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Chapter 1

The Problem

This chapter present the background of the Study, statement of the problem, research hypothesis,
significance of the Study, scope and delimitation of the Study and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Some students are most likely engaged in playing video games or computer games than playing physical
sports or outside activities . One of these famous , captivating and accessible game is mobile legends.

Mobile legends:Bang Bang , created by china developer, Moonton Technology Co. Ltd and Shanghai
Mulog network and Technology Co. Ltd. July 11 2016 is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games
designed for mobile phones. The role is that there are two team fighting to reach and destroy the
enemies castle while they are protecting/defending their castle (base). To defend the base they have to
control the path they pass through , there are three lane: Exp lane, Mid lane , and Gold lane, those lanes
are connected to the pathway of their Base .

This game is very popular in every country in the world . It is one of the most famous online game today.
Students are the one who usually play this game. In mobile legends some players tend to do things on
their own way and not care about their teammates or even the outcome of the game . You Will know
that this is also what's happening in the internet especially on the social meadia.

Statement of the problem

This research aimed to find out the effect of playing mobile legends to the learning behavior of the

Specifically it answer's to the following question.

1. How does mobile legends affect the academic performance of the students

2. Is there a significance relationship between Playing mobile legends and academic performance of the


1. There is a significant relationship between the students perception on the effect or Playing mobile
legends in their learning behavior

Significance of the Study

This study entitled "mobile legends addiction among Senior High School Student in Tococ National High
School" in relevant to the following.

Teachers. It was provided additional knowledge and strategies to use educate students about the well
known effect of playing mobile legends to the students learning behavior and academic performance.

Parents. They can help them to understand the behavior and study habit of their children when they
engaged into such activity like playing mobile legends .

Students. It helps their point of view on the effect of playing mobile legends toward their learning
behavior .

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This focuses on the effect of playing mobile legends on the 50 students of Tococ National High School in
the school year 2023-2024. This study will look into the profile of the students in terms of age, gender
and GPA. The parameter of this Study was limited to the significant relationship between the effect of
mobile legends addiction and the profile of the students.

Definition of terms

To provide a better comprehension of this study , defining some terms is indeed essential. The
researchers defined the following terms according to their use in the Study as follows:

Online gaming -in this study, this refers to the playing of games in online

Profile -refers to the information about the respondents of the Study

Addiction -in this study, this refers to the level of interest of the students in playing mobile legends or
online games.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies as the idea for better understanding to the
problem and which provided the researchers the necessary background and information. The review
presented here gaves insights, concept, facts, and information about the effects of of mobile legends
addiction in the students and the easy adjustment to the nature of the course . Furthermore the
knowledge, ideas, and concept gleaned from the reviewed literature bear significant relationship to the
study since the focus of the Study is to identify the effect of mobile legends addiction to students.

Online games and Learning

Online games, along with improvements in technology, have entered the daily life of college
students through the popularity of computers, smartphones, PSPs (PlayStation Portable), and other
gaming devices. Online game addiction has recently become a critical problem affecting college
students' studies and lives. As early as 2018, online game addiction was officially included in the
category of "addictive mental disorders" by the World Health Organization (WHO), and the International
Classification of Diseases (ICD) was updated specifically to include the category of "Internet Gaming
Disorder" (IGD). Prior research investigating Chinese college students' online game addiction status
mostly comprised regional small- scale studies. For example, a study on 394 college students in Chengde
City, Hebei province, China showed that the rate of online game addiction was about 9% (Cui et al.,

According to the results of an online game survey conducted by China Youth Network (2019) on
682 Chinese college students who played online games, nearly 60% of participants played games for
more than 1 h a day, over 30% stayed up late because of playing games, over 40% thought that playing
games had affected their physical health, over 70% claimed that games did not affect their studies, and
over 60% had spent money on online games. This phenomenon has vehicles for gaming with the
development of technology. The increase in the frequency or time spent on daily gaming among
adolescents implies a growth in the probability of gaming addiction, while an increase in the level of
education decreases the probability of gaming addiction (Esposito et al., 2020; Kesici, 2020). Moreover,
during the COVID- 19 pandemic, adolescents' video game use and the severity of online gaming
disorders increased significantly (Teng et al., 2021).

A large body of literature on the relationship between problematic smartphone use and academic
performance has illustrated the varying adverse effects of excessive smartphone obsession (Durak,
2018; Mendoza et al., 2018; Rozgonjuk et al., 2018).
These effects are manifested in three critical ways: first, the more frequently cell phones are used
during study, the greater the negative impact on academic performance and achievement; second,
students are required to master the basic skills and cognitive abilities to succeed academically, which are
negatively affected by excessive cell phone use and addiction (Sunday et al., 2021); third, online game
addiction negatively affects students' learning motivation (Demir and Kutlu, 2018; Eliyani and Sari,
2021). However, there is currently a lack of scientifically objective means of effective data collection
regarding online game addiction among college students in China, such as variabies, and explored the
relationship between online game addiction, learning engagement, and reduced academic achievement
motivation. The research frame diagram is shown in Figure 1.

Effect of online gaming

It is widely believed that game players who spend playing too many hours (above 10 hours a day)
are at high risk of being addicted to video games(Anand, 2007). Previous studies have shown that
mobile legends addiction among adolescent gamers is highly correlated with psychosocial problems
such as time spent on games (i. e, usage), life satisfaction, loneliness , social competence, and
aggression (Lemmens et al, 2009).

Although playing mobile legends is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world, research into
its effects on player, both positive and negative, is often trivialized. Some of this research deserve to be
taken seriously, because mobile legends playing has implications for health . One innovative application
needed of video games in health care is their use in pain management. The degree of attention needed
to play such a game can distract the player from the sensation of pain. However, there has been no long
term follow up and no robust randomized controlled trials such intervention. Furthermore, it is not
known whether the any distracting effect depends simply on concentrating on interactive task.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, subject of the Study, data Gathering Procedure,
instruments used during the study statistical treatment of data.
Research design

In this study, the researcher will use survey questionnaire to gather information on the profile of
the students. The descriptive survey method of research will use in this study because it describes the
profile and the effects of mobile legends to the respondent's.

Subject of the Study

The subject of this study are the students from senior Highschool student that were officially
enrolled at Tococ National High School during the S. Y 2023-2024.

Data Gathering Instrument

A questionnaire checklist will use as the main tool on gathering the data needed. The
questionnaire checklist will distribute by the researcher in the campus. The questionnaire checklist has
two parts:Part 1 will consist the profile of the students including their age, gender, grade and for Part :2
is the questionnaire checklist relating to the effect of mobile legends addiction to students

Data Gathering Procedure

Before the gathering of data the researchers will ask permission to the adviser of the target students
that will answer the questionnaire checklist. The researcher will then administer the questionnaire to
the respondents, conduct test and analyse the pertinent records to get the necessary data, retrieve the
questionnaire and classify the questionnaire to examine and compare carefully in order to note points
and verify the order,necessary for the completeness of the study, statistically analyse and interpret the

Statistical Treatment of Data

The researchers used statistical treatment to determine the frequency distribution and percentage.
Percentages were used by researcher to covert the numerical data gathered from the questionnaire.
The descriptive statistic used frequency and percentage. These things would be explained further in the
following: a.Frequency- pertains to the number of respondents that have same answer in a specific
question. b.Percentage- used to determine the ratio of respondents that have the same answers with
general number of respondents. The following statistical components will use are as follows:


a.P=F/N ×100 Where:

P = stands for percentage (%)

F= number of respondents that answered the question

N = total number of respondents

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