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General Knowledge Categories

1. What countries made up the original Axis powers in World War II? –
Germany, Japan, Italy
2. Who named the Pacific Ocean? – Ferdinand Magellan
3. How many countries still have Shilling as currency? Bonus point: Which
countries? – 4: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Somalia
4. Which monarch officially made Valentine's Day a holiday in 1537? –
Henry VIII
5. "Hendrick’s," "Larios," and "Seagram’s" are some of the best-selling
brands of which spirit? – Gin
6. Which country invented ice cream? - China
7. What does “www” stand for? – World Wide Web
8. Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo? – Horse
9. Iceland diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what? – Elves
10. Which Hindu god is depicted here? - Vishnu

Entertainment Category
1. What was the first toy to be advertised on television? – Mr Potato Head
2. What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? – Snow
3. When Walt Disney was a child, which character did he play in his school
function? – Peter Pan
4. What famous festival hosted over 350,000 fans in 1969? – Woodstock
5. This is where it all began for which famous NZ band? – Six Sixty
6. In this scene from Taika Waititi’s movie, Jojo’s mum, wanting to stop to
their arguing, declared dinner as neutral grounds and likened the table
to which country? – Switzerland
7. A tower housing one of the most powerful wizards in Middle Earth “once
stood here” Name the actor who most recently played the role of that
wizard. – Christopher Lee
8. What year was the longest-running television series in New Zealand
released? – 1966, Country Calendar
9. What is the name of the label that pioneered the "Dunedin Sound"? –
Flying Nun
10. What is the title of this song by the band widely regarded as the first
New Zealand band to gain significant recognition outside of
Australasia? – I Got You by Split Enz *start at 1:38
11. Name this song by a famous New Zealand singer and songwriter? –
Solar Power by Lorde *start at 2:05

Sports Category
1. Which other country (apart from Greece) has not missed one of the
modern-day Olympics? – Australia
2. Dump, floater, and wipe are terms used in which team sport? - Volleyball
3. When did Michael Jordan first retire and join a Minor League Baseball
team? – 1994
4. Brazil’s first FIFA World Cup title came in 1958. Which country did they
beat in the finals? – Sweden
5. Who is the youngest player to appear in a Rugby World Cup final? –
Jonah Lomu, 20 years 43 days
6. This is the term given to a hole-in-one on a par 5. It is almost as rare as
two hole-in-ones in a single game of golf. – Condor
7. The length of an F1 track is always 305 km (190 miles) with the
exception of which Grand Prix? – Monaco GP
8. How old was Tiger Woods when he made his first hole-in-one? – 8
9. Who is widely considered as the greatest pool player of all time? – Efren
Bata Reyes
10. A Nelson Score in cricket is how many points? – 111

Science Category
1. What is the loudest animal on Earth? – Whale (Sperm or Blue)
2. These animals are said to fire a bubble of heat that is just as hot as the
surface of the sun. – Pistol Shrimp
3. What is the largest desert in the world? – Antarctic Polar Desert
4. What is this called? *The complete term, not just the abbreviation –
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
5. What is the heaviest internal organ in the human body? – Liver
6. What is this? – Geiger Counter
7. What is ‘sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia’ the scientific term for? –
Brain freeze
8. What is the ‘Mpemba Effect’? - Hot water freezing faster than cold water
9. What is the only planet that spins clockwise? – Venus
10. What is this optical illusion called? - Schröder staircase

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