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The energy transi#on has begun

Zeus is a new genera#on of sustainable energy in Brazil and beyond

Berkeley Square Capital LLC is acquiring assets in the Brazilian power genera#on sector crea#ng Zeus Sustainable Energy
LLC (“Zeus”) as a new sustainable energy plaForm
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Zeus Will Be a Leading Sustainable Energy Player in Brazil and US
o Zeus Will Meet Growing Demand for Low Carbon Energy: Zeus Sustainable Energy LLC will
be at the forefront of the transi#on to low carbon energy, opera#ng in Brazil with rapid expansion
plans into the US while delivering strong ESG performance

o Large Scale: At launch Zeus will be a US$ +1 billion market cap sustainable energy plaForm, listed on
NASDAQ, with the scale and liquidity to support all of Zeus’ strategies. Our compe#tors in the Equity
Capital Markets pipeline typically have limited overall scale or limited size of equity due to the high
Sustainable Compe##ve Advantages

leverage of their capital structure

o High-Quality PorColio of Hydro and Solar Assets: Purchase agreements are in place for 227
MW exis#ng hydro assets +5 GWp of ready-to-build solar parks in Brazil, with collabora#on
agreements for future growth op#ons

o Highly Experienced Teams: Co-Founders are based in the US and Brazil with a unique
combinaIon of experienced teams for asset cost management, compe##ve commercial trading, and
efficient engineering, procurement and construcIon

o Focus on Equity to Deliver Robust Financial Performance: Our business plan does not rely
on winning power auc#ons; equity enables solar construc#on to start without delay and enables a
commercializaIon strategy using (i) tradi#onal long-term government PPAs, (ii) medium-term
bilateral contracts and (iii) short-term bilateral contracts or spot sales that typically deliver higher
prices, on average, than the tradi#onal PPA strategy, leading to strong earnings per share and
a]rac#ve risk-adjusted returns for investors The energy sector con-nues to be
a1rac-ve and perform strongly
o Strong Governance, Risk Management and Professional Control: subject to US throughout periods of sustained
geo-poli-cal and economic
transparency laws and SEC rules & regula#ons
Zeus Will Meet a Growing Demand for Low Carbon Energy in Brazil
o Brazil Needs More Energy - in all scenarios of economic growth,
with a solid economic founda#on and 212 million consumers, Brazil has Electricity ConsumpIon Growth to 2031
long term strategic plans for addi#onal capacity to meet the expected
3.5%/year electricity demand growth (Brazil’s 10-Yr Plan PDE2031 Our strategy is aligned with government policy and
with the latest economic projec#ons since the PDE2031 plan, we expect
Brazil to be above the EPE’s high case forecast, with more than 4% Source: Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia (PDE) 2031 Page 54

growth per year.

o NaIonal Commitment to Cut Emissions - by 50% from 2005 to

Expected Growth in Renewable Energy
2030 and Net Zero by 2050, increases the demand for renewable energy Installed Capacity (GW)

o Long Experience of Renewable Energy - Brazil currently has 85%

renewables in its electricity matrix and well-developed regulatory
frameworks. Hydro is well established; solar has room for expansion
from its current 2.2% share of the energy matrix

o Underinvestment by Government and Development Banks -

is crea#ng demand for increased genera#on capacity

o Demand Problem Can be Solved at Scale by capital, capabili#es

Source: Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia (PDE) 2030
and growth op#ons – Zeus has the capabili#es and has found the
opportuni#es 4
Brazil Power Market Overview
o Brazil Has the Largest Power Market in LaIn America, with total installed
capacity of 200 GW in 2022, providing 700 TWh of electricity, with hydro 57% and
solar parks 2% of the mix

o The Market is Returning to Pre-Crisis Demand in 2022, aqer a short-term

decline in electricity demand due to COVID-19 in 2020/21

o DomesIc Demand is Projected to Grow Consistently, driven by warm

climate, rising income and declining air condi#oning prices coupled with
Source: Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia (PDE) 2031
popula#on growth. Electric vehicles and green hydrogen/ammonia produc#on for
export are significant upside factors on top of current energy demand projec#ons

o 75 GW of GeneraIng Capacity AddiIons are Expected by 2031, with

solar represen#ng 51% of the increase: including 250% growth in solar parks from
4 GW to 10 GW (3.6% of the mix) within the total 275 GW capacity

o The Free ContracIng (ACL) Market is Expected to Increase, making up a

growing share of power purchasing through 2030
Growth in % of Free Contracts Growth in Free Market ParIcipants

