Postural Assessment Practice 2

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Postural Assessments

Anterior view
• position of foot
o pronated/supinated
扁平⾜ ⾼3 ⾜
o pes planus/pes cavus
姆指 外 翻
o halux valgus, claw toes, hammer toes
o degree of out-toeing (n: 5-18°)
膝 外翻 >< 膝內翻 <>

• genu valgum/genu varum

• level & appearance of patella
⾼位 髕骨 低
o patella alta/patella baja
• symmetry of pelvis (ASIS levels)
• chest
漏⽃ 胸
o pectus carinatum/pectus excavatum
• shoulder symmetry/level
o (n: dominant side slightly lower)
o elevated or depressed
• head alignment
o torticolis
Posterior view
扁平是 常伴隨跟骨
• calcaneus/tendon of Achilles
• genu valgum/genu varum
• symmetry of pelvis
o gluteal folds
o alignment
• spine
脊柱側 彎
o scoliosis (letral deviation)
根據 突出 ⾯ 命名
▪ named accoring to side of convexity
椎 節 旋転 朝 向 凸 ⾯
▪ vertebrae rotate towards convexity
▪ posterior rib hump on convexity
▪ anterior rib hump on concavity
• scapula
o alignment (n: flat against upper back from T2-T7; ~4" apart)
肌⾁ 無 ⼈ → scapulaelevation
▪ height
▪ abducted/adducted
▪ symmetry/level
o winging
▪ lateral (sliding door; weak traps)
▪ medial (open book; weak serratus anterior)
• shoulder symmetry/level
o (n: dominant side slightly lower)
o elevated or depressed
• head alignment
o torticolis
Lateral view
• genu recurvatum/knee hyperextension
• pelvic tilt
• spine- extreme kyphosis/lordosis
• contour of abdominal wall
• chest position: pectus carinatum/pectus excavatum
• rib hump
o posterior rib hump on convexity
o anterior rib hump on concavity
• alignment of head
Miscellaneous Guidelines
• True leg length: ASIS to malleolus (pick one)
o significant: difference of 1.5cm or more
• Apparent leg length: umbilicus to malleolus (pick one)
o significant: difference of 1.5cm or more

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