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Determining truth from Opinion: Applying Logic and analyzing Fallacies.

At the beginning of the TRACTATUS (Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1922), spoke of the picture that we can form of
reality, by way of a model, we represent the existence and nonexistence of state of affairs.
TRACTATUS identifies the relationship between language and reality; it also defines the limits of science. It is
in the possibility of agreeing or disagreeing with reality, this being true or false, the meaning of the picture
Same thoughts of Ludwig described spoken and written language, that is, propositions, meaning in terms of
its capacity for being true or false.
News reporting and journalism had irrevocably changed. If the purpose of a sentence is to inform or state a
fact, some of its words must refer things, events, or properties. It is called cognitive meaning.
Emotive meaning which means they have a certain stance or follow a certain way of thinking. This implies
that words and sentences have the power not only to express truth, but also power to persuade, convince,
and coax people.
Words have emotive meaning whether positive or negative overtones. (terrorist, axis of evil, and band of
zealots, good, bad, pretty)
Con Artist takes advantage of the emotive side of language in two very important ways.
o 1st, they use emotive meaning masked as cognitive meaning to whip up emotions so that reason gets
o 2nd, to dull the force of what they say. It might apply the fallacies. (In research, excellence involves
integrity and honesty to promulgate the truth. Avoid fraud.)

Analyzing the methods of philosophy that lead to wisdom and truth

Double, 1999, Philosophy is an organized body of knowledge, the subject matter of philosophy is questions,
which have three major characteristics:
1. Philosophical questions have answer, but the answer remain in dispute.
2. Philosophical questions cannot be settled by science, common sense, or faith.
3. Philosophical questions are of perennial intellectual interest to human beings.
Method that philosophers use to address philosophical questions is critical thinking. This involves
questioning the assumptions, beliefs, basis of ideas, claims, and opinions.
Critical thinking is the careful, reflective, rational, and systematic approach to questions of very general
interest. It is finding out the reason behind things and understanding the impact of that realization to one’s
For Maboloc and Pascua (2008), Critical thinking is a lifelong process of self-assessment that further consists
 Defining, analyzing, and devising solutions;
 Arriving at reasonable and informed conclusions.
 Applying understanding and knowledge to new and different problems,
 Willingness to change one’s point of view
 Continually examining and reexamining ideas; and
 Willingness to say “I don’t know”
As lifelong learning, critical thinking is a commitment to achieve better social conditions and broader
participation in unfolding the future. The attributes of a critical thinker include the following:
 Look for evidence to support assumptions and beliefs
 Adjusts opinions.
 Looks for proof.
 Examines problem.
 Rejects irrelevant and incorrect information.
For Aristotle, courage is also required in developing practical wisdom or habit of exercising good judgement
to choose effective means in achieving worthy goals. In arts forms such painting, music, and ballet, and
dance, singing.

A. Answer on your own point of view.

 What makes you as a person a critical thinker?
B. In GROUPS of five, Discuss the questions within your group and be ready to share it to the class.

Group1: Who are Bill Gates and Steve Jobs? What do you think are their positive attitudes and habits that made them

Group2: what characteristics of a critical thinker do you think you process or ought to have?

Group 3; A robbery occurred in which three persons were involved. Your bag was stolen together with other items.
When the robber(s) left in a gateway vehicle, it is given that: (1) no other persons were involved except for Brandy,
Jefferson, and Zeph; (2) Zeph never commits a crime without Jefferson’s participation; and (3) Brandy does not
know how to drive. So, Is Jefferson innocent or guilty?

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