CSTP 1 Mora-Mendoza 4

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual of formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about adjustments to make ongoing
assessments. students and guide instruction and meet adjustments and
selection of instructional individual identified accommodations in
strategies to meet diverse learning needs. instruction.
Using knowledge of learning needs.
students to engage
them in learning Some students may Students engage in single Student engage in Students actively utilize a Students take ownership
engage in learning using lessons or sequence of learning through the use variety of instructional of their learning by
instructional strategies lessons that include some of adjustments in strategies and choosing from a wide
focused on the class as a adjustments based on instruction to meet their technologies in learning range of methods to
whole. assessments. needs. that ensure equitable further their learning that
access to the curriculum. are responsive to their
learning needs.
Evidence Working in a bilingual This semester I was able This semester, I delved I utilize data from various
school, one of our major to explore this element deeper into this subject assessments to tailor
focus points revolves furthermore by gathering by acquiring instruction and address
around the annual additional data such as supplementary data, specific learning needs.
English Language ELPAC, STAR, and including ELPAC, STAR, By analyzing multiple
Proficiency Assessments CAASSP information to and CAASSP information, measures, I can pinpoint
for California or ELPAC. get a better to gain a more areas where students
Using this set of data, I am understanding of my comprehensive insight require extra support or
able to plan accordingly students. into my students. challenge. I actively
and ensure that the social incorporate a diverse
studies sections I teach Students completed range of instructional
have and integrated ELD lessons that were Students engaged in strategies and
approach as well. modified (readings with adjusted lessons, which technologies to ensure all
As a social studies list of key terms and comprised readings students have equitable
instructor, I often have definitions, additional containing a list of key access to the curriculum.
my students reflect their modifications) based on terms and definitions, This approach allows me
knowledge via writing their assessment data along with further to cater to individual
assignments; one from STAR and CAASSP modifications tailored to learning styles and
example of integrating results their assessment data preferences, promoting a
ELD instruction in my (4/15/23) from STAR and CAASSP more inclusive and
history class that I often results. effective learning
use prior to any writing - Students worked environment.
assignment is going over on writing tasks
run-on sentences. My with By utilizing data from
school also administers personalized multiple measures to
the Panorama Survey to prompts and adjust instruction and
observe student SEL. incorporating various
(9/24/22) instructional strategies
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
based on their and technologies, I
assessment data enhance student
from ELPAC, outcomes in several ways.
STAR, and Firstly, personalized
CAASSP, instruction based on
individual learning needs
ensures that each student
receives targeted support
improvement in where they need it most,
specific writing leading to improved
skills. comprehension and
(12/1/23) mastery of concepts.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, information about family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life students’ prior understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests knowledge, cultural students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
students. experiences, and interest backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
Connecting learning
to support student experiences, and interests experiences, and
to students’ prior
learning. to connect to student interests.
backgrounds, life
experiences, and
Some students connect Students participate in Students make Students are actively Students can articulate
learning activities to their single lessons or connections between engaged in curriculum, the relevance and impact
own lives. sequences of lessons curriculum, and their which relates their prior of lessons on their lives
related to their interests prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences, and society.
and experiences. backgrounds, life and interests within and
experiences, and across learning activities.
Evidence I am currently I am now applying I am currently \
exploring this this element by using implementing this
element. One benefit school resources and approach by
about working in the family contacts to leveraging school
same city I was born expand resources and
and raised in is that understanding of reaching out to family
many if not, all of the students’ prior contacts in order to
students I serve have knowledge, cultural broaden insight into
the same cultural and backgrounds, life the previous
linguistic experiences experiences, and knowledge, cultural
and interest I had interests to connect heritage, life
growing up in the to student learning. encounters, and
Mexican-enclave of passions of students,
Santa Ana. As a Students bring to thus facilitating a
history teacher I take class both meaningful
advantage and allow background and prior connection to their
my students to knowledge that help learning journey.
explore notable connect class topics
things like Hispanic to their own personal
heritage month or life. (Lessons on
Dia De Los Muertos; Religion/culture In the classroom,
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
this allows students around the world) students bring with
to include themselves (4/15/23) them a wealth of
in the curriculum, background
swaying away from a information and
euro-centric existing knowledge,
approach. which serves to
(9/24/22) enrich the connection
of lesson content to
their individual lives.
(Exploration of
Religion and Cultural
Diversity Worldwide)

