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Lab # 07:

Design lab By Using SeismoSignal Software


Design Lab using SeismoSignal Software involves creating and analyzing seismic response spectra for various
engineering structures. SeismoSignal is a user-friendly software package used for processing strong-motion
data, generating response spectra, and performing seismic analysis. The Design Lab typically includes the
following steps:

• Introduction to SeismoSignal
• Data Acquisition and Import
• Data Processing
• Response Spectrum Generation
• Spectral Matching
• Design Considerations

Software Performance:

Here is software screenshot that are the assigned tasks by the lab instructor;

Figure 1. Go into the file >>open>>select "Friuli"

2.Google the selected earthquake and find the information regarding its location (epicenter),
magnitude, causes, and overall impact on the local areas.

Italy's Friuli region rolls down the lower slopes and foothills of the eastern European Alps into the flat flood
plain of the River Tagliamento. To the east, today, is Slovenia, and to the north, Austria. For centuries the
foothills have been home to vineyards and small towns that in the 1960s had begun to make a transition from
mostly farming to small-factory manufacturing. The historical capital of the region, Udine, lies to the south in
the fertile Friuli plain.[1]

Epicenter Location:

The earthquake was felt strongly across most of northern Italy and as far south as the outskirts of Rome. It
was also felt in several other countries: then-Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany and Belgium. But
the epicenter was just south of the town of Gemona. It was a shallow event, estimated to have ruptured less
than 20 kilometers below the surface. This is the most destructive kind of earthquake, as the energy it releases
is closest to the human environment. Most of Gemona was destroyed.[2]

Figure 2.The Friuli region of northeastern Italy showing the 1976 mainshock and strongest aftershocks,
along with historical seismicity (Source: AIR)

Magnitude :

On 6 May 1976, just before 9:00 pm, the ground began to shake. The shaking lasted less than 30 seconds but
was strong enough to cut power in Udine, about 25 kilometers south of the tremor's epicenter. This, as it
quickly developed, was just a foreshock, having a magnitude of 4.5. There was a short pause, and then the
mainshock struck—with a release of energy two orders of magnitude greater. This time the shaking lasted
much longer. Instruments indicated a magnitude of 6.4.

The Friuli region is located in an area of complex geological structure where the WSW-ENE trending thrust
belt of the Southern Alps overlaps with the NW-SE trending thrust belt of the Dinaric Alps as a result of the
continuing convergence between the Adriatic and Eurasian Plates. It has been suggested that the 1348 event
was a result of movement on the part of the Periadriatic thrust.[3]


Forty-three thousand buildings out of more than 70,000 inspected were declared unusable, and thousands more
were completely destroyed. Many schools, town halls, churches, and factories were ruined, along with
Renaissance castles, other historical landmarks, and important art treasures. An estimated 15,000 workers lost
their jobs because of destroyed or damaged factories. An area of nearly 5,000 km2, with a population of a half
million people, was immediately affected.

In the end, the 1976 Friuli earthquake and its aftershocks left 157,000 people homeless, injured 2,800, and
killed nearly 1,000. Reported losses at the time came to 6,000 billion Italian lire.

Figure 3. The Town of Venzone after the Earthquake (Source: Associazione Comuni Terremotati e Sindaci della Ricostruzione
del Friuli)

5.Click on the selected earthquake file in the software and go through the Input File Parameters of the
time history on the popped-up window and hit Ok button to see the time history.
Figure 4. File>>Open>>select Fruili>>OK

6.Print out the time histories of acceleration, velocity, and displacement and note down their peak
values. Write down your comments on the time histories

Figure 5. Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement of Fruili Earthquake

Parameters Values
Peak Acceleration 0.3513g at 4.04 secs
Peak Velocity 22.01 at 3.56 secs
Peak Displacement 4.067 at 4.03 secs

The peak acceleration of 0.3513g, occurring at 4.04 seconds, indicates the maximum rate of change of velocity
experienced by structures during the earthquake. This value is significant for assessing the potential impact
on buildings, infrastructure, and human safety. The peak velocity of 22.01 units, observed at 3.56 seconds,
represents the highest speed attained by ground motion during the earthquake. The peak displacement of 4.067
units, occurring at 4.03 seconds, represents the maximum distance moved by the ground from its initial
position due to the earthquake. The recorded peak displacement value suggests significant ground
deformation, which may result in structural instability, foundation failure, or landslides in affected areas.

