Can Can't

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A) Answer the questions according to the chart:

TONY √ Swim X Surf
VIVIAN √ Drive x Cook
JOYCE X Speak English √ Speak Spanish
BILL and PETER x paint √ Play tennis

1) Can Tony swim? ______________________________________________________________________

2) Can Vivian cook? _____________________________________________________________________
3) Can Joyce speak Spanish? _____________________________________________________________
4) Can Tony surf?_______________________________________________________________________
5) Can Bill and Peter paint? _______________________________________________________________
6) Can Joyce speak English? ______________________________________________________________
7) Can Vivian drive? _____________________________________________________________________
8) Can Bill and Peter play tennis? ___________________________________________________________

B) Ask and answer according to the pictures:

Ex: What can he do? 1) ______________________ 2) _________________________

He can rollerskate. ______ _________________ ___________________________

3) ________________________ 4) ________________________ 5) _________________________

________________________ ________________________ _________________________

C) Write the correct verb in each sentence: ride / skip / play / fly

1) I can________ the guitar. 2) I can__________ a kite. 3) I can_________ rope. 4) I can________ a bike.

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