DnDerhead's Daily Sidequests D100 Table of Adventure Ideas (No. 4)

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DnDe head Dail Side e

d100 Table f Idea

27 A 2020 - 4 D 2020

The e 100 idea a e f m he c en 300+ da n f #dail ide e n m T i e feed, @DnDe head.

S ing b e e da f a ne ad en e idea!

A illage is terrified after finding a shed snake skin o er 100ft long and tall eno gh for an
1 a erage h man to alk thro gh standing p. It as fo nd j st a stone's thro from the
illage. The ask PCs' help in h nting it do n and fortif ing the cit against it.
R mor has it an assassin, the Biding Knife, is acti e again. Tales of them go back cent ries.
2 The assassin is reall a sentient magic dagger that possesses a host and lea es the host
ith no memor of the possession. Can PCs find the knife before it kills again?
People in a to n act strange. A teen sends a middle aged person to their room. A child strolls
3 b p ffing on a pipe. T o elderl people pla tag, giggling like kids. The ages of the to nsfolk
fl ct ate randoml . No one kno s h it happens, b t the make it ork.
In an attempt to get ork for a constr ction b siness, a contractor releases magicall
4 enhanced termites in a cit . The q ickl get o t of control and the hole cit is in danger of
collapsing. Can PCs help s pport str ct res and h nt do n the pests in time?
A mage st d ing innate magic asks PCs to take gems etched ith r nes. If the PCs can
5 e pose a gem to magic damage from a nat ral so rce (an innate spell or abilit ), the mage
ill re ard them pon ret rn of the gem. The more t pes the get, the better the re ards.
A person ho looks like an older ersion of one of the PCs tries to diss ade the PCs from
6 their c rrent goal. The claim to be from the f t re, arning of disaster to come. B t hat
the recommend seems to pla right into the plans of the enem . Are the for real?
The space demiplanes occ p has gotten f ll. Ne castings of the spell are opening doors
7 into demiplanes spliced thro gh e isting ones. Mages hire parties to loot as m ch as
possible from these demiplane mash ps before the o ners catch on and close them for
Temperat res pl mmet in the region. Ice and sno start to o ertake the area. A mage, tr ing
8 to harness the Plane of Ice, accidentall let thro gh a Heart of Winter, a pale gemstone that
spreads cold infinitel . If left nchecked, it ill free e the Material Plane.
Tho sands of birds of e er kind descend on a cit , grabbing hate er the can, especiall
9 shin objects, and carr ing them off. A roc has b ilt a nest in the nearb mo ntains and it
seems as tho gh birds in the region are bringing it trib te to adorn its nest.
An attempt to scribe animate objects goes er rong, bringing the spellbook itself to life.
10 The book no roams free, looking for spellbooks and scrolls to absorb. Can it be stopped
before gro ing too po erf l? Can the spells it has eaten be sed after it's tamed?