Source: Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia (PDE) 2031

Large Scale PorColio of CompeIIve Assets

o PorColio of CompeIIve Assets - Our primary focus is on

exis#ng hydro and ready-to-build solar projects. Wind power is
not as a]rac#ve due to reliability, produc#on performance and
maintenance cost issues

o Hydro PCHs (227 MW) GeneraIng Cash from Day

One - Purchase Agreements for 227 MW of highly profitable
opera#ng small hydro assets (PCHs) are signed or in the final
stages of nego#a#on. We es#mate a final purchase price
mul#ple of approximately 12.5x (EBITDA)

o Solar Parks (5 GWp) Ready for Engineering,

Procurement & ConstrucIon - Binding contracts to
acquire 9 large scale solar park projects from 3 separate
devlopers with a total projected installed capacity of 5 GWp
have been agreed or are in the final stages of execu#on. Total
acquisi#on and development costs es#mated to equate to 8.5x
projected Year 1 EBITDA

4 Electricity Sub-Markets Solar Resource Map

Growth OpIons in AddiIon to 5 GWp PorColio
o Solar Projects – Zeus has a Collabora#on Agreement with one of Brazil’s main solar developers for first right of refusal to its
available range of projects. The developer has more than 9 GW of genera#on projects in its pipeline, which places it at the top
of the ranking of the largest energy development companies in Brazil. Most genera#on companies don’t have a clearly
iden#fied long-term growth pipeline.

o Nuclear Modular Reactors - Our strategy is to be Brazil’s primary player in small 470 MW modular reactor nuclear
genera#on in the longer term: 2030+. We are in discussions for exclusive developments with one of the largest technology

o R&D CollaboraIon Agreements – in conjunc#on with UK/Brazil specialists and Universi#es, using funds including
mandatory % of net revenue for specific assets:
o Green Hydrogen & Oxygen – exploring technologies, processes and markets to develop op#ons for investment in solar
powered produc#on - for export or use in new Brazilian industries such as green steel and new fuels.
o Energy Conversion - exploring op#ons for using large scale solar energy including conversion of gases to liquids and
sustainable ethanol produc#on, for mobility and energy transporta#on in Brazil and beyond.
o Energy Storage - exploring technologies and costs to iden#fy op#ons to store clean energy, including lower-cost efficient
fuel cells, to avoid dependence on emergency energy reserves using fossil fuels and to generate addi#onal sales op#ons
during peak #mes for solar derived energy.
o Carbon Capture - exploring new technologies.

o InternaIonal Expansion
o Other Markets: Zeus plans to expand opportunis#cally into developed and emerging markets beyond Brazil.
o Expansion Timing: With a robust pipeline of Brazilian projects to develop, Zeus can #me its entry into new geographic
markets when excep#onal opportuni#es become available.
Equity Strategy – Enables Greater Flexibility and Performance
o Our Focus on Equity Enables Greater Flexibility and Performance: a great strategic advantage and differen#ator

o Future Follow-Ons do not Dilute Shareholder Value: subsequent equity issuances will occur at accre#ve levels to
exis#ng shareholders, as Zeus delivers on more installed capacity and lengthens its opera#onal track record. Zeus will have the
flexibility to #me investments in construc#on to take advantage of favorable market windows for new equity issuances

o Zeus Will Not Typically Rely on Project Financing or Highly Leveraged Structures, except oportunis#cally

o Our CompeItors Tend to Have Debt-Heavy Capital Structures and raise equity to swap out or to supplement debt
o Debt is increasingly expensive in Brazil, limits opera#onal opportuni#es and has no tax advantage
o Local debt typically has very restricIve covenants on cash distribu#on and creates significant cash traps that entail
nega#ve carry and backloaded dividends (incompa#ble with a yield strategy)
o Considering a conserva#ve P/E of 20x for the sector (which implies an approximate yield of 5%), local debt is not
accre#ve to shareholder returns. The typical fiscal structure of renewable energy in Brazil (lucro presumido) does not
permit the tax deduc#on of interest expenses, which means aqer-tax cost of debt is the same as pre-tax cost of debt,
and is oqen similar to or even higher than the equity IRR
o Debt can take a long #me to nego#ate and can be a significant distrac#on to management
o Debt usually requires long term PPAs which are contracted at much lower rates than shorter term agreements

o Equity Brings Much Becer Returns in conjunc#on with experienced management team and risk management processes

