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Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
communicates behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and responsibility with reflection and ongoing
expectations for fair and commitment to fairness respectful student students for resolving improvement of the
respectful behavior to and respect in interactions. Assists conflict and creating and caring community based
support social communications with students to resolve maintaining a caring on respect, fairness, and
development. students about language conflicts. classroom community. the value of all members.
and behavior. Incorporates cultural Supports students in
Promoting social Seeks to understand awareness to develop a taking leadership in
Development and cultural perceptions of positive classroom developing a caring
responsibility within caring community. climate. community that is Students take leadership
a caring community responsive to the diverse in resolving conflict and
where each student Some students share in Students participate in Students demonstrate cultural norms of creating a fair and
is treated fairly and responsibility for the occasional community efforts to be positive, identities of all students. respectful classroom
respectfully classroom community. building activities, accepting, and respectful community where
designed to promote of differences. Students take student’s home culture is
caring, fairness, and responsibility resolving included and valued.
respect. conflicts and maintaining Students communicate
a caring classroom with empathy and
community. Students understanding in
promote respect and interactions with one
appreciation for another.
Evidence it is highly important for a I am now integrating this I facilitate student self-
teacher to establish and element on a weekly reflection and the
maintain learning basis instead of a daily continuous improvement
environments that are basis. To be exact, my of our caring community
physically, intellectually, school requires teachers by emphasizing respect,
and emotionally safe. I am to have a "CREW" fairness, and the value of
able to successfully (restorative circle) each every member. I
implement this on a daily morning with specific encourage students to
basis. To be exact, my students assigned to take leadership roles in
school requires teachers them. This CREW time resolving conflicts and
to have a "CREW" allows me to not only nurturing a classroom
(restorative circle) each observe student academic environment that honors
morning with specific success but it welcomes and includes everyone's
students assigned to students into a safe home culture.
them. This CREW time environment.
allows me to not only Through guided
observe student academic By doing it weekly discussions and activities,
success but it welcomes instead of completing I foster empathy and
students into a safe CREW daily, our lessons understanding among
environment. A safe have become appreciated students, promoting
environment is created by students since they positive interactions and
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
each time we form a now have a weekly mutual respect. By
circle and focus on social- dedicated time to discuss empowering students to
emotional learning. Each conflicts within the communicate with
CREW lesson has a community. empathy and inclusivity,
learning target that (4/15/23) we cultivate a supportive
revolves around my and harmonious
school's "habits of community where all
character" (integrity, members feel valued and
courage, collaboration, heard.
compassion, and Instead of incorporating (4/25/24)
perseverance.) Students this element into my
participate in a CREW schedule daily, I have
greeting that allows them now transitioned to
to establish friendly integrating it on a weekly
connections with others. basis. Specifically, my
After the initial greeting, school mandates that
we have an activity that teachers conduct a
measures the physical, "CREW" (restorative
intellectual, and at times, circle) every morning
emotional capabilities. with assigned students.
(9/24/22) This dedicated CREW
time serves as an
opportunity for me to not
only monitor student
academic progress but
also to create a
welcoming and secure
environment for the