D De ead Dec 2020

A nearb ri er s ddenl stops ielding fish. Fishing lines and nets come o t damaged and
11 the bottoms of boats start getting corroded a a . Se eral gelatino s c bes ha e taken p
residence in the ater. Can PCs track them do n and fig re o t ho the got there?
Instead of d ing, people j st ander off. The meet p ith a h ge shambling procession.
12 The people don't register as ndead, b t the s re don't seem ali e, plodding silentl ,
nresponsi e to the orld aro nd them. People take to calling it the Endless March.
PCs disco er important info b t find the are nable to share it. The can't speak it alo d.
13 When the tr to rite it, the are nable to form the letters properl . Can the fig re o t a
a to share the info that this m sterio s magic on't stop them from doing?
An NPC the part sa ed before is getting married and in ites the PCs. When the arri e,
14 e er thing has gone rong. The officiant cancelled, the decorations ne er arri ed, the
catering fell thro gh. Can the PCs help sa e the edding and thro a fantastic part ?
After PCs gain fame, a r ler s mmons them. The call their co ncil together. The sa , "One
15 of these ad isors poisoned me. It's too late to stop. The m st plan to stop me being raised
from the dead. Find o t ho and their plan. Bring me back." Then the die.
As a test of skill and c nning, a g ild of dr ids and rangers challenges the PCs to collect
16 feathers, scales, and t fts of f r from dangero s beasts and monsters itho t killing them. If
the are s ccessf l, the g ild promises aid and ma e en offer membership.
Leather becomes scarce as animal skins are bo ght p thro gho t the region. It can all be
17 traced back to a gro p of bards. The are crafting a gargant an dr m o er a crater,
attempting to channel ast amo nts of arcane energ thro gh the largest spell foc s e er.
People see images of people in clo ds. The look like the 're screaming. Dangero s ater
18 elementals ha e in aded. The appear as p ddles. When someone looks in one too closel ,
the elemental takes their form, trapping the person in the p ddle to e aporate a a .
Ho rglasses keep getting smashed in the area. A legend as recentl nco ered. It tells of
19 an ancient po erf l earth elemental ho as condemned b a co ncil of elder elementals.
The ere cr shed into sand and bo nd in ho rglasses. Someone is tr ing to free them.
Da s and nights gro long in a cit . Recentl , mages introd ced preser ing chests that ha e
20 impro ed food q alit in the cit . The chests s phon energ from the Astral Plane to stop
aging of things inside. The energ is leaking, distorting time for the hole cit .
A storm blo s on a sea each ear the same da . It disr pts trade and sinks ships. It's created
21 b a floating resta rant from the Plane of Water. The come to restock their seafood tanks
sing the storm to hide so patrons don't kno the ser e Material Plane food.
A sc lptor begs PCs' help. The 're late to the opening ceremonies of a cit festi al honoring
22 the fo nder. The 're deli ering a stat e of them for the opening ceremonies. Can PCs se
their skills and abilities to get the stat e thro gh the cro ded cit in time?
Small, iolent tremors strike homes, b ildings, and cit blocks seemingl at random. Ne s of
23 the q akes tra els ide. As PCs jo rne , the meet a merchant ho sells mini b ildings
decoration. The are er detailed and match descriptions of places hit ith q akes.
PCs find a room ith sno flakes of pale gems in the alls. As the enter, gems flash and
24 temp pl mmets be ond s r i abilit . A corpse cl tches a note: "Winter's chill enters not the
closed indo ." If one crosses the room ith closed e es, gems do not acti ate.
Legend tells of a giant chain ndergro nd, anchoring the Material Plane, keeping it from
25 colliding ith other planes and realities. A c lt called the Unshackled seeks to se er it. The
belie e the plane as meant to drift free and conq er the planes it crosses.
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A ne sport is getting more pop lar b the da . The object: get a small ball into a c p in o r
26 opponent's possession. No killing, serio s inj r , or irre ersible destr ction to the ball or c p.
No other r les. Pla ers can se an and all abilities to pla .
Stories of s dden ild magic s rges spread o er the land. S rges happen to man
27 spellcasters in an area for a time before stopping. Then the start else here. An a atar of a
god of magic is tra eling aro nd to instill a sense of a e at the ild nat re of magic.
An nkno n island appears on maps across the Material Plane. Attempts to get there b
28 teleportation fail. No the race is on to find o t hat is there. PCs are asked to join an
e pedition. Can the help get their team there first? Is it all an elaborate trap?
A mining e pedition sets o t to see hat lies nder the Underdark. The find a massi e,
29 perfectl circ lar ndergro nd lake that is fro en solid. S rro nding it are 16 cairns of nc t,
npolished gemstones. Under torchlight, a dark mass can be seen nder the ice.
Singers across the land lose their oices one at a time o er a fe months. Hoarse and
30 gra ell , the str ggle to find other ork. Word spreads of a ne entertainer performing in the
co rts of r lers. Tho gh a single person, the sing ith a f ll choir of oices.
Fights keep breaking o t in the ta ern the PCs are in. The notice disembodied oices
31 h rling ins lts and images of patrons making r de gest res appearing s ddenl . A pi ie flits
thro gh the rafters, giggling incessantl as the cast ill sions to ca se the fights.
Once a ear, the Face in the Mo ntain speaks. None kno ho or hat made the massi e
32 stone face, b t legend sa s it can ans er an q estion and ill al a s be right. It ill onl
ans er 10 q estions and there are man ho make the pilgrimage for a chance to ask.