CommercializaIon Strategy – Enhances Revenues and Value
o The Principal Advantage of Focusing on Equity is that the Company Will Not be Limited to Long-Term PPAs,
which can be at a substan#ally lower price/MWh than prices in the free contrac#ng market or shorter-term agreements

o Zeus’ Energy Trading Strategy is to create and manage a porFolio of sales contracts that offer a be]er mix of services for
o tradi#onal public PPA contracts
o medium- term private agreements in regulated ACR market
o free-market energy sales in ACL market

o Risk Management
o Experienced Trading Team - each trader with > 15 years’ experience of electricity trading opera#ons and risk management
o Trading OperaIons Risk Manager - will control day to day trading contract posi#ons
o Rigorous Trading Policies and ConservaIve on Credit Risk, focusing the porFolio on high-quality corporate counterpar#es

CommercializaIon Strategy – Enhances Revenues and Value
o The 10-year historical average shows a 65% higher energy price/MW for a bilateral 1-Year contract vs a
long-term regulated PPA

Bilateral Regulated

247 236 232

Price / MW (BRL)


3 Year Contract
2 Year Contract
1 Year Contract


Long Term
Historical data based on free market forward curve (2012-2021)

o By using a mixed energy trading strategy Zeus will be be]er able to balance cash flows with return on capital, while
simultaneously managing vola#lity and risk. On a week-to-week basis there was a 93% chance that the free-market price
was higher than the long term PPA price

Zeus Team
1st 2nd strategy
Founders’ Identified
Equity Equity Solar implementation
Partnership 5 GW
Construction Offering Offering solar growth
Team 4 GW options
PCH Hydro Identified 3 GW
Negotiations 2 GW solar
Trading 227 MW solar
1 GW
Team hydro solar

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Solar PCH Operations
Negotiations Plan/Construct Solar Operations
Solar Growth Options Beyond 5 GWp
Options Nuclear Options
Negotiations Investment
Market Solar Project Meetings
Sector & Pipeline
Technology Collaboration
Evaluation Agreement

Experienced Team
o Richard Taylor – Chairman, Execu#ve Director
• Over 40 years experience in engineering, commercial, general management and leadership roles
• President of BP in Brazil un#l 2008. Chairman and owner of innova#ve venture development and technology companies in Brazil and Africa
• Achieved successful new business start-ups and interna#onal acquisi#ons and led complex joint ventures, increasing business produc#vity and profitability
• MA Engineering (Cambridge), MBA (Warwick) and Chartered Engineer and Fellow of UK Ins#tu#on of Civil Engineers. Bri#sh ci#zen

o To Be Disclosed - Chief Execu#ve Officer

• Over 25 years experience in finance and management, including 23 years in energy and renewables
• Currently holds posi#on of COO/CFO with a Brazilian solar energy company
• Significant leadership experience with solar farms construc#on, M&A and capital markets transac#ons
• BA Accoun#ng (UFRGS), MA Finance Engineering (Mackenzie), MBA (FGV), General Manager Cer#fica#on from Darden (UVA). Brazilian ci#zen

o Kevin May - Chief Finance Officer

• Over 18 years corporate finance experience as CFO, COO in South America in a broad range of business sectors
• Co-founder of real estate company nego#a#ng land acquisi#on and management of large-scale mul#-use projects
• Experience leading Investment rounds, and building finance organiza#on, systems and processes
• CFA, CPA, BS Business Administra#on (Washington University in St Louis), MBA (Wharton/Lauder Ins#tute). American ci#zen

o Robert Carilli - Chief Investor Rela#ons Officer

• Former La#n America specialist with Bankers Trust
• Over 30 years as an ac#ve entrepreneur in Brazil with mul#ple successful ventures in wholesale, retail, soqware, entertainment and finance
• 16 years of Brazilian focused private equity
• BA Economics (Fordham). American ci#zen

o Kevin Dowd - General Counsel, Compliance Officer

• Over 18 years experience in financial and opera#onal corporate restructurings
• Served as COO and General Counsel for mul#ple mid-market opera#ng companies
• Significant cross sector experience including telecom, manufacturing, retail and defense
• JD (Wake Forest), MBA (Wake Forest) and BA Psychology (Vanderbilt). American ci#zen

o Pedro Kassab - Non-Execu#ve Director

• Over 10 years of experience in investment banking, M&A, project financing and proprietary equity investments
• Significant experience in the power sector, with a focus on renewables
• Vice-chairman at private company with 800+ MW installed capacity in thermal power genera#on
• BL Bachelor of Laws (São Paulo) , MS Systems Engineering (São Paulo) and BS Electrical Engineering (São Paulo). Brazilian ci#zen 12
OrganizaIon – Management Team

