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weekor —vavoo2-3¢3 fi] JANUARY 9023 OSBI MONDAY 0? Account | OPENING! ‘ i ___ (Standard Operating - Beocedunes) pa : ee 0 re ____TINpivipvat SAVINGS Ale ®t Updakon of Kye dekiuls ae: Create kya Ok No veeovel exists) @ Customer onbeorcling Deposit /ee/op z 4 L 2 Aeeount eneation Create L 4 Enter_detois Enter deteils + ; Transwuk Trova : REE Product type 2 001 SAVINGS AceT Product: wep REG SAYS CHa _ i REO SAVS patty 2 Currency | SINR ey: Ace opening endily ¢ Othey ey: OFoe PEI a a ~ Nominate veg? Yes aT Eee et ee ot 23 oe “A™ + Yes (@mboss name 4 choose ATH type) ai Isley its Mobilyer » OTHERS 2 23 24 2526 47 Ale wo. oth be euaked ‘The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action BB ovvos.362weeK or 03 TUESDAY ©SBI : JANUARY 2023 4. “Amend De hares Deposit Feeley = femenat 4 ner ale no. 2 Choose opkon v5: Accounk ee : names [yom dopdowon E mem — Enter names _ a - - 3 Transm 5: Oe nomination wos net made procul in okey 3 via, cursbomen onboarding menu, ee 5 Deposit | ee/ on > Amenst A Enter afeno Choose option N! Nominee - fom dricpdecon menu: = — > Entra nominakim, deals ‘ ne 3 Trawwuk C. Tmnage maintenance. —3 Upload images ~ Enter caf ero Z > _ Choose Signature & = phelogreph fom clvep, down » men 3 Uploack. the ved ation Save to Sewen, Paid mandate, x a cheque § book u wos nok Step Ba —tenhomer fenprenbocnding mews "JANUARY 2008 : a 7 a MET WETE sB — : : i 30 31 i" ; : aaa cecarat 9 wn 2B WB : i 16 17 18 19 20 2 2 ; ! 23 24 25 26 27 28 ‘Think ahead don’t let day to day operations drive out plannine jaNUARY WeEK OT DAY004.961" I a SBI WEDNESDAY O4 New customer , — —_—_———am— i _#—Cuslomer_onboweling > Customer creation. Enter detauls > Trovamik ae n ue ne- ra be generale. - 3 2D See ~ sheps 3 to * os wnenkoned _ for exishng Cir, Namel ay eee ~ Step | St eee pnnstisn a Shep 43 Donen: i — PEULA KDDAM oe (0-18) Se a Sia Coa “O02 SAVINGS BANK Acc Currency ! INR » 129 : . —Paduck dogge 1009. 141__|_ Stale pela Yradavn: 1029 3411 . __Mop: Gedecceeeobene en Nat guard o ok mney “Teeue Pahla “Kadam akin alter uploading | ‘wnages “Se afe monde on Nak oe Of winoe 3 i in . 167 1819 2 24 25 26 cand aceasionally look at the results WE vasa Werke? OS THURSDAY osBl Pen _upnpn (Age 10-18, eke Beedud Se Savings aeck : Come: NR Baad te 1009 1421 Mor: Sole miner aleve 0 years (Me wanda y owt Accounts 4. CIE treatin J Ke oh existing ifs 2-_CKYG ereake details of cis (ik wo veeowl exile) >: FATCA (ik new Ote ig eneated) 4. Becount creation 5- Curlernen management 3 Amend = mae “ H fi - Link ett 40 Ale - JANUARY iMoT wT WEEK 01 Day 006-359 x * ” - Trang wk 2 @ Dad nominee Cik_wok present) 9. Upload tmages il 1 \o. “Issue cheque book Cy vead) Note: Fox pension ale , enter PPO number \yom Seneen no -3465 2 : pwiDvAL CURRENT A] 4 KYC of existing CIF [ei exeation. « g @KY@ create delve 53. FATCA £4. Deposit / ce /od a ! Plternativay , ? “Greate J Neve deposit a/e Hee account Ent Clr no- craation oplion . E undir Product ype: OL CA OD —_) euokomen Bees SINR onborieg yraruary 2023 Prpduck : 50411204 ae TT 5 TEL Seq: 0406 PER DOM PuBLIC meio 6735 ni Mis 16 7 18 9 ay 3 % 23 24 25 26 AMS: Yes | Newuraho + 7ES ATM: Yo | Mobilaw | Otis Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others | BRR SSS ERO JANUA\ RY )/ SATURDAY ©SBI 20% 5. Denend ale names : b- Had nominee 1 Upload images 3 Tssue cheque book Note: “The acepunt must be funded on the Same day as Castor credit facilities i 2 AE = a a 0 ella awaited 3 a | Trova | \o- Curtomen credit Laaitukwr 5 + a | Link CA 40 undaskatcing < —— 08s Truncwile a — tb SUNDAY st : sa Notes eae e JANUARY 2025 Wwe ; MoT WoT OF sB 23 4 cal 9 10:11 peut 16 17 18 19 20.21% 23 24 25 26 27 8 3 7 = 7 tay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach ] yy UARY @SB WEEK 02 | DAY609-356 2023 l MONDAY 09 Be] ese current Ale. | 4. ate creation _/ Kye of existing cif 0 ae cKere create details 7 Doournents needed! 1. Be setfterent aareernent 2+ Radhon u 3. Vole 3. FATA "7 om Z 5. fee AY Deposit Jee] 2) L-Pnesune aa : Cneake 3 New dep- afc 2 a+ Gnten CIF ne: 4 + 1. Statement Mau Op-/ | Arm: Yes Product type + O03 CORR ACCT Fee collection Nominalio! 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Link images (signature / photog m SO oe 2 Trage ynaarnfenance > Upload emoges 25. “Fransostion posting > Deposit /ec/0 “Traws: Chor banding the TDR) STDR ale) - 6 FEBRUARY 2023 aoTer Ss + 123 4°55 67 8 9 10:11:12 [34 15 16 17 18:19 BH bavoizssa week 02 JANUARy ] 2 THURSDAY OSBI 2023 REeuRRING DEPOSITS ° oneal - — i. Ky¢ of, exiskog clr u 2 Dep/ecsop -3 Create —» New Deposit aje 12 Gove _opkons ———— | Froduck type + 00% RD Currency : INR a Produccl : Novmnol_ethoen Seniov citizen 3 TYR < 2YR OBI 2B uAI2y * |yL -455D 2B iiiloe 28 4102 eyie3 ABUT ASIAN § 3ys 28119) 98 11419) SYAB DBLINTG! 2436) 7 Seamnsut code _: 0%06 PER DOM PuBLe Tnkenest payment method t Retnvest Meturity “owbuetio + ¢Taybock Pameipal & Tntowst Mobiliser: Othe a iseglever an JANUARY a MoT WoT FS 30 31 23.45 67 9 10:1 12:13 ae ae ay St JANUARY ° weeko2 — oavou3-352 ae zK oc FRIDAY ] 3 erm Q/e _opitey Team basis: Months, aN Beequens Maturity a ism value: ° RD vassal ucouk [peaquomey : Moutty. $. Tronsackion posing 1 Dep Jee/o0 a 1 ov ____Arwepk doposit via ena 9 4. Add nowivae a Link enagen oe to let go of certainties WH pwvorsiast: Wverko2 JANY, : ] 4 SATURDAY — SBI : __ 4. Kye ok extshing ee Maat eral 2. exve_cneake_detaila 3: Dep/ee/on > Create aa ka aje Baoduct type: PPF- 83A (609) _ Brocturct 131401 2 Seqrasut ende: 5006 PER OTHERS : Currrerrest 1 INR A: Add no winee 2S. Sek Staciteg ae (ig eustonen nas provided Sussep / Standing ovolens ] 5 SUNDAY ——_—__—-— —— Sata JANUARY. t aS oT ow Sar dale of; commanceun eulb-~7 SE — 30 