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Title of workshop, teachout, or performance Corporate Control of Our Food System Description Time Location Katie Cantrell- The Coalition to Fight Factory Farming will educate students about the government-aided corporate control of our food system, which has resulted in food deserts and the national obesity crisis. We will 10am-11am Sather Gate also discuss the other "99%" - animals kept in intensive confinement on factory farms, and the connection between animal treatment and social justice. Gabriel Hetland- In addition to economic inequality, much of the popular discontent fueling the Occupy Movement has to do with a critique regarding the dysfunctional nature of America's political system. The notion of representation itself has come under attack, with the Occupy Movement adopting decentralized democratic decision-making. This talk examines participatory democracy in Venezuela, which may offer a model for how to 10am-11am Sproul "occupy the state" and then transform it. The speaker will discuss participatory budgeting in Torres municipality, where radical political leaders have given 100% of the municipality's budget over to ordinary citizens. How well has this model worked? How was this achieved? How might we think about bringing participatory democracy to the US? George Lakoff, professor of cognitive science and author of influential handbooks for progressive framing, will be taking his 11:00 class outside and opening it to the public. He will talk about the language and metaphors of the 11am-12pm Sproul Plaza Occupy Movement. Arm yourself to speak truth to power! Bradford Taylor- We will be discussing selected poems (from Shelley, Whitman, and perhaps others) that address the kinds of community that can form around persecution, oppression and injustice. Organized by some 11am-12pm Sproul Plaza English grad students. Photocopies of poems will be provided.

Occupy the State: What Venezuela's Experiment in Participatory Democracy can teach the Occupy Movement George Lakoff on the framing of the Occupy Movement Persecution, Poetry, Community

Since reforms under the military dictatorship headed by Augusto Pinochet (1973-1990), Chile's educational system has been characterized by a high degree of privatization and inequality. Beginning in 2006, but exploding in the "Chilean Winter" of 2011, millions of students, workers and community members in Chile and abroad have mobilized in support of the students basic demands of a quality, free public education and an end to profit Resistance in Chile: The Student Movement, Strikes in the educational system. Come hear and talk about Chile's system of education and the students' struggle to 11am-12pm Sproul Plaza transform it! against Privatization and Profit in Education James Gerardo Lamb - I am a Chilean-American PhD student in the department of Sociology, currently writing my dissertation about the Labor Movement during Chile's dictatorship and recovered democracy. I have family and friends currently involved in the public education movement in Chile. massage chain(train) On Building a University at San Quentin lets show the power of human positive energy and make a human massage chain. A way of showing people power through positive actions. It's often noted that California spends more on its prisons than on its public universities. During this teach-out, we'll consider the relationship between California's educational and correctional crises, and we'll discuss the work that the Prison University Project has done and continues to do to redress them. Sproul plaza under 11am-12pm the trees at sproul hall. 11am-12pm In front of Dwinelle Hall


Nicole Lindahl- This lecture will contextualize the roll-out of riot police in response to non-violent UC Berkeley students within the escalation of the US penal state. It will unpack arguments made by UC Berkeley Sociology Professor Loic Wacquant which (1) link the neoliberal economic policy Occupy protesters are challenging to Neoliberalism and the hyperincarceration; and (2) situate hyperincarceration in the legacy of institutions--slavery, Jim Crow, and the Escalation of the Penal State Black ghetto--which have served to racially segregate the US. In addition, the lecture will incorporate quotes from interviews conducted with residents of East and West Oakland, primary source documents from the "war on drugs," and stories from men incarcerated at San Quentin prison. Convergence: Open Join us as we inaugurate and explain the Open University on Sproul. University Inauguration Members of the University Gospel Chorus sing social justice songs on Sproul steps. Gospel Chorus Budget Cuts/Occupy Movement/Why we're protesting 101 Will Crum - Band Performance I will briefly explain some of the budget cuts, give a very short intro to the Occupy Movement, & then explain why we're protesting. This is obviously for people who are completely new & wonder what in the heck we're doing on Sproul. Then I will open it up to discussion. At noon the two man guerilla band 'Will Crum' will be playing at the corner of Bancroft and Telegraph, right off campus. Their music is down home rock and roll with populist themes. 50 Birge Hall (seating will be 11am-12pm limited, and will and 12pmbe available on a 1pm first-come, firstserved basis) 12pm12:10pm 12:15pm12:45pm 12pm-1pm 12pm-1pm Sproul Steps Sproul steps Sproul Bancroft and Telegraph

Sociologists debate the role of social movements and how best to analyze them, but how can we understand Occupying Social Movement and explain the occupy movement, particularly Occupy Cal? UC Berkeley sociologists will speak to the broader Theories: Sociology Meets political and economic contexts for the movement, such as war spending. Panelists will also speak to a range of specific occupy issues from the significance of students in political movements to how digital activism and Occupy Cal social media may (or may not) make a difference. If the whole world is watching Occupy Cal, what do they see? I'll be giving a short talk relating the thoughts of Slavoj Zizek and Mario Savio to the day's actions. I'll especially Zizek, Savio, and Occupy Cal be dealing with counterarguments to critics, and legitimizing the movement through data, historical precedent, and a little bit of psychoanalysis. If enough people are interested, we'll have a civil debate/forum at the end.




