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NAME: __________________________________

DATE: March 14, 2023

Teacher: EDEN K. GORRA



5 C’s Values Critical thinking

Duration 1 hour
Tuesday and Thursday Grade 11 Holy Trinity
Learning Objectives: The Learners:
D- Recognize human activities that arose from deliberate reflection.
M- Appreciate Filipino indigenous values and thinking.
W- pray that seeking the wisdom from within and from trusted sources.
Reference: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person (Christine Carmela R. Ramos, PhD)
page 18-26


A. Expanding our philosophical Frames: Western and Non-western traditions

 Many philosophers hold that there are three great original centers of philosophy in the world -Greek (or
Western), Indian, and Chinese.
 All three arose as critical reflections on their own traditions.
 As world becomes “smaller” it is increasingly important to develop an understanding of cultural centers
around the globe that are very different from our own. Each society or culture has its own ideas of itself, a
definition of what is important in life, and its own notions of what the world is liked in general terms; thus,
each society or culture can be said to have its own “philosophy”
 For Quito, there 3 attitudinal imperatives that we must bear in mind.
o 1st, in terms of Beginning and ending in a straight line (cyclic style). For example, A man may have
been born at a precise time and may have died at a precise time, but it cannot be said that his
existence can be congealed at a specific time, and when he dies, he life continues in another form.
(Samsara or rebirth means continuation of an earlier word in an earlier times, therefore, a
succession of worlds and a succession of lives.)
o 2nd , life is a translation of thought; it is philosophy in action. (Oriental thinkers). Orientals believes
that life must be the extension of thought, its fruit, and its application.
o 3rd, Orientals are perceived transcending the limitations of the human intellect and treading on a no-
mans land verification of one’s premise is not possible.

Knower Known

Eastern Version Western Version

B. Filipino thinking: From Local to Global

 Filipino thought-take our own consciousness of particular life and his world, his society and his gods
in the light of truth, thereby realize his proper being (Reyes, 1990).
 Filipinos do have their own philosophy.
 The 3 dimensions of Filipino thought are:
1. Loob: Holistic and Interior Dimensions
a. Kagandahang-loob, kabutihang-loob, and kalooban are terms that show sharing of one’s self to others.
b. Use of intermediaries of the Values: loyalty, hospitality, pakikisama (camaraderie or conformism) and
respect to authority.
2. Filipino Concept of Time
a. In Ilokano, Life is like a wheel, sometimes you are up, and while sometimes you are down.
(Ti tao kasla kulintaba, no agtayab, ngumato, bumaba).
b. This philosophy of life makes the Filipino an unmitigated optimist. Life may be sorrowful, but precisely
because suffering is ultimately salutary, there is hope beyond suffering. (Timbeza, 1996)
c. Filipino time is mistakenly interpreted as always delayed in the committed time of arrival.
3. Bahala Na
a. The pre-Spanish Filipino people believed in a Supreme Being, Batula or Bathala.
b. Bathala is not an impersonal entity but rather a personal being that keeps the balance in the universe.
c. Bahala na is literally means to leave everything to God who is BATHALA in the vernacular and most
outstanding Filipino virtues.
C. Filipino thought and Values: Positive and Negative Aspects
 Utang na Loob -reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and subordinates holds the
whole group together- superordinate and subordinate.
 Bayanihan- helping others in times of need. Bayanihan is another moving spirit of the Filipino
 According to Gripaldo (2000), believed 4 important items to be considered.
1. Replacing colonial consciousness with a nationalist consciousness thereby doing away with
colonial and crab mentality.
2. Creation of a super industrial society.
3. Utilization of education as the means of realizing the image of the future as a super industrial
4. Choosing not just for one’s self but for all humanity, for the nation, as a whole.

Activity: Read the question below and answer on your own opinion. Give at least 5 sentences. (5 points each).

1. How important is the responsibility of repaying borrowed money in relation to kagandahang loob and
kabutihang loob?
2. How can education do away with colonial and crab mentality for country to be economically strong?

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