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INTRODUCTION: Unilever is one of the world's leading suppliers of fast movingc o n s u m e r g o o d s a c r o s s F o o d s a n d H o m e a n d P e r s o n a l C a r e categori es.

Unilever's portfolio includes some of the world's bestknown and most loved brands.

UnileverPakistanLtd: U n i l e v e r P a k i s t a n ( 7 0 . 4 % U n i l e v e r e q u i t y ) i s t h e l a r g e s t F M C G com pany in Pakistan, as well as one of the largest multinationals operating in the country. Unilever Pakistan Ltd., a subsidiary of theUnilever Group is operating in Pakistan since 1948. The Companysmain business lines are Soaps and Detergents, Personal Products,Cooking Oils and Fats, Packed Teas, and Ice Creams. Unilever has along list of brands such as Surf, Vim, Rin, Lifebuoy, Sunlight, Lux, Rexona, Sunsilk, Close-Up, Blue-Band, Dalda, Planta, Liptons YellowLabel, Taaza and Richbru, Brook Bonds Supreme and Kenya Mixtureetc. which are common household names in Pakistan. T h e C o m p a n y s f a c t o r y a t R a h i m Y a r K h a n w a s o n e o f t h e f i r s t industrial units to be constructed after the creation of Pakistan. Ast h e c o n s u m e r b a s e e x p a n d e d o v e r t h e ye a r s a n d the Compan ye n t e r e d i n t o n e w p r o d u c t l i n e s l i k e P e r s o n a l P rodu ct s and Margarine, it invested further in the installati o n o f m o d e r n manufacturing facilities including a factory at Karachi. Today, theCompany is using latest state-of-the-art technology for producinghigh quality products.I n 1 9 9 5 , t h e C o m p a n y e s t a b l i s h e d a n e w f a c t o r y n e a r L a h o r e t o manufacture the Walls range of ice creams, which have becomepopular within a short time. In 1996, the present group UnileverU K a c q u i r e d t h e P o l k a G r o u p that produced ice creams. In 1 9 9 9 , Pakistan industrial promoters (Private) Limited, owners of Polkabrands of Ice Cream were merged with Lever.In order to leverage the synergies of Unilevers international brands t r e n g t h , m a r k e t e d g e a n d c o r p o r a t e i m a g e , L e v e r B r o t h e r s Pakistan Ltd. changed its name to Unilever Pakistan Ltd., in August2002. Overview of Unilever Pakistan Ltd. The company had a turnover of Rs. 23.3 bn (Euro 309 mn) in 2007,and enjoys a leading position in most of its core Home and PersonalCare and Foods categories, e.g. Personal Wash, Personal Care,Laundry, Beverages (Tea) and Ice Cream. The company operates through 5 regional offices, 4 wholly ownedand 6 third party manufacturing sites across Pakistan. Accountable to our stakeholders Since the time Unilever Pakistan began its operations in 1948, theCompany has been closely connected to the Pakistani people and itsbrands have been an integral feature in their daily lives. In fact, thenature of our business enables our brands to be the pulse andheartbeat of the 164 million people in Pakistan. This is a huge commitment, which makes us responsible andaccountable to all our stakeholders and society as a whole andstrengthens our resolve to: Make a positive difference to the lives of low incomeconsumers Create new opportunities for growth

Improve the overall quality of life in Pakistan, by promotingeducation, nutrition, health and hygiene

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