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Artificial Intelligence

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Education

Submitted by:

Reuel Richards – 1904709

To the:

Faculty of Engineering and Computing, University of Technology

RES3024: Computer Research Methods

Professor Susan Muir

September 27, 2023

Artificial Intelligence


The researcher has chosen to investigate “The Effects of Artificial Intelligence in the

Education Sector” in its entirety. Artificial intelligence is the culmination of computer, computer-

related technologies, machinery, and information and communication technology advances and

developments that enable computers to perform near-human-like functions (Chen et al., 2020).

With the advancements in AI, the education field has shifted into a model that heavily supports

students and teachers in their daily tasks by automating mundane tasks, providing personalized

support, and allowing a new avenue of interaction between teachers and students, among other

things (Karsenti, 2019). However, along with its rapid advancements and benefits, Artificial

Intelligence has also had negative impacts on the educational concept, creating a route for

dishonesty, lack of validation, and the dissolution of integrity (Chen et al., 2020), which are

ongoing challenges that are yet to be effectively addressed (Hwang et al., 2020).

Therefore, in this research paper, the researcher will focus on the effectiveness of

Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) in the role of education. But what exactly are

ML and DL? Machine Learning is the capacity to anticipate outcomes based on data by modeling

the input data (Chen et al., 2020). In other words, Machine Learning is the capacity of machines

to take input data to make accurate predictions based on that data. Additionally, Clustering,

classification, decision tree learning, reinforcement learning (RL), inductive logic programming,

and Bayesian networks are the primary ML algorithms that make machine learning (ML) a

viable option for building practical tools to address a variety of difficulties, such as speech

recognition and natural language processing (NLP). Conversely, Deep Learning (DL) is a

hierarchical training system that interprets data in terms of interconnections, meaning levels, and

propagation directions (Thierry, 2019). This means that Deep Learning is the process of taking
Artificial Intelligence

training data, ingesting it into a system, and allowing it to make predictions based on the data.

Additionally, this solves the issue of manually coding entire software with specific instructions

and allows systems to make a highly educated guess by sorting through the data that it was

trained on. A combination of machine learning and deep learning is the definition of artificial

intelligence, and both will be extensively researched in this paper to ascertain their effectiveness

in the educational sector. More specifically, the researcher will be focused on how these

technologies affect the day-to-day lives of not just students but educators.

Problem Statement

Despite tremendous advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its growing application in

the education sector, there are still unresolved difficulties and possible negative consequences

that must be addressed. The use of AI in education has unquestionably revolutionized the

learning process, providing automation of monotonous activities, individualized support, and a

new channel of contact between teachers and students. However, it has created concerns like

dishonesty, a lack of validation, and the breakdown of integrity.

The purpose of this study is to look at the efficacy of Machine Learning (ML) and

Deep Learning (DL), two essential components of AI, in the education sector. Both ML and DL,

with their capacity to anticipate outcomes based on input data and hierarchical training systems

that interpret data in terms of interconnections, meaning levels, and propagation directions, have

the potential to transform educational processes. The purpose of this study is to look at the

efficacy of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), two essential components of AI, in

the education sector. Both ML and DL, with their capacity to anticipate outcomes based on input

data and hierarchical training systems that interpret data in terms of interconnections, meaning

levels, and propagation directions, have the potential to transform educational processes.
Artificial Intelligence

The issue remains, however, as to how these technologies influence the day-to-

day lives of students and instructors. Are they improving the learning experience or presenting

new problems that jeopardize the educational process's integrity? This study will explore these

concerns, with the goal of providing a thorough knowledge of the role and effect of AI,

especially ML and DL, in the education sector.

Purpose Statement

This research paper aims to expose the relationship between artificial intelligence and the

education sector to see the benefits and drawbacks of the ever-expanding technology.

Research Questions

• How have Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) technology influenced

students' and instructors' day-to-day activities in the education sector?

• What are the potential negative consequences of using Artificial Intelligence in the

education sector, especially in terms of dishonesty, lack of validation, and integrity


• How can the issues connected with the use of artificial intelligence in education be

properly handled to maximize its benefits while minimizing its drawbacks?

Significance of the Study

This research is significant because it has the potential to give a thorough knowledge of the

influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning

(DL), on the education sector. Understanding the consequences of AI, both positive and negative,

is becoming increasingly important as it continues to expand and integrate into numerous

areas. This research might offer insight into how ML and DL technologies are revolutionizing the
Artificial Intelligence

learning experience for students and instructors in the context of education. It might reveal how

effective these technologies are in automating activities, personalizing learning, and facilitating



The focal point of this research is to highlight the effectiveness of artificial intelligence in

the education sector, highlighting its benefits and drawbacks. As a result, the data will only be

collected from students and teachers who have some experience using Machine Learning or

Deep Learning to aid in their educational conquest, because those individuals would have a deep

intimate knowledge of the researcher's topic which will increase the chances of meaningful and

reliable responses. Additionally, students who actively use artificial intelligence day to day will

head this research.

Definition of Key Terms

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI is the confluence of breakthroughs and improvements in

computer, computer-related technologies, equipment, and information and

communication technology that enable computers to perform near-human-like activities.

2. Machine Learning (ML): ML refers to a machine's ability to absorb input data and

generate correct predictions based on that data. Clustering, classification, decision tree

learning, reinforcement learning (RL), inductive logic programming, and Bayesian

networks are among the strategies used.

3. Deep Learning (DL): Deep Learning (DL) is a hierarchical training system that

understands input using interconnections, meaning levels, and propagation directions. It

Artificial Intelligence

enables systems to make highly educated guesses by sorting through the data on which

they were taught.


This research project's major goal is to examine the implications of Artificial Intelligence,

especially Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), in the education sector. For data

gathering, the researchers have adopted a Mixed Methods Research (MMR) technique.

Online questionnaires and structured interviews will be used to collect data. The online

poll will be sent to a broad set of instructors and students who have had firsthand experience

with AI integration in the classroom. To ensure the survey's reliability and validity, it will be

distributed many times.

In addition to the surveys, formal interviews with chosen participants will be done to

acquire a deeper understanding of their experiences using AI in education. The qualitative data

from these interviews will supplement the quantitative data from the surveys.

This study will employ the analytical descriptive approach to describe the scopes and

dimensions of AI, as well as its function and influence in the education sector. The information

gathered will be examined with the Statistical Analysis Program (SPSS). The researchers will be

able to completely study the success of ML and DL in the education sector, as well as their day-

to-day influence on students and instructors, using this comprehensive methodology.

Artificial Intelligence


Reuel Richards – Everything


• Chen, L., Chen, P., & Lin, Z. (2020, April 17). Artificial Intelligence in education: A

review | IEEE journals ... Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Review.

• Karsenti, Thierry (2019). Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Urgent Need to Prepare

Teachers for Tomorrow’s Schools. [S.l.]: SSRN.

• Hwang, G., Xie, H., Wah, B. W., & Gašević, D. (2020). Vision, challenges, roles and

research issues of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Computers and Education:

Artificial Intelligence, 1, 100001.

• Chen, X., Xie, H., Zou, D., & Hwang, G. (2020). Application and theory gaps during the

rise of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Computers and Education: Artificial

Intelligence, 1, 100002.

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