; with this information being
provided by the researcher’s teenagers are more equip about this specific topic.
The students of Solomon High School will benefit from this type of research as it
provides the necessary learning aids for learning as well as those who are curious
to learn about the topic.

Definition of key/technical terms

o Pandemic- A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole
country or the world at a particular time. (Source-Google)
o Impact- The force of impression of one thing on another. (Source-Google)
o Learning- The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience,
or being taught. (Source- Webster Dictionary)

o Covid 19- This is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person.
(Source-Merriam Webster)
o Student- A person who is studying at a university or college. (Source-
Merriam Webster)

Data Collection Sources

In order to gather information for this research, both primary and secondary sources were

utilized. Primary sources, which provide a firsthand description of an event or time period,

played a crucial role in acquiring direct insights from respondents. Among these, a questionnaire

was selected as the primary source. A questionnaire offers a structured approach to gathering

data, presenting respondents with a series of preset questions that can include both open-ended

and fixed-choice options. This method was preferred for its adaptability and practicality,

allowing for efficient data collection while reaching a broad audience. Furthermore,

questionnaires are known for their cost-effectiveness and ability to streamline the research

process. Complementing the primary sources, secondary sources provided additional context and

insights into the topic. These included sources such as the American Institute of CPAs (2020),

which explored strategies to support students coping with pandemic-related stress, Mayo Clinic

Staff (2022), which provided information on COVID-19 symptoms and causes, TEDx Talks

(2019, January 17), presenting Ray Dalio's insights on the global economic implications of the

coronavirus, and World Bank Blogs (2020, March 25), discussing recommendations from

leading education experts on responding to COVID-19 in the education sector. The sampling

method used in this research was stratified random sampling, selected for its efficiency and its

ability to reduce bias by ensuring every individual selected for the research had an equal

probability of being chosen.

Literature Review
The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted students locally and internationally. In the YouTube video
published by ABC News which is entitled “Covid 19’s impact on education shed light on
student’s overall performance since being in virtual learning. Whereby also shows a significant
decrease in the various subject areas. The mental health for most if not some students is at risk
meaning being at home and is not able to participate in any physical activities to a certain extent
would have a negative impact on them. Also, from the video it is advised that parents spend
more time with their child or children allowing them to voice their concern and somewhat come
up with possible solutions.
Furthermore, in an article published by Association of International Certified Professional
Accountants titled “How to help students struggling with pandemic related stress”. Leena
Huouien a work counsellor presented some pointers for students to work with. Some of these
pointers include: lend a listening ear, establish checkpoints, take care of yourself along with a
major one-time management. These ways if adapted and adhered to would have students feeling
safe in his or her own space. Along with engaging in virtual learning with a whole new mindset.
In addition to the third research question an article published by Mayo Clinic provides further
background information on the Covid 19 pandemic. In the article it provides further clarity that
this illness is caused by a virus. The virus is referred to as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus. Often times this is spread through the air in tiny droplets between people in close
contact. When citizens catch this disease, symptoms are often slim to none. The elder is at a
greater risk of this illness more than persons whom are young.

In concluding this literature review the last research question will be analyzed. An article
entitled “How do the world’s leading education experts recommend the education sector should
respond to Covid -19” written by World Bank gives an overall strategy on how going forward
the steps that should be taken to improve on learning during a pandemic. Some recommendations
are: provide additional instructional support to teachers and leverage technology that is fit to
country context. Some citizens may argue that the resumption of face to face schools in a
country\state may not be a good decision by the government. Looking at the brighter when
students are in a classroom their focus and attention span is fully functionally than a virtual
learning setting. Also, when making these types of decisions the government should allow
citizens to voice their opinion and concerns. Than making ration and drastic decisions to have a
negatively impact in the long run.
Upon completion and reviewing the various writers’ articles by the various research questions.
The researchers made a compare and contrast of the sources that were being used.

Presentation of Data
Graph 1

What are ways in which students have coped

during the pandemic?

Utilizing Online Learning Resources

Establishing Study Routines
30% Engaging in Virtual Study Groups
40% Seeking Support from Teachers and


According to Figure 1.1, 40% said utilizing online learning resources, 30% said establishing
study routines, 20% said engaged in virtual studying groups and 10% said Seeking support from
teachers and peers.

Graph 2

How did the pandemic impact your ability to interact with

teachers or professors?

No significant change

Increased interaction (via online


Decreased interaction

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How did the pandemic impact your ability to interact with teachers or professors?

According to Figure 1.2, 8 students said no significant changes, 6 students both said Increased
interaction (via online platforms) and Decreased interaction.

