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================= Lab 4 ================

#==================== Lab 4 ========================

print(" Q.5 Do these Programming Exercises with Python language to:")

# print('========= lab4 Q.5 (1) =========\n')

# #1. Write a python program to print a number is positive/negative using if-
# number = int(input("Enter the number : "))
# if number > 0 :
# print("The number (",number ,") is : 'positive .' ")
# elif number < 0 :
# print("The number (",number ,") is : Negative . ")
# elif number == 0 :
# print("The number (",number ,") is : Zero . ")
# else:
# print(" \tError ..... ")
# print("=============================================")

# print('========= lab4 Q.5 (2) =========\n')

# # 2.Make a program that asks the number between 1 and 10
# lf the number is out of range the program should display "invalid number".
# number = int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 10 : "))
# if number < 1 or number > 10 :
# print("The number (",number ,") is not included . ")
# else:
# print(" The number is included ")
# print("=============================================")

# print('========= lab4 Q.5 (3) =========\n')

# # 3.Makea program thatasksa password.
# password_list = ["123"]
# password = input("Enter the password : ")
# if password in password_list :
# print("The password is correct. \n\n\t Welcome to the system....")
# else:
# print("Sorry, the password is incorrect.")
# print("=============================================")

# print('========= lab4 Q.5 (4) =========\n')

# # 4. Implement python script to read person's age from
# keyboard and display whether he is eligible for voting or not.
# age_person = int(input("Enter the age : "))
# required_age = 25
# if age_person >= required_age :
# print("You have been accepted. ")
# else:

‫ رقنة سلمان و سدى الورد‬/ ‫هندسيان‬ ‫ ضياء احمد علي الش فري‬/ ‫الطالب‬
================= Lab 4 ================

# print("You age is not acceptable. ")

# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (5) =========\n')

# # 5. Implement python script to chec:k the given year is leap year or not.
# year = int(input("Enter a year: "))
# if (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or (year % 400 == 0):
# print(year, " is a leap year")
# else:
# print(year, " is not a leap year")
# print("=============================================")

# print('========= lab4 Q.5 (6) =========\n')

# # 6. Check user input is a positive number or negative
# number = float(input("Enter a number : "))
# if number > 0:
# print("The number is positive")
# elif number < 0:
# print("The number is negative")
# else:
# print("The number is zero")
# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (7) =========\n')

# # 7. Write a python program to find largest number among three numbers.
# num1 = float(input("Enter the first number: "))
# num2 = float(input("Enter the second number: "))
# num3 = float(input("Enter the third number: "))
# if num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3:
# largest = num1
# elif num2 >= num1 and num2 >= num3:
# largest = num2
# else:
# largest = num3
# print("The largest number is:", largest)
# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (8) =========\n')

# # 8. Write a python Program to read
# a number and display corresponding day using if elif else?
# number = int(input("Enter the day number (1-7): "))
# if number == 1:
# print("The corresponding day is Saturday")
# elif number == 2:

‫ رقنة سلمان و سدى الورد‬/ ‫هندسيان‬ ‫ ضياء احمد علي الش فري‬/ ‫الطالب‬
================= Lab 4 ================

# print("The corresponding day is Sunday")

# elif number == 3:
# print("The corresponding day is Monday")
# elif number == 4:
# print("The corresponding day is Tuesday")
# elif number == 5:
# print("The corresponding day is Wednesday")
# elif number == 6:
# print("The corresponding day is Thursday")
# elif number == 7:
# print("The corresponding day is Friday")
# else:
# print("Invalid day number. Please enter a number between 1 and 7")
# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (9) =========\n')

# # 9. What Are the optional statements possible inside
# a try-except block in Python The ''else" clause The ''finally" clause
# # try:
# # # ‫استثناء حدوث يحتمل كود‬
# # except SomeException:
# # # ‫معين استثناء لمعالجة كود‬
# # else:
# # # ‫استثناء رفع يتم لم إذا تنفيذه يجري كود‬
# # finally:
# # # ‫ًا تنفيذه يجري كود‬
‫ال أو استثناء رفع كان إذا عما النظر بغض دائم‬
# # ‫مثــــــــــال‬
# try:
# number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
# result = 10 / number
# except ValueError:
# print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.")
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed.")
# else:
# print("Result:", result)
# finally:
# print("Program execution completed.")
# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (10) =========\n')

# # 10.Write a python program to check whether the given string is palindrome or
# input_string = input("Enter the string: ")
# string = ''.join(e for e in input_string if e.isalnum()).lower()
# if string == string[::-1]:
# print("The string is a palindrome.")
# else:
# print("The string is not a palindrome.")

‫ رقنة سلمان و سدى الورد‬/ ‫هندسيان‬ ‫ ضياء احمد علي الش فري‬/ ‫الطالب‬
================= Lab 4 ================

# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (11) =========\n')

# #11. Demonstrate a python code to implement abnormal termination?
# # ‫ بإستخدام‬def
# def divide_numbers(a,b) :
# try:
# result = a / b
# return result
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("Error: Division by zero! ")
# raise
# numerator = 10
# denominator = 0
# try:
# result = divide_numbers(numerator, denominator)
# print("Result is :",result)
# except:
# print("An error occurred. Abonrmal terminaton. ")
# # ‫ استخدام بدون‬def
# numerator = int(input("Enter the number 1 : "))
# denominator = int(input("Enter the number 2 : "))
# try:
# result = numerator / denominator
# print("Result is :",result)
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("Error: Division by zero! ")
# except:
# print("An error occurred. Abonrmal terminaton. ")
# print("=============================================")

#print('========= lab4 Q.5 (12) =========\n')

# #12. Demonstrate a python code to print try, except and finally block statements
# def divide_numbers(a, b):
# try:
# result = a / b
# print("Result is :", result)
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("Error: Division by zero! ")
# finally:
# print("Finally block excepted. ")
# numerator = 10
# denominator = 2
# divide_numbers(numerator, denominator)
#‫اخرى تنسيق طريقة‬ ==============
# num1 = int(input("Enter the number 1 : "))

‫ رقنة سلمان و سدى الورد‬/ ‫هندسيان‬ ‫ ضياء احمد علي الش فري‬/ ‫الطالب‬
================= Lab 4 ================

# num2 = int(input("Enter the number 2 : "))

# try:
# result = num1 / num2
# print("Result is :", result)
# except ZeroDivisionError:
# print("Error: Division by zero! ")
# else:
# print("Done.....")
# finally:
# print("Finally block excepted. ")
# print("=============================================")

print(" ========== Question (5) completed ============")

‫ رقنة سلمان و سدى الورد‬/ ‫هندسيان‬ ‫ ضياء احمد علي الش فري‬/ ‫الطالب‬

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