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EDUC 280 Journal 1 & 2 Combined

Task 1. Classroom Management

Question 1 – Do you think your teacher has successfully created a productive learning environment? Why or
why not?
I do believe my teacher has created a great learning environment because she has her classroom set up to be
more useful for the students. The teacher is very positive and is always motivating her students to do well. The
students have created a routine when it comes to their learning cycles.

Question 2 – What techniques does the teacher use to keep students actively involved in academic activities?
My teacher is constantly having activities for the students to do. She has multiple books that the students do
worksheets out of. The teacher makes sure that every student can participate in the lesson that is being planned.

Question 3 – How is your teachers “withitness?” In other words, do they have command of the classroom? Do
they have great systems of classroom management in place?
The teacher has great management of the classroom, and it comes in many ways. She has multiple words that
students follow when it comes to being quite or agreeing with another classmate. The teacher makes a list
ahead leader positions for each student to do throughout the day.

Question 4 – What types of “punishments” are used in your classroom?

The only “punishment” that is used in the classroom is writing their name down in a book when they are not
listening, and I believe just get note to their parents about it.

Question 5 – How or where are the rules posted in your classroom? How were they created? By the students
or the teacher?
The rules are posted on the doors, and they are created by the teacher to create safe classroom. The students
helped create one rule that is called “oh yeah” which means the students to be quite and have their work down
and then they get a point.
Task 2. Curriculum
Question 1 – Give an example of when the teacher used integrated curriculum across subjects (i.e. combining
science and language arts)
I have yet to see the teacher combine two different curriculums.

Question 2 – Give an example of when the teacher used hidden curriculum.

The teacher makes sure the each student is friendly with one another. The other the teacher taught the students
about being respectful someone is talking and to interrupt or be loud when a conversation is happening
between teachers.

Question 3 – Does your teacher used differentiated instruction?

No, the teacher gives each student the same assignment and goes along with it each student that may have a
certain learning disability has a certain teacher or two that comes and takes them throughout the class and they
will do separate assignments other than that the teacher makes sure that each student completes the same

Question 4 – Can you tell what kind of learner the teacher is from his/her instructional preferences?
I believe the teacher is more of a hands on learner she teaches more hands on and likes to show the students
how to do something and do it with them before they do it on their own she will still say the instructions and
help the students as she goes through the projector.
Question 5 – Do you think the teacher adapts the curriculum to the types of learners in the classroom?
I believe the teacher uses the curriculum that is given to them to help the different types of learners in the
classroom each of the teachers meet and they come up with lessons plans that they believe will be good for
each classroom.
Question 6 – Does your teacher like the curriculum he/she is teaching?
I don't believe my teacher dislikes or likes the curriculum. But i do know that she does not really like that it
keeps being switched up on them as teachers and each year they had to keep on getting more and more supplies
and books to support the new curriculum.

Question 7 – What would they like to see added in the future?

I think in the future she would like to see more of the same curriculum being repeated throughout the years just
so that these teachers are not having to learn a whole new plan and come up with new lessons plans to be able
to fit the curriculum for the new year.
Task 3. Technology

Question 1 – What kind of technology was used in the class(es) you observed? Was it effective?
The student technology used in the classroom I’m observing is different from what I've seen. This classroom not
only uses the projector when they're learning their lessons, but each individual student has an iPad that they are
given in the classroom to use for the year that iPad has their reading on it and certain activities that they do
during the whole class it's called Waterford.

Question 2 – What type of technology might you use when you start your teaching career?
When I start teaching, I believe the technology they'll be using is more of projectors and lesson plans through
the websites we were taught in this class. Depending on how the school I will be teaching here is with their
technology I will be using their form of reading or activities that they make students do through the online.

Question 3 – Do you think it is harder or easier to incorporate technology into your classroom?
I believe it's easy to incorporate technology into your classroom nowadays just because now we are more of a
technical world when it comes to teaching a lot of things now are becoming more of the online learning.
Task 4. Diversity
Question 1 – How diverse was your class(es) you observed?
The classroom I'm observing is diverse there's many different nationalities is in the classroom and each student
is friendly with one another other they know their cultural differences, but they still make sure to know it's not a
bad thing.
Question 2 – What did your mentor/teacher do (or not do) to create a diverse classroom?
the teacher really hasn't done anything yet to create a diverse classroom just because I'm coming into it at the
end of the year there's not really any new things. But from what I've seen is when they are learning like their
lesson plans do create more of a diverse culture and show many different things. And in their books and on the
wall when it comes to their pictures wherever they are made sure to have a very cultural difference. One thing
that I have learned though is that at the school that I'm observing they believe the word God in Jesus is a bad
word, so I don't know how I feel about that being in that diverse classroom.

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