Graph 3

What strategies did you use to cope with the challenges
posed by the pandemic on your learning?
e s, to
tim nd es
d rf ie vi ti
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lin m e ess
ic p ent a
f s r
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is m m or lf - e s
l f-d ag e f ro cat e
s g
se n rt du in na
d a po r e g ma
se m p
u o g i n
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cr kin En
S ee

What strategies did you use to cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic on your learning?

According to Figure 1.3, 55% students said increased self-discipline and time management, 30%
students said seeking support from family, friends or educators and 15% students said engaged in
self-care activities to manage stress.

Graph 4

How has the pandemic negatively

impact learning?

25% Disruption of in-person education

35% Limited social interaction
Loss of hands-on experiences
Lack of extracurricular activities


According to Figure 1.4, 35% students said disruption of in-person education, 25% students said
limited social interaction, 15% students said loss of hands-on experiences and 15% students said
lack of extracurricular activities.

Graph 5

Did you find it challenging to collaborate with

peers or classmates during the pandemic?

Yes, it was difficult

5% Somewhat challenging
30% No, not really
Seeking Support from Teachers
30% and


According to Figure 1.5, 35% students said yes, it was difficult, 30% students both said
somewhat challenging and no, not really and 5% students said seeking support from teachers and

Graph 6

How has the pandemic affected your overall learning ex-
Positively Negatively No noticeable impact

How has the pandemic affected your overall learning experience?

According to Figure 1.6, 45% students said positively, 40% students said no noticeable impact
and 15% students said positively.

Graph 7

How did the pandemic affect your mental health in relation

to learning?


No noticeable impact

Slightly worsened

Significantly worsened

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How did the pandemic affect your mental health in relation to learning?

According to Figure 1.7, 7 students said no noticeable impact, 6 students both said improved, 4
students slightly worsened and 3 students said significantly worsened.

Graph 8

What measures could be in place of the

Covid 19 pandemic on learning?

Panel discussion


According to Figure 1.8, 45% students said panel discussions, 40% students said seminars and
15% students said podcasts.

Analysis of Data

The data presented indicates the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on students at Solomon High

School in the Chapelton community. A questionnaire was used to acquire information from the

respondents. Along with the four main research questions which are negatively impacted by the

Covid-19 pandemic on learning, the ways in which students have coped during the pandemic, the

causes of Covid-19 pandemic and the measures that could be in place of the Covid-19 pandemic

on learning. What are the ways in which students have coped during the pandemic can be

illustrated from figure 1.1, accounting for 40%, have shifted towards utilizing online learning

resources. Meanwhile, 30% of students mentioned establishing study routines, 20% engaged in

virtual studying groups, and 10% sought support from teachers and peers. The majority

respondents answered this way due to the availability of online learning resources as a result of

google classroom, also the remaining respondents preferred a more social ways of coping

through interactions with others. This suggests a varied response among students in adapting to

the challenges posed by the pandemic, with the majority opting for online resources while others

focus on establishing effective study habits and seeking support from their educational


How did the pandemic impact your ability to interact with teachers or professors as shown by

figure 1.2, shows that 8 students didn't notice any big changes in their interactions, suggesting

stability? Which clearly states that the respondents did not face any changes. However, 6

students reported both more and less interaction online, indicating a mixed experience. This

states that same amount of respondents interaction increased as a result of the learning platforms,

this also shows that they are these platform is not effect for those with a decreased interaction.

This suggests a need to explore why some students have varied responses to online

communication, which could have implications for their social and academic lives.

What strategies did you use to cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic on your learning?

According to figure 1.3, students are employing various strategies to manage stress. The data

indicates that a majority, representing 55% of students, are emphasizing increased self-discipline

and time management. Additionally, 30% of students are seeking support from family, friends,

or educators, underscoring the importance of social networks in stress relief. Another 15% of

students are prioritizing self-care activities to cope with stress. It have shown that respondents

coping strategies such as increased self-discipline and time management, seeking support from

family, friends, or educators and prioritizing self-care activities to cope with stress the ideal ways

of coping during the pandemic in modern times where technology tools such applications are

readily available.

How the pandemic negatively impact learning, figure 1.4 has illustrates the various challenges

faced by students. According to the data, 35% of students highlighted the disruption of in-person

education as a significant concern, while 25% expressed feelings of limited social interaction.

Additionally, 15% of students noted the loss of hands-on experiences, and another 15%

mentioned the lack of extracurricular activities. These impacts shows that durig students were

not able to studying online, there lack little to no extracurricular activities, that also led to limited

of social interaction, which as result lost on-hands experience.