Exec Chairman Exec Director Exec Director Exec Director Exec Director

Chief InnovaIon & Chief External RelaIons Chief ExecuIve Officer Chief Finance Officer General Counsel &
Technology Officer & Business Dev Officer Compliance Officer

• Strategy • Government & Regulatory • Financial Planning & Analysis • Legal Services
• Innova#on/Technology R&D • External Communica#on • Tax & Accoun#ng • Governance and Ethics
• Board Development • Business Planning • Control • Compliance
• Audit & Comp Commi]ees • Aqcuisi#ons & Divestments • People & Compensa#on • Internal Audit

Environment OperaIons ConstrucIon CommercializaIon

Director Director Director Director

Environmental Performance Team Asset Management Team Energy CommercializaIon Team

• Environmental Management • Opera#ons • Commercializa#on
• Social Impact • Energy Delivery • Trading
• Carbon Offset Management • Maintenance
• ES Part of ESG Program • Emissions Reduc#ons

Zeus Leadership Team

OrganizaIon – Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Independent Independent Independent Independent Co-Founder

Non-Exec Director Non-Exec Director Non-Exec Director Non-Exec Director Non-Exec Director

Exec Chairman Exec Director Exec Director Exec Director Exec Director

Chief InnovaIon & Chief External RelaIons Chief ExecuIve Officer Chief Finance Officer General Counsel &
Technology Officer & Business Dev Officer Compliance Officer

• Strategy • Government & Regulatory • Financial Planning & Analysis • Legal Services
• Innova#on/Technology R&D • External Communica#on • Tax & Accoun#ng • Governance and Ethics
• Board Development • Business Planning • Control • Compliance
• Audit & Comp Commi]ees • Aqcuisi#ons & Divestments • People & Compensa#on • Internal Audit

Environment OperaIons ConstrucIon CommercializaIon

Director Director Director Director

Environmental Performance Team Asset Management Team Energy CommercializaIon Team

• Environmental Management • Opera#ons • Commercializa#on
• Social Impact • Energy Delivery • Trading
• Carbon Offset Management • Maintenance
• ES Part of ESG Program • Emissions Reduc#ons

Zeus Leadership Team

Co-Founders’ Track Record
Year Sector Region FuncIon DescripIon

1990 - 2000 Oil & Gas Global Construc#on Development and management of global oil & gas opera#ng assets (US$ mul#-billion)
1998 - 2000 Oil & Gas Global M&A Purchase & Sale of various oil & gas explora#on concessions
2002 Renewables Brazil Business Development Development of 1,850 small solar assets (US$ 15 million)
2006 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Debt structuring for opera#ng company (US$ 330 million)
2006 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Bond issuance for opera#ng company (US$ 100 million)
2006 Renewables Brazil M&A Sale of 89 MW opera#ng asset (US$ 220 million)
2006 Oil & Gas Brazil Business Development Development of complex off-shore explora#on assets (US$ 300 million)
2007 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Bond issuance for opera#ng company (US$ 575 million)
2007 Renewables Brazil Business Development Execu#on of mul#-na#onal renewable energy strategy (US$ mul#-billion)
2008 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Asset swap transac#on of opera#ng assets (US$ 500 million)
2008 Renewables Brazil Business Development Acquisi#on of bioethanol and 250 GWh opera#ng asset (US$ 500 million)
2009 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Debt structuring for opera#ng company (US$ 400 million)
2010 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Private placement in opera#ng company (US$ 350 million)
2011 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Bond issuance for opera#ng company (US$ 250 million)
2013 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised acquiror in acquisi#on of 170 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 800 million)
2015 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised acquiror in acquisi#on of 4,995 MW renewable energy assets (R$ 13.8 billion)
2015 Renewables Brazil M&A Sale of 68 MW opera#ng asset (US$ 75 million)
2016 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised bidder in auc#on of 450 MW renewable energy assets (R$ 780 million)
2017 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised acquiror in acquisi#on of 150 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 650 million)
2017 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised acquiror in acquisi#on of 1,710 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 7.2 billion)
2017 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised bidder in auc#on of 75 MW renewable energy assets (R$ 280 million)
2017 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Advised borrower in credit facility for 207 MW renewable energy assets (R$ 750 million)
2017 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Advised borrower in credit facility for 303 MW renewable energy assets (R$ 780 million)
2017 Renewables Brazil M&A Acquisi#on of 1.7 GW opera#ng asset (US$ 2.2 billion)
2017 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Debt structuring for opera#ng company (US$ 1.2 billion)
2018 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised sellor of 1,654 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 1.8 billion)
2018 Renewables Brazil M&A Provided fairness opinion of 2,961 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 4.1 billion)
2019 Renewables Brazil Capital Markets Debt structuring for opera#ng company (US$ 250 million)
2020 Renewables Brazil Construc#on Development of 500 MW of opera#ng assets
2021 Renewables Brazil M&A Advised sellor of 34 MW renewable energy asset (R$ 101 million)
2021 Renewables Brazil M&A Acquisi#on of 18 opera#ng assets
2021 Renewables Brazil M&A Acquisi#on of 2 GW of opera#ng asset developments
2018 - Present Renewables Africa/India Business Development Development of bioethanol fuel distribu#on network (US$ 400 million)

