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Exit test

1 Read the text and choose the correct option.

(30) Inspired / Inspiring by their example, no doubt other people
will now have the courage to reach for their dreams.
Conquering El Capitan
1 point for each correct answer 15
In January 2015, two American men, Tommy Caldwell, 36, and
Kevin Jorgeson, 30, (1) achieved / have achieved what (2) has 2 Choose option a or b to complete the sentences.
long been considered / has long considered the most difficult 1 ______ taxes are going up, my earnings will
rock climb in the world. They climbed the 900 metre vertical wall probably fall this year.
of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, known as the Dawn
a Given that b Above all
Wall, using just their hands and feet. The 19-day ascent of the
rock face, (3) which / what was believed by some to be 2 ‘I guess you’re going to the party tonight.’
impossible to achieve, is a (4) glowing / shining example of ‘______ , I’m not. I’m not feeling so good.’
human skill and perseverance. a By the way b As a matter of fact
3 ______ you’re in such a good mood, shall we go out
Before their achievement, no one (5) had ever climbed / was ever
climbing El Capitan using the free climbing technique. This for dinner?
involves just (6) using / to use your hands and feet to climb with. a Seeing as b Whereas
Free climbers are allowed to use ropes (7) as long as / in order 4 The flight was delayed ______ a strike at the airport.
to prevent them from falling. They can also wear helmets to a owing tob b providing that
protect their heads (8) despite / in case they slip and fall.
(9) While / Despite some say that this takes away all the danger, 5 Marta enjoys acting ______ her sister is very shy and
they (10) couldn’t / mustn’t have completed this legendary climb hates speaking in public.
without this basic protection. a whereas b even so
6 ______ Andrea’s not going to marry that man, is
Although Caldwell and Jorgeson (11) can / might have climbed any
she? He’s old enough to be her father.
rock face, it was the difficulty of El Capitan that really
(12) overshadowed / sparked their interest. They trained for over a Apparently b Surely
five years (13) so as to / owing to be prepared for the climb, and 7 ______ having a French mother, Julien couldn’t
knew that it (14) was going to be / was being difficult. Their first speak French.
attempt in 2010 had to be (15) called out / called off at the last a Although b Despite
minute (16) due to / in addition to storms. Then, in 2011, Jorgeson
broke his ankle, but he decided that he (17) wasn’t to give up / 8 ‘What’s it like living in London?’ ‘______ I live in
wouldn’t give up and was determined (18) succeeding / to succeed. Brighton, not London.’
a Actually b Anyway
The climb began on 27 December 2014. The pair (19) have been /
had been intending to begin earlier, but weather delayed their
1 point for each correct answer 8
attempt. When they finally began, they (20) must hold / had to hold
on to tiny bumps and grooves on the surface of the rock to pull (21) 3 Complete the second sentence using 1 to 5
ourselves / themselves up the mountain face. During the climb, words so it is similar in meaning to the first.
they slept in tents (22) suspended / suspending from the rock face. 1 We hardly ever went to expensive restaurants.
It was a tough climb with many (23) takeovers / setbacks and
difficulties. Where most people (24) will / would have given up, Rarely did we go to expensive restaurants.
Jorgeson and Caldwell proved they were made of sterner (25) stuff 2 I like the atmosphere in this café.
/ things and kept going, reaching the summit on 14 January. Those What I like _______________________ the
people that said it (26) must / could never be done were left eating
their (27) words / shoes.
3 If it hadn’t been for her, I’d never have got the job.
No sooner (28) had they reached / they had reached the summit, Had _______________________ her, I’d never have
than Caldwell and Jorgeson were questioned by the media. got the job.
Jorgeson said he hoped his efforts would encourage other people
(29) discovering / to discover their own Dawn Wall one day. 4 They believe the robber has left the country.
The robber is believed ______________________
the country.