PCs feel like the 're being atched as the ad ent re. A i ard is scr ing on them and
33 letting a cl b of ealth gamblers atch and ager on the ario s battles and e ploits of the
part . Ho do PCs react to this person sing them for gain itho t permission?
Performers start to hear abo t sho s the ne er did. Some of them ask PCs to help track
34 do n the imposters. An ill sionist ith a partic larl sharp memor has been memori ing
performances and then reprod cing them ith ill sor magic, getting rich off their ork.
A rich person asks PCs to test their sec rit . The ant PCs to tr to steal from their a lt.
35 Someone else claims the rich one stole items from others and then sed their infl ence to
ha e them arrested. The ant PCs to tr l rob the a lt to pro e the crimes.
When entering a to n, PCs notice strange looks. No one responds to hat the sa , tho gh
36 some sa things like, "Where'd o come from?" and "Whoa, eas there." The catch their
reflections and see a gro p of farm animals. To themsel es, PCs look and so nd normal.
PCs find rings bo nd to different elements. When att ned to one, a PC deals e tra damage
37 that gro s as the sta att ned. E ent all , the deal damage passi el to those aro nd
them as the po er gro s. The elements start to o ertake them. The rings on't come off.
Tensions mo nt bet een cit districts. A district ith a lot of b sinesses r n b creat res ho
38 req ire little or no sleep has taken to sing an amplified da light spell to light the district all
night. Neighbors j st ant to sleep. Can PCs help find a sol tion?
A series of similar b rglaries res lts in s spects ho ere all ca ght fleeing the scenes.
39 Each claims their feet j st started r nning itho t their control. The thief is a shoeshine ho
ses enchanted polish to make the earer r n hen the thief commands.
A monaster that teaches pacifism sends o t ord of an art competition. Participants ill se
40 hate er medi m the ish b t the m st se their combat abilities to ork ith it. Sc lpt
ith blade and blast. Paint ith hips and kicks. What can PCs come p ith?
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A gro p of doppelgangers offers to help the PCs once the gain reno n. The ill attend
41 social engagements and ceremonies for the part . The e plain that their tho ght reading
abilities ill help them in people o er more easil than PCs. Are the oka ith this?
The to n is eeril q iet, especiall gi en the decorations and food laid o t for a festi al.
42 Strange sh ffling so nds come from to n hall. Inside, folk dance silentl and jerkil . Barel
isible eb strings connect them to giant spider p ppeteers in the rafters.
For a har est festi al, a p mpkin is a akened. The p mpkin is horrified b the
43 jack-o'-lanterns stre n o er to n. The con ince the to n to a aken a fe more p mpkins.
Then the take hostages and demand more a akened p mpkins. The p mpkins no r le
the to n.
PCs hear distant ho ling as the camp in the oods. The ne t night, the hear it closer. It
44 follo s them o t of the oods, getting closer each night. Others do not hear it. E ent all it
stops, onl to be replaced b a lo snarling er close b . What h nts them?
A illage has been plag ed b ill-o'- isps for ears. The come in small n mbers, b t more
45 come each night ntil the claim a life. Folk reali ed the co ld con ince tra elers to go o t
at night to keep the illage safe. As PCs arri e, the first isps appear.
Posts for scarecro s are empt . The ander aro nd, helping those orking the farm. It
46 seems a nice arrangement. B t la ghs and smiles are too forced. PCs are asked to dine.
Folk gest re to look nder the table. Scratched o er and o er on the nderside: "Help s!"
Ha ntings break o t in a cit . Spirits scream, "Get o t!" In isible hands scra l, "Lea e no !"
47 Objects fl at folk. No one is harmed. The spirits are arning: an ancient spirit gathers
strength to cross from the Ethereal Plane to feed pon the so ls of the li ing.
PCs are in ited to a spa for some ell-deser ed rela ation. E er one at the spa is e tremel
48 calm and friendl . The also look pale and frail. E er one keeps p shing the m d bath. All
are co ered ith leeches from the m d. The leeches ca se e phoria as the feed.
To teach PCs that not all "monsters" choose to be so, a god transforms them into ario s
49 s ch creat res: ere ol es, ghosts, ampires, etc. The god ill change them back if the
can manage to con ince people to let them help despite their monstro s appearances.
Vampire attacks are on the rise. One da , a massi e s arm of bats is seen circling a
50 gra e ard. It gro s larger as more bats stream to it. The fl off in all directions, lea ing the
night sk in their ake, banishing the s n, granting freedom to the thirst ampires.
Car ed faces co er the trees. As night falls, discordant histling fills the oods as faces
51 animate. The tr to blo o t torches, campfires, and other lights. Pitch black grasping roots
rithe at the edges of lit areas. Wind ho ls. Flames g tter. Roots close in.
Corpses t rn p m rdered like famo s nsol ed cases in the area.
52 A necromancer is s mmoning ghosts of ictims of the m rders to let them h nt do n the
m rderers. Ho do PCs feel abo t this brand of j stice? Will the let it contin e hen the
learn the tr th?
PCs are in ited to a har est festi al here folk dress p as monsters to sho the aren't
53 afraid as a comm nit . This ear, ho e er, someone s mmons all of the monsters people
are dressed as. At first, it seems like reall good cost mes. Then the monsters attack.
There are reports of noise in the gra e ard. People claim gra e robbers ha e been there. On
54 closer inspection, the gra es ca ed in ard. One night ith a great r mbling, a gargant an
monstrosit made of h ndreds of corpses b rsts forth to reak ha oc on the li ing.

