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Marysol Ortiz

Practical Applications: Teaming SPED 63954


Assignment #2: Short paper #1-Op on 2 (Parity)

Parity as described in Friend (2000) is equally valuing each person's decision making

and contribution during interactions. Parity is essential in Early Intervention programs as

collaboration during teaming, developing an Individualized Family Service Plan, and interactions

with families. Within a specific Early Intervention team there can be various team members who

hold licenses and/or credentials that enable them to become more knowledgeable in a specific

developmental or service area. Primary Service Providers are more likely to become the experts

on a team in their specific discipline. Most Service Coordinators do not have specific discipline

in one area of development, therefore particularly in teaming Service Coordinators can be more

quiet during coaching and assigning a provider. Friend (2000) explains how parity in

multidisciplinary teams allows for team members to be less likely to agree with someone who is

seen as a dominant team member if they differ in opinion. Parity can be situational within an

agency during collaborative work and be less present during coaching or directive work (Friend,


As an agency Cuyahoga County Early Intervention has cultivated parity amongst team

members. This has been observed during annual reboot sessions. During these Early Intervention

reboots sessions and training roles and responsibilities are emphasized and the entire team works

together on problem solving, sample case studies, and knowledge checks. The Early Intervention

weekly team agenda and format allows for all team members to offer input during welcoming

and assigning children in the program. These measures help to promote equality within the entire

Early Intervention team and a child’s specific team members, which can include a primary

service provider, sometimes a secondary service provider, and a service coordinator.


Friend, M. (2020).Interactions: Collaboration skills for school professionals.(9thed.). Pearson.

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