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Lesson Title:

Irregularly Spelled Words


Students will be able to:

Identify irregularly spelled words.

Understand why some words don’t follow typical spelling rules.

Practice spelling irregularly spelled words accurately.

State Standards:

3.6 Recognize grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.


This lesson is designed for a 3rd grade class where students have already been introduced

to basic spelling rules and patterns. However, they may struggle with irregularly spelled words

that don’t adhere to these typical rules and patterns. Understanding irregularly spelled words is

crucial for students to become proficient readers and writers. By exploring the patterns and

reason behind irregular spellings, students will gain a better understanding of the complexity of

the English language.


Students will be grouped into 3’s or 4’s depending on student numbers. Students will be

grouped in levels low, medium, and high. These groups will be based on how they performed on

the exit ticket from the previous day’s lesson showing how well they know the material already.

In this lesson, students’ learning data will be collected through the use of Kahoot, paper, and the

closure activity.

Part of Lesson Material Used Links

Introduction Printed list of No links

Teacher Directed Smartboard and
iPads (Kahoot) 68cd-4fe3-880e-c66f2540cdbb
Collaborative Index cards No links
Independent iPads, paper,
Digital pencil
(Youtube video)
Closure Smartboard and
iPads (Kahoot) 68cd-4fe3-880e-c66f2540cdbb


Introduction (10 minutes): Begin by asking the students if they have encountered words

that don’t follow typical spelling rules. Then discuss with the class why some words are spelled

differently than they sound. Introduce the concept of irregularly spelled words, defining them as

words that do not follow common spelling patterns. Explain that students will be working in

groups to explore these irregularly spelled words and give them a list of the words that they will

be working with.

Teacher Directed (20 Minutes): The group of students will have iPads while the teacher is

using the SmartBoard to play Kahoot. Students will be able to receive help by the teacher while

they play if they are struggling. They will play a few rounds of Kahoot before they move onto

the next activity. This activity will focus on the students learning to recognize the correctly

spelled words.

Collaborative (15 minutes): This group will have the students working together playing a

matching game. They’ll match irregularly spelled words to their phonetic spelling. The correct

spelling will be on green index cards and the incorrect spelling will be on red to ensure that they
don’t learn the incorrect way. This will teach them to identify the proper spelling. After matching

them, they will spell it out loud to one another. If they get through the words before their time is

up, they will receive a set of more challenging words.

Independent digital (15 minutes): Students will use their iPad to watch a Youtube video

that further explains the irregular patterns and spelling of 3rd grade level words. As they move

through the video, they will also practice writing these words out on their own on paper.

Closure (20 minutes): The groups will now stay together but turn their collective

attention to the teacher using the Smartboard. There will be one iPad per group to play a game of

Kahoot against each other to show what they’ve learned throughout the lesson. Contrasting from

the teacher directed Kahoot game, the students won’t get assistance if they are stumped on a

word for the purpose of the teacher testing their comprehension of the lesson.



Kahoot is used often in academic settings as a way to review and test students on

what that have learned. Due to its competitive nature, students are excited to play

will work harder to beat their classmates, in turn showing that they know what

they have learned more so than just a written test. In this lesson plan I used a

Kahoot game that was already made by another educator, but if there was material

I wanted more personalized I could make my own game to cater to that as well.


YouTube videos are a great way for kids to learn as well because they can move

through the video at their own pace if they don’t understand a certain part of it.
YouTube gives access to diverse content as well as being accessible for many

learning disabilities and various learning styles. It also gives visualization and live

demonstration that can help keep the students engaged and learning.

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