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A beast terrori es a to n. The to n b rns bonfires all night, as the beast flees light. The ask
55 PCs to kill it. Its lair is magicall dark, b t flame can still light it. PCs m st a oid light se so
the beast on't flee. B t that means the m st h nt it blind.
A c lt is preparing a rit al to bring horrors thro gh a portal from nkno n dimensions. One
56 c ltist defects and asks PCs to help disr pt the rit al. PCs m st sneak into the rit al chamber
and make s btle alterations to ca se the rit al to fail catastrophicall .
Glo ing orbs appear o er cities and to ns. In the glo , cloaked fig res bearing sc thes are
57 re ealed. People start killing or capt ring the creat res. Soon, people notice death rates
pl mmeting. It seems these reapers are part of the death c cle. It is disr pted.
There's a fo ntain in a cit sq are here folk toss coins for l ck. One da its ater starts
58 t rning red as the fo ntain begins to spe blood. An one ho tossed coins into it gro s
eak and pale, as if being bled dr . Can the flo be stopped in time to sa e them?
People start m mbling in their sleep. J st at first. Soon almost e er sleeping person is
59 talking and getting lo der. The chant in an nkno n tong e. As their ol me gro s, it starts
to so nd like another is speaking nder their oice. It's gro ing stronger.
On atch one night, a PC sees one of their part alking at the edge of camp. Sensing
60 attention, the t rn to re eal a blank stretch of flesh instead of a face. That's hen the
screams start as more of the faceless doppelgangers tr to rob faces from the sleeping.
A s arm of beetles attacks PCs in the oods. After ards, the periodicall hear skittering
61 and feel cra ling sensations on their bodies. The don't see beetles tho gh. When PCs rest,
the see l mps nder their skin. S ddenl , one l mp mo es like a startled beetle.
A bright, orange har est moon rises and creat res begin to feel the sensation of being
62 atched, st died, h nted. Shado s elongate and t ist in the moonlight, forming grotesq e,
monstro s shado forms of each creat re. The shado s rise from the gro nd and po nce.
A shambling mo nd li ing in a nearb s amp has gotten a taste for the nfort nate tra elers
63 ho sink into the bog. Too fe fall in, so it begins h nting, ent ring o t of the s amp. It l rks
thro gh nearb illages, its h lking mass f ll of half-rotted corpses.
Deep sea fishers start p lling p nets f ll of deca ing fish. Under the ater, an ancient tomb
64 has broken open, ater finall eroding thro gh. The S nken King akes and begins his slo
shambling march across the ocean floor, so ing ndeath and deca in his ake.
A ta ern s ffers as patrons complain abo t rotten food. The ta ern keeper asks PCs to find
65 the ca se. The ta ern keeper is ndead, tho gh the appear li ing. The do not kno
an thing is off abo t them and ha e no idea hat PCs are talking abo t if the find o t.
The streets of the to n empt q ickl at s nset. Folk rge the PCs to get inside. Once a ear
66 monsters s arm the to n. As long as folk gi e food and treas re hen the come to the
door, the lea e the to n nharmed. The demand the PCs pitch in for an offering.
Armor s its ith different eapons ring a stand. On the stand, a sign reads:

Born of earth, made for ar,

I' e carried death to man before.
67 Oft kept close, sometimes I m thro n,
B t rarel is it peace that s so n.
Pick me p; accept the d el.
R le ith me, firm and cr el.

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A ga ntlet laid on the stand opens a hidden door.
There is a to n here a bonfire b rns ear ro nd. The elderl , terminall ill, and grie o sl
68 o nded illingl alk into the flames. The emerge o thf l and ell from a pit f ll of the
ashes scooped o t of the fire. What sort of magic f els this process?
A banshee flies o er a to n atching the folk. The keep heads do n, a oiding the horrif ing
69 isage. B t the 're happ . The banshee protects and doesn't harm them, pro ided the a oid
iolence, hich psets the banshee. The to n prospers nder the banshee's g ard.
A con artist r ns a shell game that baffles folk. E en other cons tr to fig re o t ho the do
70 it, b t can't. The aren't sing magic, no sleight of hand. The "ball" is act all three mimics
ho stick to the c ps, dropping o t at a ke ord from the con artist.
A temple to a god of death is nearthed. It's c rsed and trapped, perhaps to bring more so ls
71 to the god's realm. No healing magic orks ithin. Instead, there are glo es inside. Those
ho ear them can transfer their o n hp to another creat re ith a to ch.
A sorcerer casts enhance abilit on the PCs. A ild magic s rge happens ith no apparent
72 effect. When the spell sho ld end, it doesn't. The effects gro stronger. PCs take on more
characteristics of the respecti e animals. The start to transform into the animals.
A hidden chamber ithin an ancient scriptori m ho ses a machine ith a small amo nt of
73 magic ink and a piece of ell m inlaid ith gold. The machine is designed to combine spell
effects from m ltiple spells into a single scroll. Can PCs fig re o t ho to ork it?
A mage tinkering ith an enlarge spell makes a goldfish gro e ponentiall . Thinking the
74 can learn from re ersing it, the p t the massi e fish in a lake. As the t rn to lea e, the fish
s allo s them hole. No it gro s nchecked, q ickl displacing the lake.
A illage at the bottom of a alle fe ds ith another at top. Recentl , the pper illage has
75 been piling bo lders at the edge of the alle . The lo er illage asks PCs to stop them. The
pper illage claims the 're b ilding a protecti e all against rock slides. The lo er thinks
the lie.
High in the mo ntains in the bitter cold, a portal to the Plane of Frost opens. A single flake of
76 li ing sno drifts thro gh. It gathers more sno to itself. Soon a colossal beast of sno
makes its a do n the mo ntains, getting larger as it absorbs more sno .
B bbles float thro gh the co ntr side. Whispering can be heard hen the pop. The so nd
77 like d ing ords, as if the last gasps of the dead ha e taken flight. The b bbles stream from
a ca e here an iron bo l filled ith bones ca ses a pool to create the b bbles.
A genie offers a ish to PCs for a fa or. A genasi descendant of theirs is a sp .
78 Unfort natel , the are cl ms and terrible at l ing. The genie al a s hires help to make the
sp s cceed. PCs m st help the b mbling sp obtain top secret info at a fanc part .
To infiltrate a castle and gather intelligence on a fra ght political sit ation, a mage offers to
79 transform PCs into mimics. Taking forms of e er da objects, can the PCs get themsel es
into sec re locations in the castle to find cr cial info itho t getting ca ght?
PCs find an ancient librar . The feel the 're being atched. All the tomes are
80 a tobiographies. If the flip to the ends of them, the notice all the books end ith the s bject
finding an ancient librar . The librar IS its isitors. It has fo nd ne ol mes to record.
A detecti e has intel that t o ri al thie es g ilds are going to steal ro al je els hen the 're
81 mo ed to the s mmer palace. The detecti e asks PCs to catch both gro ps in the act. The
detecti e plans on taking the je els and blaming the PCs for botching the job.

