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Annotated Bibliography

Blakely, C. H., Menon, Cavell, Jekielek, Herrera, LoSciuto. Benefits of Mentoring for Young

People. Youth. Gov. 2002.


Blakely’s article investigated the effects of mentors on students. While we are at the

University, finding out how events on minds keep students in school and successful can be

critical- creating relationships with parents, teachers, and peers. Growing and empowering

student’s mindset. Mentors can help surpass and overcome difficulties that are approaching in


This article is significant in my research because it not only speaks about one side of my

research but how both of them coexisting amongst each other leads to more significant growth

and success. Speaking about how a student who is able to obtain a mentor will have a higher

chance at making positive impactful decisions while staying away from influences that can pull

you away from success like drugs and alcohol. The same affects on confidence, motivation, and

lifestyle. Someone with a mentor will find an easier time through the process because following

is always easier than being alone. This article also touched on topics that can strengthen my

argument like, while having someone to teach you and someone to guide you in the process of

creating a business, you will be less likely to have negative social emotions. The aspect of

finding that someone has gone through the same situation or of someone who can relate to what

you are going through can be a sense of relief.

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While this article may be short, it has many references to where Blakely got her

information. This article will strengthen my claim about why having a mentor can be a crucial

decision with positive outcomes, even starting at a young age.

Eesley, Chuck and Wang, Yanbo. The Effects of Mentoring in Entrepreneurial Career Choice.


This article goes into depth on randomized selected testing and was able to find that

having a mentor leads to more success and a smoother path to success as opposed to the pathway

of being taught. How much did a mentor help a teacher in entrepreneurship?

This article is the longest most in-depth article I found on my topic, with near-perfect

representation of each instance and the reason someone would have a mentor or go to school and

learn about entrepreneurship. Eesley and Wang did extensive research and testing to find that

having a mentor who has succeeded as an entrepreneur can greatly put you at an advantage over

others who have not had the ability to find a mentor. People who have chosen to go to school in

hopes of finding a way to success. This research has shown the numbers behind many students

and mentees who have reached their goals, how they got through the process, and the level of

difficulty they reached to obtain their goals. Even going to the lengths of finding if

entrepreneurship runs in the family, such as the drive to be an entrepreneur or the growth into

becoming an entrepreneur. People are born into entrepreneurship, and people grow up

surrounded by it (14). Having parents, family, and/or coworkers who can guide you through your

entrepreneurial journey will greatly increase the chances of creating a successful business.
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This writing will drastically push my decisions as to whether getting a mentor or going to

school is a better option. This article is well-developed and will be utilized to strengthen my

argument on my writing with numbers and research to support my choices.

Gupta, Sakshi. Mentoring vs Teaching – Which Learning Method Should You Choose?. Spring

Board. 2021.

Gupta’s article entails both the cost of teaching and mentoring. Teaching is the giving

approach, while mentoring is the sharing approach to learning. This is a new aspect and can be

decided by the person who is willing to learn. How do you benefit from either one?

Gupta’s article allows me to be informed about the differences between teaching and

mentoring and how it can affect the learner. Teaching is a way of informing someone about all

the opportunities at hand and ways to make important decisions while creating a business.

Mentoring is being able to represent the work and struggle that you may encounter. The mentor

can provide lifelong knowledge in any field, not just in busines. While having a good teacher can

be a step in the right direction, having a mentor is like being given a road that you can follow.

I will be able to use Gupta’s article to support my knowledge of how having a mentor

differs from having a teacher. Defining the roles that a mentor has over teachers and how the

teacher can well inform you about an experience you may go through but can not show you how

to approach this experience.

Parmar, Parina. 5 Differences Between Mentoring and Teaching. ClassPlus Growth Lab.

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Parmar highlights the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher or mentor. While

teachers meet criteria and standards, a mentor is able to venture off track with the mentee in

order to depthen one’s understanding on a topic.

Parmar’s article can help me in my writing by including his aspects on how a mentor can

be someone who you look up to, it can help to have a mentor who is closer to you. A mentor who

you can trust and communicate with when necessary. Someone with whom you can maintain that

long-term relationship and who is willing to help and show you the right path. One major aspect

that Parmar chose to include that I believe can help my stance on how having a mentor can

improve your success was when he mentioned that mentors are guiding you through something

that you are interested in and something they love; on the other hand, a teacher can just be

teaching you because regardless of if they love the topic or not they know it so they can teach it.

There is a defined line made when you talk about money being the motivator, teachers can teach

anything, while a mentor will guide you through what they love. Having that connection/

relationship with a mentor and being able to contact them at any point in time is superior to the

time you can contact a teacher.

Parmar’s article will assist me in strengthening my writing and knowledge of how a

mentor can flow with the mentee more than the teacher can manipulate the lesson for the student.

From relations, time, and effort. A mentor can usially be more flexible in any instance than a

teacher can.

Smith, Brendan.The lifelong benefits of mentoring. grand PSYCH Magazine.

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Smith’s article talks about the benefits of mentoring. How students with mentors tend to

be more proactive with their studies. Joining the two choices of teaching and mentoring. Students

who had mentors tend to be more satisfied with their academic results. Smith continues talking

about how to set professional boundaries with a mentor and what being with a mentor will take.

With Smith’s article, I will be able to include how whether you are learning from a

teacher or a mentor, there are still rules and boundaries to follow. These rules are more

ethics-based and can vary from one to the other. Such as times to communicate with them, as

discussed in a precious source, you can not message a teacher at any time expecting a response

while a mentor will most likely be able to assist you with questions or in-person situations when

the time is right. A great topic that Smith includes is Todd Avellar, who was a peer mentor for

incoming freshmen at a University. This is not only something that I am able to relate to but to

see and hear about the success stories that a peer mentor can affect the growth of first-time

freshmen who are in unfamiliar situations moving from high school into a huge campus full of

people from all backgrounds and ages.

Smith’s work will strengthen any argument carrying the case that Mentors help students

and mentors can better acclimate the mentee to the situation at hand. I will utilize Smith’s work

and sources to help support my claim in my writing throughout the process. Being able to

connect thought to paper but also paper to experience.

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