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### Week 3: Goal Setting and Planning

#### Key Concepts:

- **Goal setting**: The process of identifying specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
time-bound (SMART) objectives.
- **Action planning**: Developing detailed plans outlining the steps needed to achieve goals.
- **Motivation**: Factors that drive behavior and influence goal pursuit.
- **Obstacle identification and mitigation**: Recognizing potential challenges and developing
strategies to overcome them.

#### Objectives:
1. Understand the importance of setting clear and achievable goals.
2. Learn how to create SMART goals and develop action plans.
3. Explore strategies for staying motivated and overcoming obstacles in goal pursuit.

#### Activities:
- **Lecture**: Discuss the significance of goal setting in personal and academic success.
Introduce the SMART criteria for effective goal setting.
- **Goal Setting Workshop**: Lead a workshop where students identify their short-term and
long-term goals. Encourage them to apply the SMART criteria to ensure their goals are specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
- **Action Planning Exercise**: Guide students in developing action plans for their identified
goals. Help them break down goals into manageable tasks and create timelines for completion.
- **Motivation Strategies**: Present strategies for enhancing motivation, such as setting intrinsic
and extrinsic rewards, visualizing success, and creating accountability systems.
- **Obstacle Identification Activity**: Facilitate an activity where students identify potential
obstacles to achieving their goals. Encourage them to brainstorm solutions and develop
contingency plans.
- **Peer Feedback Session**: Organize a peer feedback session where students share their
goals and action plans with classmates. Provide constructive feedback and suggestions for
- **Reflection**: Conclude the lesson with a reflection activity where students evaluate their
goal-setting process and identify any adjustments needed to improve their plans.

#### Resources:
- **Goal-Setting Templates**: Provide templates or worksheets for students to use when setting
goals and creating action plans.
- **Motivational Videos**: Share motivational videos or TED Talks discussing the importance of
goal setting and strategies for staying motivated.
- **Obstacle Identification Tools**: Offer tools or frameworks for identifying potential obstacles
and developing solutions (e.g., SWOT analysis, risk assessment).
- **Peer Feedback Guidelines**: Provide guidelines for providing constructive feedback to peers
during the peer feedback session.
#### Assessment:
- **Goal Setting Exercise**: Evaluate students' ability to set SMART goals based on the clarity,
specificity, and feasibility of their objectives.
- **Action Plan Development**: Assess students' action plans for their goals, focusing on the
comprehensiveness of tasks, timelines, and strategies for overcoming obstacles.
- **Reflection Assignment**: Grade students' reflection assignments based on their ability to
critically evaluate their goal-setting process and identify areas for improvement.

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