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Thank you very much for the time given to me

First of all, I’d like to thank God for blessing us with healthy so we can assemble in this place to join
speech competition in a good condition.

Om Swastyastu

The committee, the jury and the audience I fully respect,

On this good occasion, I would like to talk about ……….. Before we talk more about it, I have a question
for you. Do you know Covid-19? I think all of us knows what is Covid-19 and how does it spread in our

Since Covid-19 appeared in Indonesia last year in 2020, Mr. President has commanded to the
health’s minister and other interrelated ministries to increase the extra ways in handling this global

The government always keep in touch with World Health Organization (WHO) and apply its
health protocol. Moreover, the government also consult the expert of public health in handling the
spreading of Covid-19. And Now as we all know that our government has gotten Covid-19 vaccine and
the vaccination will be given to all people gradually in all province, regency, city and all over Indonesian
region. The first vaccination can be done after we got license of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)
from BPOM and also after releasing a legal instruction from Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI)

Why is the vaccination important?

The vaccination is important because it can break the spreading chain of corona viruses and give
us a health protection. Moreover, it can give us safety and security and also can help the government to
accelerate the economic recovery process. Although the vaccination has been done but we must always
remember that the vaccination and our discipline in implementing the health protocol must be one unit.
We must always use masker, wash hands, keep the distance and avoid the crowd.

Is the vaccination obligatory?

The government has informed to the public especially for the health worker as a front line
against covid-19 to participate in the vaccination gradually. This is important since more people are
vaccinated, it will be better because we will reach herd immunity.

Last but not least, this is the time for us to work together, help each other in one unit. We hope
that these things become a community movement so that the problem about covid-19 can be handled
well. This vaccination is not only protecting ourselves but also our family and society around us that we
meet every day.

That’s all about my speech about covid-19 vaccination. Hopefully, we can help our government
to break the spreading chain of covid-19 by implementing health protocol every time and finally this
pandemic can be completely disappeared from our earth. Thank you very much for your attention.

Om santih, santih, santih Om

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