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Journalism in General Functions of the Campus Paper

Noah Webster,Fraser Bond, and by the encyclopedia: A campus paper is a publication, either mimeographed
JOURNALISM. or printed, put out by staff members who are either
students or faculty members of a school or university.
The word journal comes from the Latin word, diurna,
which means "daily." The campus paper has many functions. The traditional
roles of the campus paper were specified by Harold
In ancient Rome, short bulletins of battles, fires and
Spears and C. H. Lawshe Jr. in their book, "An
elections compiled by government officials were posted
Introduction to Journalism."
up in public places. These were called acta diurna which
meant "daily events." A. Aids to the students

Webster defines journalism as the occupation of writing 1.To provide an opportunity for interesting writing
for publication in newspapers and other periodicals.
2.To give students the opportunity to learn how to read
Fraser F. Bond, on the other hand, defines it as the newspapers
"something that embraces all forms in which or through
3.To act as a stimulus to better work
which the news and com- ments on the news reach the
public." According to him, all that hap- pens in the 4.To develop students' powers of observation and
world, if such happenings hold interest for the public, discrim- ination concerning relative merits of news
and all the thoughts, actions and ideas which these articles
happenings stimulate, become basic materials for the
journalist. 5.To serve as an outlet and motivation for journalistic
High School journalism has been defined by school
paper advi- sers of the City Schools of Manila as "that 6.To offer training in organization, business methods,
enjoyable co-curricular activity of the school paper staff com- mercial art, salesmanship, bookkeeping and
in collecting, organizing and present- ing news; in business management
writing editorials, columns, literary articles and 7.To develop qualities of cooperation, tact, accuracy,
features; in copyreading, proofreading, dummying, and tolerance, responsibility, and leadership
writing headlines — all for the purpose of putting out a
school organ." B.Aids to the school and community

Scope of Journalism 1.To inform the community as to the work of the school

Journalism may be divided into three areas, namely: 2.To publish school news
written, oral, and visual. Periodicals such as newspapers 3.To create and express school opinion
and magazines fall under written journalism. A
periodical, defined broadly, is a publica- daily, weekly, 4.To help unify the school
tion that comes out at regular periods of interval
5.To make known the achievement of the school
fortnightly, monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, annually,
etc. 6.To encourage and stimulate worthwhile activities