Overall, these values provide essential quantitative data for seismic hazard assessment, structural design, and
risk mitigation efforts. They highlight the dynamic nature of the Friuli earthquake and underscore the
importance of implementing robust engineering practices, building codes, and land-use planning strategies to
enhance community resilience to seismic events. Additionally, further analysis and interpretation of these
values in conjunction with local geological and structural factors are necessary to comprehensively understand
the seismic hazard posed by the Friuli earthquake and its implications for public safety and infrastructure

7.Hit the Fourier and Response Spectra Tab and print out the Response, amplitude and Power spectra

Figure 6. Fourier and Power Spectra

Parameters Values
Response Acceleration(g) 0.3513g at 4.04 secs
Fourier Amplitude 0.176 at 2Hz
Power Spectra 0.195 at 2Hz
8. Hit the Elastic/Inelastic Response Spectra Tab and select the Elastic spectra option (by default), set
the No of viscous damping values at least up to 5 with an increment of 5 (i.e.,5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% etc.).
Hit the Refresh tab to obtain the response spectra of acceleration, velocity, and displacement at different
damping values (in frequency or time domain). Print out the acceleration, velocity, and displacement
response spectra figures note down the peak values for each damping ratio, and put them in a table.-
Write down your comments on the Spectra (i.e., something like the effect of damping?)

Figure 7. Elastic/Inelastic Response Spectra graph in which at X-axis Period (sec) and at Y-Axis Acceleration(g)

Figure 8. Elastic/Inelastic Response Spectra graph in which at X-axis Period (sec) and at Y-Axis Displacement (cm)
Figure 9. Elastic/Inelastic Response Spectra graph in which at X-axis Period (sec) and Y-Axis Velocity (cm/sec)


SeismoSignal software's analysis of Fourier spectra and power spectra is significantly impacted by damping
parameters, especially when dealing with seismic events such as the Friuli earthquake. Damping is an essential
factor that shapes the spectral features of seismic signals, affecting both the frequency and time domains.
When examining Fourier spectra, damping's effects are seen in the broadening and attenuation of spectral
peaks. Wider peaks are observed with higher damping ratios, indicating increased energy dissipation and
reduced resonance effects. This results in less distinct resonant frequencies of structures, with energy
distributed more evenly across the frequency spectrum. Moreover, damping affects the overall decay rate of
oscillations in the time-domain signal when considering power spectra. With higher damping values, the
power spectra display smoother curves, reflecting greater energy dissipation over time and lower amplitude at
higher frequencies. These effects are especially crucial for seismic events like the Friuli earthquake, where
accurate assessment of spectral characteristics is vital for understanding structural responses and evaluating
seismic hazards. By accounting for damping in SeismoSignal analysis, engineers gain valuable insights into
the dynamic behavior of structures under seismic loading. This facilitates informed decisions regarding design,
retrofitting, and risk mitigation strategies.

9. Hit the Ground Motion Tab and note down the values of;

• Max. Acceleration (g), Time of Max. Acceleration,

• Max. Velocity and time of Max. Vel.
• Max. Displacement and time of Max displacement
• Vmax/Amax ratio, RMS acceleration, Arias Intensity, effective design acceleration, sustained
max acceleration, predominant time period (Tp)
Write down your comments on these values

Figure 10. Ground Motion Parameters

Sr. no. Parameters Corrected Accelerogram

1 Max. Acceleration(g) 0.35130
2 Time of Max. Acceleration(Sec) 4.04000
3 Max. Velocity(cm/sec) 22.01953
4 Time of Max. Velocity (sec) 3.56000
5 Max. Displacement(cm) 4.06710
6 Time of Max. Displacement 4.03000
7 Vmax/Amax (cm/sec) 0.06389
8 RMS Acceleration(g) 0.03734
9 Arias Intensity (m/sec) 0.78025
10 Effective Design Acceleration(g) 0.34169
11 Sustained Maximum Acceleration(g) 0.26280
12 Predominant Time Period(Sec) 0.26000


The provided parameters offer valuable insights into the seismic characteristics of the Friuli earthquake. The
maximum acceleration of 0.3513g at 4.04 seconds indicates the peak intensity of ground shaking experienced
during the event. Similarly, the maximum velocity of 22.02 cm/sec at 3.56 seconds highlights the rapid motion
of the ground. The maximum displacement of 4.067 cm at 4.03 seconds signifies the extent of ground
deformation. The ratio of maximum velocity to maximum acceleration (Vmax/Amax) at 0.06389 suggests the
relationship between velocity and acceleration, aiding in understanding structural response. Additionally, the
Arias intensity of 0.78025 m/sec provides a measure of the seismic energy imparted over time. The effective
design acceleration and sustained maximum acceleration values of 0.34169g and 0.26280g, respectively, are
crucial for engineering design considerations. The predominant time period of 0.26 seconds indicates the
dominant frequency content of the seismic signal, aiding in structural analysis and design. Overall, these
parameters offer valuable quantitative data for seismic hazard assessment, structural design, and risk
mitigation efforts in the affected region.


1. Galadini F.; Poli M.E.; Zanferrari A. (2005). "Seismogenic sources potentially responsible for
earthquakes with M ≥ 6 in the eastern Southern Alps (Thiene-Udine sector, NE Italy)". Geophysical
Journal International. 161 (3): 739–762.
2. National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS) (1972), Significant
Earthquake Information (Data Set), National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA,
3. Kreis, Steven (26 May 2013). "Lecture 29: Satan Triumphant: The Black Death". The History
Guide. Archived from the original on 29 May 2013. Retrieved 25 January 2014.

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