31 6) 2 Frequency , ; 17 18? Sirategy is about stretching limied resources to fit ambitious aspirations 3 Fonpee'y $2 Veponk 3 WEEKGS DAYOI6349 7 JANUARY @OSBI MONDAY | 6 2023 Cnken_enedet afe vos + Frou wat a Trawackion poshug — Dep)ce| opm» Tram fers © free Wesabe fot ts pean tu same-day ot z da o ousted Ha a] al “+ Linkage 0} Signatunts . “Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm a DAY 017-348 | WEEK 03 eSBI na | AZ ree TUESDAY an Senor “orT2BN_ SAVING serene :_ 4 Kye _of existing CIF 10 2+ Dep jecfop— uate 4 News deposit ale —— —————— Ted a 4 — Product type! 605 TDR - Crent INR | Product: 44411934 Aleseq.ende: 5006 PER OTHERS Cove. o paws 1 Gaba pes want wattlood | Frau, Trauahir afer no. + Eater $B a/evo, \. Matuxily iwshuchon: X “Tow |, ik : i Toon baste: D, Tera ale of am Ten value deposited Pikes on : Trlr at 5 Tew eee e a Meares = | Yair X 4. Teowsoction | oe Pyefo Tape sg) WEEKO3 pay o18.347 JANUARY a _ ne ___ WEDNESDAY “I 8 9023 dabals Proluding 1 Guardine ae rye! 010226 SUKANYA SAMRIDDHI Ydurca Are sade: Not declared DVD! 9% BIRTH CERT. PRIMARY 1D Oceupalon : Child, wot yet attends Sous | € “4 ov Gade 1 9. Wepuak/ ce/ op > Crealt 4 New dopoiet afe a (Pula cle Wo + Po duck J Cavemen“ ve — Peo duak ! 131451 ad Log - ptichp sth ~ 5006 PER OTHERS 1 7 ; GA rau ‘ ent 3 Dey /ee/o9.2 7 ee da day habeinng s waandalor) ach time we face our fear, we gait stehth and A ate: Nat: Guordion a wri a 5. Uplvad iuager [Lok ase mand BB opavoio.g4g > weeks SAyyy @ SBI : | po ay, THURSDAY - dy pings Ae | Foewn 60 in cy 4s Kye, plein oh ou ‘au “nema [5 Tost? PAN rau fs Curt Management : : By Creake a = Non ansonal eistomet seaioh | =4 Search @ Creake : —— = Cw type? 21404: SHG- Auwale ne 2 _ es SHG AU panale. : Date_o estab ment: As mented ur veroluton _ Busines ‘nawe: Nawaa_o, He SHG Travswuk i = Proceed 4p CIF 5 4 4.0 1 Place op imenrporahin : rm wuahmed St Select Form 60 = Thnuovens: Aghe + Non- Aan wLeeurg, 6 firs} 1D Nos og op MMAYY ( Board verelukon dy a Trdwry clay teahon ! 64 ase oa aie gi Seckov code! Son) i ce + LHS Ong codes 95) 84D feat Lowen i) ae Bagi code: 95 Sq Divear Diver Wewan 40 ILo hee mau} a reaanigh Frat JANUARY J \ 1 MoT Ww Happiness is a by product - WEEKO3 DAY OR0.045. a © S BI _ 2 0 vag mont her delaly Tia ve 24) Riu alk Sag. vaslesa dabei 3 Tras wit A Relationships ek 241? Casbowan wauspeuxeul — at amy - Relahaurips .(Seraun uo» 60440) vt? - Dp: SHG UF i Eulihy : O0S Ratan ig + 8 Bench chery Your Aim should be knowledge and wisdom not glamour of fame WB bavonvaaa wenn on WAN, 2 | SATURDAY osBI th PATEA bev ealily Midvers ype + 09 Rapidom bad, i Tdewhjreahom types 0 O\tuorn s Mdemb {y ohon ot Ab ota CIF tnea hon dota, uM Memklrcahom issuing eounby : —divpiA Coumby oh Ta vemdunes ? Tdi Purity covatitubou taper Fs Coa \ Counbvs o, Tacorpora on JOvqs + Badin , WPEL Yes : Aekvo NPE} Yea a “Ramawut 6. Que (Digener 1 Qep/ce/or + Creal) Newo « | De SUNDAY. a seas ae COT Savings Ale gee . : Ale opening oubity: Otte : RY 202 — Sep wa 5007 AGRI Feedba — Mobiles. 