By transitioning from
daily to weekly CREW
sessions, our
instructional sessions
have gained greater value
in the eyes of the
students. They now have
a dedicated weekly slot to
address community
conflicts, making our
lessons more appreciated.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of and integral to environments enhance
Is aware that structured are taught in single structures for interaction instruction. learning and reflect
interaction between lessons or sequence of during learning activities diversity within and
Creating physical or
students can support lessons to support that ensures a focus on Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning
learning. student learning. and completion of structures for interaction
environments that
learning tasks. that engage students Selects from a repertoire
promote student
constructively and of structures for
learning, reflect
productively in learning. interaction to ensure
diversity, and
accelerated learning for
the full range of students.
constructive and
Some students use Students use resources Students use a variety of Students routinely use a
available resources in provided in learning resources in learning range of resources in Students participate in
interactions among
learning environments environments and environments and learning environments monitoring and changing
during instruction. interact with each other interact in ways that that relate to and enhance the design of learning
to understand and deepen their instruction and reflect environments and
complete learning tasks in understanding of the their diversity. structures for
single lessons or content and develop Students share in interactions.
sequence of lessons. constructive social and monitoring and
academic interactions. assessment of
interactions to improve
effectiveness and develop
a positive culture for
Evidence I am currently I am now applying I have currently As an educator, I
exploring this this element. integrated this proactively adjust the
element. I find it best I now have structures component into my physical layout of the
to promote of interaction for teaching approach. At classroom or learning
collaboration as students to follow. I present, I have spaces to
much as possible in have assigned roles established accommodate
the classroom. In my to students when frameworks for various activities and
classroom, I always collaboration is student engagement. resources. This might
allow students to required. Moreover, I have involve rearranging
read together since allocated specific furniture, creating
my students are Students in my responsibilities to designated learning
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
comprised of both history class interact students when stations, or
English learners and in ways that deepen cooperation is incorporating digital
Spanish learners. I their understanding essential. tools and materials.
usually pair a fluent of the content and By doing so, I ensure
Spanish speaker with develop constructive that students have
a Spanish learner and social and academic Within my history easy access to a
do the same with my interactions. class, students diverse array of
fluent English (4/15/23) engage in various resources, such as
speakers and English forms of interaction books, technology, art
learners. This allows aimed at enhancing supplies, and
the fluent speakers to their comprehension manipulatives, which
constructively aid the of the subject matter are essential for
language learner, and nurturing engaging them in
making it a positive social and meaningful learning
productive setting academic experiences.
among students. connections.
(9/24/22) (12/1/23) I believe in
empowering students
to play an active role
in shaping their
environments and
interactions. By
involving them in
processes, such as
classroom setup,
arrangements, or
projects, I promote a
sense of ownership
and responsibility for
their learning
environment. This
not only fosters a
greater sense of
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
belonging and
investment but also
encourages students
to take initiative and
advocate for their
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the emotional safety using about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the multiple strategies that viewpoints. physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. include examining biases emotional environment
as they arise. in the learning focused on high quality
environment and and rigorous learning.
curriculum. Engages in reflection on
Establishing and
Explores strategies to their own language and
maintaining learning
establish intellectual and Models and provides behavior that contributes
environments that
emotional safety in the instruction on skills that to intellectual and
are physically,
classroom. develop resiliency and emotional safety in the
intellectually, and
support intellectual and classroom.
emotionally safe
emotional safety. Students demonstrate
Students are aware of resiliency in
required safety Students follow teacher Students develop and perseverance for
procedures and the guidance regarding Students take risks, offer practice resiliency skills academic achievement.
school and classroom potential safety issues for opinions, and share and strategies to strive Students maintain
rational for maintaining self or others. alternative perspectives for academic intellectual and emotional
safety. achievement, and safety for themselves and
establish intellectual and others in the classroom.
emotional safety in the
Evidence Other than daily I am now applying Upon implementing
morning restorative this element. this particular
circles that focus on When I notice that component, I actively
student SEL, I students do not want identify when
sometimes stop to engage with the students display
teaching history and content, I rally them disinterest in the
lead restorative up and form subject matter. To
circles to address restorative circles to address this, I gather
academic or discuss anything that them together and
behavioral issues needs to be arrange restorative
circulating in and out addressed. gatherings to openly
of the classroom. My converse and resolve
school recently Students like to have any issues that may
experienced a wave a CREW activity if be hindering their
of restroom needed during engagement.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
vandalism caused by content instruction
students. This time in order to When students
became a systemic bounce back and require additional
problem since my engage with content. support during
site made an (4/15/23) instructional
administrative sessions, they find
decision to close all value in participating
but one restroom and in collaborative
limited student activities to
access for one week rejuvenate their
as the restrooms focus and reconnect
were being repaired. with the academic
I decided to lead a material.
restorative circle to (12/1/23)
address the school
(9/24/22) I integrate support
for students to take
risks and express
respectful opinions
about divergent
viewpoints. I foster
an environment
where students feel
comfortable sharing
their thoughts and
ideas, even if they
differ from others'.
Additionally, I engage
in reflection on my
own language and
behavior to
contribute to
intellectual and
emotional safety in
the classroom. By
modeling respectful
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
communication and
openness to diverse
perspectives, I create
a culture of mutual
respect and

