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1. Question: I'm so full...Is this too much food?

Answer: Do not force feed. You can cut your carbs in half. As you continue your
appetite will grow. Also, since you are so "full" you shouldn't have room to cheat.

2. Question: What can I replace eggs with?

Answer: Any lean protein (chicken, fish, turkey, chicken Italian sausage, turkey
sausage.) The eggs are used for protein. The more protein your body has the more
muscle mass it will retain. The more muscle mass the body has more the more fat it
burns even when you're not working out.

3. Question: I don’t like the shake or can I have a different shake?

Answer: You can have any shake you want as long as the carbohydrates and sugar are
under 6 grams.

4. Is fresh juice allowed?

Answer: No! Excess sugar and carbohydrates will be stored as fat if not burned. We
will eventually re-introduce some of those items.

5. Question: Can I have milk?

Answer: No. You can substitute milk with an unsweetened version of almond or
cashew milk. ( Milk/Whey based protein drinks are fine)

6. Question: With meal five, I don't see any carbs?

Answer: Correct! For meal five, I only want you to have a lean protein and a green
vegetable or green salad.
7. Question: Am I allowed to have veggies inside my eggs? Answer: Yes

8. Question: Are pickles allowed? Answer: Yes

9. Question: What salad dressings are allowed?

Answer: Any dressing with less than 4g of carbohydrates and sugars is allowed.

10. Question: Does it matter what time I start or stop eating?

Answer: No. There are no set times just follow the meal plan in the order that it is
listed on your food plan.

11. Question: What is one of the biggest mistakes made on the food plan?

Answer: One of the biggest mistakes is NOT food prepping. If you do not prep your
meals in advance, you are going out into the world and trying to make a healthy
decision on where to stop for food while you're hungry.

12. Question: Is butter and cheese allowed?

Answer: Yes, in very small amounts.

13. Question: How much water should I drink?

Answer: You should try to get up to 1 gallon per day.

14. Question: Can I drink wine or alcohol during the week?

Answer: No. It is filled with carbs and sugar. Anything that your body does not burn
will be stored as fat!

15. Question: Can I have creamer in my coffee?

Answer: Sugar-free non-dairy creamer, almond or cashew milk, and or vanilla

protein can be added

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