Chemical Equilibrium Lab

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Chemlcal Lqulllbrlum llndlng a ConsLanL k

Lx 8
11/10/11 MaLLhew 8unyon

1he purpose of Lhls lab ls Lo deLermlne Lhe equlllbrlum consLanL for Lhe chemlcal reacLlon
(chem reacLlon goes here) uslng 8eer's Law and a colorlmeLer

Many compounds absorb llghL 1he amounL of llghL absorbed ls called absorpLlon whlle Lhe
amounL of llghL LhaL ls noL absorbed ls expressed ln percenL LransmlLLance ln Lhls lab leSCn
ls a
complex lon LhaL has a deep red color ln soluLlon 1he concenLraLlon can be deLermlned based on llghL
absorpLlon measured by a colorlmeLer 8ecause Lhe soluLlon ls red lL absorbs blue llghL very well so Lhe
blue llghL on Lhe colorlmeLer wlll be used
8eer's Law sLaLes LhaL ALbc where a ls absorbance L ls molar absorbLlvlLy b ls Lhe paLh lengLh
of Lhe cuveLLe and c ls Lhe concenLraLlon of Lhe compound uslng Lhls law and Lhe colorlmeLer lL wlll be
posslble Lo deLermlne Lhe concenLraLlon of Lhe dlfferenL soluLlons and Lherefore deLermlne Lhe
consLanL k whlch requlres all concenLraLlons aL equlllbrlum be known MulLlple concenLraLlons of Lhe
reacLanLs for Lhe reacLlon wlll be measured for absorpLlon as well as a sLandard soluLlon lrom Lhese
Lhe k value should be conflrmed

O C8L 2 O 00020M kSCn
O 1l Craphlng CalculaLor O 00020M le(nC

O aLaMaLe rogram O 0200 M le(nC

O ColorlmeLer O lpeLs
O 1 CuveLLe O LesL Lubes
O 3 100mL beakers O 1hermomeLer
O 1lssues

1 Label LesL Lubes 1 our abouL 30mL of 00020M le(nC
lnLo a beaker
2 Measure ouL 0mL of Lhe 00020M le(nC
soluLlon lnLo each of Lhe LesL Lubes uslng a plpeL
3 our abouL 2mL 00020M kSCn lnLo anoLher beaker
Measure 2 3 and mL of Lhls soluLlon lnLo LesL Lubes 1 2 3 and respecLlvely
our abouL 2mL dlsLllled waLer lnLo anoLher beaker
6 Measure 3 2 1 and 0 mL of dlsLllled waLer lnLo LesL Lubes 1 2 3 and respecLlvely
7 Mlx each soluLlon wlLh a sLlrrlng rod maklng sure Lo clean Lhe sLlrrlng rod ln beLween LesL Lubes
8 Measure and record Lhe LemperaLure of one of Lhe soluLlons Lo use as Lhe LemperaLure for Lhe
equlllbrlum consLanL
9 ln a flfLh LesL Lube labeled puL 18mL of 0200M le(nC
and 2mL of 00020M kSCn and sLlr
1hls ls Lhe sLandard soluLlon
10 lug Lhe colorlmeLer lnLo Lhe C8L 2 Cpen Lhe aLaMaLe program
11 llll a cuveLLe wlLh waLer and seal lL Wlpe lL down and puL lL ln Lhe colorlmeLer CallbraLe Lhe
colorlmeLer SeL Lhe daLa collecLlon mode Lo selecLed evenLs"
12 LmpLy Lhe conLenLs of Lhe cuveLLe
13 8lnse Lhe cuveLLe wlLh abouL 1 mL of soluLlon from LesL Lube 1 Lhen flll Lhe cuveLLe full wlLh
soluLlon from LesL Lube 1 Wlpe lL wlLh a Llssue and place lL ln Lhe colorlmeLer
1 8ecord Lhe absorbance value
1 8epeaL sLeps 121 uslng all of Lhe oLher LesL Lube samples
16 CalculaLe Lhe k values by uslng a 8lCL Lable for each of Lhe reacLlons 1he k values should be
very slmllar 1he concenLraLlon of leSCn
can be calculaLed uslng Lhls formula



When mlxed Lhe leSCn
Lurned a red wlne color 1he more concenLraLed Lhe soluLlon Lhe
darker Lhe color

1he average k
value was 23 aL 236C 1hls value was noL very close Lo any of our experlmenLal
values as Lhe mlcroscale we were worklng on made lL dlfflculL Lo be very accuraLe wlLh our
measuremenLs Powever Lhe absorbance raLlngs dld lncrease as Lhe concenLraLlons lncreased as Lhey
were supposed Lo and all of Lhe k values were no furLher Lhan 2 away from Lhe average Mlcroscale
makes accuracy dlfflculL because [usL one drop can change Lhe concenLraLlon of someLhlng drasLlcally
and one drop of conLamlnaLlon can change Lhe concenLraLlon of an enLlre sample

1he k
value of Lhe equaLlon le
+ SCn

ls 23 aL 236C 1he four Lrlals done ln lab
gave k values of 182 217 319 and 292 1he average of Lhese values ls 23 All of Lhese values were
wlLhln 2 of Lhe average so Lhe accuracy and preclslon were noL Loo bad 1he k value should be very
close for all experlmenLs because lL ls a consLanL Slnce lL ls a consLanL Lhe acLual value remalns Lhe
same aL Lhe same LemperaLure for Lhe same reacLlon 8ecause Lhls reacLlon ls Laklng place under Lhe
same condlLlons Lhe equlllbrlum consLanL should remaln consLanL however because lL was done ln
mlcroscale accuracy was very dlfflculL Lo achleve

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