Furthermore, I guide
students in
developing and
practicing resiliency
skills and strategies
to strive for academic
achievement while
intellectual and
emotional safety.
Together, we create a
supportive learning
environment where
students feel
empowered to take
academic risks and
express themselves

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Creating a rigorous Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor Facilitates a rigorous
learning learning environment on learning environment learning environment throughout the learning learning environment in
environment with accuracy of answers and that includes accuracy, that includes accuracy, environment that values which students take
high expectations completion of learning understanding, and the analysis, problem solving, accuracy, analysis, and leadership in learning.
and appropriate tasks. importance of meeting and appropriate levels of critical reading, writing Fosters extended studies,
support for all Is aware of the targeted learning goals. challenge. and thinking. research, analysis and
students importance of Works to maintain high Holds high expectations Integrates strategic purposeful use of
maintaining high expectations for students for students. Has an scaffolds and learning.
expectations for students. while becoming aware of understanding of technologies throughout Supports students to
achievement patterns for achievement patterns, instruction that support utilize an extensive
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
individuals and groups of and uses scaffolds to the full range of learners repertoire of
students. address achievement in meeting high differentiated strategies
gaps. expectations for to meet high
achievement. expectations.
Some students ask for Some individuals and Students engage in a
teacher support to groups of students work variety of differentiated Students actively use Students take
understand or complete with the teacher to supports and challenges supports and challenges responsibility to fully
learning tasks. support accuracy and in ways that promote to complete critical utilize teacher and peer
comprehension in their their accuracy, analysis, reading, writing, higher support, to achieve
learning. and problem solving in order thinking, and consistently high levels of
learning. problem solving across factual and analytical
subject matter. learning.

Evidence This is another area I am currently I am presently delving I integrate rigor

of growth that I need exploring this into this concept as I am throughout the
to focus on. I now element since I now dedicated to ensuring learning
realize that lesson want all my students that all my students environment by
produce exceptional
plans do not always to achieve high work. In the past, I have
go as planned and in quality work. I have observed that students accuracy, analysis,
my opinion, teaching had students submit rushed and critical reading,
is done best when I resubmit work when assignments to meet writing, and thinking.
prioritize student they rush through it deadlines and this has Through carefully
quality work. To be to complete a task. prompted them to designed activities
exact, one lesson can resubmit their work for and assessments, I
last a various days Students are now improvement. Presently, encourage students
due to the fact that I given instant students receive to engage deeply
immediate feedback and
do not rush through feedback and are are occasionally required
with content and
the content but tasked at times to to revise their work if it develop their
instead, aim at resubmit work if they has been hastily analytical skills.
checking for student rush through it. completed. Additionally, I
understanding and (4/15/23) (12/1/23) integrate strategic
that quality of their scaffolds and
work. (9/24/22) technologies
instruction to
support all learners
in meeting high
expectations for
achievement. By
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
providing targeted
supports and
challenges, I
empower students to
tackle complex tasks
and master
challenging concepts.