I integrate broad
knowledge of my
students and their
communities into my
planning. By
understanding their
experiences, and
interests, I tailor the
curriculum to
resonate with them
personally. This
approach ensures
that students are
actively engaged in
learning, as they can
relate the content to
their prior
knowledge and
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I design learning
activities that connect
with students' lives,
creating meaningful
connections and
enhancing their
understanding of the
material. Overall, this
approach fosters a
more engaging and
relevant learning
experience for
students, leading to
deeper learning and
greater academic
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. family and community. instruction to engage subject matter
Connecting subject students in relating to instruction.
matter to subject matter.
meaningful, real-life
contexts Some students relate Students make use of Students utilize real-life Students actively engage Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. real-life connections connections regularly to in making and using real- integrate subject matter
provided in single lessons develop understandings life connections to subject into their own thinking
or sequence of lessons to of subject matter. matter to extend their and make relevant
support understanding of understanding. applications of subject
subject matter. matter during learning
Evidence Apart from being as I am now applying I am currently
culturally and this element by implementing this
linguistically connecting subject concept by
inclusive as can be in matter to meaningful, leveraging school
a bilingual setting, I real-life contexts, resources and
find it highly including those reaching out to
important for specific to students’ families to broaden
students to make family and comprehension of
real-life connections community. students’ existing
to subject matter. I knowledge, cultural
am capable of Students bring to heritages, life events,
fulfilling this need by class both and passions in order
having students background and to facilitate a
watch current events prior knowledge that connection to student
via CNN10. I help connect class education.
incorporate this topics to their own
activity once a week; personal life.
this allows me to give (Lessons on When students come
students a break Religion/culture to class, they bring
from the curriculum around the world) with them a wealth of
and has them gain (4/15/23) background and
interest in the actual prior knowledge that
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
global community can facilitate the
that is often not integration of class
brought up in class. subjects with their
Students are able to personal lives.
understand their day (Topics such as
and age a bit more Beliefs and
while at the same Traditions in
time are able to different societies
examine the events of (12/1/23)
(9/24/22) I integrate
meaningful, real-life
contexts into my
subject matter
instruction by
connections that
resonate with
students. During
planning, I ensure
that the subject
matter relates to
students' lives and
instruction, I remain
responsive, adapting
my approach to
engage students and
facilitate their
connection to the
material. By fostering
these connections,
students are
encouraged to
actively engage with
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
the subject matter,
leading to deeper
understanding and

I facilitate
opportunities for
students to make and
use real-life
connections, allowing
them to extend their
beyond the
classroom. This
approach promotes
relevance and
enriching the
learning experience
and enhancing
student engagement.

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Using a variety of Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
instructional strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
strategies, resources, technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
and technologies to by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
meet students’ lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
diverse learning lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
needs diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs.
learning needs.

Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in Students actively engage Students take
in instructional strategies, single lessons or instruction using in instruction and make responsibilities for using
using resources and sequence of lessons strategies, resources, and use of a variety of a wide range of strategies,
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
technologies provided. related to their interests technologies matched to targeted strategies, resources, and
and experiences. their learning needs. resources, and technologies that
technologies to meet their successfully advance their
individual students learning.
Evidence During the recent Other than being I create, adapt, and
COVID lockdown, I culturally responsive, integrate a diverse
was able to provide I meet students’ array of strategies,
all of my instruction diverse learning resources, and
to students using a needs by technologies into my
few technological implementing instruction, tailored
tools such as educational to meet the diverse
Peardeck, Nearpod, technology twice a learning needs of my
Flipgrid and other week so I do not students. Through
EdTech accessories. overwhelm them careful planning and
As a classroom with similar flexibility, I ensure
teacher, I find these strategies. that each student
same EdTech tools to receives the support
be highly effective in- Students utilize and challenge they
person as well. I am chromebook to require to succeed.
able to create complete During instruction, I
interactive slide assignments that actively engage
decks for students to require technology students by
navigate in on their use. incorporating a
own pace. This same (4/15/23) variety of targeted
EdTech is able to strategies, resources,
meet students’ and technologies that
diverse learning cater to their
needs; for example In addition to individual needs and
this EdTech can fostering cultural preferences.
provide both Speech- responsiveness, I
to-text and text-to- cater to students' This approach
speech accessibility. varied learning needs empowers students
(9/24/22) through the to take ownership of
incorporation of their learning
educational journey, utilizing the
technology twice per tools and techniques
week. This approach that best suit their
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
prevents learning style. By
overwhelming the providing a range of
students with options, I foster an
repetitive strategies. inclusive and
dynamic learning
environment where
Students make use of all students can
Chromebooks to thrive.
fulfill assignments (4/25/24)
that necessitate the
use of technology,
thereby engaging
with their learning in
a diverse and
interactive manner.