A newspaper, compared to a magazine, prints more 7.To develop right standards of conduct
news, has no special cover, and is printed on newsprint.
8.To provide an outlet for student suggestions for the
News is printed front page as well as on the inside and
better- ment of the school
back pages.
9.To develop better interschool relationship
A magazine, on the other hand, prints more features
and human paper. If ever news is printed, it is brief, 10.To develop school spirit
featurized and found in the interest stories, has a
11.To develop cooperation between parents and the
special cover and is oftentimes printed inside pages.
Periodicals, brochures, journals, books, and graphic arts
The modern campus paper has evolved other functions.
are classified under print media. Radio falls under oral
journalism, while television, movies and documentaries Information function-It informs the readers of events.
fall under visual journalism. This is its news function. But information may also come
from the fea- tures, editorial and other sections of the
Radio and television are examples of broadcast media
school paper.
while movies and documentaries are examples of film
Opinion function- editorials and editorial columns, the National papers fall into two categories: popular papers
editor interprets the meaning of the news, especially of and heavy or quality papers. Popular papers show their
the banner news, and gives his opinions on important news in a vivid life, with easy-to-read articles and many
matters or on significant events of the day. pictures. Heavy or high-quality papers emphasize more
serious topics, and print longer articles about them.
Education function - One of the most important
Some newspaper publishers produce Sunday papers,
functions of a modern campus paper is to educate not
sometimes with similar nameplates as daily papers.
only the students but also the people in the community.
These are not Sunday editions of dailies. They have
Sex education and family planning which used to be
different editors and different staffs. As people have
tabooed in classrooms are now topics of discussion by
more time for reading on a Sunday, a Sunday paper has
student writers in their school organs.
more pages and contains more articles than the daily
Watchdog function -The school paper acts as the paper; so,costs even more.
guardian of the students' rights. It serves as the eyes of
Sections/Parts of a Campus Paper
the readers.
A.Front Page
Laboratory function -It serves as the teaching tool for
the bud- ding journalists. After they have learned, for 1.Local news - news that takes place within the country.
example, how to write straight news stories, they cover
2.Foreign news - news that takes place outside the
school activities and write the news for publication.
Documentation function-Important school events,
3.Dateline news - an out-of-town news story. It is
worthwhile student accomplishments and
introduced by a dateline which states the place from
achievements are recorded in the school paper for
which the story was reported, the date, and the source
posterity sake. Most present-day histories have been
of the material if not written by the local staff, as Tokyo,
researched from old files of newspapers.
Japan, Jan. 25 (AP). 4.Weather news- usually a boxed
Entertainment function-The school paper, like an forecast of the area, some- times about the
interesting book keeps the company reader especially temperature, wind directions and velocities. Extremes
when he or she is alone. Most of the stories of interest on weather are reported as more detailed news stories.
are very interesting to read.
5.Index a slugline indicating an important inside page
Developmental function - In a developing country such 'story and the page where it is found.
as the Philippines, scholastic and commercial jounalism
Other things found in the Front Page: (Those with
is given more noble importance. The young writer who
asterisk may or may not be present).
previously spent more time reporting on club activities
such as elections and parties, and writing lines to 1.Nameplate-the engraved or printed name of the
Delilah, ended up being a development journalist. As a news-- paper as the Manila Times or The PNC Torch.
result, he incorporated his community into his beat, and
sometimes touched on topics of national importance. 2.Ears* - the little boxes on either side of the
He was encouraged to write more scientific news and nameplate.
development reports, to cover the government's 3.Banner -the principal headline bearing the boldest
priority programs, especially those related to increased and biggest type. It is the title of the most important
agricultural productivity, land reform, expanded health, news of the day which is called banner news. It may or
medical and other welfare social services, population may not run across the page. If it does, it may also be
education, rural electrification, education in nutrition, called a streamer.
and the promotion of deeper awareness of the culture
of the people. 4.Running head-a head made up of two or more lines.

National and Campus Papers Compared 5.Headline -the title of any news story. The word
headline is used only for titles of news stories, thus the
A newspaper is a printed publication which is published various rules for writing it.
and sold at regular intervals. Its main purpose is to
provide news for its readers. The paper also tries to 6.Deck - a subordinate headline placed immediately
explain what the news means, so it prints comments below its mother headline, also known as bank or
and opinions. Another goal is to entertain and teach readout.
through pictures, cartoons and other interesting 7.Lead-the beginning of a news story. It may be a word,
features. a group of words, a sentence, or even a paragraph.
A paper which is published daily is called a daily paper. 8. News story the whole story of an event composed of
The papers published once a week are called weeklies. the lead and the text which is the elaboration of the
National paper is a paper that can be easily purchased lead.
anywhere in the country.
9.Columns the horizontal division into parts of a news- 7.Letter to the editor - a letter sent in by the reader
paper. Many national papers are divided into eight giving his personal views on certain aspects.
columns, while a typical school paper is divided into five
C. Sports Page Sports stories are classified as news
columns of 12 ems each.
stories; therefore, what may be found in the news page
10.Column rule - the vertical line that divides the page may also be found in the sports section. Other things
into columns. Most pages of a newspaper are divided that may be found in the sports section are the sports
into columns by a space usually one em wide. This commentaries and sports features.
space is called the sunken rule.
D. Special Features-The modern newspaper has some
11.Fold-the imaginary horizontal line that divides the special features and eliminated some which have
news- paper equally into two parts. become irrelevant to the needs of the times. An
example of this was the society page.
12.Byline* -the signature of a reporter preceding a
news- feature as By Warren Cruz. Commonly found in the present-day newspapers are: a)
Life and Leisure (The Arts, Religion, Entertainment and
13.Box*-news materials enclosed by line rules.
Comics) and b) finance and business for Phil. Daily
14.Cut-a metal plate bearing a newspaper's illustration, Inquirer. The feature page of The Bulletin Today
also known as cliche. contains a) home and culture, entertainment, comics; b)
reviews, features and miscellaneous, and c) business
15.Cutline - the text accompanying photos and other art sec- tion, shipping, classified ads, movie, TV and radio
work, better known as caption. If written above the guides and the comics page.
photo just like a slugline, it is called overline.
The modern campus publication is both a school and
16.Kicker- a tagline placed above but smaller than a community paper. It is for this reason that its contents
head- line, also known as teaser. If it is bigger than the are similar to that of a metropolitan paper, minus the
headline, it is called hammer. business and agricultural sections; the shipping, movie,
17.Credit line - a line giving the source of the story or TV and radio guides; the display and classified ads, and
illus- tration as reprinted from the "Manila Times" or the comics page.
Photo by MPI.