30 31 i 0 23945 67 oe Exter Farm 60 deka 9 0 1 12 13 2 : ir wie Th 23 24 25 26 27 232 ‘The mode by which the inevitable comes to pass is effort 5 yr WEEK O4 | DAY 023-342 JANUARY © S Bl MONDAY 2 3 2023 Ge Wep] ee/OD 1 Auamad 1 Cater Ae nef Select Mode ee Change Single to 0 & Letr auctinornly tod “$ Dpload imangen [ser Ade wanda ap Goin Pons hor) 1 — lor Bssue ebrsquee book . 2 3 CKYG do cunt —— ee ‘ Dog: Auvoxure 3 wsitn Sty wieunloer lot sas} CWS ok WdsAlual wuuubis £ Form 60 b Pit 2POA! Board vex Luhon_ L Ota: Padhor of malas . FEBRUARY 2023 Wor s s fol 2 a 4s £789 win 2 15 16 17 18.19 pRB 2 24 25 26 ‘A sinall group of committed citizens ean change the world | DAY O2341 WEEK OF JAN, 2 4 TUESDAY 0 S Bl ia 2, CURRENT AtecounT fOR_NON INDIVIDUALS _ - kye ok bene seal PS Ae + ckye ok benekcial oconend = Customer “mamagement 9 Create Non por ww iS 4: Customer management = Dmend 7 Baten Uf imo. bo ‘ ee choose option 4! Llenbhealn ele dds pure Bite, 4 Fransme : 3 — al a A veg ID : 7 7, cheese, areal. a Sears and then proms 5: . FATA by a a 2: Te diligence Sinn I Refationthin acd > Peneliciony ors 7%: Mank wosten @te Vieiony 7 is 3 —Vadaking bow no tnedik focliten pala ft Dep Jecfor + Creske : : a ae type Ch Bolen se ee Currsuey i t JANUARY a 5 Produk: “ Sourael (ed REY -Pup- ord MT! AU~INR aS 2 3 Sepa Coste: Soot Qh. w SOR RN RSDP Identity is like a garment wit h which one eovers o “overs oneself Paz WEEK 04” | BAY 0251340) JANUARY © S B i a WEDNESDAY 2? 5 9023 MoBILisER: OTHER 7 gms: Yes ; : —~ am: Choose fhe required type a5 Mata aa . > Nomi ATION: YES (toy sole prpreb rs 1) ur WNO (Jor alk ott ye Raw wut _ z (Ale no. silt be qpusraled) id ‘ thet Ub Link CA 40 undertaking © pn» Remove Stop (48: Noc Linkage) ' 1S JRE funds . . 4 Tesue cheque book alfa bere Souk - i Sites " oy HH pay 026.339 © week o4 JANY 2 6 THURSDAY 0 SBI a CONVERSION oF A]@ INTO SALARY A/e ————————— aaa — 41. AMEND CIF -ro THE REQUISITE GusTOMER TYPE L © 2. Customer mtnagessenl ay n Pass ] Ouonenvhips 2 Relationnbsps (So ne zg} 2 Add —> Ips Cif no. df euuskowrtr \ Snkidy 1 Gus : Relatronshis oaplowsn Sompouen code: “Then choote ermplout SAN jpomn sagan oe aS Select Fre naguasite PAN ome again alee 4 on trav wut 5 3 Deposit Jee] 0d = Amend 3 Enter ale no. - Choose Gl 3: Ble hype pe | Hemel ‘ a Spee JANUARY ae Met wot 3B es ae wa iat = os pai es Bane : 1617 18 19 2 Hy eM Bg. Continuous effort not strength or intelligence is the key to our success wees psvo27 33a ©SBI won DY ackege (C5): ef? o1oaae hd eee Salary ee P 1029 153] | 5000 45 jo000 = esP Silver: 1029 1431 loco1 +o 25000 3 CSP Geld: 1029 441 25001 to S0cc0 - CSP Diamond: 1029 1451 GSP Platinuva! 1029 146] 50001 +o 00000 loooor BF & above = State Government Salary, Pakage (er: 10215) : s Salory Giver! 