North lawn in front of Sproul hall. On the North Side lawn of Sproul Hall, just a hop, skip and jump from the UCPD station. Sproul Plaza by the coffee shop

Prison Industrial Complex and the Current Crisis

Prof. Michael Cohen and Christopher Patrella- We will be discussing the long history and current crisis of prisons 12pm-1pm in California and around the country. People from Critical Resistance and UC Prison Education program will be and 1pmon hand to help provide facts and context and together we will connect the dots between the politics of hyper 2pm incarceration and the current push for austerity in California Higher Education. 12pm-1pm and 1pm2pm

AF3IRM, A trans-national and anti-imperialist women's organization is mobilizing in Occupy in 7 cities. Learn Women Resisting Banks and about how women of color are disproportionately affected by capitalism and discuss what we can do to both The War question and strengthen the Occupy movement by promoting the needs and voice of immigrant women and women of color.


We invite students of color on campus to come together to discuss the complexities and opportunities offered by the Occupy Movement and the way in which the ongoing and historical struggles of communities of color connect to Occupy Movement. Rob Slaughter--the black St.Mary's student who was arrested last week, subjected to extreme police brutality, and held in jail at a $15,000 bail--will be attending BUT he is banned from Centering the Struggles of access to campus by the University. Therefore this teach-out will be conducted at Bancroft and Telegraph. We 12pm-1pm Communities of Color within want to stand in solidarity with Rob Slaughter and all our brothers and sisters in the student of color community and 1pmon campus to center the leadership and issues of communities of color within the broader Occupy Movement. 2pm the Occupy Movement We know that our families and communities have been hit the hardest for the longest and it time to put our struggle at the center. Yael Perezs- In our ARCH110 - The Social and Cultural Basis of Desig class, we will be redesigning people's park, discussing who is the public, taking roles on representing different sides of the public and trying to reach a design for all. This activity was planned in advance for the class and is being done for several years now, it fits perfectly the occupy CAL agenda and public discourse. This workshop is for new folks who've never gotten involved before. I'll explain easy ways to get involved. I'll talk about things folks can do at their living space, in class, & on campus. Then we'll have discussion. Hosted by: Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) 12pm-1pm and 1pm2pm 1pm-2pm

Bancroft and Telegraph

Redesign Public Space

Dwinelle Plaza

Organizing 101 Why We Can't Wait: Developing Independent, Anti-Racist Leadership for Our Movement

Sproul Somwhere on Sproul Plaza-preferably right side facing the building.

Understanding the Big Picture: Occupy Cal and Global Crises

Sharing our 99% Stories

State of Public Education

1pm-2pm To win we need to build the movement on a politically independent, anti-racist basis. This teach out will draw lessons from the immigrant rights movement of 2006 and the civil rights movement of the 1960's to inform a direction for our new social movement today, and the urgency of new leaders coming forward. Herbert Docena and Shannon Ikebe- The Occupy Cal and the larger Occupy Wall Street movements emerged-and are getting stronger--in the context of continuing global financial, social, and ecological crises. Many countries are wracked by growing debt and financial instability, with banks and investors passing on the burdens of austerity to those least able to afford it. New progressive--or at least relatively more democratic-1pm-2pm governments are struggling with the contradictions and constraints of governance. Meanwhile, after two decades of failed negotiations, an increasing number disasters linked to climate change are causing more suffering to the already suffering. How can we understand the resurgence of protest in the United States in the context of these global crises? What have been its causes and what are its likely consequences for the rest of the world? Tenaya Lafore- By sharing our stories about why we are part of the 99%, we will learn about our commonalities and our differences. Based on the 99% blog, this workshop will help us to build community and solidarity. Please 1pm-2pm come! Geography Professor Dick Walker will be giving a lecture on finance and the state of public education, Tues., at 2pm 2PM, in front of McCone Hall. He'll be addressing the problems with public education today and solutions we can seek.

Sproul Plaza

Sather Gate In front of McCone Hall.


Convergence: Faculty, Worker, Student talk on Violence Piano Performance Join us for this brief talk where a faculty, worker, and student will address the connection between police brutality - including the assaults on our community last Wednesday - and the violence of dispossession, privatization and debt. We will directly address the responsibility of those who command and carry out that violence. A piano will be wheeled into sproul plaza to have performances throughout the day. This action is to show postivity and the resonance of musical collaboration. Jamming and Dancing will commence with performances.

2pm-2:30pm Sproul Steps spontaneousl y throughout Sproul Plaza day

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