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Augmented Reality (AR) improves user experiences without forcing users

to be completely submerged in a virtual world. AR uses gadgets like
smartphones or smart glasses to superimpose digital information onto the real
world, in contrast to virtual reality (VR), which usually requires users to wear
headsets that separate them from the outside world. Users can access pertinent
digital content using AR without interfering with their surroundings because of its
non-intrusive nature. AR navigation apps, for instance, make navigating easier
without impeding the user's view by superimposing real-time directions onto
streets and landmarks.

AR has several uses in various sectors, such as retail, entertainment,

healthcare, and education. Its adaptability comes from its capacity to add
contextual digital information to real-world events. AR in education turns
textbooks into interactive experiences that increase student engagement and
retention. AR enhances accuracy and patient outcomes in the healthcare
industry by providing surgeons with real-time information during treatments. AR
also improves retail consumer experiences by allowing interactive product
demos and virtual goods try-on.

AR provides businesses with useful advantages like cost reductions and

better productivity. AR simplifies operations like maintenance and repair by
giving personnel real-time data and step-by-step guidance by superimposing
digital information onto actual things. As a result, there is less need for
specialized training and downtime, which boosts output and lowers operating

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