1096 1431 | Joom 4s 26um0 2 Gold + 1086 1441 | sont fe Sto00 Diavnend + 1096 145] 50001 + dovooo Pratinuva: 1096 1461 | Aooont £ above 8: Qailucoy, Selon Pakage (AF: 010214) Sal Giivers 1035 143] | 18600 aot Gow: 1095 J44y 25004 fo 50000 ‘Darron: 1095 1451 50004 to doo000 —_Patinuvas 1095 1461 | 400001 k above Sa. Grint Goremmonk Selony Paekenge to9e war ed: 038 145) | shun + 1038 1461 | &7 X & 9 10 11 12 a au 35 36 17 18 19 gi) 2 23 24 25 % ae | DAY 028-337 WEEK 04 ) R SATURDAY 0 SBI oa 2023 Caps Bion) Sulooy & Pout Sprany PACKAKE ~ Saver: 108A WI | tov fo M6000) ® Wi way (2500142) 50000) ot romowd } (094 145) (So001__ +o 100000) | 2 an sense 1 (nea fobwe) & DEFENCE Gatany PACKAGE (Army: 102g [ 2 Dax Foree: 010207 ) CIk Navy: 010208 J ya 2 Gods to99 uu Diamond: 1092 145) 3 Plekwuva: 1092 146] | <2: DwDIAN Cons G\VARD SALARY PrcKAQE (CIF: 102 112) 5 Gola 1089 juud Diamond: 1094 145) Platinum! 1099 146) SUND, 5 ae rr 29 NDAY G+ CENTRAL ARMED ‘Pouce SALARY PAeKALE (cre: ou!) : ne 4 Tok Geta: tose Ju) _ Diawmords Jos 14S} Platinum? 1094) 146) my oe | JANUARY 2023 Gr cuslowr ie pain GH) 8 vefor M T wore se Civ. 00! NBG/PB/ crTy-cse/E/r0I9-8 dated (3/tifpora 2 34 5415 “2 Nidy/rmferwapse id 203-29 dated 03 /w/rous 3 2 8 BE ‘A strategy of rapid lobal growth require a different culture than one of focused innoauce 2. vas WEEK OS — DAY 030.935 | i] JANUARY 9023 OSBI MONDAY 30 How “To CONVERT NORMAL SAVINGS A/C “lo SAVINGS Plus Ale [Aum sweep / mov aye] a tte ms ee 4050 (Dep/ee/ op — flmend) - ” ren no. - Qeleot oplten 9: Ale type / Home Bre ktow Dropelecon P \ 1 J Tram i ai obs l 5 Product tupe : ZZ! Others : _ 2 Poduck: 2 1029 140) | = Regu pe autlo Sweep + YES { = Frommik 6) will. be gumenahed — Checker Ia | ‘__4+ Upon Q auettovisahion, nena seteen eeilt_appean ‘ erat or Rash : — ; sv us | Sunabhi_s Yes _ a Ses s a) 5 Tan ) = _detond ase no+ RO - . a ees Chant date! Should be omy ‘future date —__tyete: Daily / Weekly / Monthy _ Threshold looflance: 35000 = —— ee ___ Resuttant belonce + 25 000 wey 2023 f ae Crs 23 i # 9 10 i 2 $2 i g is you always have others on your side + The nice thing about team work is that you always crawl 3 BA bAvo31-334 week 05 3 ] TUESDAY © S B | JANUap 207 ef \TY | How To pereteE Auto Sweep / Mod FACIL ra Gp 40 ees no. 60420 — Snren afeno: A Required sabes $ Crquine [Breed + Trang nut x New Senson Enter less ‘Codal nas wl is vequined to be deleted aaa 4+ Next snreen usill appeor Reed fodouy's date we end’ dake keld 4 Throws wt + Q wit be gensralid 2 NUARY of ere Yy | dwvosdsss) | weeks FEBRUAR, ) | WEDNESDY AY ae s Bl ee 203, Ss Customer mmenegencek 2 Amend _ + — Onken eles CIE no. : — Galeet 21a details rom ¢ dropdown + Drromqemert + Qole Rayventtunal Lomd_debeidn veal: No 4d Ranswik Av Dep] ce/ov > Gnter_ee/op twmik detain from Guinan vo: 2009 ( treate cc/op Umit) L Feed