B.Editorial Page From Reporter to Reader (Via Letterpress Printing)

1. Folio consists of the page number, date of BEFORE A NEWSPAPER CAN be printed, there must be
publication, and name of the newspaper usually written some news to be reported. This news story may be
on top of the page. This is also found in the other pages. covered actually by the reporter, or it may be relayed to
2.Masthead - the editorial box containing the logo, him by an eyewitness.
names of the staff members and position in the staff, Sources of these news are news agencies like the
subscription rate, the publisher and other pertinent Associated Press (AP), Agency France Press (AFP),
data about the newspaper. A logo (a shorter word for Philippine News Service (PNS), Reuters (British News
logotype) is a cut which contains an identifying word or Agency) and United Press International (UPI). These are
words, such as the name of the newspaper or of a organizations that employ reporters and
section. correspondents that send their news to their respective
3.Editorial proper-a commentary written by any of the central offices.
editors who comments or gives the opinion of the staff Letterpress Printing
or of the whole paper on various subjects. It is the stand
of the paper, sometimes called Top editorial. / Lead For example, a reporter has covered an event. He
editorial. - a personal submits the facts he has gathered to the page editor
who assesses the importance of the news and prepares
4.Editorial column-opinion written by the columnist the story for the printer. The copy goes to the
himself. Like the editorial proper, it may attack, teach, copyreader who edits it and writes both the headline
entertain, or appeal depending upon its purpose. and the guideline on a separate sheet of paper.
5.Editorial cartoon - usually a caricature emphasizing a The copy, as well as the other articles are submitted to
sim- ple point. Usually humorous, it has the function of the publication office for recording purposes then
the editorial. Standing by itself, it is not a complement brought to the composing room. At the composing
of the editorial proper. room, the linotype man sets the story. The slugs are
6.Editorial liner- a short statement or quoted sayings arranged in the galley for the galley proofs to be
placed at the end of editorial columns or editorials to corrected by the staff's proofreader. Corrections are set
drive home some messages. again by the linotype man.
The compositor assembles the slugs and headlines in K. Progress-The onward and forward march of
chase form according to the dummy sheet. The pages civilization or the progress of a country is chronicled
are proofread after which the linotype man again sets step by step in the news- paper.
the correction. If there are no more errors, the pages
L. Animals Stories of animals-especially those with
are okayed then sent to the press room. The paper is
talents are good reading matter because of their
put to bed and the press begins running.
human-interest value.
Linotype. typesetting machine that casts an entire line
M. Number-Sweepstakes numbers, vital statistics,
of text on one piece of metal.
election re- sults, scores in games, casualties, fatalities,
Slug-printing a line of type produces by a linotype prices of goods, and ages of women make good news.
N. Emotion All the other elements of news mentioned
Elements that Make News about appeal to the emotion. But the term emotion
here includes various human responses such as the
Simply defined, news is an oral or written report of an
innate desire for for clothing, shelter; the universal
event that happened, is happening, will happen in the
interest in children, animals an nature; and the natural
North, East, West or South that is of interest to the
feeling of love, sympathy and generosity of fear, hatred
reader and which should be reported.
and jealousy.
A.Conflict-This may involve physical or mental conflict
Writing the News Story
versus man, man versus animals, man versus nature, or
man versus himself. Stories of war, athletic meets and Identifying the News Story
journalism contests are examples of conflicts.
News Report
B. Immediacy or Timeliness- This element emphasizes
Newspaper readers want the more important
the newest angle of the story. The more recent the
information first, the news reporter begins with the
event, the more interesting it is to the reader.
climax. Then as he discloses the most important
C.Proximity or Nearness -This may refer to geographical information, he works away from the climax to the
near- ness as well as to nearness of kinship or of lesser facts following the inverted pyramid structure.
interest. To a Filipino reader, news about a cholera
Types of News Stories
epidemic in Asia concerns him more than the same kind
of epidemic in Europe, unless he has relatives in Europe. A. Scope or Origin
D. Prominence - Some people are more prominent than 1. Local news report of events that takes place within
others by reasons of wealth, social position or the immediate locality
2.Foreign news news that takes place outside the
E. Significance -Whatever is significant to the life of an country
3.Dateline news - Many news stories come from other
is interesting to him. This is the reason why newspapers places. These stories include the name of the city or
sell like the proverbial hot cakes when news of the province or country where the news event occurred and
increase in the price of oil, or of the imminence of war is sometimes the date on which the story happened. This
published. notation is called a dateline. The dateline precedes the
F. Names -Important names make important news.
Also, the more names there are in the story, the better. B. Chronology or Sequence
G.-Drama-This adds color to the story. The more 1.Advance or Anticipated -news published before its
picturesque the background and the more dramatic the occurrence, sometimes called dope or prognostication.
actions are, the more appealing the story is to the The reporter foretells events expected to occur at a
reader. The public certainly loves a good show. definite time in the future.
H. Oddity or Unusualness-This refers to strange or 2.Spot news -news that is gathered and reported on the
unnatural events, objects, persons, and places. An odd spot. It deals with unscheduled information demanding
story is interesting not because of its news value but immediate publication. The reporter himself was an
because of the human-interest side of it. eye- witness to the event that took place.
J.Sex-Since the dawn of history, sex has always 3.Coverage news-news written from a given beat or
interested man. Stories of sex are usually related with assign- ment. Both spot news and coverage news are
stories of romance, marriage, divorce and the varied good examples of first-hand reporting.
activities of men with women.
4.Follow-up news-a sequel to a previous story. Having a
new lead of its own, it is a second, third or subsequent
A.Single-feature structure isolated event.The story
chapter of a series.
breaks logically at every paragraph; thus enabling the
reporter to cut or lengthen it as space dictates.