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PCs enter a ta ern here a fiddler pla s, la ghing ith the dancing cro d. The m sic gets
82 faster and faster as more dancers join. The jo of the cro d t rns to terror, the fiddler's la gh
no malicio s, re eling in the terror of the cro d nable to stop dancing.
A mob boss r ns a casino. The are too connected for a heist to take them do n and too
83 protected for a direct assa lt. If PCs can rig eno gh games to pa o t to c stomers itho t
getting ca ght, the might be able to bankr pt the boss and remo e them from po er.
A clockmaker sells c ckoo clocks dirt cheap. The look ne , b t the rate the 're sold makes
84 it seem impossible the ere all made recentl . The 're part of a time stop spell to co er the
cit , allo ing the clockmaker a f ll ho r to p ll off a heist and disappear.
A d st storm rolls in on the hori on. Frantic messengers r n before it, arning it's not j st
85 d st. The storm disintegrates ood, p lling p l eri ed ood into the s irling inds. To ns
m st prepare: do se fires, reinforce b ildings ith stone or metal or e ac ate.
The so rce of c rse on an island is fo nd. 3 companions betra ed a hero, ho c rsed them
86 in death. The became raiths, manifesting hen their ices are stoked: greed, pride, and
rath. Banish them b l ring them o t and sho ing ho ices can be t rned to irt e.
A famo s artist asks to make pieces of the PCs and their ad ent res. The ask for stories
87 and ha e them pose. The on't let PCs see nfinished orks. At a gala, the n eil the
art ork. Each casts the PCs as illains. Ho do the handle s ch a p blic criticism?
A ship's captain is looking to hire a f ll cre and offering a ridic lo s amo nt of gold for each
88 cre person. None of the seasoned sailors are taking the jobs and the arn others to
be are. This captain has come thro gh t ice no . The al a s sail back alone.
A soothsa er needs help. A noble, dissatisfied ith a prediction, placed a c rse on them.
89 The can't di ine an thing ntil the make 50 acc rate predictions itho t their magic.
The ' e made a fe b l ck, b t ask PCs to make some predictions come tr e for them.
PCs m st infiltrate a fort. Mages pro ide three portals to points in the past PCs can change.
90 1) the o erseer's command tent at the constr ction of the fort here plans are on displa , 2)
moments before the traps ere armed, 3) a s ppl deli er 24 ho rs before the infiltration.
Gas po rs in a sealed chamber ith fi e ials & a note: "One is an antidote to the gas. One
91 accelerates it. One knocks o o t. One is j st liq or. One makes o too eak to lift an
ial. Drink more than t o and o 'll e pel all o e dr nk, ending all effects b t the gas. The
gas ill kill o in one min te."
A mage ants to send PCs to ario s planes to collect e tra-planar spices for a casserole.
92 The ill bring the PCs to the potl ck of i ards the 're making the dish for. The promise to
talk them p to these important people the ma need aid from do n the line.
All lights go o t e cept for a glo at the cit 's center. A h ge pot of oil sits on a fire. A oice
93 booms o t, "Onl flames lit from this fire ill sta lit. The last person not holding a flame ill
be thro n in the pot." Can PCs stop the e ents of Black Fr Da ?
PCs find a facilit to test master of magic. A rod that stores 8 spells, one of each le el 1-8,
94 sits in an apparat s that can fill it ith an spell. Each spell m st be of a different school.
There are 8 rooms ith a different task in each. 1 spell m st be sed per room.
PCs m st get thro gh a ma e q ickl . Fo r imps keep popping p ith directions. Onl one
95 is helpf l. The ke is to learn their names and read them back ards: Elb ort, Regnad, Seil,
and Re sna. The first t o lead PCs to monsters, 3rd to rong t rns, 4th the right path.

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A disco ered collection of glass fig rines has a single fig rine ith the final line of a rit al a
96 c lt has been tr ing to ork o t to bring a demon lord to the Material Plane. Can PCs reach
the collection first and find it? Or simpl smash the collection to bits?
D ngeon room has been partiall smashed. The room is filled ith a sensor assa lt. Bright
97 lights/colors, iolent noises, a fo l smelling/tasting gas. Scattered stones ith ords on them
in blood: open, close, ignore, e es, mo th, ears. Can PCs sort o t hat senses to se?
Fro en corpses keep t rning p, looking like the ' e been ma led b a beast. Closer
98 inspection re eals the 're missing bits of clothing. A clothier made items from the pelt of a
inter olf. The olf's pack is h nting those ho bear pieces of their alpha's pelt.
A d ngeon has r nes sho ing the c rrent date. At the end of the d ngeon is a room ith
mirrors sho ing each chamber of the d ngeon. S itches beneath them control traps in each.
R nes in the mirrors sho a date in the past. Will PCs doom predecessors to sa e treas res
for sel es?
A po erf l fig re offers a deal to PCs: For a relati el small price, the ill make them
100 lnerable to a t pe of damage for 24 ho rs. If the s r i e, the ill be resistant to that
damage permanentl . The fig re sends assassins to tr to get o t of the deal.

D De ead Dec 2020

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wi a d f he C a , F g e Real , Ra e l f , Ebe , he d ag
a e a d, Ra ica a d all he Wi a d f he C a d c a e , a d hei e ec i e l g a e
ade a k f Wi a d f he C a i he USA a d he c ie .

Thi k c ai a e ial ha i c igh Wi a d f he C a a d/ he a h . S ch a e ial i ed

ih e i i de he C i C e Ag ee e f D ge Ma e G ild.

All he igi al a e ial i hi ki c igh 2020 b Ma he A de a d bli hed de he

C i C e Ag ee e f D ge Ma e G ild.

D De ead Dec 2020

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