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. content. reflecting on multiple problems.
Promoting critical
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Some students respond to Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and
solving, and
questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions answer a wide-range of
and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and of their own to support complex questions and
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. problems, reflect, and
critical thinking in single problems of their own communicate
lessons or a sequence of related to the content. understandings based on
lessons. in depth analysis of
content learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Evidence After having students I am now applying I have begun I facilitate systematic
read about historical this element on a integrating this opportunities for
topics and complete daily basis as a way technique into my students to apply
short formative to check for daily routine to critical thinking by
assessments and understanding. I pose gauge designing structured
minor pop-quizzes, questions at the start comprehension. I inquiries into
students eventually and end of each class present inquiries at complex problems.
need to complete a a way to measure both the beginning Through intentional
summative content retention. and conclusion of planning, I create
assessment. One of each class as a environments where
the best ways Students answer method of evaluating students are
Students are able of posed questions and retention of encouraged to
promoting critical solve problems of materials. explore and analyze
thinking though their own related to multifaceted issues. I
inquiry, problem the content. guide students in
solving, and (4/15/23) In response, pupils posing and
reflection is through address the raised answering a wide
a summative queries and tackle range of complex
document-based exercises pertaining questions, prompting
question assessment to the subject matter. them to delve deeply
or DBQ that requires into the content and
students to analyze I employ a variety of develop their critical
both primary and different words to thinking skills.
secondary sources. craft inquiries for
After problem daily assessments,
solving through each including open- Students engage in
document, students ended questions, reflective practices
then demonstrate multiple-choice and communicate
their initial questions, true/false their understandings,
understanding of any statements, and drawing upon in-
given topic by problem-solving depth analysis of
writing an essay. scenarios. These their learning. By
(9/24/22) longer responses fostering this
allow students to process, I cultivate a
demonstrate their classroom culture
understanding that values curiosity,
through various exploration, and
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
formats, promoting a rigorous thinking,
comprehensive preparing students to
evaluation of their tackle challenges
comprehension. with confidence and
(12/1/23) insight.

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
student understanding. observation of student individual student needs provide assistance to
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or students in mastering the
Monitoring student checks for understanding. challenge. concepts flexibly and
learning and effectively.
adjusting instruction
while teaching. Some students receive Students receive Students successfully Students are able to Students monitor their
individual assistance assistance individually or participate and stay articulate their level of progress in learning and
during instruction. in small groups during engaged in learning understanding and use provide information to
instruction. activities. teacher guidance to meet teacher that informs
their needs during adjustments in
instruction. instruction.
This is a major area I am still exploring As I continue to I adjust strategies
of growth that I really this element while I investigate this during instruction
need to focus on. To teach lessons. Each concept throughout based on ongoing
be exact, I have and every time I give my instructional monitoring of
classes that have students directions, I sessions, I individual student
over 30+ students; made sure to check consistently ensure needs. By closely
This makes it difficult for understanding via students grasp the observing student
to truly monitor thumb-o-meter material by utilizing progress, I adapt my
Evidence student learning for (students the thumb-o-meter approach to provide
each of my pupils. I demonstrate their technique (where the necessary
find myself understanding of students express assistance, support,
gravitating towards assignment their comprehension or challenge. I
those students who expectations by of the assignment encourage students
need actual raising a “thumbs requirements with a to articulate their
accommodations up”, “sideway "thumbs up," understanding levels,
(students with IEPs thumb”, or “thumb "sideways thumb," or empowering them to
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
and 504 plans) and down”). With this "thumb down"). communicate their
tend to only “hover” common check, I am Employing this needs effectively.
over the other able to repeat simple check allows Through responsive
students. Classes at instructions if needed me to reiterate teaching, I provide
my school not only and was also able to instructions as targeted guidance
integrate ELD but we measure and pace necessary and that helps students
also have integrated the lesson delivery effectively gauge and navigate their
SPED with the effectively. align the pace of the learning journey.
general population. lesson delivery.
(9/24/22) After I check for This approach fosters
understanding, a collaborative
students receive Following the check learning
assistance for understanding, environment where
individually or in students receive students feel
small groups during personalized or small supported and
instruction. group support during empowered to take
(4/15/23) the instruction. ownership of their
(12/1/23) learning.

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