Capex: US$ 4.6 Billion, StarIng with US$ 600 Million in 2022

Financial Performance – Key Points

o The porFolio projects an annual nominal IRR of over 18%

o Both regulated PPA’s and Bi-lateral short & medium contacts have annual inflaIon adjustment mechanisms
as is common prac#ce in the Brazilian market

o Zeus’ genera#on porFolio offers investors protecIon against possible systemic inflaIon unlike most energy
sector investments outside of Brazil

o Comparable companies are trading in the public markets at 30-40x (Zeus acquisi#on/development mul#ple
is approximately 12x)

Financial Performance
Annual Flow (BRL '000) 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
Cash Flow

Net Income 185,755 211,342 283,500 1,387,889 2,044,048 2,519,707 3,127,644 3,601,440
(+) D&A - 429 70,961 328,729 483,119 582,133 709,349 754,443
Δ Working Capital (487) (192) (257) (16,010) (8,839) (5,711) (6,925) (6,398)
CapEx (11,581) (2,114,607) (7,731,595) (4,630,161) (2,968,768) (3,814,747) (1,350,957) (95,508)
FCFF 173,687 (1,903,028) (7,377,391) (2,929,553) (450,440) (718,619) 2,479,110 4,253,976

Debt Amortizations (10,463) (10,336) (10,516) (10,706) (10,905) (11,114) (11,341) -

Δ Reserve Account 109 143 211 215 220 224 3,094 -
FCFE 163,333 (1,913,221) (7,387,695) (2,940,044) (461,125) (729,508) 2,470,863 4,253,976

Holding Co. Cash Balance EoP 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000
Dividends - - - - - - 2,383,879 4,267,525

Investor Cash Injection (100,000) (1,902,113) (7,376,546) (2,928,438) (449,079) (716,992) - -

Asset's Acquisition Price (3,084,539) - - - - - - -
Dividends from Holding Co. - - - - - - 2,383,879 4,267,525
Investor Nominal Cash Flow (3,184,539) (1,902,113) (7,376,546) (2,928,438) (449,079) (716,992) 2,383,879 4,267,525

Investor Real Cash Flow (3,184,539) (1,786,022) (6,503,601) (2,424,305) (349,079) (523,319) 1,633,754 2,746,179
Note: FCFF and FCFE for 2022 are pro-forma annual results for assets aquired during 2022

ESG Performance
Strong Governance, Risk Management and Professional Control


• Zeus’ energy porFolio is carbon nega#ve. Solar power Zeus is crea#ng policies and Zeus has created:
is expected to remove up to 730,000 tonnes of CO2e programs for: • Governance Framework
per year per GW from the Brazilian power system in • Shareholders’ Agreement
cer#fied emission reduc#ons which could poten#ally • Equal Opportuni#es
contribute US$ 4-7 million per GW per year at carbon • Freedom of Associa#on Policies and processes are being
prices of US$ 5-10/Credit (GCCC and IREC credit • Health & Safety completed for:
markets remain liquid and growing). The contribu#on • Human Rights • Business Ethics
from hydro unit upgrades and new projects is s#ll • Preven#ng Child Labor • Planning & Control
under evalua#on. • Community Commitments • Compliance with US/Brazil Standards
• Execu#ve Compensa#on
• Zeus contributes directly to the UNCCC Sustainable • Board Independence
Development Goals 7, 9 and 13:
Risk Management Systems are being
designed for:
• Procurement
• Construc#on
• Security for Physical Assets
• Trading

For further informaIon visit or contact:

Richard Taylor, Chairman, Execu#ve Director +55 21 9 8182 7722

Robert Carilli, Chief Investor Rela#ons & Business Development Officer +1 (786) 553-1250
Kevin Dowd, General Counsel, Compliance Officer +1 (305) 336-9399
Pedro Kassab, Non-Execu#ve Director +55 (11) 9 9967 9375

Berkley Square Capital LLC – 305-336-9399

2310 1st Street, Suite 603, Fort Myers, FL 33901


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