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Dear First Semester Student,

Congratulations to your acceptance into the College of Nursing and for getting this far! This

is a huge accomplishment and I hope you take a moment time to congratulate yourself and give

yourself a pat on the back. Remember this moment and let it carry you through the challenges you

face next.

Over the course of the next four semesters, you will learn, grow, and change beyond what

you thought you could do. While it may be uncomfortable at times to step out of your comfort zone,

you are in good hands and have lots of amazing instructors to help support you. The nursing faculty

are true leaders and experts in their field and will be there to answer your questions about

guidelines, practice, clinical knowledge and skills, and assignments. So you aren’t doing this alone!

It’s always okay to ask questions whether that is in class or at clinicals.

Throughout your time in nursing school, try to find a balance that works for you regarding

school, life, and work. It can be very challenging, but a word of advice is to give yourself time to

sleep and recharge. The basic building blocks of eating, sleeping, and breathing are important no

matter where you go, and the best place to start practicing that is now.

The next four semesters will be some of the most challenging semesters of your life, but

also the most rewarding. The friendships you make in nursing school will be strengthened by some

of the strongest bonds of shared struggles and growth. You can do this! Make the most out of each

day and don’t let failure discourage you from trying again. I hope you have a great experience and at

the end of this, you can tell yourself that you did it!

Good luck!


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