As a result, students
actively utilize these
resources to
complete critical
reading, writing,
thinking, and
tasks across various
subject matters,
fostering a culture of
academic excellence
and intellectual
growth in the

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Developing, Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
communicating, and rules, and consequences with some student including culturally expectations, positive environment using
maintaining for individual and group involvement. responsive instruction to supports, and systems that ensure
high standards for behavior. Communicates, models develop and maintain consequences for students take an active
individual and group and explains expectations high standards for individual and group role in monitoring and
behavior for individual and group individual and group behavior within and maintaining high
behavior. behavior. across learning activities. standards for individual
and group behaviors.
Refers to standards for Reviews standards for Utilizes routine Guides and supports
behavior and applies behavior with students in references to standards students to self-assess,
consequences as needed. single lessons or sequence for behavior prior and monitor, and set goals for
of lessons in anticipation of during individual and individual and group
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
need for reinforcement. group work. behavior and
Students know
Students are aware of expectations for behavior Students follow behavior Students respond to Students demonstrate
classroom rules and and consequences and expectations, accept individual and group positive behavior,
consequences. respond to guidance in consequences and behaviors and encourage consistent participation
following them. increase positive and support each other to and are valued for their
behaviors. make improvements. unique identities.

Evidence At the start of the At the beginning of the At the onset of the I integrate equitable
academic year, I school year I academic year, I expectations, positive
endeavored to attempted to complete endeavored to supports, and
accomplish this task. this element. I took complete this vital consequences for
I allocated a portion some time of teaching element. I allocated a both individual and
of my instructional content and focused portion of group behavior
time to engage with on collaborating with instructional time to throughout our
students and develop students and created engage with students learning activities. I
visual aids, such as anchor charts (class and craft visual aids establish clear
anchor charts expectations, class such as anchor guidelines that
(outlining class behavior) charts, detailing class promote fairness and
expectations and Each history lesson I expectations and respect among all
behavior). give has a learning behavioral norms. students, ensuring a
(9/24/22) target that revolves conducive learning
around my school's environment for
"habits of character" Each instructional everyone.
(integrity, courage, session in history is
collaboration, tailored to achieve a Additionally, I guide
compassion, and specific learning and support students
perseverance.) I use objective, centering in self-assessing,
these habits of on the core values of monitoring, and
character to explain our institution's setting goals for their
individual and group "habits of character," behavior and
behavior/expectations embracing integrity, participation,
to my students. courage, empowering them to
(4/15/23) collaboration, take ownership of
compassion, and their actions.
perseverance. These Through ongoing
values serve as a feedback and
foundation to encouragement, I
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
elucidate both foster a culture
individual and where students
collective conduct respond to both
standards and individual and group
anticipations within behaviors, providing
my classroom. support and
(12/1/23) motivation for each
other to make
Together, we
cultivate a classroom
community built on
mutual respect,
accountability, and
collective growth.

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Employing classroom Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines, procedures, routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and reflecting participating in
norms, and supports single lessons to support single lessons or that are culturally on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
for positive behavior student learning. sequence of lessons with responsive and engage and norms in ways that and adjusting routines
to ensure a climate in some student students in the are culturally responsive. and procedures focuses
which all students involvement. development and Maintains a quality on maximizing learning.
can learn monitoring of norms. learning climate that Classroom climate
builds on student integrates school
strengths. standards and culturally
Seeks to promote positive Provides positive relevant norms.
Responds to disruptive behaviors and responds behavior supports. Promotes positive
behavior. to disruptive behavior. Responds appropriately behaviors and Promotes positive
to behaviors in ways that consistently prevents or behaviors and establishes
lessen disruptions to the refocuses behaviors preventions and a
learning climate. disruptive to the learning positive classroom
Students participate in climate. climate that eliminate
routines, procedures, and most disruptive behavior.
norms and receive
reinforcement for
Students are aware of Students receive positive behaviors.
procedures, routines, and correction for behavior Students are involved in Students share
classroom norms. that interferes with Students receive timely assessment and responsibility with
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
learning, and positive and effective feedback monitoring of routines, teacher for managing and
reinforcement in and consequences for procedures, and norms in maintaining a positive
following routines, behaviors that interfere ways that improve the classroom climate that
procedures, and norms. with learning. learning climate. promotes learning.