Did you find it challenging to collaborate with peers or classmates during the pandemic, figure

1.5 provides insights into students' perceptions of the challenges they faced. According to the

data, 35% of students described the situation as difficult, indicating a significant portion

experiencing substantial difficulties. Additionally, 30% of students found it somewhat

challenging, while an equal percentage (30%) reported not finding it particularly difficult. This

balanced response suggests a spectrum of experiences among students. Interestingly, 5% of

students mentioned seeking support from teachers and peers, demonstrating proactive efforts to

cope with challenges. Overall, these findings showed that it was challenging to work with peer

during pandemic due to lack of internet connection and also not being in the physical classroom

which had play a significant disadvantage.

How has the pandemic affected your overall learning experience, figure 1.6 sheds light on how

students perceive a certain factor. According to the data, 45% of students reported experiencing a

positive impact, indicating a significant majority finding benefit from this factor. Moreover, 40%

of students stated no noticeable impact, suggesting a considerable portion maintaining a neutral

stance. Interestingly, 15% of students expressed positivity, which could imply a more affirmative

response beyond simply noticing an impact. This analysis highlights the diverse range of

responses among students in regarding the affects that the pandemic had on these respondents,

some of the respondents gain from the pandemic as a time to learn new skills, while other had

had little to no negative impacts to the pandemics as a result of try to cope through a new normal.

How did the pandemic affect your mental health in relation to learning, figure 1.7 offers insights

into students' perceptions of their mental health. While 7 students reported no noticeable impact,

6 noted improvement. However, 4 students mentioned experiencing a slight worsening, and 3

reported a significant decline. These responses underscore the important of mental health during

the pandemics of new ways of learning, this was as result of online classes for many did not

impact and had improved as a result of able to adapt to different styles, while other could not.

What measures could be in place of the Covid-19 pandemic on learning, figure 1.8 illustrates

students' preferences for various formats of educational content. The data reveals that panel

discussions are the most favored, with 45% of students expressing a preference for this format.

Seminars closely follow, with 40% of students indicating a preference for them. Meanwhile,

podcasts, though less popular, still garner interest from 15% of students. This indicates from the

respondents among students, show that they were able to engage with educational content

through seminars and panel discussions that allowed dialogue to be able to solve the learning gap

of students during the pandemics, and not so much of podcast.

What are the causes of the covid-19 pandemic? Figure 1.9

It have shown that respondents the causes of Covid-19 is due to inadequate public health
measures, the delay of response from governments and also global travel and interconnectedness.
The respondents also said the pandemic was also caused by animal- to-human transmission, that
states the pandemics was caused by external things out of there country.

Discussion of Findings
This research offers valuable insights into the diverse ways in which students at Solomon High
school in the Chapelton community were negatively impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic on
learning, the ways in which students have coped during the pandemic, the causes of Covid-19
pandemic and the measures that could be in place of the Covid-19 pandemic on learning. The
data presented offers valuable insights into the diverse ways in which students at Solomon High
School in the Chapelton community are navigating the challenges brought about by the Covid-19
Figure 1.1 highlights the adaptability of students, with the majority opting for online learning
resources as a means to continue their education remotely. This underscores the importance of
technology in facilitating access to education during times of crisis. However, the data also
reveals a range of responses among students, with some focusing on establishing study routines
and seeking support from teachers and peers. This suggests that while online resources are
beneficial, other strategies such as establishing effective study habits and seeking social support
are also crucial in maintaining academic resilience.
Figure 1.4 highlights the multifaceted challenges faced by students, ranging from the disruption
of in-person education to the loss of social interaction and extracurricular activities. This
underscores the need for comprehensive support measures to address students' diverse needs and
promote their overall well-being.

Interestingly, Figure 1.6 shows that a significant majority of students perceive a positive impact
from a certain factor, while a considerable portion maintain a neutral stance. Understanding the
reasons behind these differing perceptions is essential in tailoring support measures to meet the
varying needs of students.

Lastly, Figure 1.8 highlights the various educational measures to improve learning during the
pandemic. This underscores the importance of proper learning aids and learning strategies
tailored to each individual learning styles.

Furthermore, Figure 1.9 shows the causes of the Covid-19 pandemic. This underscores the
importance of a more controlled methods of travelling globally and interconnectedness, proper
methods of interacting with animals and adequate public health measures with effective
responses from governments.