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Exit test Continued

5 It appears that he is lying. 4 I hope Tim’s OK. He can have had an accident on
He appears _______________________ . his bike. ___
6 I’d never seen such a beautiful sight. __________________________________________

Never _______________________ such a beautiful 5 If I hadn’t had an accident, I won’t be in hospital

sight. now. ___
7 Karen emailed her boss.
6 It’s time we leave. It’s getting late. ___
What Karen _______________________ her boss.
8 Mark cleaned the flat, he also cooked dinner.
7 The light’s are all off – Terry mustn’t be at home. ___
Not only _______________________ , but he also
cooked dinner.
8 If I didn’t hurt my ankle, I’d come skiing with you
9 It seemed that she had been crying.
next week. ___
She seemed _______________________ . __________________________________________
9 He will leave everything to the last minute. It drives
1 point for each correct answer 8
me crazy! ___
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form __________________________________________
of the verb in brackets.
10 Where are they? They should get here by now. ___
1 Remember ____________ (take) out the rubbish
before going to bed, please.
2 Are you interested in ____________ (go) to the 1 point for each correct answer 9
6 Circle the correct phrase in italics to complete
3 On ____________ (arrive) at the hotel, we checked the sentences.
in and got our room key.
1 My partner loves the countryside and I do, though /
4 My boss made me ____________ (work) late last I do, too.
2 We asked Mathew to help, but he refused to / refused it.
5 I don’t remember ____________ (get) an email from
3 ‘Boris lives in Bradford.’ ‘I don’t think he is / does.’
you yesterday.
4 Her singing was faultless and her piano playing was
6 I don’t regret ____________ (tell) him exactly what I
equally impeccable / flawed.
thought – I had to speak my mind!
5 Jim’s less aggressive than he used to / used to be.
7 He promised ____________ (help) me move house.
6 Emma doesn’t like tennis and nor do I / so do I.
8 I saw Charlie ____________ (chat) with Silvia this
morning. 7 The machinery was pretty antiquated so we invested
in some that was more original / up to date.
1 point for each correct answer 9 8 ‘She can’t have left yet.’ ‘She must have / can have.
Her train left an hour ago.’
5 Tick () the correct sentences and correct the 9 Jamie’s persuaded Jenny to support his plan, but I’m
wrong ones. There are only two correct not thorough / convinced.
1 If only I have more money. __ 1 point for each correct answer 9

If only I had more money.

2 I’d rather you didn’t smoke here if that’s OK. ___
3 If I spoke Japanese, I can get a job in Tokyo. ___

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Exit test Continued

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form B Yeah, she’s finally decided to ____________ and
of a verb in the box. not be so rebellious.
8 A Did I ever tell you that you’re terrible at telling
break cheer pin use drive wear wind catch jokes?
B ____________ ! Your jokes are just as awful if
1 Lina never gives you a straight answer. It’s really not worse!’
hard to ____________ her down.
2 Unless you start taking better care of yourself, you’ll a saving grace
____________ up in hospital.
b a happy medium
3 The constant criticism gradually ____________ him
c agree to disagree
d on my radar
4 He ____________ off the engagement because he
met another woman. e pull the other one
5 We’ve ____________ up all the milk – can you buy f mince her words
another carton? g look who’s talking
6 Do you think the fashion for blue glasses will h toe the line
____________ on?
7 The crowd ____________ her on as she ran towards 1 point for each correct answer 8
the finish line.
8 I can’t believe it! Someone just hit my car and 9 Translate the sentences.
____________ off without stopping! 1 Having plunged in the first quarter, share prices are
now set to rocket.
1 point for each correct answer 8 __________________________________________
2 The police have sealed off the place where the
8 Complete the dialogues with idioms a–h.
gunman was last seen hiding.
1 A Let’s take it easy this holiday.
B OK, we need to find ____________ between 3 We were going to see Duncan off at the station, but
relaxing and doing a bit of sightseeing.
he ended up taking a taxi.
2 A I just went on a date with Beyoncé! __________________________________________
B Oh yeah! ____________ – like I’d believe that! 4 I might have been able to help had I known that you
3 A My boss has threatened to fire me if my work were having problems.
doesn’t improve! __________________________________________
B Your boss doesn’t ____________ , does she? 5 Keep your chin up! I’m sure it’ll turn out all right in
4 A I just think your views are wrong. the end.
B OK, well, let’s just ____________ . I don’t think __________________________________________
we’ll ever think the same about this. 6 It was blindingly obvious that we’d have to work
5 A That movie was terrible! hard and go the extra mile to keep our clients happy.
B Yes, but its’ one ____________ was the
wonderful soundtrack.
6 A Weren’t you aware of the problems with the 2 points for each correct answer 12
Korean account?
B No, it wasn’t ____________ . I just assumed it
was fine. Total 100
7 A I’m pleased to see Anna’s not getting into so much
trouble at school these days.

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