Evidence Initially, I allow Other than having a I engage students in

students some seating chart, I have monitoring and
agency by allowing assigned classroom reflecting on
them to make their roles to students in routines, procedures,
own seating chart. order to help and norms in
After In notice who facilitate learning culturally responsive
can and cannot work and agency. ways. I ensure that
together, I then our classroom
enforce a seating Working in groups, environment
chart. This correction team leader helps respects and values
of behavior is one of manage group, and the cultural
my favorites to utilize each group has a backgrounds and
since it limits the resource member identities of all
interfering of that helps ensure students. By
learning among everyone has involving students in
students. Prior to materials needed to this process, we
“writing up” a complete task. collectively build a
student, I have them (4/15/23) learning climate that
complete a “behavior embraces diversity
reflection form” that In addition to and fosters inclusion.
allows them to self- utilizing a seating Additionally, I
assess their behavior arrangement, I have maintain a quality
right after the designated specific learning climate that
incident or behavior classroom roles to capitalizes on student
occurred. students in order to strengths, leveraging
(9/24/22) foster a conducive their unique abilities
learning to enhance the
environment and overall learning
empower student experience. Through
agency. consistent promotion
of positive behaviors
and proactive
During collaborative management of
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
activities, the team disruptive behaviors,
leader is responsible I create a supportive
for overseeing the and focused
group dynamics, atmosphere
while each group is conducive to
assigned a resource learning.
member to guarantee
that all members Students actively
have the necessary participate in
materials to assessing and
accomplish their monitoring routines,
tasks. procedures, and
(12/1/23) norms, contributing
to continuous
improvement in our
learning climate.
Together, we
cultivate a classroom
environment that
empowers every
student to thrive
academically and

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Using instructional Paces instruction based Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
time to optimize on curriculum guidelines. some consideration of students to provide include ongoing facilitates instruction and
learning Develops awareness of lesson type, adjustments adequate time for assessment of student daily activities.
how transitions and for sufficient student instruction, checking for learning. Supports
classroom management work time and transitions understanding, students in the
impact pacing and to optimize learning. completion of learning monitoring of
lessons. activities and closure. instructional time.

Some students complete Students complete Students participate in Students use their Students monitor their
learning activities in time learning activities and, as and complete a variety of instructional time to own time, are engaged in
allotted. needed, may receive learning activities in the engage in and complete accomplishing learning
some adjustments of time time allotted with options learning activities and are goals, and participate in
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
allotted for tasks or for extension and review. prepared for the next reflection, self-
expectations for sequence of instruction. assessment, and goal
completion. setting.

Evidence Students are I am still exploring I pace instruction

required to use their this element. Lately, I
with my students,
chromebook devices have been “chunking” ensuring adequate
on a daily basis. The instructions down for time for each phase
EdTech tool Peardeck students in order to of the learning
allows me to guide and pace them process. I carefully
optimize learning through lessons. I no gauge the pace of
during instructional longer use google instruction to allow
time since I am able classroom; students sufficient time for
to provide students now have to keep teaching, checking
with all their digital materials organized for understanding,
materials via in a folder. completing learning
interactive slides activities, and
instead of having Students now work providing closure.
them individually both at their own Students actively
navigate through pace but also are participate in a
their google required to follow my variety of learning
classroom for pacing as I teach activities within the
student work. instructions. allocated time, with
(9/24/22) (4/15/23) opportunities for
extension and review
Recently, I have been as needed.
breaking down
instructions into By offering options
smaller, more for further
manageable parts to exploration or
support students as reinforcement, I
they navigate accommodate the
lessons. Instead of diverse needs and
relying on Google interests of my
Classroom, students students, fostering
are expected to deeper engagement
maintain organized and understanding.
materials in a Together, we
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
designated folder. navigate through the
learning journey,
utilizing time
This approach allows effectively to
students to work at maximize learning
their own speed outcomes and ensure
while still being a comprehensive
accountable for educational
following the pacing experience.
of my instructional (4/25/24)

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