C. Treatment B.Several-feature/Composite structure -are included in

the lead in their order of importance. These facts are
1. Fact story - This is a plain exposition setting forth a
elaborated one after the other in the body.
F. Advanced News-Investigative, Interpretative
situation or a series of closely-related facts that inform.
(Interpretive), Depthnews (Dis- cussed in Advanced
Campus Journalism, Book IV)
is written in the inverted pyramid design.
Minor Forms
1.Newsbrief- - a short item of news interest, written like
2.Action story - A narrative of actions involving not a brief, telegraphic message, giving mainly the result
persons and events, perhaps testimony of witnesses, as with details.
well simple facts, but also of dramatic events,
2.News bulletin It is similar to the lead of a straight
description as explanatory data. Sports games,
news story. Its aim is just to give the gist of the news.
competitions and
3.News-featurette - This is a short-news feature usually
reports are examples of action stories. used as fillers, e.g., "Quirks in the news."

3. Speech or Quote story- A news story usually written 4.Sidebar - A news item or a feature placed side by side
from its mother story to which it is related but under a
headline of its own.
a public address, talks, speeches, statements and
letters, and to some extent, interviews. All are based on 5.Flash-A message giving a first brief news of an event.
recorded information, It is usually boxed.

D. Content

1.Routine story-reported events that occur year in and

year out like enrolment, Christmas, election, graduation
and anniversary stories.

2.Police reports stories of events wherein the police,

the military or government authorities have to step in,
like accident, fire, calamity stories, especially, when
people are killed or injured, and property is destroyed.

3. Science news* -stories on science.

4. Development Communication-advancement and


5. Sports news —stories on sports and athletics.

E. Structure

1. Straight news -news that consists of facts given

straight without embellishment. Its main aim is to

2.News feature-(Featurized news distinguished from a

feature article) It is news, not a feature article. It is also
based on facts, but it entertains more than it informs.

The writer may give his impression, may describe and

narrate, but without resorting to biased opinion. The
reporter's byline usually appears with his story.

A straight news story and a news feature may be a

single-feature (one-incident) or several-feature,
(multiple- angled or composite) story.

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