Teaming and Collaboration-Future

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything

Future (What I Will Do):

Supporting positive outcomes for young children in their homes, classrooms/schools, and


 I will work with parents and children in their natural environment using evidenced-based

practice to ensure that their outcome are meaningful to them and support learning and

development within their everyday routines.

Supporting families as competent caregivers, informed decision-makers and empowered


 I would work on encouraging families and offering a coaching model approach so they are

comfortable with strategies given to help their child learn and grow. I would encourage

families to be their child’s advocate and I will support their priorities and needs

Working effectively with other professionals and paraprofessionals (including conflict


 I would actively participate in team meetings and work to ensure parity when needed during

meetings. I would allow and encourage a parent to lead in identifying their child’s current

needs and supports needed to reach that goal. I would offer and receive coaching as needed

form other providers.

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything

Interagency and community collaboration

 I would maintain a positive and collaborative working relationship with all team members

involved in a child’s and family’s care and support network.

What further supports will you need to practice high quality collaboration, and how will you

seek out those supports?

 I will need ongoing training and continuing education I would need support form my

organization and team members. I would need to ensure I stay up-to-date on current rends

and research it relates to child development, evidenced-based practices and education. I will

work on seeking trainings that will enhance my capacity to provide supports to families. I

will seek help and support form my organization and team as needed.

Think beyond your own (individual) collaboration practices. How will you influence positive

changes within your team or organization? How will you practice leadership in your field,

regardless of your job title or position (for instance, you may not be in a

supervisory role but what can you do to engage in leadership)?

 I will influence positive changes within my team and organization as I will be able to provide

bilingual services to children and families that speak English and/or Spanish. This will

reduce the need for an interpreter for developmental evaluations/assessment and some early

Intervention services such as special instruction. My aim to bridge gaps due to language

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything

barriers for families in need of Early Intervention Services. I want to work toward an

organizational understanding and focus on cultural and language disparities within early

childhood education and services. I plan to teach what I learn to other team members and be

a resource for multilingual families and providers who work with them. I want to be an agent

of change as to how services are being provided to not only Spanish speaking families but to

all multilingual families.

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything


Supporting positive outcomes for young children in their homes, classrooms/schools, and

➢ This is an integral part of EI and Early Childhood education and services. It allows focus

to be positive and natural. This also promotes family awareness and participation.

Supporting families as competent caregivers, informed decision-makers and empowered


➢ This involve ensuring families understand and know their rights. This enable families to

become their child’s best advocate as they navigate through services and educational
needs. It is a key principle in Early Intervention.

Working effectively with other professionals and paraprofessionals (including conflict


➢ Collaboration is an integral piece to providing effective services and best practices for a

family in Early Intervention. Once services begin, working with other professionals is a key
component to Early Intervention as team members offer a variety of specialties, interests
and skills to help families and other professionals working with families in Early

Interagency and community collaboration

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything

➢ This helps professional build and offer resources throughout services. It allows for a

comprehensive level of services. Interagency and community collaboration begins

immediately at the time of referral. Referrals for Early Intervention or Early childhood
education can come from various sources such as a parent, medical provider, community
partner, daycare provider, family members or friends requiring collaboration to
communicate a potential need for a child. Once a family exits from Early Intervention
and enters in Early Childhood Education collaboration amongst providers, liaisons, and
educators continues.

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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #67: Teaming and Collaboration Culminating Assignment - Everything

Past (What I Knew Before):

➢ Collaboration is an integral piece to providing effective services and best practices for a
family in Early Intervention.

➢ Collaboration in Early Intervention starts immediately at the time of referral.

Referrals for Early Intervention can come from various sources such as a parent, medical
provider, community partner, daycare provider, family members or friends requiring
collaboration to communicate a potential need for a child.
➢ Collaboration at the start of services is necessary to clearly identify a potential need for
services and to communicate what Early Intervention is and how services can be
➢ Collaboration is explained to families when communicating how services are offered.
➢ Collaboration continues throughout the process of establishing eligibility and determining
the need for services.
➢ Once services begin, collaboration is a key component to Early Intervention as team
members offer a variety of specialities, interests and skills to help families and other
professionals working with families in Early Intervention.
➢ As a service coordinator for Early Intervention my collaboration starts immediately and
continues until the time of exit. I collaborate with families, medical professionals, various
Early Intervention team members, community partners, various community
agencies/resources, and local education agencies.
➢ Once a family exits from Early Intervention and enters in Early Childhood Education
collaboration amongst providers, liaisons, and educators continues.

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