Policies promoting flexible learning modalities and education continuity plans address the
impact of pandemics on learning. These measures ensure adaptability and resilience in education
systems while highlighting the significance of equitable access to education, ultimately
mitigating disruptions and promoting learning continuity for all students.


In conclusion, the data collected from Solomon High School in the Chapelton community offers
valuable insights into the impact of the Covid pandemic on students. It illustrates a range of
responses among students, from embracing online learning resources to seeking support from
peers and educators. Additionally, the data highlights diverse experiences with online
interactions, stress management strategies, and perceptions of challenges and mental health.
Furthermore, students demonstrate preferences for specific formats of educational content.
Overall, the findings underscore the importance of comprehensive support measures tailored to
address the varied needs and experiences of students during these challenging times.


Based on the findings from Solomon High School, here are some practical suggestions to help
Explore Careers: Let's introduce programs where students can learn about different jobs. This
way, they can figure out what they might like to do in the future.
Stay Motivated: We can bring in speakers to talk to students and give them encouragement.
These talks can help students feel more positive and confident about their goals.
Learn Practical Skills: We should offer classes where students can learn skills that they can use
right away in jobs. This could include things like fixing computers or cooking.
Get Support: It's important to make sure students have someone to talk to if they're feeling
stressed or sad. We can have more counselors available and teach students how to support each


In conducting this investigation, the following challenges were faced:

1. Different Answers: One problem was that students might have given different answers to the
questions. Even though we tried to ask the questions the same way, students might have
understood them differently. This could make it harder to trust the results.

2. Students' Own Opinions: Another issue was that students were just telling us what they
thought. They might have wanted to give answers that sounded good, instead of saying what they
really thought. This could mean that some of the answers weren't completely true.


American Institute of CPAs (2020). How to Help Students Struggling with Pandemic-Related
Stress. Retrieved from

Mayo Clinic Staff (2022). COVID-19 (coronavirus): Symptoms & causes. Retrieved

TEDx Talks (2019, January 17). What coronavirus means for the global economy | Ray Dalio
[Video]. YouTube.

World Bank Blogs (2020, March 25). How do the world's leading education experts recommend
the education sector should respond to COVID-19? Retrieved
Attachments area


In order to carry out this research the best method was a quantitative method. Whereby a

questionnaire was issued out to gather the relevant data.

Instruction: Complete the following questions

1. How has the pandemic negatively impacted learning?

a. Disruption of in-person education
b. Limited social interaction
c. Loss of hands-on experiences
d. Lack of extracurricular

2. What measures could be in place of the Covid 19 pandemic on learning?

a. Seminars
b. Podcasts
c. Panel discussion

3. How has the pandemic affected your overall learning experience?

a. Positively
b. Negatively
c. No noticeable impact

4. Did you face challenges in adapting to online or remote learning?

a. Yes, significantly
b. Yes, somewhat
c. No, not at all

5. How did the pandemic affect your motivation to learn?

a. Increased motivation
b. Decreased motivation
c. No change in motivation

6. Have you experienced any difficulties in accessing educational resources during the
a. Yes, frequently
b. Occasionally
c. No, rarely

7. How did the pandemic impact your ability to interact with teachers or professors?
a. Decreased interaction
b. Increased interaction (via online platforms)
c. No significant change

8. What are ways in which students have coped during the pandemic?
a. Utilizing Online Learning Resources
b. Establishing Study Routines
c. Engaging in Virtual Study Groups
d. Seeking Support from Teachers and Peers

9. Did you find it challenging to collaborate with peers or classmates during the pandemic?

a. Yes, it was difficult
b. Somewhat challenging
c. No, not really

10. How did the pandemic affect your mental health in relation to learning?
a. Significantly worsened
b. Slightly worsened
c. No noticeable impact
d. Improved

11. What strategies did you use to cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic on your
a. Increased self-discipline and time management
b. Seeking support from family, friends, or educators
c. Engaging in self-care activities to manage stress
d. Other

12. How satisfied were you with the support provided by educational institutions during the
a. Very satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Dissatisfied

13. Looking back, do you think the pandemic has changed your approach to learning in any
a. Yes, significantly
b. Yes, somewhat
c. No, not really

14. How has the disruption of extracurricular activities impacted your overall learning
a. Significantly
b. Somewhat
c. Not at all

15. Do you feel that the pandemic has widened educational inequalities among students?
a. Yes, significantly
b. Yes, somewhat
c. No, not really
16. What are the causes of the covid-19 pandemic?
a. Global Travel and interconnectedness
b. Animal-to-human transmission
c. Inadequate public health measures
d. Delayed response from governments


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