afe no. — Saker lemik os Qe 2000 J- 2 date dake oy s ae exping an Tto i 3 ee Ly Trans mut (Quay be geurelll Boo During, _auttrovi sation ove Q. pomottur Screen 3h ba eM fpr addittonal @c/OD dete ,_ Feedin : hy code: 28998 a8 (Cheese me" Brows 99999 bY FEBRUARY moTowoT eS 12 3 49 67a wis 1314 15 16 7 ge 20 21 22 23 2 3s UT OSt | Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected =Ravswnke > | ‘ | WEEKOS DAY O33352' I ; eegRUARY 0 S BI oe 02 2028 as Depot [ec/ep econ | pena te a aie oe as a Sari a Feed = no. 7 ~—Bmount: Re 2000 | - Raieasolis : Yo 7 Deke sb ten: Zakesloday's dale Ey Trowwik > & DefecJop + Amend 3 Snin a/e ve- } Es ; Selecl- Oplen + Ale Bype/ Bone lor dropdown ha ve . Baba tye pIce Toes: ad Seidel Jmol 0a Z SAVINGS BANKING aL cof \f ¥ TH opavosa.331 WEEK 05 FEBRUy, 03 FRIDAY SBI ee 10 i. Make a wolepad Yle_as under ! 000000 ACCOUNTNOMBER 11111101 BRANCHCODE N — 2 Save this Rle on desktop. = rr 2 Regd capability fpr step 2: level 62 al Gp +o seneen no. 99392 > Generale Hark File Upload tape: Ateount type. [Binkenao¥ calgon chevy ‘ File wis Browse 9X uplood tue vaa\@pad a Kile and elicle on Save fo Sewer ey | Benepe hhosh a : _ A Subsemuent Berean Ul _ | Noke “Neon Yee pass. qa ACT?Butle afe. type | Tate cal ehorye . Sg eg PEBRUARY ™ Select kro Saver ond choote orwet Et rT; és Wo Ou! ee weds fee Pass ken» Suber ar moked wpvemour then, 277 2? om Think ahead don’t let day to day of rations drive out planning, WEEK OS DAY 035.930 Bo pgBRUARY 0} S B | 0 peed SQ vill sey eet] save O4 ee — Nee autre vation of Q , Q, the aciecauvi hl oil tbe. 1234 6739 0% 1314 15 16 Mog 20 21 22 23 9 However beautiful the straieoy as 27 28 FEBRUARY WEEK Os” | DAY O#2323") I _ @ = Bl SATURDAY ~ I | “5. Avrend alt S ae names _t Se “ Screen — 06\ (Gok: Swweap poate) Gawdhion:. - Greake ~ __Bustilution wos 3 Bromeh no: Youn branch Code a Ace Fype + \Al Tnkensa category : \3a) ay TTronsmik dey Prinei Got Vireor. Alen x OBS ZOBBBSB Oe Tren botany J é Clee up ajc no: Prinepat afc no. created (yr - ofc wo’ Garter’ Ye wes rneoled Me ofnnr Frum death: Pte ow deci \ SUNDAY ] yp Frown la = Mace F 7a Zio 4S @ 9 10 11:12 15 16 17 18:19 22 23 24 25 26 28-29 30 31 Fach relationship nurtures a Strength or Weakness within you i. B DY Oa WEEK OP FER | 5 MONDAY SBI u/ 4 ~ Chosune ok Sento chine nee acheme Smaart postings oa Dep, pas Closune. op 7 cutee or closune ot Soveen Mor 1 O0%4 = Raut all be gaaaaled 4p checiea —=—— On auttrovication PL Queue, % deneon , eq using, Xtre_checker to enter Sony <__Atrotun “queue ust be Gemena red hove + be sutrhrowhed by o ee ehrectes ae RN oe Bieta my FEBRUARY 0080 2023 OsBI TUESDAY \4 - Some ‘wnportant_sureen_no-$ Good: SSA] PPF penalty - 9365: PPo onder Fo4t + Term Ppeocuck chonge. ee ee a 2023 Eee Ay ee . 3 4 5 2 Bye 9 AO Ne te ia 5 16:17 1818 IA At inne 2A 28 BB. Se

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